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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, I would like to point out that `light' does not necessary mean `bulb' electricity. I believe our Sun came about long before the `bulb' electricity came into place. Usually, when I mentioned about lighting, e.g. it refers to natural light and necessary the `Edison' light bulb. I hope you *Joke* can now look at lighting from a different perspective. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Users, Before I elaborate on the Feng Shui Trap, it is very common for many of us to fall prey to purchasing a fountain, wind chimes etc.. in the hope that we can become `wealthy'. It is often elaborated that one does not really need to spent money under Feng Shui. What I mean is that, rather than hoping for auspiciousness to come to us by purchasing fountains etc... but should we not try to (in the first) place, if we can neutralise bad influences. If we do not do so, no matter how much we buy to ehance ourselves, we will ultimately like many people have found out fall into the Feng Shui `trap'. Hope that you can ponder over what I have said. This has been elaborated many times in this forum. Frankly, if I also did not fall into a different `Feng Shui Trap', where there are so many false `teachings' or practises, I certainly wish not to be so closely related to Feng Shui. So far, I would do the most sensible thing: 1. Try to find an excellent house; 2. If there is no such thing as an excellent house, and if there is a poison arrow, cure it. 3. A while back, I suddenly fell ill. Robert decided to use the Flyings Star report to analyse the location where I often work. we located the sickness star, placed the 6 coins (scotched tape) it on a red packet. This proved effective. 4. I had the two beautiful plants on the balcony and they continously bloom. Other than this, I am really no fan or crazy over Feng Shui. I hope you can see at which point, I try to pay emphasis on the use of Feng Shui. And in many areas, if it becomes a taboo, or a ritual, lets forget about Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, Frankly, in my opinion, this has more to do with `safety' than Feng Shui. Usually, one would not expect a broad staircase unless it is a building or a large house where three persons or more can walk side-by-side going up or down the stairs. Imagine if the staircase is sufficient for one or one and a-half person's body width to walk thru. If the plant has extended leaves, I really cannot imagine that one will not brush against the leaves. Looking at it from a light hearted moment, imagine placing catus plants and having a pet e.g. dog or cat or the wind blowing and toppling the catus plant. What happens if a loved one accidently steps on the catcus? And get hurt? The Traditional Feng Shui concept is to instead place a mirror at the staircase landing. The purpose, is that Qi can `move' upwards. Well this is the only `valid' concept advised by some Traditional FS Masters. But don't because, of what I said and you go and get a mirror. I believe this is not `correct'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Ang Chye, The easiest method is to use the Pillars of Comparison (for members) to find the binding elements of both you and your wife. Please take note the element and strength of the above report is used in conjunction with the analysis under Pillars of Destiny version 7. As the Pillars of Destiny 8 is based on two more `Pillars'. While most of the time may be the same, but may slightly vary in some occasions. For those using Pillars of Destiny 8, later, we will have a module for this version. But again, the Pillars of Comparison for version 7 is already accurate. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  5. Dear Sandi, Generally, there are three ways of looking at the issue: 1. The Flying Star Theory a. Location of Water star (in general) Under this situation, the water fountain should be placed in locations such as the living room (where it is generally) low lying area. Similarly, the clear space in front of the frontage of the house are good locations. b. Using the mathematical model of the Flying Star to check for balance or imbalances. Usually, the imbalances are related to the sickness (2 star) and misfortune (5) star and the cure is related to avoiding earth or the use of big metal to neutralise it. Here, usually, water do not `create' that much problem unless it is overwhelming or exceeding 33.3percent or more, as it creates too yin a location. Water at the centrepoint also overwhelm and would cause sickness especially for the spouse and create financial problems. c. Therefore, water in general, even at the living room usually should not cause too much problem even if one places it for `fun'. You can see that in a very general sense, water at various positions should not `cause' too much problems unless there is an imbalance or at certain sectors. Particularly if one does not do a full FS audit. 2. Another more potent method using the Triangulation method would be discussed in the future once we fully develop the Ba Zhi Feng Shui, this year. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, The semi-circular doormat should not be used in `all' locations of a house. The best location to use the semi-circular doormat is at a bedroom door e.g. facing the staircase. Other than this, it is preferably that it is used outside the house although it is a mild form of `Feng Shui' defensive tool. For example, when you walk up the staircase, you can see the bedroom door directly. In such a situation, the semi-circualr doormat could be used here. In this case, to neutralise the sha qi from the staircase. So far, this is the only location or situation, I can think of that it is acceptable to place the semi circular carpet. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, I personally have come a few cases of water heater hidden in a closet. To my personal knowledge and belief, it is not as bad as a bathroom/toilet. The water heater is enclosed and although it meets the `criteria' of not having a clear space, the residents that I have analysed do not have more problems than those which have a toliet at the centrepoint. Although my sample for such situations are not that large perhaps only about 20 to 30 cases, which I have seen or analysed, it does not match the inauspciousness of having a toilet/bowl at the centre of the house. I have more to find out about it before, I can share with you on what I feel may or may not be a concern. Feel free if anyone has had an `encounter' having been under such a situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Paula, 1. If you have the chance to read some of the messages that were posted on this issue, it is my opinion that it is difficult to depend on Feng Shui to sell a house. 2. This is because: a. The Flying Star Theory is meant to analyse a house's birth chart. b. The Eight House is to see how suitable a house is to the owner and where possible try to stay at a good location. Within these two theories, there are no direct relationship between selling a house and Feng Shui. 3. The only "relationship", I feel is of use is if the buyer knows Feng Shui and if one can point out some good points about the house or "convince" the person that the house has excellent Feng Shui. Otherwise, it is my honest opinion that, one should not rely too much on Feng Shui to sell the house. Other factors include, the price of the house etc... Pillars of Destiny, can be used but is it an indirect relationship i.e. depending on the time and the element of the owners, the buyer, this is quite difficult to achieve most of the time. I hope, I am not trying to dishearten you but, I sincerely feel, if you have read previous messages on this subject that one should not pin too much hopes on Feng Shui. I believe not even the best FS practitioners can help in this situation. What could be worse is to consult a fortune teller. I am always afraid of being associated with "fortune telling" is, I would even ask myself, if I can tell someone's fortune, why I am rich? Anyway, rich does not necessary mean money or wealth but happiness etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, Sorry for not clarifying what I meant about the `head of the house clearly'. I sincerely apologise for the oversight. I hope you find this article useful:- Clich here for the link It will show, a sample of the type of `older' houses where there is a `head' or what looks like a `head' of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, Under the Eight House Theory, since you are an East House person, South is considered your Prosperity Section. Here, in terms of how suitable are to your house, since it is your prosperity sector, this house is considered suitable to you (especially if you are the breadwinner). However, it is best to check which intangible force is located at your bedroom area. Where best it should also be one of your good sectors. Other than knowing the above, you may have to consider using other theories such as the Flying Star to analyse the birth chart of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, The original purpose of real firecrackers was to `drive' away evil/bad luck. But because, in most countries real firecrackers were banned because due to many incidence where fire started e.g. in communities such as villages and even house caught fire. Many people therefore, symbollically, hang decorative `fake' fire crackers on thier main door. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  12. Dear Anon, Usually, when placing windchimes the most important question asked is: 1. I am placing a windchime simply for the `love' (enjoyment) of it or 2. I am placing one or more windchimes because I read that it is good to have windchimes. If it is Para 1, usually a single windchime should not be a problem and if one usually go with our feelings, and place it at a location, one is comfortable with then there is not much issue here. (Unless, it happens to be one of the `bad' sectors where metal should not be used. For example, under Feng Shui, one should do a Flying Star analysis especially one is placing a metallic wind chime at the NW and West sector (which are Metal element sectors). Another sector to watch out is the NE or the devil's gate. 3. If one's purpose is under Feng Shui or the hope that it brings wealth. Then think again especially if one wants to place more than one windchime. 4. For a wind chime, some Feng Shui practitioners advise not placing a Five rod windchime since it symbolises Five `Earth' or Five `Yellow'. While on the other hand, some FS practitioners may consider Five `lucky' because it represents the Five elements. As for me, as in Para 4, it would be better to be cautious especially if the location is the Sickness or Misfortune sectors, it would be better not to place the Five rod wind chime at this sector. 5. Too many windchimes may result in mental illness especially for the lady of the house. 6. Wind chimes do produce a sound or `wavelength' and may inadvertenly, `attact' playful imps which may result in nightmares. I have nothing against the placement of wind chimes but, like to highlight some of the `problems' associated with it. Furthermore, windchimes can be of various materials and may invariably cause sector imbalances (if one is not too careful about it) Again, if one falls in love with a windchime and has an idea where to place it and feels comfortable, by all means go and place the windchime. Usually, if there are no problems within two weeks after placing the wind chime, it should be ok. But due to time dimensions in Feng Shui, sometimes the sector may be inauspicious during a day or month. One last thing is to avoid using a solid rod windchime. Hollow rod wind chimes are advised. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, Light i.e. flame is considered the fire element. Here, another more exact interpretation is that fire (flame) rises. Although lighting generate heat, it is not a `flame' where a flame can be extinguished by water. It is perfectly acceptable to have light shining to a pool of water. This is the same as natural light filtering into the fish tank. Therefore, there should not be an issue over this. When when flame touches water, then it matters. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Anon, Lets look at it closely: 1. " North East and SW are Earth element locations." 2. To determine or check if a location is imbalanced, one has to use the Flying Star analsys instead of simply using the `cure' of "salt water". As you have correctly mentioned, salt water (salt) need not necessarily be the earth element. Perhaps, the author had visualised `grains' of salt as near equivalent to `grains of sand' representing earth element. I feel that one should not place salt water at NE and SW without any reason. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, 1. Some FS practitioners consider it not as auspicious to have the kitchen next to the main entrance. But this is quite common in many new apartments and should not pose any problems especially if the stove position is located properly. The stove (or if it has side knobs) should normally face inwards. 2. For the toilet next to the main door, this is best avoided if one can. There is nothing much one can do here other than to keep the toilet airy and bright and close the door when not in use. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Sunny, It is highly unusual to find a toilet under the staircase. The staircase, must be very high. It is still acceptable to have the toilet under the staircase, if it does not have facility for bathing etc... where one can spent sometime there. If the toilet only has e.g. a toilet bowl, a basin, it is ok. Better still if one side of the toilet is attached to an external wall. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Sunny, Yes, the staircase which is directly facing the main door is considered Sha Qi and is `bad' because, it is said to create a `disturbance' of the flow of Qi from the main entrance to the interior of the home. The most effective method is to use a screen between the door and the staircase. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, 1. Besides moving the furnitures, there is a cure: a. If it is a wooden beam, Then use 6 ancient Chinese coins tied together with red string. Hang it on the beam. b. If it is a concrete beam, Then place two bamboo flutes to form the top profile of the ba gua trigram: ------- / \ 2. If one falls sick often, one may have to check or do a Flying Star analysis to find out e.g. if the sickness or misfortune star is at the particular sector. Here, if the sickness star is present, the same cure i.e. 6 coins tied to a red string would be effective. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Ang Chye, Traditionally, when a child was born, the parents or grandparent would consult a Geomancer to find a name for the child. The first thing the Geomancer does is to look at the child's Ba Zhi (Pillars of Destiny). For example, my grandfather was told that my elder brother lacked `water' element in his Ba Zhi. His name has one character `water' i.e. " Chwee " added to his name. As for me, since I did not lack any elements, my name had a " Tiong " or " centre " (implying balance) in one of the characters. For example, a fictitious name could be: Tan Leng Chwee (where: Tan is the surname, Leng Chwee is the last name). The " Chwee " was added to such a name. This is the reason why, Geomancy.net has constantly used the Five elements across all reports and analysis as it is a uniform method and consistent practise. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Sharon, "Feng Shui" which relates to fixed templates e.g. Eight Associations or Life Aspirations are too general to be practised. Worse still if it is based on Black Hat Sect or BTB for short. `Fixed' template practises give a `bad' name to Feng Shui. More often, it gives false hope and will not work for most people. It is recommended not to practise this form of Feng Shui. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to call it "kindergarten" Feng to better reflect the status of it. If you have the time, do spent time browsing the conferences or search for a message. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear PB, Although a kitchen has some influence over the house, the more scientific method is the use of the Flying Star Theory to check whether there are any imbalances in the house. I believe, the above is a more `fruitful' excerise. Additional analysis could include the Pillars of Destiny to analyse both parties and compare both parties and find out the binding element for both parties. It would be a better option then just simply looking at the kitchen itself. The above is my opinion. I will try to give more tips on the kitchen as soon as I can. You can find some of the `answers' on this, I believe by doing a search under this forum (Free Advice forum). Warmest Regards Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, This is an interesting question. If the space is not available or is a missing corner, one cannot or infact does not have an opportunity to place say a `cure' at this non-existing location. It is again, not possible to do remote control Feng Shui where placement of the `cure' at a nearby location `would' solve it. The `nearby' location has its own Feng Shui influence and it would not be wise to use a cure for a different location. However, if the missing corner is `restored' or modifications is made to the house or an extension, then the Flying Star, depending on the renovation work day, may changed to the new period. For example, if the last major reno was done under Period 6, it most likely will change to Period 7 house. If the area is exterior to the house, it no longer is `your house' unless it is a landed property where the sector is extended and there is a wall at the location. It is best for such situations to consult a competent FS practitioner to guage and analyse such things as no two homes are the same. Factors like the area/size of the house, whether it is a landed property etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, Some FS practitioners if they are not sure, would simply say that it is bad to have empty space underneath the staircase. In my opinion, with a covered store room or without (empty space) is still acceptable. Ideally, it should be a covered store so that there is no possibility of placing displays e.g. an altar at the location etc... It is inauspicious especially if the stove is under a staircase or an altar table under the staircase. Otherwise, if someone says generally, it is bad to have the empty space, we should find out what is the person's rationale for it. (It is noted that Qi or dead qi would be present at that location but if we do not use it or use it as a storeroom or placing our shoe rack etc.. there, this is acceptable). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, This depends on a person's gender: Male or Female 2. If the person is a Male:- Then the House of Conception is to relate him and his relationship with his wife or spouse. 2. If the person is a Female:- The House of Conception relates to her child. Therefore, both `statements' are correct. It depends on either a person is Male or Female. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Lyndha, 1. I understand your concern. Some Feng Shui practitioners believe that the front door should be `solid' and not see thru. 2. Alhough there is some truth in this, most houses do continue to have a solid door. 3. It is hard to generalise what is a solid and what is a `weak' door. But generally, in my opinion, it is still acceptable to have frosted glass on the door as one still retains `privacy' and does not allow anyone to peep thru the main door. 4. For the above, we can see that there can be two `camps' those who insists that doors must be `solid' (not glass etc..) 5. There are those who, would believe that it is either a non-issue or of secondary importance. Here, the effect of the frosted glass would make the house (interior) more Yang and vibrant especially if it is at a location where the house is aligned North to South. Light gets filtered through. 6. If the door faces West, light would filter in the afternoon especially if there are no buildings/trees etc.. blocking it. The door facing East is ok, as only the morning sun filters in. 7. So based the above, the effect is closely related to Yin and Yang (making the area inside the door location either more Yang with the glass door - provided it is at certain compass directions) or if a `solid' door, yin (darker area). 8. Other than the above, one cannot therefore say that it is less auspicious to have a `glass' panel door. Here it is based on each of our opinions. 9. The more scientific method under Feng Shui is to use the Flying Star (birth chart of the house) to analyse e.g. the main door entrance to see if it is auspicious or inauspicious. Or whether the elements at the location are in balance. This is a more proper way to look at the issue. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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