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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Hi, Recently, I read in the local newspapers that living too close to hight tension wires are not adviseable. However, rougly from what you have wrote, I guess the high tension poles/wires are quite far away. The recent article mentioned the higher incidence of `cancer' living too close to the high tension wires. If it quite far away, it usually do not pose any `threat' to your dinning room windows. In my personal opinion, if it is more than 600 metres away is still acceptable. If there are trees planted between the high tension poles and your home much the better. Let me share with you one of the Traditional Feng Shui Theories called " Penmanship ". In the past, many Chinese settlements errect a Pagoda at a specific location of their settlements. Some of these pagodas were errected above underground water. With a pagoda at the location, to offset any built up area. In recent times, underground water was found not `healty' for those living above it. The other purpose of erecting a pagoda is so that the decendents can strive to do good in their examinations. Currently, if one can see a tall object e.g. telecoms tower or narrow pointed structure on the right of the study table (when looking out of the window), this is considered good as it means " Penmanship " or one becoming a scholar. Particulary if the child is of the wood element.
  2. Hi, Thanks for bringing up a refreshingly new question. In general i.e on a macro level, overall, hospitals are considered a YIN location. Frankly, all of us (doctors & nurses included) have reasonable levels of personal AURA to defend ourselves from YIN elements. 1. Nurses and physicians are in constant motion, generating active Qi. 2. Patients fall into several categories: - Some patients are frail and weak, and these individuals tend to have more YIN. - The majority of patients are in the process of recovery, and in certain hospitals, there are different classes. Some of the higher classes offer TVs or rooms shared by four people, each with their own TV. 3. I cannot speak for other countries, but in Singapore, we are permitted to visit patients at any time of the day, despite there being set visiting hours. 4. The families of patients also generate active Qi in and around the hospital. 5. This aligns with the principles of Yin and Yang, where there is ideally a balance of Yin and Yang. 6. In essence, all human beings, unless they are very ill, emit some Yang energy. This is in contrast to a cemetery, where there is typically little activity and things move at a slower pace. 7. This is truly a new area for exploration, and my observations are based on personal experience. You may have your own unique experiences with the above :). Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee +++ In Conclusion In conclusion, the text highlights the concept of Yin and Yang energy in a hospital setting, emphasizing the importance of balance and the role of both patients and visitors in creating active Qi. This author suggests that human activity contributes to Yang energy, contrasting it with the stillness of a cemetery. (c) Geomancy.net
  3. Dear Helen, Sorry for the delay in response. You can use `metal' element to counteract the timber as metal destroys wood. You can place e.g. metal tin `circular' metal tin foil on each beam:- 1. Stick 6 metal tin foils or 6 coins on each timber piece. The coins can be any coins e.g. diameter can be 2.5 cm or more. Chinese " ancient " coins (those with square holes in the centre are equally acceptable. If you use the " ancient " coins you can string them with red string and stick them on each beam. 2. What is the purpose? 6 coins represents Big Metal and is used to counter wooden beams. Under the 5 elements concept, Metal destroys Wood. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  4. Dear Lisa, There are a few considerations here:- 1. North East Direction is considered the devil's gate. It is adviseable for you to:- a. Use the Eight House Template to check which intangible force is influencing the main entrance door. Best that it is not the Death / Disaster location. b. It is also good to know which intangible force affects your masterbedroom. As for the North - East Direction or devil's gate, you do not need to worry other than to avoid having a lone large plant on the North East or on the right side of the house i.e. if you are standing on your main entrance and looking outside, you should avoid having a large tree on the right side of the house. c. Since your master bedroom faces the main entrance door directly, the best advise is to use a partition at anypoint e.g. either closer to the main entrance or close to the master bedroom door. So long as it cannot be viewed from the main door, this is cured. d. A less effective method is to close the master bedroom door and not leave it open at all. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Joe, In tradtional Feng Shui, here are the points related to the stove:- 1. The Kitchen is an important component of ahouse as this is where food is being prepared. It will help to ensure good health for the family. 2. The emphasis here is on the position of the stove. In anicient China, building a stove was a very grand affair where an auspcious date and time. This includes the position of the stove. 3. In traditional Feng Shui, preferably, the position of the stove should compliment the spouse (wife). Ideally, it should be placed at one of her inauspicious location but facing the auspicious direction. 4. One " hidden area " to check is to see that water pipes do not " criss-cross " or run across the stove or close to it. This would signify the the spouse (wife) or family members may suffer from health problems. (The cure is to use red e.g. a red tile or earth element. Fire or red strengthens the Fire element while Earth element destroys Water element). 5. The rubbish bin (open or concealed) should preferably be not next to the stove but further away. 6. The stove should also not face e.g. a toilet door or be on the same wall as the toilet. 7. The stove should not be below a beam or water pipe as this may result in the two husband and wife having mental problems. Although the logic between what you have mentioned " having enough food and heat " are `similiar' between the two, Traditional Feng Shui uses both the Shape and Form School, Compass School (auspicious and inauspicious location) plus two other theories or concept: The Yin and Yang (hot and cold) and the Five Elements Concept). While the BTB uses very generalised theory i.e. as the stove is important, we should enhance it. The BTB is more a interior design method. Where else, traditional FS primarily aim is to enhance Qi and not so much as generalised ideas of e.g. placing a mirror to enhance the stove. A Traditional Feng Shui person would say this: What happens if the location of the stove is an inauspicious one? Placing a mirror would'nt reflect twice the bad luck? I personally feel that another view point is that BTB uses entirely " intuitive " or trial and error Feng Shui. In Traditional Feng Shui is about Qi manipulation and not so much about interior of the house. Although this is a secondary component, most of us would pick up a book and start to " enhance " our interiors. As books are written for the general user, you will see many people, start hanging wind chimes etc.. But what these people did not realise that this may or may not work or worse do more harm. For example, if we start to use the Numerology method of the Flying Star to assess each individual home. Someone recently wrote to me saying that because their year element e.g. is Wood, they belong to the wood element. Hence started to do " Fast Food " Feng Shui in ehancing e.g the Fence, gate, door etc.. in colours suitable for the above example: Wood. Only to realise that under the Pillars of Destiny, you have a combination of 8 elements. Yes, the year of birth could be Wood, but what happens when the day, month and time of birth elements and their strength are not taken into consideration. Lastly, many BTB books I believe are written by Intelligent people and one must have done your personal homework to understand both Traditional and BTB. I mentioned much earlier that to the " surprise " of many is that the past Grand Masters of Feng Shui did not learn Feng Shui from another Master, but from books (erh.. not BTB books I believe... ). The best way each of us can do is to pick up what is good and discard the bad. Personally, Robert and myself, have read more than 400 Feng Shui books and will continue to do so. The reason is simple, it is good to understand all `Schools' and from here pick only the best or combine the best of each concept. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message-----
  6. Hi, You mentioned that the lake is at the back of the house and at the right side. 1. Is the lake part of the entire `estate' of this housing community or detached. 2. How far right is the lake from the house. 3. What is the view like from the front of the house. 4. Is the land flat or if not, which part of the land (the site the house sits on) is higher e.g. If you look out from the main door entrance, is the right side higher than the left. 5. What is directly behind the house or view like? For example: can you see the back of another house or is it a `solid' protective backing. Overall, as you are aware, ideally, a water position should not be directly behind the house. If it is not, but on the `far' back and right of the house, you still can `defend' the house. As for a big tree at the back it is the least concern or contrary be good if the size is in relation to a `large' house e.g. with around greater than 8,000 square feet area and it also depends on:- 1. the size of the backyard, 2. which compass direction is the tree at. Another thing you can do is to check your Eight House template to see if the house `suits' you or not. Also, where the death or disaster intangible force for each family member is `located' in the house. What intangible force is influencing you in your bedroom and each family members bedroom. These are the initial `tasks' you may need to do first. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Mercury, Thanks for sharing with us the picture of the sticker. In this part of the world i.e. Far East e.g. Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Phillipines, it is quite common to find people of religious faith `combine' their religion with Feng Shui. Although Feng Shui is a non-religion. Here in this forum, we do not mix religion with Feng Shui. I have seen or studied quite alot of Chinese drawings(symbols) and emblems. Currently, the most popular drawings (symbols) are of 1. The Yin and Yang (circular symbol) 2. The First Heaven Sequence symbol. Even Geomancy.net uses both in its logo. Another variant is the I-Ching format or Tai symbol used by Geomancy-U.com and Geomancy-online.com The two symbols are considered `potent' symbols e.g. used in talisman and on many FS items even the Luo Pan. The drawing submitted by look more like a logo of a `business' enterprise or `religious' enterprise. It is also not found in any of the Authentic Feng Shui symbols book. My conclusion is that it may be of a `religious' value or the FS Master's trademark of sorts. Unlike the First Heaven Sequence Trigram, which represents a family unit and used by many to ward off evil etc... I don't see much in the symbol. In my opinion, the symbol looks more like the NASA or an atomic symbol which I feel is a modern `invention' not based on traditional Feng Shui, divinity or Chinese Astrology. So, don't worry about the effects (even if it is blessed). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Simon, The following are points to consider on the display of ornamental Japanese swords:- 1. Like any other swords, it should not face the main entrance door. 2. It should be displayed with the protective sword casing even if the sword is blunt. 3. Ideally, it should be displayed in a display cabinet. 4. The best location to display the ornamental sword is in a `separate' room. For example, in a private office, a `person' room . 5. Avoid displaying it in the living room, dining room, family room. As mentioned above, it should be in a " private " room. If it is displayed under para 5 above, there may be a possibility of relationship problems. Finally, in my opinion, it should not be displayed in a house with young children. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Dear Jason, I have just logged into the geomancy-forum webconference. Have viewed the gif image. Yes! This is to confirm that you have got the centrepoint marked correctly. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Rose, Thanks for sharing with us this useful information. Frankly there is no `cure' for a toilet above the main entrance door. I am thinking that if the toilet is above the main entrance area, how do the building contractors hide the sewerage pipe? The main consideration is also the sewerage pipe or the other pipes e.g. drainage and cold and hot water pipes. In the above situtation it must be hidden e.g. using a false ceiling. In my opinion, if the toilet bowl is not directly above the main entrance, this is considered not as bad (although it is still inauspicious). From a commonsense approach, imagine, if the sewerage pipe of the toilet bowl is leaking, and so happen that a guest is standing at the entrance area. (I do not want to imagine further). Frankly Feng Shui is also about commensense. For example, the most likely place in a home (touch wood) to catch fire is the kitchen. The advise is not to have a bedroom above the kitchen. As all of us are aware, fire moves upwards and it may pose a danger to anyone staying above the kitchen area. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Luna, Sorry, hope you can clarify:- Is the water tank on the ground level or is it on the roof-top of the back of your building. Is the water tank fully covered up e.g. in a steel tank or has an open top? On the first floor of your apartment, what is the view from the balcony area? Can you see the water tank from any of the room windows? Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Hi, 1. Have you generated your Free Eight House Template. If not, you can follow the steps shown under this url: http://www.geomancy.net/house1.htm or go to www.geomancy-online.com to generate a free computerized report. The main consideration after you had generated the Eight House Template is where possible use a transparency. `Combine' the two of your Eight House Template on the transparency. To be distinct, use two different colour pens to write down each of your good and bad intangible influence. Here what you should do next:- 1. Find the centrepoint of each layout plan. 2. Superimpose the template on any house layout plan you are looking at. (aligned to the North South Direction). 3. More importantly, look at locations where both of you spent time especially the Main entrance door, bedroom. Here, you should then visualise: where does each of your Death or Disaster line fall? Where best, choose a home where the Death or disaster line does not fall on the Main Door or Bedrooms. Other combinations e.g. Husband is Health or Prospertiy and Wife is Irritation or Spook or vice versa is acceptable. The most suitable house is where the breadwinner's Excellent location is at the main door. While if this is not the excellent location of the wife or one of her four good directions, it is not too bad if it is still her Irritation or Spook direction. The main important point I mentioned above is to take note of 1. The Death/Disaster line of each partner and where it falls. 2. Not only do you look at the main door but also (especially) the Bedroom. Avoid a combination of Death/Disaster for both or a combination of any of these two. The above is how you should go about assessing any home.
  13. Dear Hannah, Please see below:- Thanks for your graphic file. It is very clear. Yes, it is very inauspicious to place the bed on the same wall as the toilet. Furthermore, on the stretch of your master bedroom, there are two sets of toilets. This is extremely bad qi. There is another `problem'. As you mentioned that the house main door is facing South-East which is the wood element, overall, this house is considered a Wood house. Under the Five elements concept, Wood fuels or feed fire. As you mentioned that you are a strong Fire person, this additional wood element further ignites your strong Fire person creating further imbalance. This would explain the problem that you face. Similarly your husband would face some "problems" because although the SE house is Wood element which is good for him, the Wood element at South East is called a `small wood' or equvalent of a `plant'. You are thus affected because you are already a strong fire and a even small wood can affect you. The first thing both of you could seriously consider is to shift the bed towards the opposite side of the room. Even if there is a door, this will be much better than having your bed against the toilet wall. In Feng Shui, we have to look at the two `evils' and if one is less damaging, go for this `cure'. However, you can always have a low linen cabinet between the bed or a small screen or even a bedside table and place a table lamp. This is symbolic of a screen between the bedroom door and your bed. I have not checked but see if in this position, you can sleep facing one of your good directions. Currently my analysis takes into account the Eight House and Shapes and Form School as I do not know much about your home in relation to the Flying Star. But overall, from what I can suggest:- 1. It is much much better to place the bed away from the wall of the toilets. Furthermore, at this side of the wall, there are two toilets. The qi from this two toilets on the `left' side of the graphic file can have quite an impact on that side of the wall. 2. Where possible, try to close the master bedroom toilet door when not in use. At the same time, try to keep the toilet bright and airy. 3. You are a strong Fire element and the house is a wood element house. You should further balance your strong Fire element with Earth. Water and Metal. In terms of relationships, your husband when he is around will help you reduce the strong Fire. But in terms of `cures', for your home, you need more water and metal. This is because water exhausts fire and will reduce your strong fire and hopefully control or balance it. At the same time, metal will help your husband to balance his strong earth. Metal will help water and inturn help water to `destroy' your excess fire. Overall, you can use: 1. colours 2. anything symbolic of water or metal element. If you are using colours, the ideal colour for your home (whole house) is white representing the metal element. For your room it can be white with e.g. bedsheet of blue, grey or shades of black representing water element. The above are ideal colours and it is only a suggestion. If your house is not in the above colours, do not spent money (as it is never my intention for anyone to spent money but rather to explain what is overall best for you in the future should you decide to paint the house). Avoid the colour Red, pink or purple especially in your bedroom. This applies to you. For your husband, avoid yellow colour or beige colour representing Earth element. If your home is painted yellow throughout, in the future, I suggest, white is the best colour for both of you. Colours can also apply in your dressing. More importantly, currently, the most important thing is to see if you could redress the bedroom area. As I mentioned, you could alternatively use white or blue, grey bedsheet. Do feedback further on the above or provide me a description of the colour scheme in your home if it is not any of the above. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. So sorry for the delay in reply. This is because, I usually read mails using the `mailing list' method and less often login especially if messages are sent as `anonymous'. Please see below:- As you are aware, Feng Shui is a `holistic' approach. What I mean is that it is not a religion but one must not mistaken it as a quick `fix' situation: where, if we do something immediately, it will become reality. Under the Chinese Astrology/Feng Shui concept, when we are born, we inherit our so called Heaven Luck. Technically speaking we can map this luck e.g. using Pillars of Destiny and understand it better and thus hopefully use this `map' to our advantage. However, Feng Shui is about our Earth Luck. Here, this is where Feng Shui comes in. We can try to find a good home, make sure our home and surroundings are in `harmony' ie. like the balance of Yin and Yang. Therefore, we can take opportunity in using some of the most powerful feng shui tools such as Shapes and Form school and Compass School to steer us away from `bad' luck or inauspicious luck and create an overall good Qi (ch'i). We cannot therefore assume that based on a certain recommendation by so and so (FS Practioner or Master) we can immediately get good results. We also must work our way .... if you know what I mean. This area is not under Feng Shui. But, I hope many here later, will consider studying or applying I-Ching from the Book of Changes. Geomancy-u.com will later either end of the year or next year have a course on this. I-Ching has been used by some stock analyst to predict the stock market with accuracy. Confucious, once said that if he could lived longer, he would have wished study the I-Ching for a further 50 years. I-Ching is the Chinse Divinity method that we derive the eight trigrams. It is the basis of the computer binary numbers, if you read the trigrams from 0 to 63, you will get the binary numbers. Furthermore, a few Nobel prize winners mentioned that they used the I-Ching prediction. There can be many reasons here but a Feng Shui expert will be able to know why this is so. However, with so much information available today to everyone, most of us can find out why this is so thru systematic use of Feng shui e.g. 1. Eight House Theory: is her bedroom located at the death/disaster intangible force area? 2. Is this a landed property? If so, is there underground water below? 3. You can use the Flying Star chart and use its powerful numerlogy to detect such nuiances e.g. no. 2 star represent sickness etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Hi, House numbers belong to another category called Numerlogy. Frankly, the reason why in my opinion, I prefer to stick to Feng Shui is because in many places, numbers can mean different things. For example, the Cantonese (a dialect) group of Chinese say that no. 4 means = die. This is because in their dialect, the pronuciation of 4 is `say' or `die'. To them, they thus find the number inauspicious. While to them no. 8 mean `fart' or `prosperity'. Where else, in `English' astrology, they have the Four elements and some practioners find number 4 to be auspicious. Under the Flying Star Theory of Feng Shui, the worst numbers to avoid are like what you mention no. 2 or the sickness star, no. 5 and no. 7 provided it is not in period 7 which we are now at. In period 8, number 7 is deemed inauspcious. It is also inauspicious to hang a windchime with 5 tines. Under the Five elements concept, number 5 is considered "auspicious" e.g. depending on the advise of a FS practioner, you may hang ceiling lamps with five bulbs. Some FS practioners also come up with a tray of 5 goodies. The list goes on and on. So we should ask ourselve this question: Which `theory' or concept do we WANT to believe in? For the Flying Star Chart, it has to be used in total e.g. to look at the birth chart of the house and in relation to the `mountain' and `water' star numbers. Therefore, house numbers are not considered as part of Feng Shui other than if you have tried the Flying Star for Flats under http://www.geomancy-online.com Here, we state clearly that some Feng Shui Masters believe that each floor has its own Feng Shui but at the moment, we consider this module as a `fun' module and not to take it seriously. Going through all this, we again have to question ourself, may be what the previous owner .. was a coincidence or for real. It is very hard to find a answer for this under Feng Shui. Cecil Lee
  16. Dear Betty, The most important thing to remember is not to place a wall clock above a door. Preferably, it should be placed at a location of activity e.g. close to the Television set or Hi Fi. (it can be above it). Another thing to note is that a grandfather clock is a better `subsitute' for a windchime. A few days ago, I tried counting my neighour's bungalow house. I counted at least nine different types of windchimes outside the west `wing' of the house (or the back door area). It so happens that this is also the WEST side of the house or the YIN side. Most likely, the lady who stayed there became insane because of the windchime. Personally, I would like to help but there again, if we are not invited to do a FS audit, I personally feel that I should not interfere. Another `scary' reason is that often she would carry a camera and take pictures of the entire neighbourhood including my home and often she would chase the person who looks at her. This reason is good enough to deter me from `helping'. I hope you see the point not to overdo `Feng Shui'. Here, we call it fast food feng shui or extreme self-cures Sorry for the diverting the subject but I like to bring this point to highlight real issues that face us if we start doing too many things. The only other Taboo is if you have done a Flying Star assessment, if two particulars stars meet and indicate that the location needs to be kept quiet, then do not place the wall clock at this particular location. Remember: I mentioned, a clock = activity. This is not Feng Shui but Chinese custom: not to give a clock as a present to someone else. Hope that helps. Cecil
  17. Dear Sarah, In the classroom this is OK. Pay attention to your home study location. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Hi, You have to consider the main entrance that is used most and not the entrance designed to be used. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Jon, I have already made my comments on your .gif file and posted it in the forum. You have to login to the web form inorder to view it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Hi Jon, I have attached my comments on the graphic file you had uploaded earlier. It will not be sent to anyone but remain in the Forum i.e. must login to the forum to view it. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Hi, How wide is the road? Is the road a two way traffic road or a small road? Is the front lawn clear such that immediately when you step out of your main entrance, can you clearly see the fire hydrant? Does your house have a fence to `shield' it from the fire hydrant. Please clarify, thanks. Cecil
  22. Hi, In Feng Shui, the key to who is the `real owner' is not so much of e.g. silent partner(s) even if they hold majority shares but the actual person who is physically there to run the company. In your case, since both your brother and father are running the office, do let me know so that I can credit you with an additional free flying star. The purpose of the analysis is to see if the person is suitable for the office/shop. And in this case, this would be very useful. If you do get the Flying Star, do email me privately so that I can give you an additional credit. Overall, Pillars of Destiny would be a great help as it would show the element strength of both parties in the office/shop. The Pillars of Destiny would not be necessary for yourself since you are remotely `running the office' and your Qi or Ch'i is not directly present. Recently, I have one case with the following Pillars element strength i.e. Partner 1 is Strong Fire, Partner 2 is Strong Metal, Manager 1 is Weak Wood, Manager is Strong Metal. Overall, surprisingly, I asked the question is there a relationship problem with Strong Metal and Weak Wood. Indeed, the two are at logger heads. From the above analysis, the recommendation would be to introduce Water element. This would help everyone in the office i.e. Strong Fire is `cooled' down by water, Strong Metal is also `cooled' down by water and a plus point is that weak wood is helped by the water to get stronger. This is one method, the Pillars is used to look at relationships. If you need further assistance to interpret the relationships do let me know. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  23. Dear Antonio, I forgot to mention earlier that a Few FS Masters do consider Number Five auspicious because it represents all Five elements which is at the heart of Feng Shui and other Chinese Astrology and divinity methods. Let me elaborate. Some Feng Shui Masters recommend hanging Five lights to symbolise all the Five Elements in a particular location. When we combine 5 with the auspicous 4 and mutiples of 4, from this point of view, the number indeed looks auspicious:) Overall, some do also consider the colour of the car in relation to your element also. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  24. Hi, Normally for a bedroom, it should be more Yin or `state of rest'. I am not sure if you are a student or working. The type of environment would depend on what you are currently doing i.e this depends on whether you are studying (plus your study habits) i.e. in a dormitory or you are working and returning home to rest. As you have not mentioned your nature whether you are a student or working or if you are a student, do you have the habit to study in your room or in a library and only return to the room to rest. The best `cures' for a small room is to place a family photo of loved ones in the room. If you are an `extrovert' you could place posters (the type of posters depends on individual tastes). Other than the above, check the lighting in the room. The type of light could affect the environment around you. If you are a student and often study in the room, it is good to have a small hifi or portable radio in your room. Music does create a `more yang environment'. The two large furniture opposite your bed do have a impact on you. You could place as I mentioned earlier some of your favourite collectibles on it to make it more friendly. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Hi, Yes, you should use the upstairs " center " and from there, locate your `side door entrance'. I agree, since the main door is your husband's death line, the second door is a much better door to use i.e. the second entrance. Alternatively, close the main door after you enter and keep the location bright. This would be ok. Where possible since the main entrance is facing West, it may be affected by yin influence. A few pots of plants outside this location is acceptable. But avoid placing too many plants outside this area particularly a large `lone' tree is not ideal especially since it is your husband's death line. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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