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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Daniel, More important consideration is the edge of a table which produces `Sha Qi'. Others relating to books and CD's are modern concepts and in my opinion less important than Sha Qi produced by sharp corners and overhead beams. Many of us are constantly surrounded with such modern day convenience and it is difficult to keep these away yet be convenient for us to `use'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Carrie, You can follow this link to better understand how a proper compass reading is taken: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm Based on what you wrote below, it is not correct to stand outside the front door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. This article is an amusing way of associating the types of wines with each Chinese Animal Signs for each of the 12 animals. Please note that this is based on the Year of birth of a person and more for `fun'. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. If you are not sure which year you are born, you can visit: http://www.lovesigns.net
  4. Dear Daniel, 1. The original purpose of Feng Shui is to: a. neutralise Sha (bad) Qi and poison arrows and b. enhance beneficial Qi. It can be used to find good sites for a city. For example, many Chinese cities e.g. Canton and even Hong Kong has good Feng Shui. For Hong Kong, consideration was given on how the dragon moves or passes from the mountain to the sea. This is why, many buildings there have either glass openings at the centre or `holes' in some of the buildings where some of the building owners want the `Dragon Qi' to touch and pass thru. 3. Feng Shui can also be used to look at a micro level e.g. buildings, homes. Basically, it is like the food chain where the tip is the Yin and Yang Principle while in the middle the Five elements concept, lower down are theories like Eight Trigrams etc... So long as one can fully apply : (a). Five Elements concept Here, for example under the Flying Star Theory and Pillars of destiny, use the common denominator of the Five Elements Concept. (b). Yin and Yang If it cannot be `explained' using the Five elements concept or relate to it, yin and yang is thus used to look at the relationships. 4. Therefore, for the outdoors, one has to see what senario one wants to look at. If it cannot be related to the Five elements, than try to see if there is a link to Yin and Yang. Here, Yin is (dark, cold, water) and Yang (sun, bright, fire). Some of the applications are sensible ones like to avoid heat stroke, drink more water (Yin) while keeing warmth at night use Fire. Since these are common sense, one do not even give a thought about Yin and Yang at this level. Therefore, it is not really Feng Shui but rather the application of Yin and Yang or if we can link it to the Five Elements where we can. All Chinese traditional principles e.g. in medicine, Feng Shui, Pillars of destiny, Chinese Astrology have the common denominator of the Five Elements and Yin and Yang. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Anon, Some Feng Shui practitioners do not recommend placing a dragon image next to the main door for the following reasons: 1. It depends on the number of claws on the dragon. The most Yang is the `Emperor' Dragon which has five claws. 2. In the recent Sterling Condominum project, I have shown that there is a space between the units at the middle of the condo, before the pool where the dragon is able to move from the top or summit of the project down thru the hole. 3. It is not a good idea to `trap' the dragon in the home by letting it face inwards such as a wall. This is why for cures, it faces an outlet such as the main door or a window. I have also shown an example of my own home where, I have a wooden dragon figurine facing out of the balcony, aimed at a poison arrow. Between choosing a Ba Gua mirror or a Dragon, I decided to use the dragon for the cure in my home. Do allow the dragon `freedom' to move. 4. This is why, if one notice carefully, especially in Hong Kong, the is suddenly a `hole' in some buildings. This is to allow the dragon from the `mountain-top' move down thru the building to the sea. (It is said that the dragon carries beneficial Qi) Dragon needs `space' to move and never a good idea to trap it. Hope the above will help you to better understand the freedom the Dragon needs. It is also one reason why, it should not be `trapped' in a room unless it faces out thru the window. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, Would it be possible for you to draw a simple diagram e.g. using Winword or a simple file in .bmp or .jpg or .gif It would be easier for understand what you are saying. Please post it to the conference: Conference for Attaching Layout Thanks in advance. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, To confirm, does the eaves point towards any part of the bed or a study table. Can you further elaborate what an eave is. Is it a pointed corner. Thanks. Cecil
  8. Dear Donna, As `keeping' money can be diverse, you can first look at your home to neutralise imbalances based on the new compass readings first. And check if there are any mountain stars that can be activated. (Water stars can also be activated depending on the stars at the specific locations, usually in the living room, this has to be looked at further). In addition, see how suitable you are to your home e.g. by using the Eight House Theory. Further fine tuning can be done with the help of Pillars, if needed. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, Use metal should be fine and not crystal. But make sure that it is not a metal ball. One condition of the metal star is that it should be solid and non-moveable. A metal ball does not fit this description. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, 1. The worst senario is where the front door meets the balcony or there is a direct path from the main door (exiting) towards a window, or balcony. However, this is easy to solve as most of us are aware, to place a screen or close the side of the balcony glass facing directly the door. 2. For the case of the bedroom door facing the main door, this is less auspicious than Para 1. You can still close the bedroom door when the main door is open. (I can understand the problem of placing a screen here). It is still best to use a screen if the main entrance door is next to a wall. This is an ideal situation for placement of a screen. But if the main entrance opens to a column (wall) free area, it is difficult to place a screen (like an island). Other than the above, for now, I cannot think of any other `solution'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, You can place a semi-circular carpet radiating outwards of the door (facing the staircase.) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Glyn and All Users, Wishing Everyone a Happy and Prosperous (Lunar) New Year! Warmest Regards, Cecil & Robert P.S. Lunar New Year falls on 5 February 2000
  13. Dear Anon, 1. Can you elaborate what you mean by `a poison arrow near the main door'. 2. A poison arrow has to be aimed at the door and not just (missed or) near the main door. 3.The best test is to stand at the main door, looking outside. If the poison arrow does not aim at the main door, it no longer becomes a poison arrow. 4. Depending on the angle or type of poison arrows, I have given advise to use a few different alternative methods: - Either a semi-circular carpet radiating outwards of the main door, - Two plants on both sides of the main door (for e.g. a lone lampost slicing the centrepoint of the house). I called this the `Triangle effect.' These are the two common cures. Warmest Regards, Cecil Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Anon, 1. The `concern' here is not a poision arrow i.e. sharp corners aimed at your living room window, but rather the garbage dumpster. 2. It depends on the lighting filtering from the living room. One can either use `opaque' film or use curtains or if the smell is foul, close some of the windows. 3. A Ba gua mirror is meant for a. Some FS practitioners with religious inclinations may advise using it to protect against evil. b. While some FS practitiioners, advise the use of it to deflect Sha Qi or poison arrow. If you an see, your living room window or exterior does not `qualify' for either 3a. or 3b. Therefore, my advise is under Para 2. (unless, there is indeed a poison arrow aimed at your living room window.) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. [This message refers to the message posted under Photo Tours with Interest: Chinese Astrology: The metal Dragon or Golden Dragon. This conference attachments can only be viewed by logging into the web forum only.] Extract of a paragraph of the message: "Five tones and six colours should be the way to brighten your house during Chinese New Year, says Mr Tan P K, one of Singapore's flora bosses." Here, if I understand correctly he mentions about colours of the rainbow to brighten the home i.e. within each six colours, the flowers can be of different shades of that colour. What he wants achieved is to brighten the home. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Anon, Basically Dragon is Yang and it belongs to the earth element. Earth is one of the strongest elements because it always occurs in between each season. Sorry, I like to elaborate that there are two interpretations of Tiger. Tiger belongs to the wood element. 1. Under the Four Symbolic Animal Concept, One view is that Tiger (any tiger) but particularly a white tiger is considered Yin because it is actually the West cardinal point. (A yin location) 2. A tiger under Chinese Astrology Here, the Tiger is a wood element and under time or two hourly timing it falls under the Yang time of 0300 to 0459 am. It depends on what we are `talking' about. Since, placing a statute is not constrained by just placing at West, and if it is also not a white tiger, we can use Para 2 and consider it a Yang `animal'. However, it is not recommended to use a Tiger because it is the wood element. Between wood and `Earth', earth is `stronger'. Here, the dragon is interpreted as being a Stronger Yang animal. No matter how, a dragon is the first choice for a `cure'. For guarding the gate, it is advised not to use a dragon or two dragons side by side as it is considered too much Yang energy. Other more complex theories include, for example generally too much Yin can become Yang and vice versa. This is more `advanced' Feng Shui. For example, my elder brother's Pillars of Destiny, has too many Yin elements and therefore, becomes Yang. As the lion is not one of the 12 animals, it is not stated it is Yang or Yin. But there are other methods to determine Yin or Yang e.g. counting of the strokes of the letters to see if comes out positive (yang) or negative(yin). (Counting strokes of Chinese characters is the common method to determine if a character is yin or yang.) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, Actually, there is no imperial briefcase. What is meant is that the standard Feng Shui foot (around 17inches) is the standard size briefcase made in Asia. It has an auspicious measurement which implies that the document held is surrounded by auspiciousness. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, 1. Dragon year is considered one of the most auspicious years to have a child. Do note that other years are also considered acceptable. 2. The least auspicious year is the year of the tiger especially if the child is a baby girl. 3. Many Chinese give away a baby tiger girl because some consider it inauspicous to have a girl `tiger' while. 4. While many know that it is difficult for their tiger daughter to get married. This is especially so, if they are (in the past) live with their in-laws. Their in-laws are worried that the household may be dominated by a tiger daughter-in-law. The dragon:- 5. The Dragon is the symbol of ancient China. The folk tales on the Dragon is endless. 6. The Dragon is revered with equal status as the Chinese Emperor as his throne is the Dragon and only he can wear the Dragon robe. 7. The Dragon year is popular with every Chinese parent who hopes for a Dragon child. 8. A Dragon person is interesting and have lots of charisma. Are highly intelligent. 9. A Dragon person is lively and full of vitality. They are determined and have lots of self-confidence. 10. Under Chinese astrology, dragons are strong fighters, follow own judgement and can take control and deal effectively with any problems. 11. In my opinion, it is not true that it is inauspicious to start a new business or to travel or get married in the dragon year. Contrary to this, particularly for marriage it is a popular year especially, under the metal dragon or many called it the Golden Dragon year which comes once in every 60 years. Many Chinese are less keen to get married in the tiger year. However, with modernization and many who do not believe in Chinese Astrology are now getting married at any given opportunity especially if age is cropping up on them. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Anon, There is too little information to be able to assist you. There could be imbalances in your house that is not cured. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Anon, 1. Frankly, so far, I have not come across the issue of vertical blinds posing a problem. 2. We can understand why some FS practitioners or authors mention it as it is near equivalent of books (like knives). 3. It is interesting to take note of this and if anyone has any experience on this or find `no issue' could perhaps post a message on this. One reason is has no sharp corners but instead (only the `blades'. But most of the time, it is not `aimed' at a person directly unless one opens the blind `fully' where someone can see u immediately.) Here the purpose of the blind is for privacy and most people drawn `down' the blind, thus, here it is not aimed at the person but either `skywards' or `downwards'. For me, I would not discount it, but rather, as mentioned above, `keep an open mind' about it. Thanks for bringing it up. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, Yes, there is such a thing as an auspicious or inauspicious direction of travel. This is based on the five elements concept and time dimensions of Feng Shui. For example even the Chinese Luopan can be used to check on this. By reading off the Chinese Luopan, one can check if the direction one should travel is auspicious or inauspicious. There will be a module on this site later this year on this. Please note that we should not go to the extend of looking at travel to mean travelling from home to office or for shopping. Travelling a few kilometres or simply travelling on a road to use such a theory. Travelling on a road, we do not have control over the direction of travel. But if one travels on an airplane or to another country, it is more likely that we can use such a auspicious or inauspicious travel `guide'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, The traditional cure for #2 (sickness/earth) and #5 (misfortune/earth) is the use of the 6 coins tied with a red string. (strong metal). A blowing fan can do the job but it has to be a metal fan. (representing metal and replacing the 6 coins). But this is not a traditional cure. Use if if you want to but no guarantees of how effective it is. Nowadays, most fans no longer are made entirely of metal so not advisable to replace this entirely with 6 coins. Can I ask you how are you so sure of your wealth sector. In what way did do you determine your wealth sector? Under Flying Star, near equvalent of wealth sectors are the very auspicious sectors. But this or usually sometimes you have two of these are not called wealth sector. If the wealth sector, is based on the Eight Aspirations or Eight / Life Associations concept, then one can go and get lots of books out and start practising such stuff. (I personally do not recommend it). Furthermore, such practises are near equivalents of or if one sees it almost similar to Black Hat Sect or *BTB* practises which are not recognised by Traditional FS practitioners. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, Usually from the frontage of the house, both sides (left and right) should be balanced. So far, I seldom have ever come across a house where (from the frontage) it looks unbalanced at either side unless it is a large building. If so, this should not be a factor. It is not correct to say that the tiger side gets `stronger' than the dragon side. The only factor is that it is ideal condition if the dragon and tiger embrance i.e. Dragon is usually taller and tiger shorter. It can be a hill or landmark (true dragon /tiger) or a false dragon or tiger such such a road etc... Usually, the shape and form of a building should be "whole" and not of odd shape especially if we look at it from a helicopter view. It is best to have a `whole' or regular shaped house rather than to call it as a tiger being stronger than a dragon etc... In my applied Feng Shui book, I have mentioned something to the effect of one entering a house from the dragon and the tiger side. Having different dept or preception. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, Since your main door is not correct degree, please email robert-lee@3dmail.com for a free credit to replace the existing Flying Star report to check your house again. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, Rulers belong to another `school' of Feng Shui or Imperial carpentry. There are rulers for the dead (Yin) and rulers (Yang) or living. Many modern rulers or tape measures sold have both these two measurements on it. There is a sample at: www.geomancy.net/fs/ruler.htm The problem here is that if one finds in the market now, there are more than four different versions of the ruler (based on various different methods to derive the auspicious sectors on the ruler. In terms of importance, what is worse? Not to cure the imbalance or even if the measurements are not considered inauspicious? Priorty should go to curing the imbalance. Usually measurements are more crucial in Yin Feng Shui. For Yang Feng Shui as I mentioned for furniture, nowadays, it is not practical to tailor made one. Furthermore, applying 33.3 percent rule set, the 6 coins you mentioned are too insignificant. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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