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Dear Linda, 1. Usually, it is important to determine who is the `breadwinner' i.e. the person who earns the most money. If this is `clear-cut'; then it would be best if we are using the Eight House, to try to find a house that best suits this person. 2. If both partners are earning equally, then you should try to find a suitable house where: 2.1 if possible the death/disaster intangible force does not fall at the main entrance or the bedroom. It is acceptable still to have other intangible forces e.g. irritation at the main entrance door. 2.2 Thus look at the main entrance and especially the bedroom. Other than that, it is equally important to find a good home with good Shapes and Form. Plus it would be good to have a good Flying Star chart or neutralise any imbalances there. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Hi, 1. A good location is always on the wall of the `head' of the bed (headrest). 2. In modern times, we are less concerned with the dimension of the size of the photo. But some Feng Shui practitioners may want to consider this. In my opinion, what `feels good' should be acceptable. In my opinion, if you want to hang the wedding photo, my first preference is to hang it as mentioned under Para 1. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Gines, 1. Yes, I have used your layout plan provided to find out the centrepoint of the house. 2. The centrepoint looks like it is at the same location as what you had drawn. Please see below:- Please refer to attached sample showing, North, South, East, West, NE, SE, SW, NW. (every 45degree increment). The easiest is to use a protractor to draw the outline. You do not have to worry if the living room or dining room is `L-shaped'. By dividing as shown in the attachment, it will fit in different sectors. Under the compass school of Feng Shui: Eight House and Flying Star, you need to determine the direction of the main entrance door. Here, it is measured from the centrepoint of the house to the main entrance door. Do check out : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Gines, 1. Thanks for the attachment posted. 2. Yes, the attached layout where I had plotted the centrepoint is close to what you had plotted. (The balcony can be omitted.) 3. Overall, the plus point is that your house is a complete rectangle (exclude the protusion i.e. balcony). 4. Looks like the toilet is considered at the centre-point of the house. 5. Frankly, and honestly speaking, I have not found a proper cure for this. The only thing that has been advised is to keep it more yang or bright. Avoid, placing anything surrounding the toilet wall or the passage way. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Chan, 1. For a house, it is important to understand that the `overriding' consideration before even considering `directions' is the Shapes and Form of the site and the home. 2. Many people like the orientation of a house i.e. from North to South i.e. the frontage is either N-S or S-N. 3. If you are using the Eight House theory: 3.1 Check how suitable are you (the breadwinner) to the house) i.e. the direction of the front door. If it is at your `death or disaster' sector then, this house is the least suitable house to you. 3.2 Next, find out what are the intangible force affecting both of you in the bedroom. Other than the above, and to `face' a good direction, the Eight House Theory has its limits. You should not be too concerned about `harm' if both you and your wife are opposites. Under the Eight house theory, as it is also based the more time you spent at a sector i.e. bedroom. 4. I know that many of us are keen to immediately apply what we `picked' up. `Overnight' or Fast food Feng Shui can be dangerous. Take your time to understand more. For those who are in the Far East, Asia, and want to get their home Feng Shui-ed, should in my opinion consult one of the dozens or hundreds of Feng Shui practitioner. For those who are doing it on your own, try to understand more before `jumping the gun'. I recalled sometime back a very enthusiastic Doctor in East Asia. He bought a Feng Shui book, shortly, he painted his gate, main door a color as he `understood' his element was `xxx'. But subsequently, he felt frustrated that he got his element wrong. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Gordon, If space is a constraint, there is really not much that can be done. Some Feng Shui practitioners may recommend placing a windchime to `neutralise' the pointed edge. However, one should also take note that windchimes may not be favourable. You can do a search in this forum for more information of the `effects' of wind chimes (if wrongly) placed. Regards, Cecil
Dear Angelina, When the proposed solution is to make use of wood to destroy and control earth: 1. If it is the living room, you can use `wood' elements like a potted plant = wood element or use a decorative object made of wood at this location. 2. If it is in the bedroom, you can consider placing a side table and on it a wooden decorative item or a `wooden' lamp. Warmest Regards, Cecil ----- Original Message ----- From: "flying-star Listmanager" To: Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 7:07 AM Subject: flying star house no.
Dear Clarence Apply Metal cure to destroy 3 wood and exhaust 5 earth star while enhancing your good star 7 metal. Sorry, I think you have got the description or the star number wrong here. Please verify if the 8-1 should be refering to 3-7 instead? So Wood or Metal will help in this case. Here, you need to neutralise any imbalance. Shapes and form can also be looked at. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Clarence, 1. It is good for you to clarify with your friend further on what your friend meant by `reverse' house. 2. In my opinion, or my guess is that `reverse' may refer to the frontage of the house. Here, the frontage of the house e.g. where it looks at the bay or water, may for some homes be the `frontage'. But, it does not mean that when a house turns a certain age, it suddenly has a reverse frontage. Warmest Regards, Cecil
This article is quite interesting: 1. The article mentions that China was the only developing country that contributed to a 1 percent mapping of human genome. 2. How China is making an effort to map the genome of pigs or porkys. Warmest Regards, Cecil
This article on the use of traditional medicine to combat ageing is interesting... Warmest Regards, Cecil
In your case, 6 strong metal does already control the 4 weak wood. However, as mentioned the report analysis only two stars at any one time. 6 metal has to accomplish two task here, to destroy the weak wood and to exhaust the earth. So often in such situation more Metal helps it. And since in the current year the 6 metal comes in again, it does fullfil the need to help the other 6 metal to destroy and control the elements. This is because I had factored in the problem here that the Wood is a strong wood and not a weak wood. And usually for such case, we often prefer to use the exhausting element which is Fire in this case. It is a little more effective than Metal. Metal remember will do two things it will produce Water which later helps Wood, while at the same time it destroy the Wood. Thus, it is like a double edge cure, which helps and destroy. Thus negating the effects. Similarly, usually for Strong Earth 2 & 5 we often prefer to use Metal. However, sometimes the problems often comes in where say if there are 3 & 5 where, if we suggest Fire it will also help 5, and if we suggest Wood it activates the Earth. In such cases there is an alternative like Metal cure, or sometimes if say the 5 star is less important, thus Fire can also help. However, my personal recommendation is to use Metal which will help you solve this complicated situation as it does two things. Destroy Wood and Exhaust Earth. But, some little Fire is still required so often such a cure would be a 6 coins with a read paper or a red string. So depending on the situation, we may suggestion some more related cures. In Flying Star, from our experiences, most of the time the types of cures used are Metal and Fire, the two most common cures. So often I had programmed the system to choose the 2nd alternative if the first becomes a problem for the other star. However, Flying Star often deals with more than 3 or more combinations of stars, which makes suggesting cures difficult. So as you see if you need to consider all the various types of combinations as more elements needs to be taken into consideration, finding a suitable cure is extremely difficult as one cure may result in enhancing another bad stars etc. This is why, in most of the cases the system tries to narrow down to the nearest possible cures especially for 2 stars. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Tervino, Please see below:- Usually the report will tell you if there is a mountain star available and it is only found in the 20-year star. The rules to activating the stars is simple, mountain stars often is activated in the sector which is a solid wall (there should not be a window here otherwise you cannot activate this sector.) Also, the next rule is that it has to fall into a room, best to be a bedroom, study room. Living room can also be activated except often, if necessary the living room usually has another star Water star to activate with water feature. As the living room is often considered a large open space. Also the mountain star should not be activated in the center of the house. If you have conditions which match the above, then you can activate the stars. Usually, for most people, the 20-year chart should do. And occassionally double checking with the currently yearly influence helps you further fine tune. As for the Monthly Stars, you can usually use it to tell which month is the worst time which can affect you. However, it is rather ridiculars to keep changing the cures each month. (Although, I do know of some who really does these changes each month to get the very best). But, usually up to the yearly influence should be adequate. As you know no matter how good a period or a good luck, there are ALWAYS ups and downs. This is an example of the contantly changing influence from the House and your personal chart. Such changes are happening each hour, day, month, year etc. So it is rather impossible or at least extremely tedious to check every single hour, day, or month. So often, you only need to worry up to the current year or at least month. Usually, in most cases at any one go usually the analyse up to 3 stars, the 4th star and onwards like the yearly and monthly is used more to tell if that sector is good or bad. And if necessary only cures and influence between the 20-year vs year vs month. Anyway, there many many rules such as which has greater priority thus, more important for that analysis to be cured first etc. This is what makes Flying Star both powerful yet complex. Usually, in most of the cases, 6 coins seems to be the most effective and powerful cures as usually the 2 key stars are 2/5 earth and 3 wood which are the problem stars. So often 6 coin tied with a red string (Metal controlled by Fire) is used. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Jocelyn, Please see below:- Thanks for your encouraging words. Usually, by default, where your house has the door / house number that door should be the main door. However, in recent practices, many a times the main door may not be the door which most of the people use to go into the house, thus, as the owner or the person staying in that house, you do not encourage the chi or luck if you do not use that door. Thus, in such cases, you should then consider the use of the most frequently used door as the main door of the house. Also, usually, for those house owners which have two doors, they have an additional advantage of having two door choice (or two house facing), thus, they can choose to activate the one which they are best suited or brings the best luck. So in your case, it should be fine. Firstly both stars are good stars, secondly, if you look at it in the ten denties symbols. 8 is earth, and 1 which is water is the Wealth to (8), so destroying 1 bring 8 star wealth. Thus, it is considered a auspicious sector. Also, that number any way often results in good combinational effects. If you wish to help these stars, you can apply Metal to induce the triple combinations factor where Earth -> Metal -> Water. However, usually, our practice is to fix the problems sectors first, if you do that, it will automatically bring you luck already. So not really necessary to add such enhancers. Often, we find that if we suggest things like if you activate this star here, by using this item etc. Everyone who read the report always focus on doing such enhancement, and totally ignore the bad sectors. And if you do not fix the problem at the root, no amount of enhancements will help. Anyway, usually if the sectors are good, you usually do not need to do anything much. Usually in the report, we only specify one element, so as not to confuse users. Usually, the recommendation is made depending on the stars. It is usually the cure which is used to destroy the bad star without affecting the good star. In the above you can also use Metal for 5 Earth (Mountain Star) vs 9 Fire (Water Star). However, the use of Wood, does two things here it helps to destroy the 5 Earth and also it helps to strengthen the good star 9 fire. Metal is also another cure you can use. However, it is not identified partially because of the complexity of the multiple five element cures situation and many other complications. As for the other 3 Wood (Base Star) vs 5 Earth (Yearly Star). Here both element are bad, you can actually use Metal which helps to exhaust 5 and destroy wood. However, since 3 Base Star holds a more serious or important role, our objective is to remove its base influence which affects the 20-year period, while 5 yearly is an influence which comes in this year only. Also the 5 yearly is not as significant as 5 being Moutain or Water Star. The Yearly simply helps tell you whether that for that year what kind of influence it brings. Meaning to say that if general the yearly star is a good star, that sector say for example is a good sector, will be great. If say a yearly star for a bad star comes in, and that sector is a good sector, it means it is in a average good sector. Something like that. So usually the yearly star is like an indicator for how good that sector is for that year. It's star although important, has less impact. Sometimes the star can bring about good combinations or cover the missing elements which you are looking for. But remember it last only for that lunar year. Anyway, the use of the five element is very complicated, often there are more than one type of cure which can be used. So in such cases, in order not to confuse the users, only one cure is suggested, often it deals more with the problem star or sector. In most cases, what you need to be concerned with for the relation between the flying star and your personal elements is often with the main door of the house (whether the house is suitable to the breadwinner or not). And the next is where your bedroom are as you are often found in this room. Thus, the elements and cures you decide to use should not be your unfavourable element or inavertantly activate your bad stars. In these case, you have to apply a little of balance. Some definate cures must be inplace, and if they affect you, you have to enhance yourself a little with your personal elements. Remember that every person say weak / strong person, has at least 2 good elements and 2 bad elements, usually, you should be able to find a good alternative cures which helps that sector and also does not create much harm to yourself. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Sandy, It would be interesting for users in this forum to know, perhaps who has mentioned this `concept' that metal bed `draw away energy'. Frankly, in my opinion, there is no concrete proof of this. Nowadays, many beds also have many metal springs i.e box beds .... If we can understand more and what is the reason for saying that metal bed `draws away energy'... more of us can then make our own judgements about it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Tonya, Usually, in selecting the home, emphasis must be placed on several *IMPORTANT* factors: 1. You should try to evaluate each house and their Shapes and Form. It is not good if the facing direction of the door is a good direction for you or your husband but subsequently, there is a major flaw in the Shapes and Form of the house. 2. Flying Star. There is an optional report under www.geomancy-online.com where it will advise you on all 24 directions of the Flying Star in relation to your Eight house. The Flying Star analysis tries to find a house with a good `Birth chart'. While the Eight house is to determine how suitable the house is to you. 3. Thus it is not so simple to say that because your husband is a East person and you are a west person.... " Please tell me which house is good for me ". This simplistic approach is not an advisable way to find a house that is both good and fits all of you. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Thanh, Please see below:- Step 1: Look through your 20 Year Flying Star Chart. Here pay attention to areas that need to be neutralised. Place all the relevant cures in the house. The Eight House theory although is a valid theory, is less important since it is only the `irritation' sector of your main entrance. More importantly, if you are using the Eight House, check the intangible force in areas that you spent most time i.e. this includes the bedroom location. Here, even if your master bedroom is at your disaster sector, you should give priority to proper placement of the bed under the Shapes and Form Feng Shui. Where the bed is located in a suitable sector and conform to the Shapes and Form Feng Shui. Pay more attention to the Flying Star analysis at this sector. If this sector is out of balance, and if a cure is asked for, then use the necessary cure for this sector. One cannot really do much even if it is the `disaster' sector under the Eight House Theory as there is no cure for this other than to avoid sleeping in that sector. It would be good if you can sleep closer to the NE (Prosperity.. but if you cannot, there is not much can be done here). This is a natural feature under Shapes and Form and cannot be corrected unless (move house). Anyway, I believe your main concern here is the `unsuitabilty' of the house to you especially under the Eight House theory. Where possible, score more marks in other areas such as: Shapes and Form and Flying Star. Under Shapes and Form, you can `score' points internally, by arranging your bed and other furniture, in a good Shapes and Form setting. Under Flying Star theory, try to score points by neutralising any imbalances at each sector of the house. Lastly, `protect' your house from poision arrows (if any) especially by looking out the main entrance or windows. Overall, I believe your house is not that `bad' as compared to even `worse' off houses. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Meilissa, 1. Under Chinese beliefs, if one notice carefully, figurines comes in `pairs'. 2. For example, Fufu dogs or lions are always placed on both sides of the door. 3. For your situation, so long as the hose is not directly `slicing' the main door, this is not a poison arrow i.e. if you are to stand at the main entrance looking out of the house, it should not be tangent or parallel to the main entrance door. 4. For the animal, it can be any object even if it looks `fierce' so long as it faces out of the house. Animal objects that look `fierce' should not look into a home especially into the window or main entrance. 5. You can if there are any `cartoon' characters choose them also. Any object that looks out of the house can be used in your situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Terence, I believe, we can draw a `parallel' with the "driving experience". Here, for example: A. Shapes and Form Feng Shui 1. Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui is like the roads and highways. Where, there are good roads and bad roads (i.e. Good Feng Shui and bad Feng Shui). Good `roads' are those that have been resurfaced frequently, and well lighted, no sudden bends. Bad `roads' are like winding roads or roads that have frequent accidents. B. Pillars of Destiny 2. Pillars of Destiny can be considered like advance warning signs or a good road map. For example, if the road is winding and there are frequent accidents occuring on this road, (Pillars of Destiny) is like making sure that there are adequate warning signs. 3. In the above example, we have noticed that there is the infrastructure i.e. roads and signages or proper directional signs (Pillars of Destiny). 4. The above are just infrastructures. Because of built up land, some roads may be good to drive on while others because of buildings has to be winding etc... Thus this forms good and bad `shapes and forms'. C. Pillars of Destiny Wealth deities 5. Pillars of Destiny wealth deities is like the vehicle we drive. For example, a person who has excellent wealth deities is like a person driving a luxurious car. While a person not so blessed drives a scooter or even does not own a car. 6. As Kam, has mentioned `MAN luck' in this situation is like the driver of the car or scooter. His driving skills depends on road conditions (i.e. Flying Star Feng Shui) and his `condition'. Flying Star Feng Shui 7. As Flying Star takes into consideration time dimensions, you will notice that we are always not certain if the weather is cloudy or there is heavy rain. If there is heavy rain, we have to becareful and thus take precautions. Here `precautions' are like neutralising bad sectors e.g. bad earth element or sickness star. 8. Flying star thus take into consideration (the conditions at the time) and if there is an imbalance, try to neutralise it). For example in the above `driving' experience, if there is an oil spill on the bend, precautions must be taken to negotiate the bend. Alternatively, it should be cleaned. 9. I mentioned above that following, Kam's example, there are people who are endowed with luck such as being able to drive a luxury car. While others may only be able to afford a scooter or motorcycle. Those that drive luxury cars, may have ABS brakes, front and side air-bags and other safety features. In a collision or serious accident, their survial rate is higher. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Kam, I am glad that you had taken so much effort to explain very clearly the distinction of the various types of LUCK. 1. I fully agree with what you have written and it is a good lesson for all of us that LUCK comes in various forms. 2. This is why, a holistic approach to `LUCK' should in my opinion be considered. 3. The easiest again to reference this to examinations. As all of us had taken them before. 4.In my opinion, it is not ideal if we are to take an examination where we are suppose to answer 4 compulsory essay questions but in the end answer 3 out of 4 questions. 5. We should therefore, try to `enhance' all the different LUCK plus what Kam has pointed out, MAN LUCK is equally important. 6. Trying to maximize all the luck is good. But it should be done in an economical way. 7. For example, if we find a good house with excellent Shapes and Form. Assuming that this house sored 78 percent out of 100 marks for Shapes and Form, by doing something more, if we can achieve or bring this to 82 marks easily this is good. Above this, the marginal costs gets higher and higher just to achieve a further 85 percent/marks. 8. Thus what I like to say is that we should try to firstly: - Maximize all our LUCK as effortless as possible. By doing it right the first time or making changes. - Rather than focusing e.g. at one corner of the house e.g. to "boost?" a few more marks to increase the EARTH LUCK, we should instead, see if we can achieve an overall rating in all areas. Thus, as identified by Kam, if we can improve in a holistic way, our Heaven, Earth and Man Luck, we are better off. Here, everyone will ask the question how to? With the wealth of information on Feng Shui (which is considered our earth luck), we can try to make sure that our house is in harmony. Ideally, the house should have good Shapes and Form, Flying Star analysis can help to neutralise any bad sectors. Pillars of Destiny (which maps our Heaven luck) can be used to look at the wider picture and used as a cross reference when implementing cures or enhancements to the home and personal self. Generally, most FS practitioners would say that by understanding our Heaven Luck, we can try to `change' or advert problems a percentage of it. Frankly, it takes lots of years of study and experience to combine and implement all these and for those who are new, cannot be expected to do it all on their own. As mentioned by Kam, I must stress that, Fast Food Feng Shui, can do more harm than one could ever imagine. To be frank, my motivation to continue with this site is to create an awarness of Fast Food Feng Shui. Frankly, I have better things to do than to continue with Feng Shui. For example, for my personal self, when buying a new home, I would spent some time to look for a relatively good house. It need not be `excellent' but (of course this is a bonus) and from there, if there are any threats to the house, still have to cure it. Even good or excellent houses are vulnerable to this. Once this is done and bad sectors are neutralised, Feng Shui becomes transparent and I would then concentrate with getting on with my life. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Elena, 1. Usually, I would apply the 33.3 percent ruleset i.e. anything that does not exceed 33.3 percent of the `floor area' may not have an effect. 2. For example, lets take the human body. The "chances" of a `cure' or enhancement taking into effect is greater if it is `larger'. Thus, we normally consider items such as the clothing worn. 3. If one is to ask a Feng Shui practitioner, I believe, so far no FS practitioner or even FS Masters or Grand Masters can precisely say how much is considered a sufficient cure. 4. Therefore, even the 33.3 percent ruleset may or may not work if we look at it this way. 5. Let's look at it from a different point of view. Symbolism is important in Feng Shui. Thus, often we ask to `cure' a sector with 6 metal coins. As most of us know 6 represent `Big Metal' and copper coins is confirmed a metal. Futhermore, the coin used is ROUND and round represents METAL. Thus, based on logic: Metal is represented by: 1. rounded shape 2. material - copper or bronze etc.. is certain to be metal element. 3. Number 6 represents metal. Surely, when this cure was implemented, the idea is that 3 areas are already `confirmed' to be of metal element. 4. If we use the above example of the `6 metal coins', we can perhaps, see whether the nice metal band has some of the above qualities. But as mentioned above, I believe no FS practitioner can say for sure how effective a `personal' cure as mentioned by you can be. The only way is to try to `play safe' by making sure that the `element' conforms as much to `metal' as it can be. 5. Perhaps, for all we know, these are like psuedo drugs such as a `dud' panadol pill. Where, the `trick' is to make us feel good and in some situations increase our self-esteem or confidence. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Emily, 1. I believe that one should not `worry' unduly about the layout in a small room especially a dormitory. 2. All over the world, many students have stayed in a dorm, with just the items that you had mentioned. Plus the rooms are small. Thus, your college dorm is no different. 3. More importantly, it is the quality of life spent to pace yourself in studies and study intelligently and consistent work. 4. Recently, a user has attached a sketch of his layout plan. I have `proposed' a layout plan. 5. If you want to do the same i.e. if you have the time, try to use one of the drawing programs with your PC and sketch the layout. Where possible, you can also draw the items that need to be placed in the room (as proportionate to the size of the room as possible). I will try to see which is the best arrangement in relation to the location of the entrance door and the window. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Tervino, Please see below:- In this case, both 5 earth and 3 wood are bad. So you need to control the two The system analyses two elements at any one time to make sure that it captures the essence of each problem. To control 3 wood, Metal is a good cure. 5 earth can also be controlled by Wood element. So in this case, 3 Wood happens to control 5 earth already. However, 5 Earth is left uncontrolled. Metal which is available in 7 Metal (mountain Star) and yearly star 7, will help you balance the sector, as Metal also exhaust earth and destroy wood, thus is the solution for this sector. In your case, this sector has now balanced itself. So no further cure is really necessary. Warmest Regards, Cecil
Dear Kaushal, 1. I believe I have posted a lengthy reply on this subject in one of today's reponse to an earlier e-mail. In my opinion, in general, Feng Shui has an `indirect' relationship or effect on Love and romance or finding a partner. 2. Flying Star Feng Shui can help to identify and help. 3. Ultimately, human factors are equally essential. And this comes under Man or Human Luck. Warmest Regards Cecil
Dear Michelle, 1. In shallow terms, Feng Shui does not have a direct effect on love and romance. 2. Feng Shui is a holistic method, to increase one's luck and it is usually, has an indirect relationship with love and romance. 3. This is why we do see that Feng Shui based on the Corner Concept where even famous authors in my opinion, give the wrong impression that one can simply enhance one's South West or Romance corner and wonderful things will happen. 4. If one's `Feng Shui' is favourable or good, it will enhance one's luck and with it, indirectly, romance, love and "wealth" would arise. Wealth need not necessary mean money but raising a family, have children etc... 5. Frankly, for those who do not use Feng Shui in a holistic way, should instead, look for other alternatives: Participate in group dates etc... or other social activites. 6. Do not waste time, paying homage to e.g. the South West corner. There is nothing mystical about a corner. It is merely a corner and if one gets `caught' there, it can also mean `isolation'. Why sent money doing up the corner. Rather, go `socialise' or if one has `low self esteem' e.g. fat or other percieved `defects', try to be more positive. I am not implying that one is fat or of this sort. Even slim people may have `low self esteem' etc.. or do not have the right opportuniy. The above is a sensitive issue apologise. 7. Under `Professional Feng Shui', or Flying Star Theory, there is one of the eight sectors that has the romance sector. But as Flying Star is not a static theory, it is difficult for an individual to keep track of where the romance star flys. Under the Flying Star, there are also combinations of stars if they happen to be combined may provide interpretation of the `type of romance'. 8. Chinese astrology can be used to look at pairings. Usually, those based on year of birth is not that `accurate' as the one used by Pillars of Destiny which uses the Month, Year, Day and Time of birth or more inputs such as Year of Life and Conception to check on comparison. But, hey, wait a minute! We have not even gone to the point of finding a `prospective' partner... too premature to even talk about this...hmm.. 9. Again, Para 7 is hard to follow for the layman and because of time factor, may not be useful. Thus, no matter how, for an individual to `cause' an effect such as `romance' I am afraid, you may have to work hard, or pretty hard on it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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