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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Feng Shui - Tip I currently wear a yin yang ring on my right hand ring finger. Which side should the darkened side be on, either the left or the right? Does this affect you if I have it on the wrong way and if it does what could it affect? The correct way to wear the ring should be (if you are looking at your own fingers) " Left = white and Right = Black. " For a graphic representation of how the symbol should be correctly used, do check out this page:- http://www.geomancy.net/fs/yinyang.htm On the top of the page you should see the correct `white (left) to black (right) Yin and Yang Symbol. This is also the same way one should also hang the pakua (bakua) above the main entrance door. This applies ONLY to uses who need to use it as a `cure' against adverse `sha'. E.g. a lone lamp post facing the middle of the main entrance door. Another way of looking at the yin and yang symbol is that when we rotate it, we rotate it clockwise. Each quarter turn e.g. 3 O'clock, 6 O'clock, 9 O'clock and 12 O'clock represents a season e.g. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. However, like the yin and yang symbol on the Pakua, one should still use it showing white (left) and black (right). Cecil and Robert Lee www.geomancy.net
  2. Thanks for your information. Please see my feedback below:- then your main entrance door is `North -- 10 degrees '. Thanks for the information.
  3. -> Dear Cecil lee, -> -> I have been working hard for the past week trying to understand the -> different methods of looking at feng shui. I am slightly confused -> when I read the few books. There seems to be more than 1 method of -> looking at the ba gua/trigram. -> -> Method 1 : Using the software that you have put up with on the web. -> Method 2 : using the 3 door trigram whereby the door should always -> located at the kan,chuan ... -> -> Method 3 : using the compass to locate the direction and the center -> of Chi. -> -> To be very frank, I am not saying that your method is incorrect. But, -> I am just puzzled why there are so many methods used. -> -> Please advice me, which method should I follow. 1 . For individuals new to Feng Shui, I aim to provide insight into the response given to the aforementioned question via email. 2. It is essential to note that each method within Traditional Feng Shui practice serves a distinct purpose, and when combined, offers a comprehensive understanding. 3. To illustrate, a Professional Feng Shui Master, varying in experience, employs specific steps to analyze an individual and their home effectively. Initially, the Master determines the homeowner's 'true element and its strength' through the Pillars of Destiny, advising accordingly based on the findings. 4. Subsequently, the Eight House Theory is utilized to identify the most suitable house for the individual, with each family member undergoing a similar assessment. 5. Additionally, the Flying Star theory is recommended to evaluate the 'fortune' of the house, culminating in a comprehensive Feng Shui audit that considers various factors for an accurate analysis. +++ In Summary 1. The primary goal is to promote positive energy flow in our lives and living spaces. 2. When necessary, it can assist in remedying negative energy or harmful influences. In addition, it is important to incorporate principles from the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui. Many of these principles are available on geomancy.net.
  4. A Feng Shui master would normally advise a person (where possible) not to have the toilet facing North or West. This was because in traditional Feng Shui practice, the North faces the cold and if the toilet faces the North, one may get digestive problems. If facing west, one may get `aggitated'. Unfortunately, it may not be possible for you to shift it. perhaps you could in your diet take more `cooling' food. Not cold food but food that relieves heatiness.
  5. Feng Shui Tip - Where is the best position for the air-conditioner in your bedroom? It is best not to sleep with the air-conditioner blowing towards your head from behind you or in-front of your bed. (Opposite direction) The best position for an air-conditioner is for it to blow from the side of the bed. Cecil Lee www.geomancy.net
  6. Dear David, Thanks for this interesting view. So far this is not mentioned in any of the `ancient/traditional' Feng Shui books/practises but you may never know, and it may work as besides the dragon (the most Yang of all creatures, the tiger is considered the opposite, the most Yin of all Feng Shui creatures... and is on the `dark side' or .. viz a viz gambling? Well, anyone tries this and work, do let us know:) Cecil
  7. Feng Shui Tip - The Master Bedroom with an attached toilet Most master bedrooms come with an attached toilet and it is often that the position of the bed directly faces the toilet door. What can we do? Here are three ways to overcome this:- Install a screen between the bed and the toilet door. If this is not possible then, you may consider any of the following alternatives:- - Close the toilet door when not in use or - Place a lamp on the side of the bed between the toilet door and the bed.
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