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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, Based on just the Shapes and Form School, there should not be a problem with the kitchen above the toilet. It would be inauspicious if it is the other way around i.e. the toilet (especially the toilet bowl) above i.e. the stove or cooking area. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Anon, It is common to associate `white' with purity particularly with the west. Chinese in some ways do associate white or `straw' clothing where it is worn during funerals. So far, under Chinese customs or practises, fences are never painted white. Personally, I have yet to see a white fencing both locally or on my trips abroad. I believe this is certainly a `taboo' colour even for FS practioners. The most common colour as you have mentioned for a picket fence is green. Most fences I come across can also be in black. Hmm.. as far I can remember, I seldom see a blue fence. In my opinion, green or black is a "better" choice. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Tegs, If I read your message correctly, I believe you will be placing the headrest of your bed against a wall. This is a good choice. If you have a low linen cupboard, you can actually place it at the foot of the bed. Alternatively, whether it is possible to use a privacy screen or any other cabinet e.g. a low book shelf (with the shelf) facing outwards towards the door. Taking into consideration "priorities", the legs facing the door is not as bad as the bed against a window etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Dave, Thanks for sharing with us your information. In your situation, you can consider NE as the frontage of the house although there is no `front' door. You are not alone in this situation. In my country, many Housing Development Flats (developed by the government) for more than 90 percent of the population has this `bright hall' effect (although they have a front door.) Many a times I find the front door to be `darker' similiar to the `back' door of yours. I have given quite alot of examples on why this `fixed' template format is not a reliable FS method. Overall, if Feng Shui is so easy, and if everyone do the same, imagine an entire population following this fixed principle, we ask ourselve this question: will it work? Only if other FS principles have been explored and if one have the time or the luxury, can go for this fixed template format. Even the Eight House Theory is personalised to an individual. My advise is not to take the Eight Associations/Life Associations Concept too seriously. It would be best that do not apply the cures you mentioned unless it is truly necessary such as to deflect a poision arrow or after investigations e.g. using the Flying Star to check the auspiciou/inauspciousness of a particular location. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Jojo, Under the Shapes and Form School, this is inherent with the unit i.e. you cannot do much here other than to balance the `yin' aspect to make the location more bright `yang' due to the lower level housing. Other than the above, more investigations can be done using the Flying Star to analyse the birth chart of the house. This is not compulsory. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Sudha, Please see below:- 1. The intangible force (auspicious or inauspicious) influencing i.e. the bedroom is more important than sleeping with the head facing a good direction. Hope that you would take the above into consideration. Where possible sleep closer/nearer to a good auspicious intangible force location. 2. Pay attention to the Four Symbolic Animals Concept (Ref: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm ) where the bed headrest should be firmly against a wall. Note other important considerations like the bed not directly in full view of the bedroom door. Try not to place the bed on the opposite wall as the toilet bowl... Only after taking into consideration the above, then, you have the `luxury' of getting your head facing a good direction. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Jacqueline, Please accept my sincere apologies as I have no speciality over this subject. This is because it does not come under Feng Shui, Chinese astrology or Divinity methods. In my personal opinion, I feel that I do not have the expertise to comment on this subject. However, I will look out for any tradtional methods that hopefully does work. This is also because there are some Chinese superstitions I come across such as the bridegroom and bride get a handsome child to roll over the bed etc... I am too "embarrased" to share Chinese superstitions. Therefore, I prefer to stick to `more scientific' aspects of Chinese culture such as sharing information on traditional Feng Shui and Divinity methods. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, The Chinese Animal Signs is based on Chinese Astrology. In a broad sense, it is the equivalent of say the `English' Astrology signs such as Gemini, Cancer etc... One should take note that Chinese Astrology is also called "Zi Wei Dou Shou". For those who are new and like to find out the 12 different Chinese animal signs can visit one of my earlier sites: http://www.lovesigns.net This site compares the compatibility based on a person's year of birth. One has to be cautious to use different animal signs to improve Feng Shui especially if one purchases `objects'. For example, it is in auspicious to place a picture of a hungry tiger who is on the `prowl' in the home. At www.lovesigns.net, you will find that three sets of animals are considered auspicious and based on the graphic diagram you will find that the animal facing one another is considered it's `worst enemy'. The site will also show that at a famous convent in Singapore, `Tiger' girl babies were left at the doorstep of the convent in the past. In Singapore, the birth rate per year is usally around 60,000 to 50,000 babies but during `bad' years such as the `Tiger' year, the birth rate can drop to around 48,000 or less. One good thing about this is that during such years, there is less competition for such parents to find `better' schools for their child. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Anon, There are two types of `gourd':- 1. The first is called simply as "Gourd". The equivalent here is called the water-melon in the west. In the Chinese province of Canton or in Hong Kong, with predominantly Cantonese speaking dialect group. Never give the water-melon as a present as the word "Xi Gua" is = water melon. The word "Xi" signifies death. 2. In this message, you are most likely to refer to the bottle-gourd or in Mandarin called "hu-lu". The bottle-gourd is linked to a Toaist's object. In Chinese symbolism, it is a replica of heaven and earth joining (due to the two spherical shape.) On the Chinese Lunar calendar: 5th day of the 5th month; which is the feast of the summer solstice, a bottle-gourd made of paper is hung at the gate leading into the house. The bottle-gourd is also the `weapon' used by Tie Guai Li, one fo the eight immortals. In my opinion, a bottle-gourd is considered an auspicious item. It is acceptable to keep such an object in the home as a decorative piece only. It is not used in any particular way as an object to neutralise etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, In my personal opinion, tie a "red thread" has more to do with Chinese customs than the pakua mirror has to be activated with a red thread. As red symbolisies an auspicious colour. 1. When one moves into a house, some Chinese follow the tradition of wraping charcoal with a red paper to represent black gold. Red is considered auspicious. Same goes for bringing into the house a red charcoal stove to symbolise an auspicious occassion when moving into the house. 2. Chinese wedding invitation cards are always in Red especially with the Phoenix (representing Female) and Dragon (representing Male) emblem in gold. Even the double happiness sign is usually in red. 3. I mentioned in a few recent messages that during Chinese Lunar New Year, in the past, red fire crackers were lighted and the result is a red `carpet' effect. We can then understand why red is always used such as red string even to tie the ancient coins to form the 6 coins symbolising `Big metal'. Where `big metal' is used to destroy the Wood element e.g. a wooden ceiling beam. 4. It is also recommended when one is disposing a used Ba Gua mirror, one should wrap the Ba Gua mirror in a used newspaper and tie it with a red string before disposing of it. This is more a tradition than a `MUST' to activate the Ba Gua Mirror. Hope the above helps. Cecil
  11. Dear Anon, 1. Firstly, house numbers are considered secondary to Feng Shui. There are two "camps" with regards to this thinking. Like you mentioned some FS practioners would encourage the numbering to be rising at 45 degrees to denote or symbollically represent `progress' or as you mentioned: vertical such as 8 8 8 Others, would consider numbers secondary and not as important ie. the numbers can be at the same level. 2. In my opinion, I do believe that numbers are of secondary importance but it is really no harm raising the numbers 45 degrees or at a vertical position. (Unless this is specifically not permitted in a specific country). Again, symbolism plays an important role in Feng Shui. As we can see that it is best to have even a design of a lamp that looks like:- /\ / \ || The above profile is generally considered more auspicious than other profiles such as a roof of the house slanting to one side only. 3. One other important point to note is that some highly experience Feng Shui Masters also mentioned that the main entrance door is one where you have the number of the house on it. This is a serious consideration especially for those who use another door as their main entrance. (For now, I will not discuss on this further as there are lots of mails to be answered). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, Ideally, as you have correctly mentioned, the dead tree should be removed. However, I can certainly sympathise with your plight. The dead tree creates quite a yin imbalance. As I do not know more of your personal information, you can try to use metal above the window to neutralise the `dead tree'. Here what you can do is:- 1. Get hold of a red packet or ang pow packet. If you do not have one, a red rectangular paper (approximately around 130mm by 65 to 70 mm) and place six coins (you can use scotch tape to tape the coins 3 coins each side (flat) on the paper. Hang it at the mid-point above the window. 2. The Big metal of 6 coins is used to destroy the wood element. (Note: This remedy is currently not referenced to the room's Flying Star numbers). It would be better to analyse with the Flying Star numbers. I would not recommend a milder 7 coins that represent `Small metal' as 6 coins represent Big Metal and should be able to neutralise it more effectively. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Anon, Basically, there is a Chinese legend called the " Legend of the Eight Immortals ". It has also been cast as a TV serial by a few TV stations in Asia. In general, the legend is about how 8 persons each became an immortal to serve the world. As it is not Feng Shui but more related to Chinese culture and `stories' ... I will not dwell on it further. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Mette, Thanks for your detailed description of your home. I can certainly understand the problem faced by you in determing which is your front door. Worse still when it is determine, it really sounds and feel not right. In your case, we should try to apply another concept based on the facing direction of the front house. Let not determing the `front' or main entrance deter you. In your case, lets `forget' the actual main door or back door for the moment. Where is the frontage of your house? Here, you should consider the location where light goes into the house. It can be a window. For your special case, is there a window as I mentioned above where light flows thru or looks like the frontage of the house? If there is a door at this location, then it should be your main entrance door. If not, you can take the subsitute window as the main entrance door. Perhaps, you can feedback on the above and whether it can apply to your situation before, we go further to determine the `frontage' of the house rather than the main entrance door. Under this concept, the `frontage' " replaces " the main entrance door. One method of using this concept is to place the house number above the window. For those who have changed or use alternative doors, it would be best to place the house number on this door or above this door. To symbollically make this the `front door'. (You can still leave the house number on the other door). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Sabina, What I understand is that you have measured your main entrance and it is in the mid-point or compass direction 337.5 degrees i.e. between 0 degrees and 315 degrees If you are using the eight house theory, you need not be too concern with the "type" of house ie. North or NW but rather find out what is the intangible force at the main entrance by checking what intangible force is affecting the North and NW. Best that it is not the death or disaster intangible force at either North or NW. If so, this means that the house is considered the least suitable to the breadwinner. Next, check the intangible force affecting the bedrooms. These are the two key considerations if you are using the Eight House Theory. As for the Flying Star theory, you should not have a problem locating the type of house as the compass directions is every 15 degree difference i.e. there are a total of 24 house directions under this theory. Warmest Regards, Cecil (Reference: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm for instructions on the use of the Eight House) or goto www.geomancy-online.com to generate a free eight house report.
  16. Dear Glyn, I am delighted to hear your success story:) You have really put Feng Shui especially the use of the Five Elements concept. It is cleary a shiny example of how proper use of Feng Shui can yield excellent results. Keep up the good work! Warmest Regards Cecil
  17. Dear Anon, Currently, there is no `evidence' to say that opening or closing a door which happens to be at the east direction will distrub the grand duke. It is in my personal opinion that, the Grand Duke does not `stay' or `sit' at a door only be be `banged' upon. Collectively one must understand that (most importantly) the Grand Duke refers to Chinese Astrology where the Grand Duke is based on the planet `Jupiter'. As Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, it is suppose to extert a substantial influence on our planet. Overall, it is perfectly ok to have the door at the location. Only remember to try not to do any renovations at the location e.g. the wall surrounding the door. If we want to take taboo abit further, try not to paint the door for this year. If one can wait, no harm be abit more cautious. For those who are new in this forum, the Grand Duke Theory is based on Chinese Astrology. But many Feng Shui practioners incorporate it in Feng Shui as Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui is commonly integrated (subject fields). Similarly, you will notice that Geomancy.net or Geomany-online etc... is not called Feng Shui because fields such as Destiny (Pillars of Destiny), Chinese Animal signs (Astrology) are related fields of study and especially in the Far East, things like face reading, finding a suitable name for a child, changing of a person's name, face and hand reading are other fields of Chinese Geomancy. This should be covered so that we are able to use the best of each of the tools for our benefit. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Dear Anon, One of the `principles' in relation to neutralising `objects' is to remember that it has to be `activated'. For example, even a simple table fork has been effectively used by some FS Masters to counteract / neutralise a sha qi. Here, one should remember to point it to the `sha location'. It is usually not advisable to use a sword as one has a problem deciding how to place it. Furthermore, it should not be hang within a home. Under `Symbolism', a knife or pointed object creates sha qi and this would inadvertenly affect the household, a bedroom a living room etc... Instead, one should use other non offensive methods. For example, I have mentioned that one principle is that if one do not see a threat, it no longer becomes a threat. In such a situation, one should instead use a partition behind the main entrance door (for example) to neutralise a threat. Rather than say place a sword facing the main door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Jenney, 1. You mentioned that you stopped using the toilet in the bedroom. Perhaps u can elaborate further the rationale for doing so. This is because it is quite common for the toilet to be in the masterbedroom. It is good that u do not use the toilet but I like to find out more how are u applying the principles. It is because the toilet bowl is directly along the auspicious line/location. 2. For the fire place in the centre of the house. Can u elaborate if it is being used. From what I can understand from your message, looks like your family is not using it. It is best not to use it unless you have a real need for it. If it is not used, leave it as it is and do not need to add anything to it. 3. Currently, overall, what I understand is that the house is not suitable for the breadwinner and as you have mentioned the U shape is not auspicious shape. 4. For the garage `poision' arrow, it is best to close the kitchen door when not in use. As mentioned in the first message, do let us know your login account for us to credit u with the credit for the Period 7 Flying Star. You can then look thru it and use it. We will always help on this matter. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Jenney, 1. Yes, a South House (Fire element) is not favourable for a `weak water person'. The NE is a better choice for the `main entrance'. 2. For the U shaped house, this is indeed not an auspicious configuration. If one cannot change the profile of the house, you can try to see whether, you can (if possible) see if an `artificial' border e.g. using landscaping to form a complete rectangle shaped house such as thru the use of grass patch or plants. (Not to the extreme but imagine that when one looks from the air, it looks like a rectangle `plot'. Something of this nature. Alternatively, I am not sure if this is possible but lamps along this demarcation or further back on the fencing would help to minimize the effects of the plot of land. However, it still unfortuantely change the Qi flow but will certainly improve the situation. (Continued.. in next part..)
  21. Dear Jenney, First of all, let me apologise for the late reply. Please see below:- Yes, it shows a direct reference to family unit or relationship. At a later date, Robert will expand the `interpretation' of this module further. Please e-mail Robert privately so that he can give you the additional free credit to generate another report based on Period 7 for your home. His email address is: robert-lee@3dmail.com Usually, based on your description, the flying star would `gradually' change to that of Period 7. A more cautious FS practioner will keep both templates and look at it to see which Period template is more accurate or relevant. In my opinion, your house should take on Period 7's with the renovations that you had done. Dear Jenney, First of all, let me apologise for the late reply. Please see below:- Yes, it shows a direct reference to family unit or relationship. At a later date, Robert will expand the `interpretation' of this module further. Please e-mail Robert privately so that he can give you the additional free credit to generate another report based on Period 7 for your home. His email address is: robert-lee@3dmail.com Usually, based on your description, the flying star would `gradually' change to that of Period 7. A more cautious FS practioner will keep both templates and look at it to see which Period template is more accurate or relevant. In my opinion, your house should take on Period 7's with the renovations that you had done.
  22. Dear Anon, Under the grand duke theory, one should not:- 1. Touch `him' or 2. Distrub `him'. In my personal opinion, it is best not to `touch' him because when you mentioned hanging the lights, it would mean touching some part of the wall. I personally feel very uncomfortable over this. Another point is that you should not distrub the earth outside this wall ie. place a supporting structure to `hoist' the lights. (If you really need to do so, try to use metal e.g. a metal space between the digging and the side of the wall. Unless you can hang the lights without doing any of the above without `touching' the Grand Duke it is fine. The Grand Duke (of Jupiter) is said to be unforgiving and the effects is lasting ... can last for a few years. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  23. Dear Anon, Thank you for sharing with everyone this information. Yes, this general belief is considered by many FS experts specialising in Shapes and Form School. We can generally classify this as under " Symbolism " in Feng Shui. A few Taiwan FS Masters also warn of `innocent' objects such as a thin narrow Chimney as equivalent to a joss stick. The end result is usually calamity or death for family members. Once again, thanks for sharing with everyone this information. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Monica & Anon, I believe anon has `read' my mind as usually the advise is not to use plants. But strangely, some of us are more `tolerant' to the use of plants even in the bedroom. For example in the case of a mirror facing the bed, I known some who do not have an `ill' effects of a mirror facing their bed while others do have some discomfort over this. I believe, human beings are diverse and certain `concepts' cannot be universally applied to everyone. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Anon, In the ancient Chinese book known as Yang Zhai Shi Shu, this type of house is described as inauspicious and the result that the family members staying in the house cannot be rich. This is considered less auspicious than some other building layouts which can range from death occuring twice in a year to the breadwinner meeting a calamity. Frankly, there is really nothing one can do other than to `brighten' up the house and others include placing e.g. such as placing fu fu dogs/dragons or more offensive FS cures such as canons on the pillars of the gate of the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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