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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Travis, 1. Sorry to learn about your health problems. 2. Most likely, there could be a sickness #2 or #5 at the current sector that you are occupying. 3. We would be glad to provide you will a Free paid, Flying Star report. Please email: robert-lee@3dmail.com and let us know if you have an existing account at www.geomancy-online.com and the account name privately. 4. Currently, it would be crucial to try to determine: The year of birth of the building/apartment and the direction of the main door. As a reference, the `year of birth' of the building need not necessary be the year the building was built but rather, when was the last major renovations of the building. If you still have a problem, and if the renovations was done prior to 1984, you may try to use Period 6 for the Flying Star Analysis. If the renovations were done after 1984, you may try to use Period 7 to do a Flying Star audit of the building. 5. As we are not physically present to help you, you may like to check whether there are any external `poison' arrows aimed into the apartment thru any of the windows or at your room door. Take care! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, The fundamental questions are: 1. Where is the romance sector. 2. If there are more than one interpretation of romance sector, how should we go from there? 1. Where is romance sector? Some Feng Shui practitioners/authors use the Eight Associations or Life Aspirations/Association concept and pin-point to the South West sector. Such practitioners or authors, consider that it can be applied to say the SW sector of the bedroom. 2. If there are more than one interpretation of romance sector, how should we go from there? In an earlier forum message, one can find that: Under the Flying Star, #8 represents the "Romance" sector i.e. at North East. I have also reproduced several combinations of Mountain and Water Stars and their association with Romance. 3. How do we go from here? The question asked is which "Romance sector" should one enhance? if at all? 4. If one is really desperate to find Romance, is it logical to enhance all these sectors with the suggested enhancer `crystals' or `fountains'? 5. The most logical method is firstly use the Flying Star to check for any imbalances within each sector of the house. 6. It is not conclusive that crystals or fountains can enhance or activate romance to come alive. 7. What is worse, is that, many horror stories abound of people, using excessive or too much `Feng Shui' cures or enhancers like crystals or even fountains at the `wrong' location or what worse, does not match their Pillars of Destiny. 8. Imagine, if one is a weak fire person, a fountain may further exhaust his element. While for a strong water person the additional fountain (water) may overwhelm him/her creating sickness or competition at work. 9. In my opinion, it does not `pay' to spend money to create more problems for ourselves. We should lead normal lives like normal people and not overwhelm ourselves with self created problems. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, 1. Usually the combination occurs specific to the Flying Star Chart being generated. We have provided the interpretation of the various combinations under the generated reports for Flying Star. 2. In the future, once I am fully satisifed with the Flying Star Course, will have the information available for those taking the courses. As there are 81 combinations of Mountain and Water Stars, as not every combination are the same for each person, as mentioned, we have already provided this in under our Flying Star Report at www.geomancy-online.com Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Alice, 1. Usually, the Pillars of Occupation report will indicate the type of career and that it should be in `frequent contact with'. Perhaps, you may like to check to see if the `Wealth career' has to be in frequent contact with another element. For example, Accounting under the Five Elements Concept is considered the Metal element. 2. Previously, jobs are easier to define and not as `complex' as today's where we may perform multi-skills in one job. 3. Our emphasis of using the Pillars is more geared towards, the Feng Shui portion of precisely determing a person's element and its strength and using the season of strength under the Luck Pillars to further provide a `larger' picture and understanding of any enhancements or cures for the users/clients. 4. As many users have also requested for various other modules related to Pillars of Destiny such as `Pillars of Occupation', we have provided it also. Presently, I can only say that it is harder today to properly determine the exact element of each occupation as it may consists of a few elements. For now, one way of finding the element for a specific job is to find the main skill involved and thus consider this the element of the job. For example, as you had mentioned an Accounts Executive job; if it is related to accounting, currently this is considered a Metal element occupation. However, sometimes titles may be misleading and the job may be more focused on Accounting entry using a computer. The job then may not be considered of the metal element. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Further to the earlier message, this combination of stars is pretty interesting:- If Moutain Star #2 and Water Star #7, the significance is:- "Enjoy good wealth during period 7. However, great wealth will result in possible romance. Beware of someone using kindness or romance to cheat you of your wealth." Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee (C) Copyright 2000, Cecil Lee, The 81 Interpretations, Geomancy.net
  6. Dear Anon, Each has its advantages and disadvantages. 1. Usually, the 8 pie is easiest to do if one has a protractor or already has a predrawn transparency template done. It's so simple thus to determine the centrepoint and then immediately, sketch/draw the 8 pie on the copy of the layout plan. The 8 pie is also easy especially if the house is odd shpaed, with missing corners or you want to do an analysis which extends outwards of the house. It is also good for circular houses. Many Traditional Feng Shui practitioners like to use this because the numbers, Water, Mountain and Base stars, in my opinion can be neatly written and clearly understood. 2. The 9 equal parts, or 9 grids is useful if the house is rectangular or squarish shape is acceptable. Here, you can clearly see which sector is under the influence of a particular sector. It is advantages only if we are only looking within the confines of the house or within the borders of the house. 3. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers as to which method to use. For me, I prefer to use the Pie Chart method as a quick an easy way to subdivide the sectors (plus the centre sector). If the house is a `perfect' rectangle or square, the grids are much easier to draw. Many Singapore government flats have sectors or divisions of rooms that quite fall within the 9 x 9 grid and thus it makes sense to use the Grid method. Plus, the walls fall parallel with the True compass directions e.g. North, 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees ... 4. More importantly, it is not how one draws the 9 x 9 grid or 8 sector Pie charts but, the delivery is in giving quality results to the clients. 5. In the past, I do have a laugh when there was a debate over which method is `better'. I believe, all of us has more important things to do than childishly fight over such a `silly' matter. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, The Flying Star has: 1. The Base Star. 2. The Water and Mountain Stars. Glyn correctly pointed out that the Base Number #8 (North East, Weak Earth) is correct to represents Romance. 2. Under the `81' interpretations: Mountain Star #1 and Water Star #4 which is similar to Mountain Star #4 and Water Star #1 signifies the following:- "Successful sales, become famous, praised, have good luck and likely to be promoted." Mountain Star #4 and Water Star #4 which is similar to Mountain Star #4 and Water Star #4 signifies the following:- "Suitable for going out. You have romance luck." Mountain Star #7 and Water Star #4 signifies the following:- "Romance Luck" Mountain Star #4 and Water Star #7 which is similar to Mountain Star #4 and Water Star #4 signifies the following:- "Romance is in control. There is Wealth and Romance gains during this period." Mountain Star #1 and Water Star #7 and Mountain Star #7 and Water Star #1 signifies the following:- "Good luck in romance. Very lucky when going out. Prosperous." Thus, my interpretation of "#4 and #1' and vice versa, differs from the statement mentioned below. Warmest Regards, Cecil (C)Copyright 2000, Cecil Lee
  8. Dear Anon, 1. In my opinion, ideally, one should not use a large cactus to neutralize the sha qi. 2. A large (indoor) plant would be a better alternative. It can also be an artificial plant. Also, on a "commonsense" approach, it would not be ideal to place a large cactus plant in a shopping complex or office as someone may accidently brush against it or their bags etc.. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, 1. First of all, one viewpoint of the Grand Duke Theory is that the Grand Duke is actually based on the movement of the Planet Jupiter. 2. As Jupiter is the largest planet circling, thus Chinese astronomers believe that it has an influence (e.g. magnetic influence) on other planets depending on its location. 3. Thus, one view is that the Grand Duke is based on Chinese Astrology readings. Please see below:- Yes, I recalled a real life example of a user in this forum. I believe it was one of the older messages. She mentioned that workers dug earth outside the room which she was sleeping. And she had problems after that. Yes, based on the 3 killings, usually the opoosite side needs to `watch out.' Theortically, this is `correct.' But usually, this is the least priority or in my opinion, if we were to look at the use of the Grand Duke Theory, it is best to be concerned with `digging' portion. This concept of not opposing the Grand Duke i.e. I believe, would be better off being applied in a macro environment e.g. during a war where you try to have the Grand Duke `supporting' you rather than confronting him. In my opinion, I do use the Grand Duke Theory for this. One concept is that one should not block the Grand Duke. It is considered disrestpectful to block him. Currently, there is a controvesy as some some practitioners do not believe in the Grand Duke Theory. You may have to decide for yourself, based on the various inputs or to keep it under consideration. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Valerie, This has to be approached from two view points: (1.) Using Intutitive Feng Shui (2.) Using Traditional Feng Shui methods 1. If one do not want to dwell further into Feng Shui, can use the intuitive or their 6th Sense. Under this, so long as the house has had no major problems, such as `happenings' like unnatural deaths etc.. Issues like previous "domestic problems" should not be an issue. Such Sha Qi usually dissipates `fast'. 2. For those who go further i.e. using Feng Shui may, use the Eight House Theory to see where is the best placement of the table i.e. generally checking the auspiciousness or inauspicious sectors. 3. Where possible, the office table placement should be against wall etc.. 4. For those who, want to take a step further after having done the Eight House may want to consider using the Flying Star. If not, can `end' at the Eight House. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, 1. If you have the opportunity to avail yourself to the services of a Feng Shui practitioner onsite, much the better. Since you are building a new house, many considerations need to be considered. Other important considerations, is that the Feng Shui consultant can advise you on the best date for `starting' the work. 2. There are lots of considerations to be made and a trained eye would be a better choice. Please see below:- There are a few considerations here: 1. Where possible, the house should be suitable to the breadwinner. The Eight House can be used generally to check how suitable the house is to the breadwinner. Where possible avoid the death or disaster sector. 2. On the birth chart of the house, if it is a new house and if it is possible to have a double 7's at the main door for a period 7 house, much the better. Alternatively, the main door should be at an auspicious sector. 3. Usually after considering Para 1 and 2, then you see how best the door can be `protected' from a direct poison arrow. For example, if there are no other alternatives and under Para 1 and 2, it may be advantages to tilt the main door to an auspicious sector of the breadwinner. As mentioned, for those who are new to Feng Shui may find what I mention Greek to you. If so, this is the reason why, I believe, if you can find a Feng Shui practitioner to do a onsite analysis the better. Under the Conference: Photo Tours of Interest (with Pictures) Locate the short write-up on the Sterling Condominum. This plot of land has a rectangular shape. But a few units in this condominum have excellent Feng Shui. However, this triangle plot sits on a hill. The apex is the tip of the triangle. Those at the apex are considered to have good Feng Shui. Based on symbolism of Feng Shui, those at the apex are like at the `Top' or occupy the `top' positions. Thus what this means is that not all triangle plot of land have `bad' Feng Shui. If you are using the Eight House Theory, there are four auspicious and four inauspicious sectors. Generally, especially if the house has the death/disaster sector at the main entrance area, this is under the Eight House, the most unsuitable house for the breadwinner. Ideally, the best is to avoid having a bathroom at the centrepoint. Where possible, keep this sector clear. If it can be avoided, prior to building so much the better. Frankly, after having seen so many cases, in my personal opinion, there are no known cures for this. Best, avoid, avoid and avoid. A full Feng Shui audit is not isolated. One has to use all the various concepts and theories to examine the house. Shapes and Form, Flying Star and Eight house cannot live in isolation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, 1. Priority should be given to the Flying Star Analysis as it takes into consideration the Time Dimension in Feng Shui. 2. However, we have to ask this question: Although Flying Star Analysis takes into consideration the Time Dimension, what is the duration of the Flying Star analysis using the Time Dimension? For example, the usual standard is to do a 20 Year Flying Star and if the practitioner is proactive, would also do a Yearly Flying Star Analysis. 3. For those who use the report at Geomancy-online.com, a full report would include the 20 Year Flying Star, plus the Yearly and Monthly Flying Star analysis. 4. Normally, you should use the 20 Year Flying Star Report and also look at this year's Flying Star report. If the cure defers, users may take analysis provided under the Yearly Flying Star Report. 5. The plus point is that one can further fine tune the imbalances for each Year. If we look at the Flying Star of the Year also. 6. The minus point is that one must remember to generate a new report for the next year or generate the report for the next year and note down, any changes (if any) for the next year. 7. The above are usually done for many of us who do not have current problems. For example, the house continues to enjoy good Shape and Form and the household lives, `happily' with occassional minor ups and downs. 8. For those who, follow Feng Shui `cures' closely are the ones who use the Monthly Flying Star chart. 9. Therefore, you can see that when we mentioned about Flying Star Feng Shui, we have to find out what `level' of analysis was done. If it is a 20 Year Flying Star analysis, although it takes into consideration, time dimension, it is still a 20 year (average). 10. On the basis of a 20 year Flying Star analysis, we should not totally discount the Eight House Theory i.e. if there is an inauspicious intangible force at the bedroom. Thus if one looks at it, the Eight House is still a major consideration if we average `out' the time dimension under Flying Star. 11. If you soley use the Monthly Flying Star analysis, one can if you want to, leave out the Eight House Theory. My opinion is that if you still use the 20 Year Flying star or the Yearly Flying Star, do keep in consideration the Eight House intangible force. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Luna, 1. Priority is on the Flying Star Chart of the House. 2. More importantly, under the Eight House, best to look at areas where one spent the most time at also. For example, the bedroom location. 3. As Feng Shui is a holistic approach, Shapes and Form should also be looked at seriously. 4. I forgot to mentioned that under `Quantum Leap', for the Eight House, the bedroom intangible force has to be looked into. More importantly, Para 3, the Shapes and Form School is also of prime importance. Both external and interior of the house. External: Threats to main door, windows. Internal: Toilet at the centre, severe missing corners, odd shaped houses etc... We still must use all available tools. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Nikki, Firstly, a warm welcom. Under Chinese Astrology, you can visit http://www.lovesigs.net for an interesting insight about your Chinese Zodiac signs. Do take your time to find out more about the facinating `art' and `science' of Feng Shui. One quick easy start is to Tour the `Fun with Feng Shui' pages on this site at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/map.htm or read thru, the various `past' messages in this forum or simply narrow down or zoom in to a specific subject through the SEARCH feature. Alternatively, you use some of the computerised tools available on this site at: http://www.geomancy-online.com Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, This link has a short write up of the origins of the Japanese Cat:- http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~ys-trade/CAT.HTM Source and credit: (The above site) The Origin of Happy Cat(Fortune cat) The origin of the Happy cat (fortune cat) dates back to the end part of 1780's in Edo(Tokyo). The happy cats have been considered to beckon and welcome customers to the shops by rising its hand (Please note, in Japan, the gesture such as happy cats do means beckoning somebody forward.) and thanks to this, shop, especially restaurant, must do a goods business with so many customers. On the other hand, at the firm village, happy cat was sometimes placed at farmers house as a guardian deity to keep off rats. Now, there are several types of happy cat. Typically, the cat rising its left hand beckons money and the cat rising its right hand do customers. --- End of Quote --- Overall, based on the pictures from the earlier site and this, it would seem that the Happy Cat has its origins in Japan rather than China. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. This message was cross posted from the Free Advice (General Topics) Forum Dear Anon, I did a search for you and found this link: http://home1.gte.net/iiws/gl.htm 1. The above page has a picture of all Four Cats. 2. This store called `The Good Luck' Store has this to say about the Prosperity Cats: ------- Quote : ------- "Our top seller" Give the gift that invites Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health. From ancient times in Asia there are many stories about the Lucky Cat. The Golden one brings you riches. The Black one protects you from illness. The one raising its left hand invites customers to a business. The right hand one invites prosperity. All sizes, all prices from $18.00. ----- End ----- Do note that as usual, I like emphasie that the above is not Feng Shui. But a belief. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, I did a search for you and found this link: http://home1.gte.net/iiws/gl.htm 1. The above page has a picture of all Four Cats. 2. This store called `The Good Luck' Store has this to say about the Prosperity Cats: ------- Quote : ------- "Our top seller" Give the gift that invites Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health. From ancient times in Asia there are many stories about the Lucky Cat. The Golden one brings you riches. The Black one protects you from illness. The one raising its left hand invites customers to a business. The right hand one invites prosperity. All sizes, all prices from $18.00. ----- End ----- Do note that as usual, I like emphasie that the above is not Feng Shui. But a belief. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, 1. Star #2 has the `Earth' element. 2. A solid mass may inadvertently represent the Earth element. It is best to be cautious when activating a mountain star at #2 or #5. It may create an imbalance and activate e.g. the #2 causing sickness. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Anon, "Hong Bao" literally means a `Red Packet'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Anon, No, by right, a mountain star has to be activated. Sometimes, it may have been activated if there is already a heavy object with mass at the sector. I can quite understand the `rationale' for the apparent reason for it to be `automatically' activated because, it one is not too concern about `safety' may place a heavy object above the bed. It can easily `drop off' or `fall off' and injur a person's head or other parts of the body. This would be worse! Warmest Regards, Cecil Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, 1. Thank you for your information. 2. Currently, we have quite alot of real cases that we are helping out. Many of them are not `seen' because we are helping out privately. We would like to do case studies but currently, I hope you understand, helping those in need is more crucial at this stage. 3. For now, we have to hold back your present request. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, 1. Under the Eight Associations /Life Associations or Life Aspirations, many authors and practitioners widely recommend enhancing the `South-West' sector. Although this is based on the interpretation of one of the Eight Gua numbers and their associated meaning, this theory, in my opinion is to general to be useful to everyone. 2. Under the Flying Star Theory, based on the 9 Grids, or 8 pie charts, there is a specific sector, that has been identified as Romance, Education... sector. This would be a more reliable method of locating the `Romance' sector. The effectiveness of enhancing this sector is not "fully grasp" yet. More research is needed to find out this `method'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Wayne & Rebecca, The ISBN is 983-899-943-1 Warmest Regards, Cecil wayne -- Wayne & Rebecca
  24. Dear Anon, Yes, it is best to have the two rows of coins together i.e. to symbollically represent 6 coins. It is my opinion that placing 3 coins separated, although it is on the same Red packet is not ideal. This is my personal opinion as I have never tested them separated. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Dylan, It is best to look at it in relation to a Quantum Leap. For example, some people are born lucky and given a silver spoon. In Pillars, one can roughly categorise one's luck into: - Born with a silver spoon - Average life (Must constantly work hard) - born to `suffer' In the above, one can thus see the three classifications above. As the Chinese pay importance to: Destiny, Luck, Feng Shui Feng Shui is all about trying to `topple' the balance and since Feng Shui is earth based, it can be considered our `Earthly Luck'. So, what may offset the balance is `Luck'. This is why, some people, through their earthly luck prospher. This is why, many people, go into Feng Shui. Because, Feng Shui is about earthly luck, (which I feel is distinct from your own luck under destiny). Many people have through a good home, achieved a Quantum Leap if the home `fits' them and the home has excellent Feng Shui. Destiny, or fate, is a totally different aspect from Feng Shui. Pillars of Destiny has many `modules' each looking into various sectors of our fate. However, it is just a snap shot of what we were born with. An interesting thing to note is that under palmistry, it is said that we have both hands. One hand shows our Heaven map, while the other hand, is constantly changing and shows our current fate. Presently, we have used all the available tools to review and enlarge our understanding of Feng Shui such as: 1. Shapes and form 2. Compass Schools: Eight House and Flying Star At the same time, Destiny has its own set of tools such as: 1. Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zhi) or Eight Characters Reading (This is the largest component, which includes new born name, fate, luck pillars and more) 2. Palmisty 3. Face Reading As the current focus not just here but in other sites are more attune to Feng Shui. Although at Geomancy.net, has the most detailed Pillars report / analysis, we currently used it more for Feng Shui i.e. finding the birth element and strenght and using the Luck pillars to analyse the season of strength. Fate or Destiny can on its own, be a totally huge site. Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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