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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Ann, Sorry for the late reply. For the large hot-tub, it is adviseable not to keep water in it. This is becase at the North-East sector, it is septical to yin influences i.e. avoid creating a more Yin environment. (This is the devil's gate) and too yin an environment here will increase negative Qi energy. As I do not have more details to go on, you should also avoid having a metal wind chime at this NE sector. All these add to increase the Yin environment. For the toilet, if you can, avoid using it at this location. Too much water, again creates too Yin an environment. For the location, try to keep it bright i.e. more Yang. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, In most instances, changing the floor tiles is considered changing the "date of birth of the house:- 1. If your house is under " Period 7, from 1984 to 2003 ", you do not need to worry as there is no change of birth date. 2. Under the Flying Star Theory, one way of assessing is to refer to the chart for the earlier period and the new period. For example, if your house is built in Period 6 and recently, you had done a major renovation, it is still prudent to look at the flying chart for both periods. Most cases, it will take on the new period especially after a major renovation. However, in some instances, the house still continues to take on the earlier period's birth chart. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Chris, Besides using the wind chime as "decorative" pieces or some use it to enhance Qi, the other uses include placing it to `neutralise' sha qi such the edge of a corner. The caution is to avoid placing a metallic wind chime at the Metal sectors i.e. West and NW. Plus the Devil's gate located at NE. Some FS practioners use it between the two bedroom facing doors as mentioned by you. Another method of counteracting this is to pave a screen in one of the bedrooms between the bedroom door and the room. It should preferably be around the height of the door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Anon, In my opinion, there is really no significance of hanging the mobiles as I believe, these are art pieces commissioned by the airline to decorate their building. Unfortunately, because these mobiles are shaped like `poision' arrows, it has hurt it's neighbour especially those the mobiles had `pointed' at. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Chris, Pillars of Destiny is a very large field and in general, considered the main `pipeline' of Chinese `readings'. As Pillars is based on Yin and Yang (the highest) form after Tai ji and the Five Elements, it is hard to take away Pillars. In the past, pillars or Ba Zhi can extend to more than 10 pillars as found in our reports: The current report analyse our Year, Month, Day and Hour, House of Conception etc... In the past, Pillars used to have at least two more columns both to analyse Yin Feng Shui. But Yin Feng Shui is less practised today. To clarify, if we are analysing an individual what is more important is to analyse his Day of birth in relation to other branches/stem. The more it is analysed with the other branches/stem ie. year/month/hour the more accurate it is. From here you will understand that the Two hourly system is "fixed" and this is related to the Moon/Lunar System. It is nice to have the hourly timing and we cannot re-invent Feng Shui and change it to our liking e.g. reducing the hours further. If so, it does not match the hour such as the Rat hour etc... One key important point about Pillars is its simplicity. For example, we only need to know a person's Year, Day and Month (option time) to get an accurate Heaven map of a person. Therefore, it has been used without even the need to find the longitude and latitude of a location. One reason is that if one makes the "input" too complicated, it would make it very diffcult to use due to ' garbage in garbage out.' For example, I know of some who have added a GMT time to the calculation. Here: 1. The current GMT time has been adjusted for some countries in the last decade. Some countries have day light saving hours. 2. There is a flaw in calculation if one only considers the Longitude. If one follows this argument, should also use the latitude. From the above, imagine, if one needs to supply the Longitude and Latitude of where one is born. What happens if one provides the wrong data? or does not really know both? If one sees, traditional Feng Shui Masters, do Pillars, they are more concerned with the DAY, MONTH and YEAR field. As Pillars of Destiny is a map of what the `Heaven' has bestowed on us, as mentioned, it is shaped by our influence on earth especially our upbringing and education etc... We should understand that one of the many purpose of Pillars is to help us better understand our Heaven Luck. Other very important uses (cross referenced to Feng Shui) is to find our element and its strength. This is used in conjuction with the Flying Star, and Ba Zhi Feng Shui etc... to either enhance our Qi or to find proper cures to a situation or to see if the "cures" proposed under Flying Star does not `destroy' our element especially if one is `Weak' e.g. Weak Water. I use the Luck Pillars to understand the element of influence of a season under a period. For example, if during this period, which is governed by a season with Strong Water, for a weak fire person, he has to be careful not to be `extinguished' by the season of the period. There are many more cross-references between all the various theories of Feng Shui and Destiny and it is more important to be able to have a global picture, learn how to apply all the tools together. Like the saying " Knowlege is power". I personally don't quite understand why even some Feng Shui Schools simply stick to one theory e.g. eat, sleep and drink Flying Star Feng Shui only. A few of such schools are not convinced of the use of Eight House. Each set of principles and theories have a specific purpose and if we can properly unlock each theory and use it to the full potential plus be able to linked all up, the better. The reason why I mentioned about Flying Star is because this year and last year alone, I have had to try to help many who were advised to apply only the Flying Star `cure' as it only looks at the horoscope of the house. What is the use of a perfect house if it is totally unsuitable to the individual living there. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, "Zi Wei Dou Shu" is called " Chinese Astrology ". For those who are not aware, I have another website at http://www.lovesigns.net which is based on the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs. You can actually check your Chinese Astrology sign at the above website. In a nutshell, you can broadly classify Chinese Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) as the `parallel' with English Astrology where there are 12 symbols e.g. Cancer, Gemini etc... It is therefore not a higher form of pillars but rather based on astrology (another field of Chinese culture). In fact, one cannot say that one form of Chinese practise is higher or lower than the other because one must bear in mind that each Chinese `tool' has its specific purpose. Let me illustrate: Most of us are very familiar with the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui as we can really `see' or visualise for ourselves. Alone it is not enough to tell us more. We need other tools such as Eight House to find a personal best direction; Flying Star to find the "horoscope" of the house; Pillars of Destiny has many many modules. Overall, one should understand that similar to things we buy, we cannot simply use one tool and apply it to everything. Even today, when we buy something, such a television, the purpose is that it provide us with tv shows. An oven cannot be general purpose and includes a telephone etc.. Here u see that even household goods are `specialised'. many household goods like a telephone, dvd/cd player are not combined together. But, we have to buy a good hi fi set, a good tv set, a good PC etc... In Chinese culture, this is also the same. One cannot expect that one module of Pillars can cover everything or by looking at the Shapes and Form, this is it. No need to look further. In true traditional Chinese practise, to have a complete `picture' of a person, we should also include Face Reading, Hands reading etc... The more modules covered, we can then obtain a better `map' of ourselves. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, Usually these sha qi are `commissioned' without any intention to hurt other buildings. For example, the hanging mobiles I shown under the conference Picture Tour - is owned by Singapore Airlines. It happens to be their Office building. I believe the shape of the hanging mobiles represent the `movement' of clouds etc... It is good for you to point out this information. The morale of this `story' that under the Shapes and Form School, we must constantly scan the environment near us (our home/office etc...) for such threats. Many a times, a new construction next to e.g. your office space may inadvertently (either intentionally or unintentionally) bring sha qi (poison arrows from neigbhours). It is common to find newly constructed buildings with sharp corners aimed at your building/office. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, Red is considered an auspicious colour. For example, Chinese wedding invitation cards are in red (usually with a Phoenix and Dragon Graphic/design on the cover). During the Chinese New Year, it is common to find a red cloth banner with auspicious words hung over the main entrance door. Other examples of the use of red include: red fire crackers used during Chinese New Year. Many years back when fire crackers were not banned in Singapore, you will find houses literally littered with the exploded red fire cracker paper all over the compound. In addition, it is common to have the Double Happiness symbol (in red) hung in the house. The "Fu" word with red background is usually hung upsidedown in some homes. Some households do tie a red string on their plants especially if they are on both sides of the house. Therefore, it seems to reason why a red cloth is tied to the two lions for `luck' + auspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Chris, Thanks for your feedback. We will certainly try to organise seminars for users. But currently, we have a very packed and busy schedule. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Koi's are actually carps. Many instead of keeping real fishes purchase paintings of Koi's swimming. Most of the paintings usually have 9 Koi's swimming. (A few paintings have 8 fishes). In Mandarin 9 sounds like `longevity' and in Cantonese 8 sounds like `prosper'. The last illustration, is interesting because, it can also be applied to a swimming pool. Besides an uneven flow of water, it is equally inauspicious to have a swimming pool in the shape as mentioned in the illustration.
  11. Dear Anon, To a varying degree, there are many types of dragons. Some are `English' in origin e.g. those you see in the show `Dragon Heart' with Sean Connery as the `dragon's' features and voice. There are many other `types' of dragon where they come from. The `traditional' Chinese dragon from what I understand does not have wings. For example, if one has the opportunity to see a dragon `dance' where performers hold the head, body and tail and move around gracefully (similar to the fashion where u see a lion dance). Therefore, I have not come across any dragons with winds as what u have mentioned. What matters is the symbolism e.g. a dragon with our without wings (by definition) is still a dragon. It is equally important to also understand that there are a Five claw (supreme dragon), the four claw ones and lower down (the ranking) even the use of "serpents" which have features similiar to a dragon. In the past, only the Emperor is allowed to wear the embelm of a five claw dragon. The next higher rank e.g. Prime Minister the four claw dragon.. and further down the line `serpents' which also looked like a dragon. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Aimie, Apologise for the late reply as I have missed your message. Based on the popular Chinese saying: 1st Destiny, Second Luck and third Feng Shui; if we analyse this statement, we will notice that LUCK is on it's own. It is best to understand each concept clearly. By doing so, we will then know the purpose of the concept: 1. Pillars of Destiny maps our Heaven LUCK. It is considered a full picture of what luck "the Heaven" had given us. Some may ask what happens if both of us are born at the same time? Do we have the same set of luck. Under the Pillars of Destiny, internal and external influences changes our luck even for two persons born the same time. This is explained by us interactions with our immediate family, our personal experiences especially our education. With all these interactions, we no longer have the "same set of luck." Pillars of Destiny therefore qualifies it this way. Many FS Masters say that by better understanding our Pillars of Destiny, we can change 60 percent of our Heaven Luck. 2. Most of us are familiar with Feng Shui. While Pillars of Destiny maps out our Heaven Luck, Feng Shui is more earth bound. Here, we can have some influence on our Earth Luck. 3. LUCK, simply is `luck'. 4. With career and romance, it will have to do with many factors. Unfortunately or fortunately, one way of seeing things (other than purely based on manipulation of Qi = Feng Shui) to a certain extend, some who `take up' Feng Shui or believe that by placing a picture of a loved one at the SW corner, could perhaps, strength the person's resolve etc... and thus provide the person with greater confidence. True traditional Feng Shui is about manipulation of Qi such as planning for a city etc... examples such as many Chinese cities are built on this premise such as Canton and even Hong Kong and lesser emphasis placed on such a micro level e.g. a studio apartment etc... We must always bear this in mind and not take `Feng Shui' or `Destiny' to be a `cure' all. Warmest Regards, Cecil Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards,
  13. Dear Anon, Thanks for your feedback. Recently, we went to purchase a few more hardware such as storage devices, scanners etc... This is so that we will be able to provide more illustrations. Will certainly keep in view your suggestion and try our best to share with everyone more developments on Applied Feng Shui. Currently as we are receiving more and more personal messages, my hope is that it would be best that if anyone have something to clarify, it is best to post it in this forum. Priority will be given to messages posted in this forum as it encourages sharing and learning. We will continue to help those with real urgent problems. For those who want to ask questions on a personal basis can use the `anonymous' feature or create an account with e.g. hotmail and this serves as a private account. As we are unable to answer `general' questions posted privately all the time. The `trouble' is that more and more users are sending private mails and it makes it more difficult for us to reply as many of the questions posed are quite detailed. Here, I would rather post a detailed reply thru the forum to be shared with everyone. This will meet the objective of this forum i.e. to share, learn and understand real life situations. I believe by constantly replying to personal messages, it will encourage more users to do the same. This does not serve the object of what this worldwide forum serves to meet. Once again, many thanks for your kind understanding! Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Mike, Many thanks for your words of encouragement. I am sure, the new layout will benefit everyone. There are lots more to be done in this website/forum. You will expect many new concepts that are not found elsewhere. Cheers! Cecil Lee
  15. Dear Anon, Thanks for your feedback. Progressively we will continue to improve the site to keep up with `multimedia' when the time is ripe. Currently majority of the world users are using only dial-up accounts and as far as possible, the graphics are kept at the optimal. We will also at a later date launch Shockwave modules and other user friendly technology. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Anon, With regards to cash registers, do remember to avoid having the cash register facing a mirror. This is considered inauspcious. One main reason is that one is symbolically `bouncing' back the money to the customer. The other is that is becomes a form of `attraction' to would be `thieves'. The above is considered a `belief' than Feng Shui. One reason for placing a golden cat is to `watch' over the till and the left paw up signifies the cat `catching' hold of money to be placed into the till. Again the above is not FS but lean more towards a `belief'. Warmest Regards Cecil
  17. Dear Gina, At the same time when you wrote this, we were in fact looking for another new house for my elder brother. Because of the speed in which `good' units were purchased and that he had missed an earlier opportunity; Robert decided to be one step ahead and developed a comprehensive computerised module especially not only to find a good but rather an `excellent' house i.e. with Double 7s at the front door. Reference: Finding a House module is at http://www.geomancy-online.com Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Alicia, Frankly, this aspect does not really come under Feng Shui. This is because there are a few major considerations like the price. In certain countries where FS is `believed', I have known a few cases where the agent of the owners pointed out some good Feng Shui details of the house. The buyers were `convinced' that this is relatively good house and went ahead to purchase the house. On the destiny portion, the use of Pillars of Destiny such as a favourable time to view the house etc... is sometimes used in the region where I am staying. Otherwise, it would depend on the price etc... Good Luck in the sale of your house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Sudha, Please see below:- Glad that you found the information useful:) The most important points to consider when using the Eight House is: 1. How suitable is the house to the breadwinner. As you have mentioned you can take into consideration your elder sister as the breadwinner. Preferably, the death or disaster intangible forces do not flow thru the main door for her. In this case, it is considered that the house is not suitable for her. 2. For yourself, it is less of a concern other than to check which locations you spent most of the time at. For example, where best, the inauspicious intangible lines do not flow thru your bedroom. Check out for the rest of your sisters. Where possible they sleep closer to a good intangible force. If you are sharing a bed with any of your sisters, for example for yourself the intangible force is `irritation' while your sister is `health'. She sleeps closer to this intangible force and you can `use her as a shield'. As mentioned, under the Eight house theory, you should be more concerned with locations that spent most of your time such as the bedrooms. Other locations even if the intangible force is good but `occupied' by objects, it is less of a `concern'. This is because the Eight House is chiefly used to look at how suitable a house is to the person/breadwinner and where best, take advantage of sleeping at a good intangible force. Other FS theories takes into account a specific sector. Such as the Flying Star Theory and the Ba Zhi Feng Shui. Only after you have taken into consideration a good intangible force / location such as for the bed, you may after this look at whether it is possible to sleep with the head facing a good direction. It is nice to have but of secondary importance under the Eight Houst Theory. This questioned is covered above. For the toilet, it is good to have an inauspicious intangible force at this location. The basic report does not show whether your sister is a "weak tiger (??)". It shows you your element but not the strength. I am unable to comment further on this at the moment. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  20. Dear Anon, There is certainly truth in this practise. Thanks for pointing it out to everyone. The brass knob is akin to a convex surface which reflects out. In the past, before glass mirrors came out, brass `mirrors' were in use. This is another method of `deflecting' sha qi thou a `mild' form. What I mean by `mild' form is that it is considered a defensive method rather than offensive method. One can classify it as under the same category as the semi-circular carpet. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, As we are using China timing which GMT +8.00. Therefore especially who are out of the time zone of China/Taiwan and the Far East will seem to have the forecast ahead of time. However, this daily and hourly influence is correct element whichever location you are at because we are not using your local time factor. Therefore, when we do the proper location differences factor in the calculation you will actually find that it will be the correct element although your local time differs. At any location in the world your local time is always different but when one sticks to a specific reference point i.e. China time, whatever local time you have displayed at your clock will be represented by the current element displayed because at GMT +8.00 (our reference point) if you plus or minus taking into your time and location will point back to the same element. Just that it is represented as a different date and time in your local time. Looking at another angle, the world is governed by the GMT time where Greenwich Meridian is at the 0.00 hour, here in our analysis, we are using a similar method but our so called `GMT' time is based on China timing. Which means that the say wood element present is found when China in the day, while in US it may be in the night. Just that it is a different time, which US timing has not yet catch up to be the same date and time as China. So far, we found this to be very stable to apply the elements in real time. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  22. Hi Everyone, Besides Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the two lion statues each tied with red cloth is found on a Bank of India Branch in Singapore's country's Central Business District. It is not necessary to place the lion statues at a specific facing direction e.g. the West direction. But rather, it is commonly found on both sides of the main entrance to `guard' the premises. In the picture the two lion statues are tilted at an angle against the flow of traffic (of the one way street). One interesting comment is that `Feng Shui' is well spread all over the world and since China is very close to India, influences such as Buddhism came from India. We can today say that Feng Shui has gone Global to all parts of the world and even some of it `returned' back to India.
  23. Dear Everyone, I must confess, that Robert and myself were quite busy the last week partially because we were helping our elder brother to evaluate a suitable new house. He saw two units he liked in a condominium development. One unit happened to have good Shape & Form, Auspicious Double Seven's at the main entrance and the house also fits his Ba Zhi e.g. room location etc... The second unit was not as auspicious. Even with existing computerised reports, it can be quite time consuming. Based on our recommendations, he quickly wanted to place a deposit but another person who happen to be there paid first. With this experence, Robert, quickly developed a special module where we can immediately identify very auspicious and suitable unit for him based on all known Feng Shui Schools. Last Saturday, armed with his new program, we went with our brother to view a potential development. As this is relatively new launch and quite an expensive house, there were many units available. Altogether there were at least 96 different layout plans. Robert brought along his notebook and immediately identified a very auspicious unit. Together, we were able to spot an even more excellent unit. As my brother was signing the agreement, someone else was also eyeing the same unit. Fortunately, we were much faster this round. I have asked Robert to launch this module : Finding a Good House? URL: http://www.geomancy-online.com Under the Home/Office - Home link Sample: http://www.geomancy.net/sample/goodhouse.htm ------- Brief Description --------- The new module analyses the 24 different main door directions (which is all the possible Flying Star directions for a specific period e.g. Period 7 - 1984 to 2003). Further analysis is done on the type of stars found at the main door. Then it will analyse the above against other individual information such as your personalised Eight House, Pillars of Destiny and also the new powerful Ba Zi Feng Shui. You will be provided with a detailed analysis of the recommended suitability of the various houses depending on the direction of the main entrance door. Depending on the individual, if you are an extremely lucky, you may have lots of Excellent Main Door facing House, otherwise there should be several Auspicious Main Door facing House. (Note: this varies from person to person). You will also be provided with a final summary of :- 1. Excellent House - Which is likely to have very good stars and even a double 7 for period 7, and it is a house which is favourable to his Ba Zi (Pillars). 2. Good House - Generally, good stars, and suitable to the person. 3. Auspicious but not suitable - The stars of the house is good but is unfavourable to you thus, not recommended if there is no other choice. 4. Inauspicious House - Not good for you, as the stars are not good or you are not suitable for that house. --------------------------------------------- In Feng Shui, the house of a person is very important, thus, if you can obtain a good home that is suitable and prosperous, you can draw and compensate what you may lack in your personal elements. Also, a good house or office will mean that you will enjoy great amount of wealth and business opportunity. Thus, with this new module, you can immediately be know what kind of office or home facing main door you should look out for. Once you can own a good house or a good office, you will be able to activate the wealth from the stars available. Hope that you find this module extremely useful especially for house searching. A free module is available for all users to make use of. Warmest Regards Cecil Lee
  24. Dear Anon, Thanks for bring up this question. This morning, I have just taken a digital photo of the frontage of the Bank of India with the statues of two lions on both sides of the main entrance. Although, I have not taken a compass reading of the entrance; it is I believe facing South. (Definitely not West). There is no evidence to suggest that lion statues must face West. There are many buildings in Singapore with the lion statues and I do see them at the main entrance of buildings or shop front and again, they are not `West' facing. More importantly they are to be placed at both sides of the main entrance. Once I drawn the map of the location and the direction of the facing of the Bank of India `two lion' statues, will upload to this forum in the next day or two. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank or HSBC do use two bronze lion statues outside they main entrance.
  25. Dear Anon, It is ok for you to thrim the bushes in front of your main door as you are not `disturbing' the earth i.e. unless you are digging the earth at the east location. If you dig the earth, Symbolically place a metal object between the main door area. For example you can use a metallic foodtray or even a shovel on the wall. Metal will be able to shield the house and the trimming. It is best not to let the bushes overgrow as this would bring a different set of inauspicous qi especially since it is at the main entrance. Therefore, trimming does not distrub the earth. If there is a major digging going on in the East, the best metal to use is to place a car/vehicle between the digging and the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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