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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, 1. Based on my personal observations, this holds particularly true during the 15 days of the Chinese New Year. 2. It is essential to comprehend that according to Chinese beliefs, items should be given in pairs, not singularly. 2.1. For instance, when presenting an 'Ang Pow' or red packet containing money in a red envelope during Chinese New Year or special occasions like an elderly person's birthday, the amount should be in pairs like $2, $4, $6, $10, and so on. 2.2. This practice is rooted in the belief that odd numbers like 1, 3, 5, 7 symbolize "loneliness." 2.3. In Feng Shui, this principle extends to the arrangement of chairs at a dining table, where pairs like 2, 4, 6, 8 are preferred over odd numbers like 1, 3, 5, 7. 3. Understanding certain Chinese beliefs is beneficial as they often influence decisions made in Feng Shui practices. 4. In Chinese culture, two mandarin oranges symbolize gold due to their color and the similarity in pronunciation of "mandarin oranges" to "gold" in Hokkien and Cantonese. 4.1. Therefore, presenting two mandarin oranges to a Chinese host during Chinese New Year signifies offering a pair of 'Gold.' 4.2. It's important to note that this exchange is usually reciprocal. The host will also prepare a pair of mandarin oranges from his/her inventory and exchange them with their guests immediately. 4.3. When you gift two mandarin oranges to the host, they are expected to present you with two different pairs before you leave. 5. The host should not return the same pair of mandarin oranges to avoid conveying a message of rejection towards the gift. 6. Some hosts may not adhere to this custom, which is generally harmless. 6.1. This could be due to their lack of awareness or forgetfulness regarding the tradition. 7. Since this practice is rooted in Chinese beliefs, the significance of receiving a pair of mandarin oranges back lies with the individual believer. Warmest Regards, Cecil In Conclusion Understanding the significance of pairs in Chinese culture, particularly during the Chinese New Year, is crucial as it influences various customs and practices such as gift-giving and Feng Shui arrangements. The exchange of pairs, like mandarin oranges symbolizing gold, holds deep cultural meaning and should be respected to avoid any unintended messages or misunderstandings.
  2. Dear Anon, Under the Chinese Astrology website: www.geomancy.net/love/amenu1.htm The above link has a short write-up of a convent in Singapore that `accepts' Chinese girls born in the year of the Tiger. These children were abandoned by their parents. The key essence for the Tiger `girl' child is that they are suppose to bring `bad' luck. Even today, where the son and his wife does not stay with their parents but by themselves, the parents of their son especially in a `traditional' family discourages their son to marry a `tiger' wife. From what I read, it is not so much of tiger eat small creatures but rather the above. However, you are still right to say it since in the past, many people live in an extended famly. The in-laws may also be afraid of having a `tiger' daughter who they feel may `dominate' the household especially since she (the mother-in law) is suppose to be the head of the ladies quarters. Looking at it from another perspective; in countries with predominatly Chinese population this affects the birth rate for the year and the child's education. For example, in Singapore, the average birth rate is around 50,000 births per year. In the `tiger' year, the birth rate dips significantly to below this figure. The most popular years are those of the dragon and other years animal signs e.g. rabbit the birth rate can go as high as 60,000 births. Here, some modern parents are less superstitious of having a tiger child and I know of a few cases where the parents actually do not mind having a child born in the tiger year. This is because, they consider the year of the tiger as having less competition to enroll their child in a `good' school or when they take milestone exams such as Preliminary Primary School exams, it is the hope that their child goes to a `better' secondary school. Contrast this years where competition is intense to get into a good school where the child's aggregate marks must be higher due to limited places in highly valued `good' schools. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Tam, From what I can understand from what you wrote, essentially, what you describe is the Flying Star by taking the Frontage of the house or building rather than based on the main door. This is often considered the `macro' version of the Flying Star Theory where it is often used to analysing a big plot of land e.g. bungalow house or large building where the exterior of the building can also be analysed by the Flying Star i.e. the stars of that direction can be extended out to that direction. You can say that most of the books or the few english books out there are meant more for urban locations where space is limited or where we are analysing a single unit/apartment as compared to the entire building. For this reason, the micro version is often used. As most people nowadays are more interested in the internal influences of a flat or apartment rather than `external' factors. For example, in Asia, due to space constraints, even most bungalows, terrace houses are considered too small to apply the `macro' version of the Flying Star. This means that one can apply a macro or micro version of the house: 1. If one only wants to take into account the interior influences such as the interior of the house, one uses the more popular method i.e. determine the exact compass direction of the main door. 2. For larger buildings, complexes inclusive of houses with large plot of land especially in Western countries (which is similiar to the large locations as in China of the past). When one wants to locate important water features (external influences) with Flying Star than use `macro' method as described by you. 3. This method is quite similar to the `Nong Ming Xuan Kong' or some like to call it Water Classics Flying Star Theory i.e. applied to `huge' land e.g. agricultural, commercial land. In English the word `Nong Ming' means `Farmer' where in China there are quite alot of farm land and the entire interpretation is also known as `Farmer Flying Star' and some of the key factors of this concept was included in the Water classics which is now used to analyse external land or water features. 4. If you are well versed in the Shapes and Form particulary the Four Symbolic animal concept, there is no real need to apply these factors. For example, the common denominator are: a. The Phoenix or Bird in front i.e. ideally a water position at the frontage so that there is clear space. b. A Solid backing at the back. The above are key essence of the `macro' theory that everyone can understand and apply easily. Frankly, Feng Shui is a very complex theory altogether with many sub, sub theories. We do not need to get `too worried' when we find differences in what we read. Often there are reasons for it or whenever, an author writes, he/she writes for a particular reason or situation so he/she cannot cover every aspect of a particular theory. Alternatively, as you can see like other fields of study, there are many who specialise in specific areas due to their nature of work. For example, if he/she common handles such situations, they become specialist in that field. For example, for a doctor, he can be a general practioner or a heart or lung specialist etc... What is more important is that we should not only read but find out the purpose of each theory, analyse them and see if they are relevant to modern situation. Such as in Flying Star, there is one chapter to analyse breeding ground (For example pig style, chicken den etc...) However, in our modern society, many homes do not breed pigs or chicken. So this portion is no longer applicable for most of us. Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Users, Two important notices are:- 1. Geomancy-Forum, will also be known as My Adviser! 2. New conference to the My Adviser:- a. I-Ching (Zhou Yi / Yi Jing) b. Chinese Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) c. Pillars of Names (Xing Ming Xue) d. Chinese Culture We have opened up these conferences for users to post discussion on these areas. They are pretty related to Geomancy & Feng Shui. The mailing list has been setup for these topics, so if you are interested, please subscribed to them. Feel free to participate in which ever topic interest you! Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
  5. Dear Users, We have created this conference so that users who are also interested in learning more about Chinese culture can post their queries here. Often many Chinese believes are often mistaken or linked to Feng Shui. Thus, we have decided to put a separate conference to help identify and separate issues. Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
  6. Dear Users, We have created this conference to discuss anything under the sun for the topic relating to chinese name analysis. Besides Pillars of Destiny which takes into you account the date of birth, this utilises the chinese names (eg. Chen Tian Ming) to analyse the fortune and luck of a person. It has been mostly used together with the Pillars of Destiny. This is because the name of a person is always called, thus for the chinese, if they lack a certain element, we can always change the name so that it does contain the element which they lacks to enhance their life. However, this topic can only analyse the Chinese names and not english names. Hope you enjoy this topic. Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
  7. Dear Anon, I have coined this concept called The `Triangle' Effect to help everyone understand clearly this `symbolism' effect of neutralising the imbalance caused by a lone tree or lamp post. This concept is found at " Photo Tours of Interest (with Pictue Attachments) under this mos recent topic: What is the `Triangle' effect. This is based on traditional Feng Shui concept. The only thing I try to do is to `coin' a term to make it easier to understand and apply. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. What happens if there is a lone tree tangent/between the main entrance door? Take a closer look at the attachment to understand another theory called The `Triangle' Effect 1. If it is a single tree in the middle (outside) the main entrance door. This causes an imbalance in Qi as the trunk of the tree slices (like a sword) into the main entrance door. Here, place two plants e.g. two potted plants on each side of the main entrance to neutarlise the tree. It also creates what is known as a `Triangle' effect. If you notice carefully, in the attached diagram, the triangle on the last diagram points away from the house. 2. If it is a lone lamp post, you can use two poles at each side of the main entrance or use two `objects' such as fu-dogs. If you do not want to spent money, you can also use relatively cheap `objects' such as two potted plants if you want here. The reason why you can use any of the objects is based on "Symbolism" to form a triangle effect. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, 1. It depends on the shape/profile of the arched window. Usually if it is a semi-circular arch, above the door, window, this is still considered an auspicious shape. 2. One way at looking at it is that the semi-circular shape, pointint towards the sky does not have any impact as it cannot be considered a poision arrow pointing towards a position or room. 3. But becareful if you are using a triangular arched shape as this will introduce Sha Qi or poison arrow; tangent to the arch. For example, such a shape may be pointed towards e.g. the dinning table or living room. In the bedroom, this is worse as it will cause marital problems or lead to divorce or separation. 4. Therefore avoid having a triangular arch shape even if it is at the front door. Although the shape looks like an UP arrow: ^ / \ | | If you are the neighour of such a house, where each of the main entrance faces each other, this is considered a poision arrow for the neighbour. Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, It is acceptable to use a beaded curtain in replacement to a screen. Both serves the same purpose. 1. So far, I have seen very few houses where a particular sector needs to be `kept quiet' under the Flying Star chart. In such a senario, a beaded curtain is not advisable. However, the chance of `meeting' such a situation is not common or the probability of encountering it is lesser. 2. Avoid using metallic beads at the following compass directions: NE (devil's gate), West (Metal) & NW (Metal). Unless analysed by a competent FS practioner. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, I am keen to explore this possibility next year most likely after the April 1999. In order to do so, I would have to for now quickly work complete the much awaited Flying Star Course. In the meantime, I sincerely like to hear from everyone who has a good suggestion what course/seminar they like to see in a program. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Glyn, I am deeply sorry to learn about the fate of both your in-laws. For those who are new to this forum, my grandfather, I believe also died `caused' by another type of "inauspicious layout". The url is: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/grandpa1.htm Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, Let me further review what is best under a double 5. Can you let me know what is the base number also. This is because under such circumstances, one should not only simply look at the double 5 without the base number. The reason is the base number is also an element and one has to check to see if it `aids' a 5 or is neutral or reduces the double 5 combination. This concept also applies to reading other star numbers. Thanks in advance. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Elena, Thanks for your continuous words of encouragements both in this forum and privately. 1. The auspicious house numbers is based on the Flying Star Theory. In essence, it is considered a sub-topic of Flying Star for the home. 2. It is good that you asked this series of questions because in Geomancy, there are lots of theories and concepts and each concept covers a specific area. 3. The lesson we can learn here is that if one is keen to understand Geomancy, one should try to learn as many concepts relating to different things as possible. Like Confucious said about Zhou Yi or Book of Changes, he wished he could have lived a further 50 years to understand abit more about it. By the way the Book of Changes is based on the Hexagams or commonly known as I-Ching. I-Ching is more about "destiny." This is also the reason why, Robert and myself like many readers here have a hunger not only to read but understand the thousands of materials relating to Geomancy. 4. In my opinion, the best question we can ask is " What is the purpose and where possible the rationale for such a theory ". 5. The reason for the House Number Numerology under Flying Star is because it is felt that every level in an apartment block differs in it's Qi. This theory only applies to apartments/flats. As mentioned earlier, this is a `secondary' theory and should be considered `last' after an overal Feng Shui audit conducted using all other available FS theories. 6. In most instances, a major renovation would change the `birth chart' of the house. Even so, it is still good to look at the previous period e.g. Period 6 and compare it with Period 7. From my personal experience, having audited quite alot of houses and buildings, majority of the time; after a major renovation, the house changes to the new period. While, occassionally, some houses still adopt Period 6. I also found that although some houses still adopt period 6, but the influence of say period 7 comes in after a year or two. 7. Pillars of Destiny is a complete work of art. It emcompasses many areas and there are many many modules to it. However, under Feng Shui audit, the following two things are `taken' from it:- a. A person's true element and it's strength. For example `Weak Water' person. b. The Luck Pillars. Here, for example one can check whether this period i.e. 1999 is a good year or not for the individual. This is where even if the Flying Star chart for the house is excellent for this period, but a person's personal Luck Pillars is inauspicious. Here, one can than better understand say why I cannot win in a lottery. 8. When you do a Flying Star chart, Robert has factored in the breadwinner's Eight House chart. The Eight House Chart is cross referenced to the Flying Star Chart. 9. Later on, a totally more modern Feng Shui School called Ba Zhi Feng Shui will be included. Usually because of the complexity of linking Flying Star and Ba Zhi Feng Shui, the general advise is to either learn Flying Star or Ba Zhi Feng Shui. More about this school later on. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Madan, When you make use of the Eight House chart, one should also consider the following: 1. Where possible find out what is the intangible force at the main entrance for the breadwinner. It will give you a feel of how suitable the house is. The most unsuitable house is one where the death/disaster intangible force flows through the main entrance door. 2. Do note that the Eight House Theory can tell you your personal best directions to sleep or sleep closer to. In this aspect, Eight House Theory cannot be used to analyse for `cures' or enhancements. 3. A very important aspect is to check the house under the Shapes and Form School. I understand that there is alot of reading materials and materials to `digest' but the Shapes and Form School cannot be overlooked for a house. For example, no matter if a house has excellent Feng Shui in terms of say it's Flying Star Chart, if there is poor Shapes and Form e.g. the front of the house is facing a cemetry, this is not as auspicious. 4. If one is looking at Feng Shui on a very general level, it is best to look at the Shapes and Form School and how suitable for you to your home. 5. For those who want to go further, there are additional theories such as Flying Star and Pillars of Destiny (the element strength and season of influence as deduced from the Luck pillars). 6. For those who do not want to go further, personal feelings or sixth sense can usally be used. However, if one makes too much changes under this, it then becomes `Trial and Error' Feng Shui. In such a situation, do not apply everything at once. If so, you may not be able to `back track' and find out what you did that went wrong. 7. The Eight Aspirations / Associations or Life Associations concept where North = Career is in my personal opinion, too generalised and not personalised to an individual. Warmest Regards, Cecil My date of Please Regards, Madan ------=_NextPart_000_00 ------=_NextPart_000_00
  16. Dear Anon, In my opinion, this statement is not correct for the following reasons: 1. Under the most common compass school of Feng Shui, there is no mentioned that one cannot do FS e.g. under the Eight House (8 sectors) or Flying Star 24 sectors. Here, there is always directions of reference on SE or NW. 2. Prior to the FS audit, many FS Masters/Practioners are not aware of the direction of a house/office until they visted it. Even if the direction is found to be at NW or SE, house/office audits are done. 3. More importantly, I know a few FS practioners are cautions when it comes to giving advice on a North East house (Devil's Gate) e.g. asking the owners to tilt their door to another auspicious direction. But they still do audit for a NE house given this circumstances. Therefore, in my opinion, Traditional Feng Shui practioners has done audits for NW and SE house. I cannot say for sure, other non Traditional Schools do it or not. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, To understand better, #2 is Strong Earth and #5 is Strong Earth. 2 is sickness and 5 is misfortune. Both combined is very inauspicious. In order to destroy this strong metal combination, ideally one should use Six coins as coins represent metal element and Six represents `Big metal'. A Feng Shui ruler made of copper can help but is considered less effective than six ancient coins particularly those with square holes. Which is a traditional Chinese coin. Ideally, one should use the traditional Chinese copper coin with a square hole at the centre is to ensure that the square gives strength from within to the Chinese `ancient' coins. For the copper ruler, it also depends on how large it is. Although the ancient Chinese copper coins seems difficult to get, it can easily be purchased as it is widely produced. My advise is that it is best to use the `proven' 6 ancient Chinese copper coins. Only at the last resort, you could try to use the ruler. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, Sorry for the delay in replying to this message. I have finally drawn a sketch of the house where death would occur twice. To see this sketch, one has to log in to www.geomancy-forum.com and look under " Photo Tours with picture attachment ". The most recent message. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Enclosed please find a picture of a house where death would occur twice. This is based on the book Yang Zhai Shi Shu
  20. Dear Anon, Both 1 & 8 are considered good combinations. However, even if the stars are good, it also depends on a person's personal luck element and not soley on the Flying star combination. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, A warm welcome to you. If you know how to use a simple graphic program to draw a simple profile of the layout plan, it is best that you post it to the conference: Conference for Attaching layout. Better still if it is a scanned image of your layout plan (not too large) in .jpg or .bmp or .gif format. In this case, I can draw the centrepoint for you and post it to this forum. Thanks in advance. (Else I will try to figure out your description.) If you like you can try out this alternative method:- Step 1: Photocopy an exact layout of your home. Step 2: Paste a copy of the photocopy of the layout plan on a cardboard. Step 3: Cut-out the outline of the house. Step 4: Get hold of a pin and try to balance the house `cut-out' on a pin. The location where the cut-out balances on the pin is the centre of gravity. The above method is the `only' method if you are unable to divide the house into two rectangles. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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