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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, Apologies but these Banner adverts are really out of control. As they are hosted by the Banner network. It is also very hard to regulate such banner ads although we are hosting it but has to give them 20 to 30 percent of the ad space in order that we can use the majority of the ads for our own use. As majority of the users are adults this should not be a real issue. There are lots of filth out there (unregulated). We will strongly object if there are Xrated banner ads. But the general ones, we are not able to do anything. Once again, please accept our sincere apologies. In the future, we will see if we can use our own banner software. But at the moment, we prefer not to do so but concentrate on what we do best: `clean' Feng Shui advise. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, 1. Yes there is some truth in not keeping the ancestor pictures facing the dinning room. 2. In my opinion, it is more a belief. One rationale is that it is being disrespectful if we do not offer food. But instead gobble it up. 3. The alternative is that (as a last resort) if some houses are really small, like those found in Hong Kong (very small houses), they may just do that. But here, food or fruits are offered at the altar to "applease the ancestor". The above would help in such circumstances. 4. For your point on SW (Earth element location) and NW (Metal element), there is not much logic in mentioning the two locations. 5. Even if we analyse further, SW is also the devil's backdoor. While NW is a metal location. So far even considering these, there are no direct relationships or rationale as to why these two locations are chosen. 6. For Yin Feng Shui, the South side of a hill is usually chosen for burial sites. This is where the tombstone faces South. South is also Yin and darkness. Many past Chinese emperors were buried on auspicious South side of hills or mountains. 7. We also cannot associate point 6 with the `argument' that ancestor photos face NW and SW. 8. There is a rationale why ancestor photos should face a window or frontage of the house (looking out of the main entrance). This is because, we seldom if ever come across a toilet at the main entrance area or a toilet located at the `window' area. It is most unlikely for it to face a bedroom wall. It is thus disrespectful for the ancestor photo to face the toilet or even a bedroom. 9. I understand that many people do not have the luxury of a big house and this is why, this approach is the most sensible one and would normally be easily applied to most homes. 10. Even if it is shown (for a good reason)that say one `must' face NW or SW, it may thus not practical. Applied Feng Shui is more important than pen and paper academic excercises. We live in a realistic world. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Glyn, I totally agree with you with regards to the spoilt brats. Those who are pampered from day one they are born. These spoilt brats do not generally reflect the majority of children that were brought up `properly'. The good ones have good upbringing, filial piety and good social values. One worrying trend is the one child policy implemented in China. Wow you should see the one child family. Some of them are so plump! And pampered by their grand parents. Although one cannot blame China for their one child family due to their size of population. Many parents either abort a baby girl or `kill' them after they were born. There is an imbalance of births i.e. more boys then girl children in China. I believe that if one has Chinese students in a school. They may come from Vietnam, Singapore or other countries, ultimately, fortunately or unfortunately, school standards would be raised. I remembered my English (British) Professors who visited me used to enjoy marking our papers because the passing rate is high. I remembered that consecutively, a few of my friends and me used to get high marks and usually take turns to top the various subjects for the entire course. But I must confess, we put in lots of effort as compared to other students. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Gina, 1. Please check out this link This useful e-book will give you confidence in how to properly use an Ordinary as well as using street-directory maps:- https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/product/2-2016-flying-stars-using-an-ordinary-compass-e-book-1-1st-edition/ Hi, According fr the ctr of my hse, my maindoor locate in the SW. But if I use a compass to judge fr 3 feets/10feets/20 feets, the average location is in South 160 degree. Which ones shall I follow? P/s advise. Thank You & Best regard Gina Tan
  5. Dear Anon, Yes, Chinese always believe in education for their children. They take lots of pain and even hardship to sent their children to (if they can) to universities. For example, many children of the lower income are proud to have their children graduating from local universities. For most Chinese parents, they don't mind working hard (or real hard) to support their child's education. Of course, there are bursaries given by organisations etc.. If I am not mistaken, favourite destinations like Australia, the USA and once upon a time Canada are places where the Chinese students excel. It is because, I believe these children are `hardworking.' Here, it is my opinion, that some Western parents especially in Australia may not be too happy with it as it pushes the standard of competition (places in universites). The above is my `superficial' observation only. It is not exactly 100 percent true but just to make a point. Many universites encourage racial mix as it pushes up the standard of learning and interaction. In addition the `Traditional' Chinese have a high regards for their elders. Most Chinese parents hope that their child who later get a good education would `feed' and cloth them when they get old. The filial piety model. This is one of the success factors of the Chinese race. Usually, if one reads Chinese history, Chinese often do not fight each other. In later half of China history it is usually, the Chinese who fought the Manchus (Mongolia) or external forces. Plus they were forced to react to Japan's domination during World War II and the Japanese Nangking massacre. Even today, China only `threaten' Taiwan but in my opinion does not believe in resorting to violence.. only threats of `compliance'. From what I understand, Taiwanese Chinese Feng Shui Masters and those of mainland China uses `purely' the Lunar Calendar System for Feng Shui calculations. Only those in Hong Kong or Hong Kong practitioners who migrated to Canada or US, I believe mostly use the Hsia calendar system. I generally classify these group of Canadian/US practitioners who `learned' Feng Shui the Western School of Feng Shui. Traditionally, we would like to spread the use of the Lunar Calendar System due to two advantages:- 1. It can detect `blind' years in the Chinese calendar i.e. years where there are intercalary month or a second lunar month. This is where, the Hsia calendar system cannot detect. Therefore, there is an inherent flaw in the Xia (Hsia) calendar system in this respect. Usually, the calculations are similar. But if there is an intercalary month, the Hsia calendar system does not take this into consideration. So the calculations would be `inaccurate' for the Hsia system. 2. The Lunar calendar method is the best of both worlds as it is cross referenced to the Xia (Hsia) for the season of the year/month. Hong Kong uses the Xia (Hsia) calendar and it is one reason why practitioners who came from Hong Kong practises the Xia calendar system. 3. Usually, many Feng Shui practitioners who use the Xia method, are comparing apple with oranges. They take the Year of birth based on the Lunar calendar but take the month of birth as Xia calendar. The superiority of the Lunar Calendar method is that if one notices carefully, Year, Month, Day and Time of birth are all based on the Lunar Calendar method. In my opinion, I would say that the Xia calendar method is a method of convenience. It is still acceptable provided there are no double months in a year else, the reading would differ. We will continue to promote the use of the Lunar Calendar System, which although is more difficult but our aim is more on accuracy rather than convenience. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Shapes and Form Feng Shui Do you consider this shape of lamp auspicious? Yes No Not Sure Current Results
  7. Dear Anon, I hope that I have taken a better picture of the old bungalow built in the 1920's. To view the pictures and the comments made, please go to the conference: Photo Tours. Look for the message Revisited: The old bungalow house built in 1920s Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. - Message cross posted from Free Advice Conf- -- Original Message from Anon -- In the photo tour of interest (pictures of Bungalow houses). There is a tree in the front of the house. Will it be considered a poison arrow. What is the white structure on top of the house(looks like a coin with dragon fish). Thanks. -- End of message -- Dear Anon, 1. I have retaken another picture. This picture will show that there is no poison arrows aimed at the house. 2. You will also notice that the drive way does not act as sha qi against the main entrance door. The main entrance is also elevated (on the right side of the picture). 3. The drive way leads to the back area of the house. Usually the store area or extension such as extended kitchen area. 4. The shield is also shown more clearly on the second picture. It is a typical `shield' nothing fancy. At a later date, will show some examples of more `scary' snake or serpent like shields of some other older bungalow houses. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. (For more information of The Sterling Project, please refer to the previous postings on The Sterling under this conference). Here are the latest pictures of The Sterling Condominum Project. In the first two pictures, you will get to see the apartment blocks of the most excellent units of this condominium.
  10. 1. If you have seen samples of Chinese New Year greeting cards. Even `Red packets' for putting in money to family members and friends are also in red. 2. In this picture you can see a `typical' banner placed either above the main entrance of a house or at a main entrance area. In this picture, you can also see the placement of auspicious red lanterns on the sides of the banner. As this is a new house, the owners placed the red banners and lanterns in the hope of getting auspicious luck for their new home.
  11. Dear Anon, 1. The reason why some FS Practitioners say to palce it in the good sector is so that when it rings, it is suppose to bring `good luck'. Unfortunately, there are others who have the view point that the `ringing' at a good sector `chase' away good luck. 2. Some on the other hand advise to place as what you had mentioned, West and NW because these are metal element sectors. To these practitioners, they `feel' that as the West and NW are metal element sectors, one should enhance the metal element with `rining' tones as to them the ringing tone is metal element. Similarly, to these FS practitioners wind chimes and even clocks with pendulum serves this purpose. 3. In my opinion, all the above are based on "superficial" Feng Shui. The best advise is if one wants to `invest' further and use correct Feng Shui methods, do perform a Flying Star Theory especially if one wants to place many wind chimes. But for most of us, we should instead find that the phone at a sector is more convenient to us rather than on Feng Shui considerations. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, Usually, from what I have encountered, this should not pose a problem. Especially if one only rents a bedroom. There is not much choice here. The only thing to remember is to conceptally "departmentalise" the bedroom i.e. keep the scultures at a corner or if really no space on a display shelf or at a corner table or even share it with the study table. We have to be practical as not all situations can be overcomed... our love of the sculpture and space constraints. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear JL, 1. The main purpose of all Feng Shui theories is to correct imbalances in the Five elements. 2. Under the Flying Star School of Feng Shui, for example if there is an imbalance e.g. a Sickness (2) star and a Misfortune (5) star. If the location happens to be the bedroom, one has thus to cure the imbalance e.g. placing 6 coins at that sector to cure it. Here, an imbalance is `calculated' and thus a remedy is used to neutralise the imbalance. 3. Many a times, when one usually fall sick, the above would most likely be the cause. Here, we take action to cure it for a specific reason. Being healthy afterwards, can be indirectly related to `fertility'. 4. Many Feng Shui practitioners do not know otherwise or simply love to convince their clients of the benificial effects of using the `fixed' templates of Feng Shui. They most likely practise which I unfortunately termed it `kindergarden' Feng Shui. Real Feng Shui is about analysis done using the Five elements or at a higher level, Yin and Yang theories. Those who practise `kindergarden' Feng Shui usually do not or are ignorant of the Five elements and the need for balance. This results in asking everyone to place an object e.g. a tortise at the North, family picture at the South West sector. The truth is coming out that, more and more people are beginning to doubt the effects of Feng Shui after practising this "type" of Feng Shui. Or we can say it gives Feng Shui real bad name. Better the lesser of two evils, One is better off, instead to opt for other Chinese Supertitious beliefs like: Inviting a handsome nephew or child and ask him to roll over the married couple's bed. Would you laugh at it? I have my doubts when Feng Shui `Masters' commonly say that they can help a relationship. But when asked further, most likely say that it is a `secret'. I begin to suspect if they know more than anyone else. Alternatively, it is so diffult to apply that maybe just by chance it did work. My question here is if it works. How effective is it? If it is 1 success out of 10,000 persons. Do we than call it a `cure' or enhancer? We should not be fooled by such `secret' or mysterous cures. I always believe in coming out clean because, one day the truth will ultimately prevail. Like yourself, each of us is only a man in search of truth. We can only honestly help others on ways which we feel can give the best chance based on e.g. past experience on whether, this concept can or cannot work. Or try to combine as many good working concepts. Fine tune these concepts as each day goes by. Warmest Regard, Cecil
  14. Dear Felicia, Frankly, under Feng Shui (Pillars of Destiny) there is no direct application to improve one's relationship. This is because the closes concepts is based on Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zhi). However, Ba Zhi has an `escape clause' which says that it can map out one's Heaven map e.g. of a person and his/her luck. However, our education, parents influence, our experiences can change our heaven's luck. In my opinion, it is better to use other `educational' techniques or behaviour model e.g. child psychology etc... For now, the closest I believe Pillars of Destiny can help is to do a Pillars of Comparison Chart to find the binding elements of two parties. This module is available to members of geomancy-online.com. The module takes into account a detailed analysis of each individuals `clashes' etc.. to analyse against each other's Ba Zhi. Here, the entire pillar segment of a person is looked at and checked against a second person. Other than the above, I cannot see anyone else making claims that relationships can be solved by other `Feng Shui' means. Under `kindergarden' Feng Shui techniques some FS practitioners would advise you to place e.g. a bouqet of flowers or a picture of your family at your " relationship " corner e.g. at SW sector of say a room or living room. I hope to act as a catalyst and also to point out the various techniques used. At the same time, I like to share with everyone my frank opinion of what I personally think. I leave it to each of us to make our own judgements. More research would be needed to see how effective any other theories can be effectively used to help `solve' relationship problems. The caution here is that some FS practitioners may use the guise of `Secret' this and Secret that to make it mysterious for everyone. I do not believe in it and would like to come openly to share with each and everyone what we have found so far. We will continue to work on enhancements to such models. Otherwise, relationships are complex and it is better to use other means rather than I believe rely or trust too much on `Feng Shui' (Pillars). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Yin Feng Shui or Feng Shui for the dead Is it true that the north facing slope of a high ground is preferred for a burial ground? True False Current Results
  16. Polls add interactivity and allows everyone to participate and more importantly share the collective results of the polls. We have now consolidated all polls (both current and new) in the new page located at: http://www.geomancy.net/polls/index.htm You can always click on the above link and bookmark that page. A copy of each new poll will also be shown in the forum page. I hope that you find the Educational polls (or Edu-Polls) useful to help you understand Feng Shui better! By adding a new perspective in applying Feng Shui confidentally. If you like a new poll to be included, please sent us a message either thru e-mail or under the conference: Wish Lish / Enhancements / Feedback. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Learning Feng Shui Great Feng Shui Masters of the past learned Feng Shui from books. Is this true? Yes No Not Sure Current Results
  18. I believe this question is more for those who are new to Feng Shui. But if you are a `veteran', participate by all means:) General Question Do you believe in Feng Shui? Yes No Not sure Current Results
  19. 1. You can now view all the results of the various polls (both current and new polls) at:- http://www.geomancy.net/polls/index.htm 2. Please bookmark the above page so that you can participate in the very informative polls. 3. We will also include the Comments or "Answers" to each poll (where applicable.) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. 1. There is NO right or wrong answers for this poll. 2. Objective of this poll: It would be interesting to find out how many of us think of this issue. View Current Poll Results [Below, Cross-posted from the Chinese Culture forum] There are two versions to the legend of the Three-legged toad:- 1. A Chinese Immortal Lui Hai was said to live in the era of the Sung dynasty in the province of Shensi. According to legend, he was the general who successfully fought off the Lord Liu (Master of the Sea Toad). To this a statute of Immortal Lui Hai with his three-legged Toad is considered the symbol for money-making. 2. A second version: Legend has it that there was once a Toad which lived in a deep well and emited poisonous vapours. Immortal Lui Hai lured the creature witha string of gold cash and killed it. 3. More: Often one sees the Chinese God of Wealth being carried in a procession (festive occassions) together with an image of the three-legged Toad. The association with the God of Wealth (Tau Pei Kong) linked the three-legged Toad with wealth. Hope the above will help everyone to better understand the `origins' of why so much commercialization went into this Chinese belief. The three toad has now become a commercial object and things link a coin and `jewel' added to its mouth etc... Therefore, one can now clearly understand that there is no direct link between the three-legged toad with Feng Shui. The recommended placement of a three-legged toad is on the same wall as the main entrance (next to it) facing into the house. I am a three-legged toad. Do you believe that I can bring you wealth? Yes, I think so. No, I don't believe it can. Current Results
  21. Dear Anon, 1. Nowadays, with land scarcity, more people go for cremation. 2. The funeral procession remains unchanged till today. Instead of `bringing' the dead or leading him/her to the burial grounds by musicians clanging bells etc..., the dead is lead to the crematoria. 3. Usually a separate ceremony is conducted after the ashes of the dead has been collected. 4. The `dotting' of the eyes on the portrait is less commmon today. Few people follow this, as one would later have to continue `ancestor' worship i.e. place the portrait on an alter in the home. Offer incense etc... and prepare offerings during periods like Cheng Meng etc... 5. Burial sites such as the one shown in the picture (Photo Tours) are carefully chosen by Feng Shui Masters. Usually, the tombstone face the South side of a hill or mountain. If one looks at the side picture of one of the photos (under Photo Tours) you will notice that all the graves face a certain direction i.e. cardinal point South (which stands for Yin side). North by the way stands for Yang or the living side. 6. The land for the above burial site was reclaimed sometime in 1970s. The Singapore estate is now Tampines. I believe some of the public housing at Tampines Town, stands on the previous grave of my grand father. 7. As for the burning of paper houses, cars and `Hell money' (printed paper money) offered to the dead. Nowadays, many do not go to the extend of burning the offerings of model paper houses and cars. However, many still burn `gold' paper or `Hell notes' as these are easy to buy and burn. I remembered each time during Cheng Meng, (date to remember the date) we would help to fold these `gold' notes into the shape of Chinese gold ingots and place them in huge baskets to be burnted later. Nowadays, if one does that even in one's backyard, and if there is a complain from neighbours, the police will come after us. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, 1. A symbol of a pair of Mandarin Ducks symbolises marital bliss. It synifies harmonious marriages. 2. When a reed is included in a picture of a Mandarin Duck, this sigifies " May you do well in examinations. " 3. If we drawn a Lotus flower together with a Mandarin duck, this symbolises purity. 4. If a peony flower is drawn together with a pair of Mandarin duck this synifies wealth in a marriage. 5. Chinese peasants in the past, often sew the motif of a mandarin duck e.g. on their pillow cases. 6. In a Buddhist ritual, the duck which is called Ya is the equivalent of another phonetic sounding word Ya, which implies supressing evil. In Taiwan, in the past, it is common to slaughter a black duck (not mandarin duck) on Chinese New Year's eve. The blood of the duck is dripped onto a piece of paper tiger. The paper tiger is then burned at city gates to rid the town of all evil influences for the year. Under `kindergarden' Feng Shui, (Eight Aspirations concept) some Feng Shui practitioners advise one to place a pair of mandarin ducks at the `relationship' corner. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, This is an interesting question. I believe, today, we do live longer thanks to modern science. Not only for the Chinese but mankind all over the world. If we talk specifically about useful Chinese practises that help one to prolong life, these include:- 1. Using a pair of Chop sticks Hey! What has Chop sticks got to do with health? One comment is that because one use a chop stick to pick food and eat it, one is thus forced to eat smaller pieces of food. I believe this has been `documented' or highlighted as a good practice. 2. Traditionally, Chinese food is very healthy It depends on the region one is in but overall traditional Chinese food is healthy. Not like today, where deserts were introduced to Chinese 10 course dinners that we tend to eat especially wedding dinners. 3. Healthy exercise My grand mother practises daily exercises based on Qi-gong. As one can see, there is the " Qi " in the word Qi-gong. It is a simple exercise to stimulate one's Qi. We come across Qi for the home many times in Feng Shui discussions and to the Chinese, Qi does play an important part for the person also. Expert Qi-gong practioners can even concentrate Qi to parts of their bodies e.g. to their palm. This is documented as it shows up in infra-red camera photo shots. There are more but the above are what I believe essentially the most important considerations. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, The Chinese do not differentiate between the frog and the toad. Toads and frogs are commonly found in agricultural locations in China e.g. in padi fields. Chinese use the frog as medicine and for dieting. The rational is because of the shiny surface of the frog which the Chinese call it the dew of heaven. The frog is also called the heavenly chicken. (Toads are left out of this picture because they are poisonous. I am glad that you asked for the `story' of the Three-legged toad. It will help many users understand why the Three-legged toad became a `commercial object'. There are two versions to the story:- 1. A Chinese Immortal Lui Hai was said to live in the era of the Sung dynasty in the province of Shensi. According to legend, he was the generAl who successfully fought off the Lord Liu (Master of the Sea Toad). To this a statute of Immortal Lui Hai with his three-legged Toad is considered the symbol for money-making. 2. A second version: Legend has it that there was once a Toad which lived in a deep well and emited poisonous vapours. Immortal Lui Hai lured the creature witha string of gold cash and killed it. 3. More: Often one sees the Chinese God of Wealth being carried in a procession (festive occassions) together with an image of the three-legged Toad. The association with the God of Wealth (Tau Pei Kong) linked the three-legged Toad with wealth. Hope the above will help everyone to better understand the `origins' of why so much commercialization went into this Chinese belief. The three toad has now become a commercial object and things link a coin and `jewel' added to its mouth etc... Therefore, one can now clearly understand that there is no direct link of the three-legged toad with Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil [Below, Cross-posted from Edu-Polls conference] 1. There is no right or wrong answers for this poll. 2. It would be interesting to find out how many of us think of this issue. Chinese Culture: The Three legged toad I am a three-legged toad. Do you believe that I can bring you wealth? Yes, I think so. No, I don't believe it can. Current Results
  25. Dear Anon, We have not forgotten your valuable comments on the black color background for the daily forecast. You will be pleased to know that not only has the black colour background (with stars) being replaced but Robert has placed the forecast in a readable table format. We promise lots of improvements coming soon and the new generation site will have lots of dynamic modules plus interactivity! Being one of the pioneer Feng Shui sites, we have certainly come along way. Will continue to set high standards in integrity and being a reliable and relevant site. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. Do note that although we do not reply to some of the messages under the Wish List, all feedback and especially suggestions will continously be in our minds. Once we find that your idea is feasible we will implement and update the message forum with the progress.
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