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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, So far, I not come across any FS practioner use a paper dragon to neutralize the poison arrow. One reason is because objects are easier to use i.e. and can easily be shifted to point to the poison arrow. But do becareful if one is using a dragon because, it should not be in the path of `movement' in the home e.g. placed on a table and aims through the living room to the poison arrow. It has to be placed in such away, that it is nearest e.g. the window (where movement along this line is `rare'). In my personal opinion, as mentioned above, I have yet to come across anyone who uses a paper dragon. Therefore cannot truly comment on its `effectiveness'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, Frankly, I am not too sure about the name of the plant. So far, the plant continues to have flower buds and as soon as one set of flowers `die', the new set of flowers bloom all year round. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Ann, There are two methods of determining the placement of mirrors: 1. The most accurate is based on Flying Star Theory. Here, the house is analysed and the sector where the room (wall) is should not have inauspicious stars. For example if the sector of the room has a #2 Sickness or #5 Misfortune Star, placing a mirror at the location (wall) will double the effect. 2. If one do not want to go further than using such tools, would have to depend on one's personal feelings. If one feels comfortable, then place the mirror. As this is `trial and error' Feng Shui, when one place the mirrors avoid doing other `enhancements'. If it is placed correctly, there is no effect on the family member using the room. Such as falling sick frequently etc... I like to be as frank as possible. The above senario Para 2. may not happen. The probability of encountering it is 1 out of 9 sectors. I am not sure what is your `intention' of using the mirror. Is it for decorative purposes or to create the illusion of a bigger room. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Glyn, Truly sad to hear about the series of mishaps. On the surface, like you mentioned it looks like the effect of the Grand Duke. Perhaps, Shapes and Form may (or may not) be a further cause of it especially if the building profile has been `altered'. This is because, Shapes and Form has been known to result in such tragedies. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Anon, 1. Wooden Ceiling beam The advise here is to use 6 `ancient' Chinese coins with square holes tied with red string. Here, Metal is used to destroy wood. 2. Cement ceiling beam Use two bamboo flutes to form the top profile of the Ba Gua symbol:- ____ / \ Here, the wooden bamboo flutes is used to destroy earth (cement) 3. Metal ceiling beam Here you can paint the beam red. As Red represents fire element and is used to destroy or control metal. What we are using is based on the Five Elements `Destructive Cycle'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Elmer, Frankly, you need not worry about the `missing' dragon. The reason is because: 1. A dragon may be present or considered a `false dragon' but still a dragon. Here, you may need a Feng Shui Master with expertise in Shapes and Form to detect it. 2. If the house compound (on the East) has tall trees; this can be considered a `false' dragon. (If one really looked hard, one should be able to find a dragon even if it is a `false' dragon). Since you are staying in a terrace, if there is a terrace next to yours, there is relatively no effect on your house or this is really not an issue. 3. In the past, an excellent site is one where the Dragon has to embrace the lower Tiger. Nowadays, greater concern is placed on:- a. A solid backing behind the house. b. A clear space (infront). An added bonus if there is a water position at the frontage of the house. With these two, you would have a `decent' house (provided you correct any poison arrows aimed at the house). It is my believe that what you are facing is common and please do not be overly concerned about it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, 1. There are some differences in opinion over this. But the differences are not on Feng Shui but rather based on `beliefs'. 2. The belief is that it is inauspicious to hang a carpet especially if it has been `used' before e.g. stepped on. 3. On the other hand, some find it acceptable to hang carpets. Especially `antique' carpets such as the Famous hand stiched Persian carpets. 4. It is my opinion, that there is really no harm to hang decorative carpets on the wall. They can be treated like any other piece of art. (Especially if they are rare pieces). Where best, if they have red background, ideally they should be hung in the living room or in a `special' room. Red usually associated with Yang energy. Where possible try not to hang a red carpet on the South wall unless one is a weak Fire person. 5. Like curtains, they should be regularly `cleaned' and not left to collect dusts. 6. This is not Feng Shui: If you have a `hi-fi' room, the carpet can be placed in such as room. It will absorb echoes and excellent as a sound room to enjoy quality music or music played in a show room. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, Yes, this is one of the concepts of Shapes and Form School in relation to the interior of the house. The best principle to apply is to see if you can cover the bookself e.g. such as cloth or a cabinet with doors. Here, the concept is: `If you no longer see them, they are no longer a `threat' '. Alternatively, try to see if the bookselves can be shifted so that they do not face you or your body. It also depends on how long you spent `facing' the books. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Glyn, When I am around Waterloo / Albert Street, will look around the names of the shops selling such items.. Warmest Regards Cecil
  10. Dear Users, Ever since I moved into this house, both pots of plants have been flowering non stop at the home's balcony at the South side of the house. Picture 1: Showing the pot of plant with flowers on the left side of the balcony. (Facing out of the house) Size of picture 32K, please wait loading... By the way, the balcony of the house faces the swimming pool. Here, I usually relax at the pool and admire it's `Ming Tang effect'. *JOKE* `Practise what I "preach" ' i.e. water at the frontage of the house:) Oops, the picture of the person at the pool side is certainly not me! -- I am the one taking the picture from above. Picture 2: Showing the pot of plant with flowers on the right side of the balcony. Size of picture 36K, please wait loading... Earlier on, I had also posted a picture of a `wooden dragon' I had used to neutralize a poison arrow. The picture of the wooden dragon (which I made do without purchasing a special dragon) is found under the Conference: Wish List / Enhancement / Feedback. Look for a Topic with the word `wooden dragon'. My home is also not immune to poison arrows. As I am also a man. I have to like everyone take precautions against poison arrows. Like Anon, recently mentioned, Flying Star may be powerful but environmental scanning does help to locate poison arrows. After which we need to find a way to neutralise it. When my home had to redo the floor titles, I had no choice but to remove the `wooden dragon' which neutralises the poison arrow. I knew that when I removed the `wooden dragon' I would encounter problems. True enough, it happened. Immediately after the flooring was completed, I placed back the `wooden dragon' and things went back to normal. The two potted plants continued to flower without fail all year round. Immediately after one set of flowers bloom and die, another set takes over. What a lovely sight. I believe that only after one has tasted "bitterness", then, sweetness arrives. I hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Ritter, `Fixed' template or Feng Shui based on Eight Associations or Life Associations on its own is considered too general to be of specific use. Concepts where one must leave the Romance corner "alone" and enhanced is in my opinion like kindergarden teaching in Feng Shui. What happens if SW is the toilet? Does it mean that one must place flowers on the toilet bowl cover and each time when we use it, remove the flowers. Worse still, can we never have romance since SW is in the toilet? The relation flushed into the toilet each time we have one? In my opinion, the above " concept " does not take into account or personalised to an individual. What happens if everyone seeks to do the same i.e. 10 colleagues enhance or out competes each other to enhance their SW sector. If the above sounds sensible, then one should still consider practising Kindergarden Feng Shui. It is best to advance to higher forms of Feng Shui and leave the kindergarden or nursery school behind. In fact, if a house has good Shapes and Form, greater than 50 percent of the `battle' has been won. If a house has excellent Shapes and Form, the marks increases to 70 percent or more or an A+. Here, some do not need to go further using any other Feng Shui principles and yet, have Health, Wealth and Happiness. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  12. I used local Singapore coins to effectively cure a #2 and #5 at home. Picture 1: Shows a close up view of the Six Singapore $1 copper coins over red paper / or Chinese ang pow (red packet). Size of image 20K loading... Picture 2: Shows how it is hanged on the curtain. It is hooked to the curtain using a curtain hook. Size of image 25K loading... Picture 3: Shows the face of the Singapore $1 copper coin (Size of image 7K) Picture 4: Shows the tail of the Singapore $1 copper coin (Size of image 7K) I use 3M Scotch Tape to tape each of the 3 coins onto the Red paper packet. It does not matter if the face or the tail is showing. The red `paper' represents fire is used to control the 6 coins. This location has a #2 and #5 bad stars. So far, in my opinion, it works well to cure the site. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, As requested, please find the photo of the wooden dragon and the poison below:- Please wait (Picture 43K in size) loading... The poison arrow (Picture 12.7K in size) loading... I make do with what I have as a cure. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Joe, Indeed you have asked an interesting question. 1. Very often if one is house `hunting' and go look at houses that are not occupied, when we first step into the house (without first opening the window), when we breathe in the air, some how it is `stale' air. In many cases, after new houses were constructed, when I do the audit, I do feel the above. 2. Here, it is my believe that human Qi is equally important within a house or office for the following reasons:- a. Qi around us can consist of steam, weather, gas and force (atmospheric pressure). b. One unrelated but quite important matter is the moon. For example, high and low tides are attributed to the moons influence on our water system. High and low tides are visible when we sit on the shore. In away, we can say that the earths gravity pull is attributed to the moon's rotation around the earth. 3. Similiarly, the concept of Tai Su or Duke of Jupiter follows the same. In Chinese Astrology, it was felt that Jupiter being such a large planet does have `influences' on us. Even in the West, we hear of terms like the full moon and its effect on our moods. Some Feng Shui practioners also advised their clients to conduct Sales or PR on full moon. 4. The reason why I mentioned the above is that even if we are in an enclosed space, "gravity" can be in away considered the equivalent or near equivalent of explaining atmospheric Qi. 5. Some of us have read of Dangers of Underground water. These are considered `steams' or gases emissions from the ground. But if we are in an apartment / flat, this direct contact is less or `nil'. 6. I believe, many homes and especially office buildings are similiar in someways to your situation where the windows and doors are closed all the time. If we look towards the skyline and we would have noticed that all modern skyscrapers are `sealed' e.g. we see rows and rows of windows. In such situations, usually certain floors e.g. 18th floor, 36th floors have aircondition vents. In my opinon, the air exchange within these buildings are conducted through the aircon ducts. Here, some of the Qi moves thru aircon ducts. There are more including Human Qi which we will look into below. 7. In your case, I can offer one main explanation:- - Human activity that results in Qi flow a. In Feng Shui, there is what is known as our aura and our movement. Those who have well developed Qi has been even captured with thermal cameras. E.g. practioners of Qi gong or Chinese healers who can direct their Qi. Simple movement of humans in the house also contribute to `stirring' Qi. b. Hot and Cold We have lots of household appliances in our house. Two major ones are in our kitchen and e.g. living room. In the living room for example, I believe one can count the number of electrical items ranging from lighting to tv sets. In other rooms, computers etc... 8. We have to remember such items produce heat and inturn changes the pressure around the room. Hot air rises and cold air is drawn into the house e.g. from the gap below the door or `cracks' around the window slides. 9. We have to understand that no house is airtight unless one lives inside a diving bell for example. But in such situations, air is still pumped into the bell. 10. The activity of hot and cold say within the house causes air movement to flow. In the kitchen, if we do cooking, or have a refigerator running, there is some dew and again, there is interaction of hot and cold. 11. Therefore, even if we close our windows or doors, air will constantly `sip' in from around any opening be it small or thru the gaps around windows and doors. Here, one do not need to open the door or window. 12. Placement of fish tank would also add the element of vapour (even how minute it is). I am not sure how fast or slowly the evaporation rate of water into vapours but in hotter countries, this is quite common. 13. Another important point is that even if we do not turn on electrical appliances, the sun rays that `bathe' our house is uneven ie. in the morning, the sun rays heat up the eastern side of the house and at noon it is on top etc... Here, for some houses the walls of the house would have been warmed up at different times and since there is hot and cold, again hot air rises and cold air gets in. I understand that Para 13. would depend on the country each of us are staying. What I wanted to explain is to show `something' each of us can `visualse' with rather than abstract notions of Qi. All these are considered Qi. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, In my opinion, no, halogen lamps are not considered bad. ONly that it has a higher concentration of lighting even if it gives off heat. Many Feng Shui practioners believe that lighting whether it is from a light bulb or halogen lamp is still considered light. To many artificial light is another source of beneficial Qi. Furthermore, there is no impact from its shape because it is small. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Anon, 1. If you are considering the Eight House Theory, usually, it is used to find whether the house is suitable to the breadwinner. 2. Please check your compass direction. If your house is between Compass degree = O degrees to 22.4 degrees; then the house is considered a North house. If the compass reading is between 22.5 degrees to 45 degrees then, the house is a North East House. 3. The Eight House is only an indication as to whether the house is suitable or not suitable for you. Other considerations is required under the Eight House. Such as whether the bedroom you are sleeping is also an auspicious sector. 4. The `battle' of whether the house is auspicious has not been won yet. Many other considerations need to be taken into consideration: a. Shapes and Form School has not been taken into consideration yet. There are tons of books on this subject. Or you can view the resource information on www.geomancy.net b. There are other Feng Shui theories available. This depends on whether you want to go further or merely stop at the Eight House and Shapes and Form. There are many materials and messages on other techniques such as Flying Star and Pillars of Destiny. Please use the SEARCH ICON on the top frame if you want to find out more. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, Yes, all the messages from this forum will be transferred to the new forum. The messages will be compressed and will have faster search feature plus programming new features to make this forum even more user friendly. I also like to apologise if the search takes a while; especially the Free Advice (General Topics) as there are 1750 messages. The search in the forum will be faster because of compression technology and it can be sent to the external pages (outside of this forum) if we wanted to. As mentioned, in an earlier message the new version has a few fatal flaws and only until it is fixed by the vendor, the new version will not be launched. Like the saying goes " If it ain't broken, don't fix it." We will only `fix' or launch the new version after we are satisfied that it is working 100 percent. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Julie, 1. It is good to first use the Eight House Theory to look at the house in relation to the breadwinner's suitability to the house e.g. what is the intangible force at the main entrance door or any other alternative main doors. Next look at the intangible force at the main entrance door. 2. Under the Shapes and Form School, since you house has four levels, where best particularly the toilets should not be above such areas as the bedroom, kitchen (especially the cooking stove), living room or above the main entrance door. 3. The optional method is to use the Flying Star Theory (which can be applied to all four floors) to check out auspicious and inauspcious sectors. 4. But if you are in a real hurry to find out your wealth area. Since, there seems to be four wealth sectors, you may have the wealth sector x 4 times. If so, and you quickly want to find them out, please visit the web forum and locate this conference:- Wish List / Enhancements / Feeback Your answer is in this Topic: Thank you for allowing every body to share their thoughts and views. Please look for my response. The answer is found under Para 8 and 11. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Tam, Thanks for subscribing to the 101 Tips Volume I. Currently, we have differed the launch of our new forum. (Which is an updated version over this present forum but with added enhancments such as open scripting to allow us to program many userful features asked). Once, the vendor has confirmed that all the major bugs had been fixed; we will go ahead to launch the new version of this forum. We will be able to as add useful features like Yesterday's search, faster SEARCH feature then current and lots more. For now, you can make use of the SEARCH feature on this forum if one login to the web forum. To fine tune your search you can type in Kitchen or a string of words to narrow down your search. Most importantly, once we launch the new forum, search will be faster and we will continue to customise the forum to make it easier to use. Thanks to you and many others for the valuable suggestions to improve this forum. We will also be compiling the 101 Tips Volume II and III as soon as possible. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Readers, Please be reminded that the materials in this forum must not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed or translated into other languages without prior written consent from the copyright owners. To seek approval please write to:- Cecil Lee at cecil@3dmail.com or sent snail mail:- Cecil Lee The Meyer Place No. 6 Meyer Place #04-01 Singapore 437995 Copyright (C) Geomancy-Forum.com All rights reserved. Thank you. Cecil Lee Geomancy.Net
  21. Dear Anon, Most couples are happy with the coming of the Dragon year. To the Chinese, it is considered auspicious to have a child born under the Dragon Year. I mentioned earlier that since this will be a popular year, there will be stiff competition when the child goes to School. Some schools even have to arrange to expand their classes or add an additional class room. One thing about Zi Wei Dou Shu or Chinese Astrology is like it's cousin the Western version of Astrology, it can try to `paint' the story for what is coming but it does not have the ability to provide a solution or cure for an individual. For example, under Pillars of Destiny, if under next year's luck pillar, it is inauspicious, if you know the element involved you can use the Five Elements concept to make full use of it. This is the main difference between Destiny (Pillars) and Chinese Astrology such as the one found at www.lovesigns.net which is popular just like Western Astrology i.e. stars such as Aquarius, Libra etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, 1. A house will not only `show' bad combinations but also a mix of both good and bad combinations. 2. In addition to this, I recently mentioned that even if one has perfect house with excellent Flying star, it also depends on external influences. For example, even if the house has not so good Feng Shui based on say the Flying Star Theory, it also depends on the following:- a. The location where one spents time at. b. The individual's Pillars and Luck Pillars. If these are good for the individual, it changes the luck also. Furthermore, especially if the sector e.g. his/her bedroom are in auspicious sectors. c. Shapes and form is another overriding considerations. The house I am currently staying has a neighbours bungalow which is `entrapped' lower and both sides of the roof is like the profile of two hands bringing in luck to my apartment i.e. whatever luck that `falls' to the house is being moved into my house. Here, the house's Flying Star is considered average but because the Shapes and Form over whelmed the current senario. d. A further example is I recently mentioned that my brother was trying to purchase his new home. In Singapore, houses get `snapped' up quickly. Robert armed himself with his IBM notebook and we did online calculations to determine the best house for him. In addition, the new house he bought has excellent Shapes and Form. His unit is at the Apex of the plot of land and although the house is `triangle' in shape, the Apex is like two hands bring in wealth and his master bedroom is at the Top of the plot of land. Furthermore there are double #7's and the base number is equally auspicious. What is unique is that althought the plot of land is triangle, the floor plan is also triangular which to many would consider `inauspicious' but again this depends. I purchased another housing development and my new house due to be completed also has double #7's and is in my opinion equally auspicious. I do not want to elaborate on this as we still own the house. (I would in this instance like to keep the layout and pictures of the house private.) 3. It is difficult to say whether the same bad incidences will occur again. Take the story of my Grand father and the recent message I replied in response to another user asking about is there houses not `fit' for humans. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, For those who are interested to learn about the Kings and Queens, can for example purchase or rent the show called " The Last Emperor ". I believe the lead actor is John Lone. This show traces the life of the Last Emperor of China. I believe the last king died sometime in 198x (correct me if I am wrong). When the last king set on the throne, he was only a boy. In fact contrary to popular belief, Empress Dowager, during his reign was running the Kingdom and managing the affairs. One reason why their is a rise and fall of empires is attributed to time dimension. A burial site may be auspicious at certain periods but become less auspicious in the next period. Similiarly, one period may be good for the ruler, another period worse off. Someone else, may have good periods, and thus another King may take over the present one. Time dimension is therefore, important in Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, In my opinion, these two I believe are separate issues. If one believes that there is `tree enegry' than it should be tree energy outside. It should be able to `extend' into the house like that. But high lamps, the higher they are when turned on is regarded as lighting or light energy. As we have read in the forum, lighting is one of the other common Feng Shui `tools' frequently used by Geomancers. To many Geomancers, pictures are also considered `enhancers'. But it is difficult to say how effective they. Usually, the recommendation is something pleasing to the eye. This is quite subjective so, here we treat it of secondary importance (for the moment). The other enhancers are plants or water positions. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, Apologise for the inflexibility of the forum to allow for `Yesterday' messages. The current version of the forum cannot allow us to do open scripting or change its features. The new version can but we had checked that it has too many bugs and is very unreliable. We will wait for all the bugs to be fixed and patched before even consider using it. Therefore, once this is done, we will use the latest version and implement lots of user friendly features. Thanks for your kind understanding. Like the saying goes.. `It does not pay to be hasty' and I believe in quality. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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