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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, Horse racing is a passion of quite alot of Chinese. Although one cannot say that all Chinese behave this way, there is a certain percentage of Chinese visit the `Turf clubs on weekends to see horse racing'. In the most recent enhancement to this site, I had added a calendar module and there is also a God of Horses (birthday). http://www.geomancy.net/calendar/index.htm Therefore, displaying a horse racing perhaps could be an aspriation that the horse one bets on wins and make the person wealthly. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Luther, 1. In traditional Pillars of Destiny `readings' under `occupation', there are two `categories' of occupation that can: a. In my book Applied Feng Shui or Course, there is a chapter identifying an occupation with an element. Here, an occupation can be classified under an element. For example, accountancy, banking can be classified under the `metal' element. The rationale is because in the past, coins etc.. are of the metal element. And since accounting involves money (and money is associated with coins). a. Career with Wealth This means that if one has a career in this `line' related to such an element, one is suppose to be able to be wealthy. b. Career with Power One example of `fire' related career is Marketing and earth can imply real estate. 2. As I mentioned this is an additional module of Pillars of Destiny (just like it has been in the past). 3. It it is related closely to the Five Elements i.e. identifying what type of element each occupation is. 4. However, in modern times, our occupations get more and more complex due to e.g. multi skilling, it is much harder to correctly identify which occupation belongs to which element. 5. As I mentioned, the purpose of the Pillars of Destiny, is more for analysing a person's element and strength and looking at the season of influence of current period (luck period). 6. As all the various destiny analysis comes with the Pillars of destiny, it is optional whether one would want to use them. 7. The traditional Pillars of Occupation therefore has these two interpretations that: a. If one wants a career with power e.g. becoming the CEO, Chairman or someone with authority, then go for a "Career with Power." b. If one wants to be wealthy, then go for a "Carrer with Wealth". c. The `carreer' identified should be one that comes in contact with a harmonious element. In this case, I have illustrated for example (Fire career) could be Marketing, Public Relations which should be in contact `earth' e.g. real estate or say food processing. Something of this nature. Rather than say Marketing of wood products e.g. furniture. Here, Fire (marketing) in constant contact with furniture (wood products). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Anon, As you have correctly mentioned Chinese astrology can be quite `similar' in its approach with say the Western Astrology. The reason why, we do not want to discuss Chinese astrology at the moment is because most of the `analysis' done e.g. predictions in books are all based only on one's Year of birth. This is like comparing apples with oranges. Here, Pillars of Destiny (which is not Chinese Astrology) uses not `4 pillars' i.e. Year, Month, Day and Time. So how can we compare the `prediction' of Pillars of Destiny with a basic Chinese Astrology `chart' based on just the year of birth. Furthermore, we have added two more pillars of destiny into version 8. In addition, all Feng Shui materials under this website is based soely on the Five elements concept to allow easy reference between all different report analysis. This is comparing an orange with an orange. I have also mentioned that the terms of reference for this site is to use the best tools available for Feng Shui. Here, one has to take note that currently, I only use the element and its strenght plus check the season of influence under the Luck Pillars for reference in Feng Shui. I cannot help it if one wants to find out their fortune. Pillars of Destiny comes standard with such a module. I have already stated clearly that I am not a fortune teller. My rationale is that if a forutne teller can be so good as to tell his or her fortune, why does he/she needs to earn a living telling their fortune. Traditional Feng Shui is different from destiny(fortune telling). I am keen to continue to learn as much as I can in this area. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Ellen, 1. Personally, many years back when I first started on Feng Shui, I was equally concerned about how well the carpet and the flooring `matches' the breadwinner's Ba Zhi or element and its strength. 2. Here, I would try to relate the flooring + breadwinner's Ba Zhi in relation to the Five elements concept. 3. If you were to asked me today, how I feel about it, I would say that, my thinking has been `altered'. 4. Not so much because, I have changed my mind but rather, instead of looking at flooring under the Five Elements concept, look at it more on the Yin and Yang perspective. 5. Unde the Five elements concept, I would `crack' my brains trying to see if there is a fit for the breadwinner and family members. 6. You will understand that this can become complicated even with a family of just two persons. Imagine, a family of four, or more. Here, it would be a daunting task of finding the right `fit' for the family. 7. I am not saying that, previously, I would recommend, that Room a, has X coloured tiles, while Y room has another coloured tiles and so forth.... 8. If you can visualise the above, it gets very complicated. Worse, if the floor tiles are inbuilt. Do you want to hack the tiles? Force the use carpeting? 9. Therefore, I believe it makes more sense to relate floor tiles to Yin and Yang concept. For example, many condominums in Singapore have been rooms with parquet flooring or varnished wooden block chips flooring. This is acceptable, because, it makes the room `darker' because of the brown wood and more Yin. While for the living room etc.. most houses use light coloured tiles or while tiles, marble, granite. Here, the house should look more `Yang'. 10. In your case, since it is your great room, I believe your intention is to make it a room of `activity', brighter coloured carpet should be better than the existing rug which you mentioned, made the room `dead'. 11. I believe, applying the Yin and Yang concept to floor tiles is a better method. If you do feel good about making the room more vibrant, carry on replacing the carpet with something more `exciting'. This is how, I see the application of Yin and Yang in the different rooms of the home. For the walls, neutral white is acceptable. For cures, certain colours for each member of the family can still be applied without any problems. It is unlike hacking away the floor tiles. The 33.3 percent ruleset can still be met by painting the wall with a `suitable' colour. I hope this helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Annon, Sorry, for the late response. I totally agree with what you have written. For this reason, "in between messages", I am trying to post some symbols of significance to the Chinese. I agree with you that we should discuss more of symbolism, since there are already alot of resources dedicated to clearing doubts on various Feng Shui issues. Perhaps, you have correctly pointed out that this is the right time to discuss whenever we can symbolism. Earlier, I decided not to discuss `symbolism' was because, there are still so many questions relating to how to effectively use proper Feng Shui or to differentiate those that works and those that are not Feng Shui. My fear then was that if we do `mix' symbolism between messages, it becomes more confusing for users here. I guess, many users already very matured in Feng Shui and able to differentiate the good and discard the bad. For those, that we are not sure, can give a try but look at them in a more cautious method. We have come a stage where, everyone questions each and every `Feng Shui' practise. Do not just expect to be `told' but rather, look at issues on a broad and mature way. I really like the way you mentioned about the favourite of the four legged friend:) This will constantly be in my mind also. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, Thanks for bring up this interesting question. I was wondering whether anyone would `spot' this and bring it up. As far, as I am aware, the most important considerations is to choose the date for the piling or symbolic start of the work. So far, I have yet to come across a single case of problems relating to offending the Grand Duke. Some may question the validity of the Grand Duke. But it is better to be on the cautious side. If one wants to ask me for the rationale why I believe that there is no problem for a new house is, if one believes in the Grand Duke Theory, the main thing that the Grand Duke has not resided in the home as yet i.e. he has not been `invited' because you would not expect any one to stay in a house under construction. Under this `argument' since he has not "stayed" in the new home, it is not possible for one to offend him. I have been pondering over what or how to say it, but this is what I feel is in my opinion, my `answer' to the question. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Lynn, 1. Usually, you can get readily purchased coins already tied with red string with a tassel. 2. In your case, usually, tie the first coin with the second coin and then add the third coin, overlapping each other. The three coins can be `firmly' held together overlapped in a straight line. (Overlapped partially on top of each other). 3. The three coins are usually placed under the main entrance carpet. The symbolic gesture of stepping on the three coins is like stepping on `gold'. 4. You do not really need to worry as to how to tie them. But remember not to stack them together and tie them. 5. Here, symbolically, one must still see the three coins (even if they are overlapped partially). To represent 3 coins. 6. While stacking the three coins on top of each other is like sandwiching the coins and it may look like one single fat coin. This is wrong. So, with a little imagination, try not to follow this wrong method. Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, When I am free, will post more information on this. Currently, the relationship of planets and even the Big dipper has relevance to Chinese Astrology. As most of users are more concerned with what goes on, on planet earth, I believe, we can skip this area first and concentrate on more `earthly things' and when there is less to discuss, would be glad to post more on Chinese Astrology (stuffs). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Darlene, 1. Sorry for the late reply. 2. Presently there are no ISO standards or standard practises in Feng Shui. 3. I would rather call it Geomancy as Feng Shui alone is not really enough to cover the scope of a full " Feng Shui " audit. 4. In my opinion, it takes years and years of experience plus constant studying and updates to come to a level of not only understanding but applying `Feng Shui'. As Rome was not built in a day, Geomancy study needs lots of understanding and more importantly, applying what most likely works and discard the `bad' practises. 5. I therefore cannot blame you for being `confused' with so many practices in Geomancy. Furthermore, there are so many differing views and controversies surrounding Feng Shui. Especially, if one chanced upon the only Feng Shui newsgroup: alt.chinese.fengshui one would be amazed with the `infighting', flames and accusations within such a newsgroup. I would not touch (participate) in the forum even with "a ten foot pole." 6. Frankly, I mentioned quite often that half the battle is worn if one finds a good home. In fact, this solves most of the problems and if one is lucky, do not even need Feng Shui! 7. Another key essence is to find out the purpose by asking the simple questions of : What, How and Why? 8. If one has a reasonably good house, and the essence of what each Feng Shui theory does, its strengths and limitations and apply the most effective `cure' is considered the best one can do for ourselves. As, I cannot mention so many things on one message, take your time to find out more on what is and what is not Feng Shui or Geomancy. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, This is a very interesting question. In applied Feng Shui, one need not have to deal with issues like whether the moon is yin or yang. What is more relevant here is the `fact' that the moon affects the tides and magnetic influence/pull of gravity. Other interesting studies include looking at e.g. full moon dates for Marketing activity etc.. I personally feel it does not matter whether the stars are yin or yang. This area, is dominated by Astrology i.e. this forum's `terms of reference' is more on Feng Shui, Destiny and not on Chinese Astrology. Perhaps, Chinese Astrology, may or may not have looked into this issue. Frankly, most of us are not too concerned as the stars are too far away for most of us to feel an impact. But when we speak about enhancements to our homes, I believe, almost, everyone would `stand up' or sit up to listen. Therefore, in reality, it is not that relevant to all of us at this stage to be concerned about whether it is yin or yang. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Dina, 1. Apologise for the delay in reply. 2. Under the four symbolic animals concept, ideally, the back of the house has to have a `solid backing'. This is based on the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui and the best advise is not to have a water position behind the house. 3. Usually, if we also plant a tree or plant at the back of the house. The result is that the `shade' especially if the trees grows tall and `large' would result in the location becoming yin. This is in addition to the water element which itself is yin. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, 1. Apologise if it cause some alaram. 2. Actually, this senario applies more to a house which has been built and later, the `head' of the house gets chopped off. It does not refer to a house that has been constructed new with a modern (several levels) house. 3. This is why I specifically mentioned that the head of the house gets chopped off. Perhaps, it has been interpreted differently. I believe houses that gets its head chopped off and subsequently, or eventually had to be torn down. This is also based on Yang Zhai Shi Shu, Shapes and Form Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Toni, Presently, it is my belief that the two elements that one should be concerned are: 1. Water Water signifies "difficulty" in the I-Ching. Usually water at the centre of the house would pose a problem. 2. Fire (real fire) as in a fire place is the second thing to take note of. The second part is less of a concern than water but more study should be done on this area. Other than that, having a linen cupboard is the lesser of the two `evils'. I believe that this is of less concern. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Anon, I believe, I did not ever mentioned this anywhere or in this forum. Someone else must have mentioned this to you. Sounds interesting thou:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Anon, I would like to point out that `light' does not necessary mean `bulb' electricity. I believe our Sun came about long before the `bulb' electricity came into place. Usually, when I mentioned about lighting, e.g. it refers to natural light and necessary the `Edison' light bulb. I hope you *Joke* can now look at lighting from a different perspective. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Users, Before I elaborate on the Feng Shui Trap, it is very common for many of us to fall prey to purchasing a fountain, wind chimes etc.. in the hope that we can become `wealthy'. It is often elaborated that one does not really need to spent money under Feng Shui. What I mean is that, rather than hoping for auspiciousness to come to us by purchasing fountains etc... but should we not try to (in the first) place, if we can neutralise bad influences. If we do not do so, no matter how much we buy to ehance ourselves, we will ultimately like many people have found out fall into the Feng Shui `trap'. Hope that you can ponder over what I have said. This has been elaborated many times in this forum. Frankly, if I also did not fall into a different `Feng Shui Trap', where there are so many false `teachings' or practises, I certainly wish not to be so closely related to Feng Shui. So far, I would do the most sensible thing: 1. Try to find an excellent house; 2. If there is no such thing as an excellent house, and if there is a poison arrow, cure it. 3. A while back, I suddenly fell ill. Robert decided to use the Flyings Star report to analyse the location where I often work. we located the sickness star, placed the 6 coins (scotched tape) it on a red packet. This proved effective. 4. I had the two beautiful plants on the balcony and they continously bloom. Other than this, I am really no fan or crazy over Feng Shui. I hope you can see at which point, I try to pay emphasis on the use of Feng Shui. And in many areas, if it becomes a taboo, or a ritual, lets forget about Feng Shui. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, Frankly, in my opinion, this has more to do with `safety' than Feng Shui. Usually, one would not expect a broad staircase unless it is a building or a large house where three persons or more can walk side-by-side going up or down the stairs. Imagine if the staircase is sufficient for one or one and a-half person's body width to walk thru. If the plant has extended leaves, I really cannot imagine that one will not brush against the leaves. Looking at it from a light hearted moment, imagine placing catus plants and having a pet e.g. dog or cat or the wind blowing and toppling the catus plant. What happens if a loved one accidently steps on the catcus? And get hurt? The Traditional Feng Shui concept is to instead place a mirror at the staircase landing. The purpose, is that Qi can `move' upwards. Well this is the only `valid' concept advised by some Traditional FS Masters. But don't because, of what I said and you go and get a mirror. I believe this is not `correct'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Ang Chye, The easiest method is to use the Pillars of Comparison (for members) to find the binding elements of both you and your wife. Please take note the element and strength of the above report is used in conjunction with the analysis under Pillars of Destiny version 7. As the Pillars of Destiny 8 is based on two more `Pillars'. While most of the time may be the same, but may slightly vary in some occasions. For those using Pillars of Destiny 8, later, we will have a module for this version. But again, the Pillars of Comparison for version 7 is already accurate. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  19. Dear Sandi, Generally, there are three ways of looking at the issue: 1. The Flying Star Theory a. Location of Water star (in general) Under this situation, the water fountain should be placed in locations such as the living room (where it is generally) low lying area. Similarly, the clear space in front of the frontage of the house are good locations. b. Using the mathematical model of the Flying Star to check for balance or imbalances. Usually, the imbalances are related to the sickness (2 star) and misfortune (5) star and the cure is related to avoiding earth or the use of big metal to neutralise it. Here, usually, water do not `create' that much problem unless it is overwhelming or exceeding 33.3percent or more, as it creates too yin a location. Water at the centrepoint also overwhelm and would cause sickness especially for the spouse and create financial problems. c. Therefore, water in general, even at the living room usually should not cause too much problem even if one places it for `fun'. You can see that in a very general sense, water at various positions should not `cause' too much problems unless there is an imbalance or at certain sectors. Particularly if one does not do a full FS audit. 2. Another more potent method using the Triangulation method would be discussed in the future once we fully develop the Ba Zhi Feng Shui, this year. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Anon, The semi-circular doormat should not be used in `all' locations of a house. The best location to use the semi-circular doormat is at a bedroom door e.g. facing the staircase. Other than this, it is preferably that it is used outside the house although it is a mild form of `Feng Shui' defensive tool. For example, when you walk up the staircase, you can see the bedroom door directly. In such a situation, the semi-circualr doormat could be used here. In this case, to neutralise the sha qi from the staircase. So far, this is the only location or situation, I can think of that it is acceptable to place the semi circular carpet. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, I personally have come a few cases of water heater hidden in a closet. To my personal knowledge and belief, it is not as bad as a bathroom/toilet. The water heater is enclosed and although it meets the `criteria' of not having a clear space, the residents that I have analysed do not have more problems than those which have a toliet at the centrepoint. Although my sample for such situations are not that large perhaps only about 20 to 30 cases, which I have seen or analysed, it does not match the inauspciousness of having a toilet/bowl at the centre of the house. I have more to find out about it before, I can share with you on what I feel may or may not be a concern. Feel free if anyone has had an `encounter' having been under such a situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Paula, 1. If you have the chance to read some of the messages that were posted on this issue, it is my opinion that it is difficult to depend on Feng Shui to sell a house. 2. This is because: a. The Flying Star Theory is meant to analyse a house's birth chart. b. The Eight House is to see how suitable a house is to the owner and where possible try to stay at a good location. Within these two theories, there are no direct relationship between selling a house and Feng Shui. 3. The only "relationship", I feel is of use is if the buyer knows Feng Shui and if one can point out some good points about the house or "convince" the person that the house has excellent Feng Shui. Otherwise, it is my honest opinion that, one should not rely too much on Feng Shui to sell the house. Other factors include, the price of the house etc... Pillars of Destiny, can be used but is it an indirect relationship i.e. depending on the time and the element of the owners, the buyer, this is quite difficult to achieve most of the time. I hope, I am not trying to dishearten you but, I sincerely feel, if you have read previous messages on this subject that one should not pin too much hopes on Feng Shui. I believe not even the best FS practitioners can help in this situation. What could be worse is to consult a fortune teller. I am always afraid of being associated with "fortune telling" is, I would even ask myself, if I can tell someone's fortune, why I am rich? Anyway, rich does not necessary mean money or wealth but happiness etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Anon, Sorry for not clarifying what I meant about the `head of the house clearly'. I sincerely apologise for the oversight. I hope you find this article useful:- Clich here for the link It will show, a sample of the type of `older' houses where there is a `head' or what looks like a `head' of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Anon, Under the Eight House Theory, since you are an East House person, South is considered your Prosperity Section. Here, in terms of how suitable are to your house, since it is your prosperity sector, this house is considered suitable to you (especially if you are the breadwinner). However, it is best to check which intangible force is located at your bedroom area. Where best it should also be one of your good sectors. Other than knowing the above, you may have to consider using other theories such as the Flying Star to analyse the birth chart of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, The original purpose of real firecrackers was to `drive' away evil/bad luck. But because, in most countries real firecrackers were banned because due to many incidence where fire started e.g. in communities such as villages and even house caught fire. Many people therefore, symbollically, hang decorative `fake' fire crackers on thier main door. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
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