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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Please see attached.
  2. Dear Steven, In my opinion, if I were to keep a safe at home, I most probably, place a plate on it. It will surely read something like this: Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Steven, 1. Thanks very much for your effort in sharing with all of us the pictures of Grave sites in Malaysia:) 2. There are a few considerations on placement of a Safe Deposit Box at home. In my opinion, it has more to do with opinions and beliefs rather than Feng Shui. 3. However, there is one form of Feng Shui School which finds that it is important to place or bury `treasures' in the home. Such as burying a token of e.g. the Eight Treasures (Buddhist treasures) i.e. at corners or below the main entrance. This School believe that burying such items will bring luck to the household. 4. Thus a safe is very similiar to this aspect of `burying' treasures at home. 5. Commonsense approach comes into `play' and this has more to do with the environment the house is at. 6. If the area is prone to `thief' such as a corner terrace or single property where the back is not fully built. Especially if some one gets to know you keep a safe at home... 7. We can then imagine, that there may be some risk involved. 8. I recently got myself a Fire safe instead. On the door, I stuck a note saying that it does not contain valuables but documents. It is bolted in a cupboard. My main purpose is to store documents and it is rated 2 hours fire proof at 2000 degrees. 9. But the point here is that if I have a Safe for keeping valuables, especially at home, I would use it to divert attention i.e. keeping non-valuables there but place more important valuables elsewhere. Thus it acts as a diversion. 10. Sorry for diverting off-topic but, I like to give an example that keeping a safe is in certain countries and locations kind of a `risk' involved such as thief or attracts these guys. 11. If nothing happens, its fine. But if as a result of keeping a `safe' and one not only gets robbed but harmed i.e. family members, can we live with such guilt all our life? 12. *JOKE* Nowadays, with the obolesence of banking equipments, one can easily go and buy an ATM modular part especially the safe unit. Here, even we have heard, ATMs get ripped off and carted to some remote location to be opened at the pace of the would be robber. So, our `treasures' may turn into a nightware. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. 1. Do you read a book from the first page to the last page? Or do you read a book, flipping over the pages and even reading the last few pages first? 2. Are you more inclined to the spatial, abstract or more inclined to mathematics ...
  5. Dear Carina, Please see below:- If you can provide me with a rough sketch e.g. a graphic file attachment it would help. It is very difficult to provide u a `detailed' comment such as whether a corner is at threat or not just on a few sentences. For heat, or heat on the wall and you can still feel it in the evening, there is no Feng Shui method to measure how `inaupicious it is. Where possible, no direct sun light is best or if possible, keep the bed away from the affected wall if possible. So long as the room temperature is comfortable, this is ok. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Elena, Thanks for sharing with us the information. I know it is not possible but, usually, it is best to look at the entire layout plan. Here, we can look at the entire house in relation to the centrepoint plus the curve of the staircase and the position and size of the vault room. The safest, in a staircase is the `standard', profile that neither `cuts' or slices any other part of the house. But again, it is still best to look at the layout plan before comments can be made. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Elena, For such situations, it is good to keep in view the additional considerations for NE/SW. Other than this, if the main door favours a person at NE/SW, they can still look for such houses. The consideration here is to avoid, creating too yin an environment (if one does not use the Flying Star to analyse the house). If the Flying Star is used, check that there are not too much Yin influence. If so, try to correct the imbalance. Overall, there are practitioners who, found that the house does not match an owner and thus, if the main door, is at NE, they would advise their clients to tilt it to a good direction that favours the breadwinner. This is like killing two birds with one stone. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Carina, Usually, the `best' method is to `divide' the house into two rectangles. Thus, you will notice that there is a screen full height or a display panel on one side of the L shape. Here, the corner no longer becomes a `threat'. For the `heat' in general, it is considered "inauspicious" and causes `irritation' but otherwise, it is difficult to say the direct effects are. Installing an aircon also depending on the budget. Another consideration is the use of fans. Will this help. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Steven, As our information on the matter is `piecemeal', we do not have all the facts or conduct a full audit, in general: 1. Some Feng Shui practitioners consider the huge fish tank `wealth' creation or alternatively, 2. To neutralise Sha Qi. Thus, with the little information, we do not exactly know whether it is more for 1 or 2. Some Feng Shui practitioners, have advised on placing Fish Tank even in the toilet area. To either achieve above Para 1 or 2. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Carina, Please see below:- It is very diffcult to comment on an apartment based on few sentences especially without looking at the location. Can you elaborate more of what are these poison arrows and are they aimed from outside the house thru the windows or are they in the interior of the house, placed there. And thus caused the poison arrow. If you can elaborate what the poison arrow is. If it is inside the house, then what is the object and what is the distance. Do u often sit on the wooden bench. Yes, the intensity of the heat does affect Feng Shui of the home. Some FS practitioners even consider this `inaupicious'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Durelle, I do not do manual calculations or matching #'s to look at combinations of water to avoid or enhance. This forum is a `self-help' forum. I have stated many times that it if one person provides me with general information like: Please see below:- Since you have already painted the wall, and you personally like it, and through either sixth sense or trial and error Feng Shui, everything is fine, then generally it is OK. On a Feng Shui perspective: 1. As you mentioned, red or bright colours general make the location more Yang. 2. Flying Star Feng Shui can be used to analyse if the colours clash with the sector e.g. whether it is neutral to the sector or it aids an auspicious or inauspicious sector. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, 1. There are some new resources under this URL: http://my.geomancy.net/mypictures/cgi-bin/imagefolio.cgi?direct=Homes/Finding_the_Centrepoint You can find examples of how centrepoint are determined. 2. The above is a new site using another specialized software to manage graphics. 3. While this forum is good at new postings, it does not concentrate on handling images. Thus, you may need to search between text and graphics. 4. Thus, the idea for a site completely dedicated to images was born. Images can be posted there and there is a Search engine for this purpose. The main URL is: http://mypictures.geomancy.net Currently, there are already more than 1,200 images on the site alone. It will continue to grow and compliment this forum. For an `L' shaped house, it is best to divide the house into two rectangles and whether to use one or two FS charts depends on the practitioner. Thus usually, many people leave it to the practitioner to do an audit for them. Each house and layout plan has to be considered individually and on its own merits, thus I cannot provide you with a specific answer on this. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Steven, Usually, when applying cures: 1. We first look at the sector and determine the `true' compass degrees especially, N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, W and E. 2. It will be easily if the orientation of the house is aligned to the North-South or compass directions. 3. Here, the wall, or window areas are within the same `sector'. 4. But of course, in real life, this is not always the case. We may have the compass degree e.g. SW partially on one wall and another angle. 5. Here, judgement and analysis on this. 6. If the compass degree of that sector falls e.g. on the cupboard area or a frontage that one cannot place e.g. a pedestal, there is not much that can be done other then if partial sector has space. If it is hanging 6 coins, it can still be hang on the cupboard. If there is `free space' and something can be placed there, then if it is a wooden object, see if there is any decorative piece in the home that one can use. For example a wooden decorative piece i.e. it can be something `nice' such as a fish as a simple example. Alternatively, a table lamp that is made of wood. It can come with a bulb and e.g. straw lamp shade. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Anon, Please see below:- More importantly, I usually choose a house in my opinion, that has excellent Shapes and Form and the same time matches me. I look out for poison arrows aimed at my house and make it a point to neutralise it. In some of the photo Tour pictures, I use a gift dragon aimed at a poison arrow near-by. Even houses with `excellent' Feng Shui may have poison arrows aimed at it. So, `protect', `protect' and protect vulnerable areas. The only other consideration is to take note of `sickness' sectors or any other sectors that are out of balance. For pants, I prefer wear especially black or blue. I avoid wearing pink or Red. In fact, I do not have any of these colours. I used to have or even worn `red' ties but, by coincidence, I seem to encounter problems wearing red ties... I am not sure... but... have avoided red ties now.. In some of the older forum messages, I have wrote something about my home encounters. Like the time, when I changed floor tiles and had to remove the `dragon' figurine pointed at a poison arrow. Again by coincidence, I felt something would happen, before this and true enough... something did happened. Only after I `restore' or place back the neutralising object. As mentioned above, even `excellent' houses are not totally free from poison arrows etc... It is best to do environmental scanning occasionally especially if new buildings come up around the home or office. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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