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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Jennifer, I usually do the following: 1. Get a overhead projector transparency (1 piece). 2. Draw the 8 compass directions on the transparency. 3. Use different coloured permanent ink and write down each family member' auspicious and inauspicious direction wordings on each of the directions. For example at North you can see:- Death (Father) Longeivity (Mother) Health (Daughter) Irritation (Son) N | Write each family member's intangible force at each compass sector. 4. Get a layout plan of your home. 5. Draw the centrepoint and mark the North to South compass alignment. 6. Superimpose the transparency onto the layout plan and you will get a `big' picture for everyone. Relate it to their rooms etc.. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Lindsay, There are quite a few stores, have unconcealed ceilings `similiar' to what you have described. Overall, it is acceptable to have the beams especially if it is at the display area. This is why the customers walk around and they are not under the beam at prolonged times. However, for the office (or admin office) try to avoid working under the beams. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, 1. More importantly, for a site, it should also have excellent Feng Shui based on Shapes and Form School. For example: 1. Avoid having a drain or water position behind the house. 2. You piece of land in relation to the neigbhour. Is the land lower then the neighbour? Is it on a slope? There are many more issues to be looked into. 2. The eight house theory has its limitation in that it is best used only for finding the house is suitable to the breadwinner (main door) and the various bedrooms that your family members will occupy. 3. More advanced theories such as Flying Star should be used. My suggestion is that if you want a `worry' free house, it is best to get a competent Feng Shui practioner if you can to do all these for you. As there are so many issues involved. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Carrie, I can understand your confusion. 1. `Text book' answer to the main entrance door is one where the house number is. 2. In real life, the door you used most is considered the actual main entrance door of your house (with or without the house number on it). In my opinion, we should `stick' with the second interpretation. If you have seen movies or shows of old houses in China, their main door is larger than any other doors and is prominently located at the frontage of the house. Nowadays, most houses in the west have a main entrance and a door in the garage. Some users here have taken `advantage' of this by doing a Feng Shui analysis of the two directions to determine which is the `better' main entrance. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Anon, 1.1. The deities are known as Fu, Lu, and Shou in Chinese/Mandarin, representing the Three Stars. 1.2. Each deity symbolizes a specific attribute: Fu = Prosperity Lu = Status Shou = Longevity. 1.3. The concept of Fu Lu Shou originated in the Ming Dynasty, embodying the ideals of Prosperity, Status, and Longevity. 1.4. In the Hokkien dialect group, they are referred to as Hock, Lock, and Siew. 1.5. In Cantonese style, it is said as LUK FUK and SAU. 2. Another important point to consider is that traditional Chinese (Mandarin) books are written from right to left. Based on this information, the correct order to position the 3 statues is from Right to left (facing you). 3. Therefore, Fu should be placed on the far right, Lu in the middle, and Shou on your left. I hope this explanation is helpful. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Jojo, Please see below:- Here it is considered inauspicious for a toilet especially the toilet bowl to be above one's head even before the person comes into the home. Look at it this way: Some practioners will recommend placing three coins under the carpet of the main entrance. When you step on the carpet, one is symbollically stepping on gold. Some other practioners would even ask you to bury the coins prior to tiling the floor for `luck'. From many cases which I observed that have problems, most of these houses do not have a `clear' centre-point. This is where all the intangible forces congregate. For example, if you imagine the Eight House theory, you will find that all the 4 auspicious and inauspicious forces congregate at this location. Worse still if the stove is directly at the centrepoint of the house. The fire will cause an imbalance at this centrepoint. It is for the same reason as mentioned in the second question. Here, another reason is that a bathroom has the water element and because of this, there is an imbalance of the five elements here. It is more inauspicious if the toilet bowl is near to the centrepoint. The result is that symbollically, your finances get flushed `into the drain'. This is where it is difficult to retain money for the breadwinner. As I do not have proper picture I can only comment that: 1. Where possible even if a pool is at the centre of your plot of land, it is acceptable if the house or frontage is facing the pool. Contrast this to have a pool in the middle of the house. This is inauspicious. It is `in general' auspicious if the front of the house face the water position. 2. Where possible, water should not exceed 33.3 percent of the entire plot of land. This would result in a very yin situation. As too much water is too yin. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Sue, In a broad sense, both statements are correct. Usually, you need a competent Feng Shui practitioner to do a Feng Shui for an entire building. The practitioner not only takes into consideration the main entrance of the building but also the frontage. He/She also do an environmental scanning. Some Feng Shui practioners use only Shapes and Form here. While others combine Shapes and Form with Compass School techniques such as an extension of the Flying Star of the interior of a home to this building. In your case, you most likely be concerned with the interior assessment of your home. Unless you hire a Feng Shui practitioner who most likely will also do an overall assessment of the landscape, the site and your home. You can if you want to read more on Shapes and Form as it will be a great help in DIY assessments especially to look out for poison arrows e.g. sharp corners of buildings aimed at your home through a window in the house. The traditional method of locating the direction of the main door is where your house number is placed. However, most of us have more knowledge of Feng Shui and now wants to find out the various options available for the main door. If you have two entrances in the home e.g. a garage entrance and a main entrance, many people would like to find out which door is more suitable for them. Therefore, this is an option only. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear David, It is best to read up on Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui also. You can either read up the resources on thie website or any other books written by Traditional Feng Shui practioners on this subject. As you mentioned, it will help you to understand the exterior of your home e.g. the site where the house is on. If you are using the Eight House Analysis, make sure that you use a compass to find the North to South direction of your house and then superimpose the Eight House template onto your house layout plan. Follow the instructions provided under http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm If I am not mistaken, you mentioned the `Fixed' template format. Where you locate the main door and then use the Black Hat Sect Template. I strongly encourage you not to use this template. The Black Hat Sect "Feng Shui" or *BTB* is not recognised by all authentic Traditional Feng Shui Schools. For example, I have yet to come across a BTB practioner in my country, Malaysia or in Hong Kong. It is a modern invention created in the mind of one man: Lin Yun. The basis of this "Feng Shui" is marketing driven. If you consult a BTB practioner, you will end up buying lots of `enhancers' to enrich their pockets. The result making you poorer instead or worse cause problems. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Carrie, Apologies for the late reply. It is best to look at the house in total. I understand from a later message that your toilet is next to the front entrance. For the toilet, look at it from the perspective of the entire house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, Robert's first priority is to help those who have problems. He created the report so that what was recommended is based on what we (Robert and myself) would have recommended to users. In due course, he will launch the new report. Two new volumes of the Feng Shui Tips and Tricks (a compilation) of the many messages will also be ready in two weeks time. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Jennifer, From past experience, I share the same views as you i.e. especially if it is black and white and image of cubes. Warmest Regards, Cecil Listmanager wrote:
  12. Dear Anon, 1. It is also good to check what is the intangible force at your bedroom under Eight House Theory. 2. It is considered inauspicious to have a toilet (toilet bowl)next to the main entrance especially. This is where it is not advisable to buy a house with such a configuration. As for cure, the only thing you can do is to close the toilet door when not in use and keep the location `bright'. A toilet is considered a yin location and keeping it bright helps to increase the `Yang' component. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear David, If I am not mistaken, most likely there could be a #2 (sickness star) affecting you e.g. in the bedroom. (Flying Star Theory). On the other hand, you can try to do an Eight House Chart to find out if the death or disaster intangible force is in the bedroom or main entrance door. If there is an imbalance under the Flying Star Theory, this can be neutralised. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Sandra, Since you cannot do much in terms of furniture layout, you can consider placing a display small dragon (can be made of glass or other materials) to aim it directly at the edge (or tangent) to the edge of the cabinet. This is a mild form of cure. Other alternatives include placing a fork aimed at the edge or a small toy cannon. I believe you should be able to place e.g. the dragon on the edge of the table such that it can be aimed at the edge and not aimed at your body. I hope this is achievable. If you are unable to have a straight path between e.g. the dragon and the edge of the cabinet, then, it is best not to place one on the table. (If it can `hit' you.) Where possible avoid placing a cactus on your table as this is not a cure. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, It is best to avoid Death / Disaster which are the worst cases. As for the ranking of Spook / Irritation, these are inauspicious. Frankly, one need not need to find a weightage of which is the worst or not too bad based on a ranking system. What matters most is to try to avoid the most inaupicious : Death / Disaster. While Spook / Irritation is considered inauspicious. Looking at it in another way, all the four auspicious sectors e.g. Prosperity, Longevity etc.. are considered auspicious. Is there a purpose to rank them? The issue here is to try to avoid " Death / Disaster " as far as possible. While Spook and Irritation ... are inauspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Asucena, The `cure' depends on the element of the beam. If the beam is a wooden beam, it is best to tie 6 Chinese copper coins together and hang it on the beam. Here 6 Chinese copper (metal) coins represent `Big metal'. This is where metal destroys / neutralises wood (the wooden beam). If the beam is made of concrete, you can hang two wooden bambo flutes as follows: ------------- / \ flute flute You will notice that the flute forms the profile of the top of the Ba Gua or Trigram. Warmest Regards, Cecil n 11/24/99 11:28:34 PM, Asucena Conislla wrote:
  17. Dear Anon, You have to look closely whether the stripes form a three dimensional image e.g. of a cube or corner. If it is "flat" horizontal or vertical lines, I do not see any reason for it to become a `poison arrow'. I.e. it has to be pointed. If it just scrolls across the entire lenght of the wall paper, in my opinion, this is not Sha Qi. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Lisa, This is the " tricky " part in Feng Shui. Under the Compass School of Feng Shui especially the Flying Star theory, the traditional method is to find or locate the `exact' compass degree of the main entrance. Once you have determined the exact compass degree, you then relate it to the `birth date' of the house or if a major renovation has been done, relate it to this. Next, a chart based on the `birth date' of the house and the direction of the main entrance door is drawn based on Flying Star calculations. You will notice that the above is the first step. Once all the flying stars have plotted, next you analyse the house based on the locations and any water positions. Hope you understand that everything is not done `suddenly'. You have to piece the jig-saw at every stage. The above is based on Feng Shui analysis using the Flying star and later analysing the Shapes and Form. -- From another angle -- If you are not utilizing the combination of Flying Star and Shapes and Form, Here, you need to determine the frontage of the house. Once the frontage is determined, check to see if the water position is in front and not the back of the house. Under the second `method' you then apply the Four Symbolic Animals concept ref: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Cheui May, 1. You should as you mentioned use curtains at the large sliding glass back door. 2. Is there any way of placing two potted plants on both sides of the steps or at the landing area of the steps. 3. Is it possible for you to draw a rough sketch of the triangle wedge shape or the area of the room u are occupying now. Where best, especially the bedroom, kitchen and the living room should not be having an odd shape. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Berth, It is best to attach a graphic file under the conference: " Conference for Attaching Layout " as this is easier to look and understand your situation. By the way, you mentioned that the `west' wall has an entrance but no doors. Does it mean that your bedroom does not have any doors. Thanks and looking forward to your layout sketch of the bedroom. Cecil
  21. Dear Elena, Grateful, if you can clarify: 1. "My front door opens to a wall". Does it mean that there is a small open space outside your front entrance area. Where is the fish tank going to be placed in relation to the door. 2. What is the shape of the fish tank. 3. Does it exceed 33.3 percent of the study room area or just small tank. 4. Can you let me have the flying star numbers for the main entrance and the study room. 5. Where best, the breadwinner should not have the element: strong water or weak fire element. 6. If you are standing at the main entrance, looking outside, the fish tank should not be at the right side of house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, There are differing views on this: 1. Some FS practioners find it inauspicious to have the face of the clock face into the living room. Here, it is similar to the concept where it is advisable not to have a clock `face out' of the living room window. It is acceptable if the clock is `meant' to bounce an inauspicious poison arrow. 2. As a clock tower is a narrow tower, and if in a child's room, it is located on the right side of the window, this is considered "penmanship" peak where it is auspicious as this represents a child can become a scholar. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, Usually, the "sunken" part or the lower level can be the living room. Quite often, many houses have `split-levels where there are steps leading up to the dining room. Here, it is acceptable for the living room to be at the lower level. Usually, this lower level is level to the house exterior or slightly raised up. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Sandra, Usually, the main entrance door is the door: 1. Where you have your unit number on. 2. It can also be the door you frequently use. In your case, since you use the door at the "East facing" frequently, this should be considered your main entrance door. What you can do is to check which door is more auspicious to you. The east facing or the North door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, Since you have the alternative method, and since the date of birth is available, why don't you check it out for yourself. If I am not mistaken, it should also come to the same `Li' or South trigram. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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