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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Carrie, We have been looking into this issue for quite sometime. Initially, we were toying with time zones but based on the work done by Robert and myself, we prefer to take the season or time of influence from China. Let me explan why:- 1. Countries like Singapore is exactly on the same time zone as Beijing China. Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan are equally within the same time zone. Even Perth Australia is exactly on the same time belt as Beijing. The rationale is because Chinese hour is two hours and not one hour. 2. Some western FS practioners use the time zone but did not take into account both the longetude and latitude. Bearing in mind these two influences, for the moment, we will stick to the influence from Beijing. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Fraser, Thanks for sharing with us your unique abilities. 1. It would be interesting to find out what is the full component of your Pillars of Destiny i.e. how many Yins and how many Yangs do you have. To see if there is a correlation i.e. whether for example you are more Yin or more Yang. One unique feature of Pillars that if one has more of the other, in total, too Yang may also change to Yin. 2. So far, I have yet seen anyone determine such a mix i.e. heaven to earth luck. I believe in order to find out, or even see if there is a correlation, a critical mass of at least 100,000 thousand to a million people need to be examined. The more, the better. Certain theories or majority of the Feng Shui theories e.g. Flying star is trying to look for imbalances or neutralising such imbalances. While others more proactive ones include placement of mountain and activating water star. Well good luck. Perhaps, it is never too late even in our life time to gather these facts first. One option is to ask users to fill in a survey. Hopefully honest answers. However, the questions has to be drafted properly (if possible). Get as many people to fill in. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Glyn, Yes, I agree with you that the mountain star #7 and #9 can be looked at especially if it can be located in the bedroom. You have posted this sometime back. Later, this info can be added to the computerised report to highlight this. My main concern is because, in the past, I do not have that many success with this recommendation i.e. only 2 out of 10 cases with fertility problems as mentioned by you worked. So the `odds' did not work that well for me. Usually, because of the advance in science, the couples instead (I am aware of), went to the doctor. The success rate here is I believe much better than Feng Shui. But your efforts are commendable. This why, I am quite hesitant to give `false' hopes pinned on Feng Shui. I am not sure if the weather has anything to do over here:) *Joke* as I read even wearing tight clothing and heatness could affect.. the males:) I hope we can do more research into this area. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. The attached article re-enforce my sentiments that external factors may have more to do with fertility problems then `simply' relying on the `hope' of Feng Shui as a `cure'. Click on the attachment and read on... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. You have heard the most recent term Kindergarten Feng Shui, another interesting description is called Credit Card Feng Shui. I refer to this interesting term as " Purchasing " on credit. In Feng Shui instead, it is like wanting to get auspiciousness or good luck on CREDIT. Does this sound familiar? Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, The element strength is not calculated under the free report. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Long Le, I have posted photos of money plants under the conference: Photo Tours of Interest (with Pictures). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Enclosed please find pictures of money plant. --Cross posted from Free Advice Forum -- Dear Longe Le, 1. A money plant leaf looks like `heart shaped'. I like the pattern of light green, sometimes white, beige colour on the leaves. 2. Frankly I have seen table sized money plants to huge big plants (leaves). 3. Will take a photograph for you to see. 4. Money plants are easy to grow and little maintenance required. Do note that although it is called a money plant, it is only a name and does not automatically signify that you will get `money'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, Grateful if you can further elaborate on the extension. For example is it an `external' extension for a car park or an internal one. If internal, what is it used for. In addition, anyone who is familiar with the history of the house. This is because, beside the new extension, we could perhaps, `back-track' to see if any events match the flying star of the period. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Longe Le, 1. A money plant leaf looks like `heart shaped'. I like the pattern of light green, sometimes white, beige colour on the leaves. 2. Frankly I have seen table sized money plants to huge big plants (leaves). 3. Will take a photograph for you to see. 4. Money plants are easy to grow and little maintenance required. Do note that although it is called a money plant, it is only a name and does not automatically signify that you will get `money'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, The first thing that strikes my mind when I read was message is the Lotus seed plant which can grow on water. When I have the time we can look at this topic of `water plants'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Fraser, To be totally honest with you, I have really do not have the "answer" to your question. Personally, I am not sure, also about the right mix. Even if I do know, it would be a very rough guess. One rationale is like the Management Theory " Situational Approach ": where it is said that no two situations are the same. "It depends". Some FS practioners would say that the 60 to 70 percent of Heaven Luck can be changed. Perhaps, we should consider what is the purpose for trying to determining the mix. I personally feel it is quite difficult to answer and not as relevant (to me). As more people want results rather than hypotical figures that they are not able to relate to. But if you are trying to look at a `bigger' picture of Feng Shui, this is fine:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Dan, I am very glad that you have captured the essence that so many of us have missed! Yes, I totally agree with you that `Wealth' does not necessary only mean $$$. You can see why sometimes I may get "frustrated" when someone comes to me and simply ask me for their `wealth' corner. Great job Glyn! Wishing you and your family Health, Wealth and Happiness Always! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Anne, True Feng Shui is not like `Credit Card' Feng Shui. One do not need to `purchase' something in advance in the hope that spending such money would get one riches. If one is not sure of where to place a picture of a waterfall, one should try not to place it. The other method is if one feels comfortable about it and really like the picture and have to `urge' to place it at a location. Ideally, pictures of water falls should not be placed in a bedroom. The more professional method is to use e.g. Flying Star to check if a sector has balance or imbalance. This theory can be used to check if there is or do not have an imbalance. If there is an imbalance and it is caused by too much water element, one should avoid placing it. Professional Feng Shui practitioners use this analysis for a more accurate picture. Off hand, I am unable to tell for sure if it is good or bad. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Daniel, I have posted a simple diagram showing the head facing a good direction under the conference: Photo Tours with interest. Please check out the picture in that conference. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. First of all, let me apologise for this ugly drawing. I know it is no good. But I hope it makes it easier to understand for Dan. Enclosed please find a simple diagram showing what I mean by `Head facing a good direction'. Please note that this picture refers only to sleeping positions. Where when one sleeps (on a bed), one's head faces a good direction. One cannot expect to sleep upright and sleep with the head facing the `sky'. *JOKE* Below, Message cross posted from `Free Advice':- Dear Cecil, when you say your head should be facing your most auspisious direction, what do you mean? Your head should be in that direction, or you should be looking at that direction? Thanks Dan. -- End of message --
  17. Enclosed please find ten motifs of the same Chinese symbol: Shou which means longevity. These symbols are commonly found on just anything. For example you can see the symbol on Chinese `antique' chairs, cushion covers, wood carvings on doors, panels. This symbol is also found on bedsheets, pillow covers etc... You name it, it is on the objects or items.
  18. 1. These pictures showing elaborate Chinese dragon motifs commonly found on Chinese vases, plates wood carvings. 2. In some pictures, you may have to `stare' hard to find the profile of the dragon. While in some photos, it is quite easy to spot the dragon. Hope you can locate the dragon! Happy dragon hunting! P.S. please ignore the second picture. As it is a duplicate of the first picture. Wrongly uploaded twice.
  19. This message shows three interesting `bat' motifs or pictures: 1. First picture: If one bat is considered as bringing one good fortune. What happens if there are two bats? You may have guessed correctly! Two bat motifs signify double good fortune! 2. Second picture: The bat is in the centre. The actual diagram is the profile of the Longevity symbol " Shou ". As in Fu Lu Shou A bat symbol is included in the above to imply one will have longevity plus good fortune. 3. Third picture: Shows five bats. Five bats indicate " receiving " gifts. You will also notice in the earlier message, that some Chinese boys are catching a bat and there are a total of five bats in some of the pictures. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. 1. Chinese consider bats as auspicious. As the phonetic sound is `Fu' or good luck. 2. Included in this message are Chinese pictures that have bats in them. 3. In ancient China, it is common to see Chinese children deplicted in some of the pictures attached below. Notice their hairstyle and dressing. The children looks well fed:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, Qigong is very popular nowadays. It is usually practised in the morning where it is cooler. The movements are slow and `controlled'. Do not be confused with the Falingong. Which also does excercises also. I believe you can try to do a search for sites or books on Qigong. One must have discipline i.e. I remembered when my grandmother was in Singapore, she used to wake up as early as 5.00am to do these excercises. Don't worry, it can be done later in the day. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, Can you clarify further the description. For example, do you mean that there is a table and it is placed against a window. A clock is on it? Thanks. Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, The rationale for some people saying that a dragon chair needs a strong person to sit on are: 1. As we are aware, a dragon is considered the Yang(est) of all Yang elements. This could be the reason why some people say that the chair is meant for `strong' people especially the conotation of a male or masculine person. 2. The other reason is because traditionally Chinese emperors are the only ones that are allowed to either wear dragon emblems or have carvings on their throne with dragons (4 or 5 claw ones). The lesser officials can wear "serpents" which are considered `lesser' dragons. In my opinion, this is not fully correct. As I have seen antique chairs a pair of them for a man and women each with dragon carvings on both handle of each chairs. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, 1:3 is equal to 33.33%. This is a reasonable Feng Shui figure. (please see below) The above is a good guideline. It is used widely in the forum and it should be a good guage when applied to doors and windows. Other "applications" include the advice given if the missing area is 33.3 percent or more, this is considered a missing corner. More examples can be found in messages under this forum. I usually term it the 33.3 percent Ruleset. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Hi everyone, I like to use the Saintograph (R) brand protractor. It comes in various sizes. If I am not mistaken it costs around US$2.50/- to US$5.00/- plus or minus this amount. If you cannot find this brand, purchase a `reputable' brand. For those who are new, I use it inconjunction with the compass method: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm My favourite compass can be found under this link:- http://www.geomancy.net/fs/recommendcompass.htm Happy Feng Shuing:) Important Tips:- 1. While doing so, always remember to take confirmation readings from the exterior of the house e.g. on a vacant land and do not wear jewellry or go close to the walls (wher the walls may have steel supports). 2. If possible purchase a compass with a line of sight e.g. like those with aiming sight. Avoid using a Luopan to find the correct direction especially holding in the hands (although the illustration shows it in the animated graphic file of the link page. This is not accurate.) 3. Alternatively, if you have the "money", get a surveyor to measure the main entrance of the house for you. Especially if you D.I.Y. and can afford this one time but very important step to determine your main entrance direction. But of course, do it if you are going to apply the Flying Star theory. If you are only applying the Eight House, I am not sure why one needs to hire a surveyor. This is because there are only 8 sectors as compared to 15 degree increments for Flying Star. Thus one has to be as accurate as possible with the measurements. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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