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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Hi, Frankly, I have never heard that such a theory existed. Perhaps, you can share with us, where did you learn or read of this. Looks more like the person who `invented' this could most likely be a Transport Official from US where you drive on your left. Perhaps, many of us in the Commonwealth e.g. UK, Singapore, Malaysia, may say that we should place the TV and other electrical stuffs where we are right hand drive *Joke* Here, one must substantiate and tell the world the reason for this. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Hi, No, it is not necessary for the kitchen door to face a window. What is more important considerations are: 1. The water position in relation to the stove and other fire elements. 2. The stove must not be `supported' by a window. 3. Positions like the Kitchen in the South, you can have the Stove face a water element to `cool' down the kitchen. As South = Fire element. Contrast this with having a Kitchen at the North. Here, you must try to `keep warm' the stove and not let it `die out' with a water position opposite it. 4. Avoid having the water pipe "criss-cross" the stove (e.g. in the built in cabinet below it). 5. Avoid a ceiling beam above the stove. The above are important considerations. Here you should try and give priority to the above and satisfy the above conditions. Furthermore, it is good to have the stove located at the auspicoius sector of the spouse (based on her Eight House). For example, a stove at the spouse's Prosperity section is good. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Hi, If you are mentioning that the roof above your own home has a pointed roof, in this situation, it is not a poison arrow. It then becomes a poison arrow to the opposite house if it is on the same `level' and when it points towards the main door of the neighbour's house. I hope, I got your question correctly. Warmest Regards Cecil
  4. Hi, I can see your reason for concern. This is because although from your description, the park you mentioned most likely does not have water but most likely it is flat. Here there are a few considerations:- 1. You can always create a `solid backing' behind the house by having a fence. Good `fencing' includes materials like brick walls, fence with creepers. Fence with bushes in between or fence with privacy strips e.g. like those in army camps or wooden planked fences for privacy. 2. In addition, a few medium sized trees (usually not large trees) behind the house would be good. 3. This is not Feng Shui but ideally, the park should not be a play ground especially when ball games are played or you may end up with broken windows or smashed roofs. Warmest Regards Cecil
  5. Hi, Apologies, I do not get the full picture so unable to really comment on it. Maybe you can elaborate further or better still a picture would be nice:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Hi, Before one uses the " semi-circle " one must use it correctly. The correct way is to use the semi-circle facing outwards of your home or building. Never `turn' the semi-circle inwards acting like a sickle or blade slicing towards the house. This is similar to having `pointed' arrow towards you. It is also based on Symbolism in Feng Shui as the semi-circle `looks' like a Chinese butcher's knife. Do remember the above and avoid doing it wrongly. Warmest Regards Cecil
  7. Hi, Usually, the most effective method is to use a side partition any where between the main entrance door and the study room. Alternatively, you should close one of the doors when opening the other. Some other `olden' methods include using bead curtains but this is I believe quite `outdated' in modern times. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Hi, Yes. It is preferred that the bedroom door not to be slanted as this is considered inauspicous for the couple. It should be like normal doors. As for the smaller door; the only way is to use a proper Feng Shui ruler, could measure it to see whether the length and breath are auspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Hi, Yes. It is preferred that the bedroom door not to be slanted as this is considered inauspicous for the couple. It should be like normal doors. As for the smaller door; the only way is to use a proper Feng Shui ruler, could measure it to see whether the length and breath are auspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear CT, You really cannot do much here. The only `last' resort is to try to use small dragon (four claws and below) and aim it directly at the sharp corner. It can be a decorative piece preferably made of wood. As wood destroys earth. In my home, I aimed a wooden dragon carving at the clay pointed roof (Earth element). It worked for me. When I did renovations to my home, I removed it and had several problems. But since that time, I placed it back and everything is fine. Frankly,the wooden dragon was a gift to my dad many years back. Please don't ask me where to purchase one cause I really do not know. If you are in Hong Kong; Singapore or Malaysia or any Asian country, you may be able to obtain one. Else, try any of the " Feng Shui emporiums on the Internet. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. For this message, I will discuss on the Magnolia and the Peach as these two are more significant than the remaining flowers. I have touched on Peony in detail in one of the recent messages. If you have not read it, you can always use this forum's SEARCH feature and type in e.g. Peony to find out the specific reply on it. 1. The Peach or "Tao" This is one of the most important tree or fruit in Chinese culture. The Peach signifies Longeivty. In a famous Ming novel called : Journey to the West, the monkey SUN broke into the palace garden of the Kun Lun Mountains where this tree stood. He ate most of the peach fruit. In recent practises, some Chinese place the peach outside the gate of their home during Chinese New Year to drive away evil spirits. The peach represents the 3rd Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. 2. Magnolia In ancient times. the bud of the Magnolia was used for medicine e.g. for anaemia. The bark was said to have medicinal properties and has been exported all over the world. The Chinese name for Magnolia is called Ye He Hua or the Flower of Nocturnal Togetherness. The `test' of a good direction is one where the plant continues to grow and flower. Here, you can in general say that this is an auspicious sign. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Hi, Usually Christmas Trees are displayed for a short duration before and after 25 December. This is not a problem and the lightnings and many do place an Angel on top of the tree. The flashing lights do add to increase Yang Qi and it is a "welcome" change. Once the festivities are over, it is usually removed and not a permanent "fixture". Similarly, some Chinese homes or shops have the equivalent of placing a Red piece of cloth with auspicious wordings above their main door during Chinese Lunar New Year. Often many take them out soon after. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Yes, I have a graphic drawing under the reading materials showing that it is inauspicious to have a road behind the house. Usually, there are a few ways to neutralise this:- 1. It can be neutralised by having e.g. a bri ck wall or a fence with `privacy' screen or plants that `grow' on the fence. 2. Behind the fence if it is possible to grow some plants that one day become `bushes' that act as a screen. What we are trying to do is to symbolically use plants or if there is a brick wall to create a `solid backing' for the site. If the above is `done', this means that there is a protective backing behind the house even if you can view it at your first level, this is considered OK. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Hi, Please read below:- If it is due to natural causes e.g. old age, this is acceptable. Overall, this is not Feng Shui but based on `rituals' or practises. If one is a Christian, some would invite the Priest to the house and offer some chants; for Catholics i.e. sprinkle " holy water ". If you are doing it yourself, you can mix unpolished rice grains with salt and throw them around the house especially the corners. As I mentioned, this is not Feng Shui. Salt is often used in such occassions. In Chinese studies, usually, well water is not well regarded as it is said that it harbours a well spirit. I can understand why because one must be careful especially if it is deep and may pose a `danger' especially to children. There is the situation or the fear of dangers of underground water particuarly if it runs under e.g. the bedroom. Independent German studies have shown that in villages where water runs under specific households, and say the bed is close to this underground water, there is a high incidence of `cancer'. The url: is http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm However, even if we disregard the above, we need to remember that a water well is Yin. In certain conditions, if a location becomes too yin e.g. surrounding the well, there are many trees etc... these element will create too yin environment. You could balance the Yin e.g. the wall facing the well should be `bright' e.g. neutral white or any bright colours or yang colours. Ideally if it natural brick (red / clay colour) red is the most yang colour is ideal or `nice to have'. The cheapest remedy is to buy a length of carpet and cut a semi-circle that fits the length of the door. Place it at the door. With the semi-circle radiating outwards. This will be able to neutralise the stairs. For the colour, get a bright colour e.g.in any of the primary colours will do. Better still if it has a pattern or spikes e.g. that of the sun rays radiating outwards. This is ideal or nice to have but not compulsory. Warmest Regards,
  15. Dear Sheila, I can understand your concern. Overall, the most reasonable thing you could do is to find out which area you spent most of your time at. For example, one area is the beam above your bed and the beam above e.g. your favourite seat e.g. facing the TV. It is not possible to `cover' all areas but what you can do here is to do selective `cures' based on the location where you spent most time at. Look up and if there is a beam, you may need to neutralise it. The alternative to hanging bamboo flutes is to use Six coins and hang it on the selective beam. Alternatively, you can use anything that is made of metal. But try to have 6 pieces at each location. But do not try to stick it as it may fall off and hurt someone. If you have the Chinese coins, you can string them at the center square hole and tie them together with red string. Hang it or tie it around the beam to make sure that it does not fall off. Otherwise, paste circular six silver foils on each of the `specific' beam. The six silver foils is symbolic of Six metal element. What is the significance of six metal coins? The six metal coins represent Six Metal and is used to destroy wood i.e. the wooden beam. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Hi, Usually, books do mention that good locations for water positions are at the North (because it `belongs' to the water element), East and SE (Wood) which is considered in `harmony' with water position. However, another way of looking at it is that this is a " novice method " at looking into relationships i.e. water with North, East and SE. For the exterior of the home, one should seriously consider the Four Symbolic Animals concept. Avoid at any costs to place the water position behind the house. It is best for the water position to be in front of the house. Since you enjoy the water position with the unique mermaid statue in the SW garden, you should continue to leave it there. From what you had described, it sounds lovely! Hope it will bring you good beneifical Qi:) Warmest Regards Cecil
  17. Hi, Frankly, this is usually considered "too insignificant" to be considered under Feng Shui i.e. the influence is " minute " to be of `great' concern. It is equivalent to the notion that there is an Imperial measurement or Feng Shui ruler yet, many Feng Shui practioners feel that in our real world, it is really quite impossible for most of us to purchase tailor made furniture e.g. tables. Although under Feng Shui influence, one should make furniture that has auspicious dimensions. So what should we do if we want to buy furniture? Many practical Feng Shui practioners will say " go with your feelings ". For more info go to this url : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/ruler.htm This is the same situation as having a `metal' mail box opening in the main door. There is a real and realistic need for it. Again, we must not end up as a `slave' to Feng Shui. This is the same as placing a TV set in our bedroom. I have seen some who use two sliding doors that when opened `slice' the bed. Why should husband and wife quarrel for the sake of arguing whether to place a TV set in the bedroom for the better part of following Feng Shui `taboos'. Nowadays, the screens have anti-glare coating and for smaller TV sets, for those who are more sensitive to reflections, can buy anti glare gard to further reduce reflections etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil
  18. Usually, when we mention + shape, we generally consider it as a building rather than as a single apartment. Usually as a building, each unit is at the end of the `corridor'. The centre-point is usually where the lifts and staircase are. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Normally, 6 ancient coins are used to `exhaust' a bad Five Earth element or to destroy the Wood. I can quite understand the Five coloured beads as these usually represent the Five elements. As for a small bell and the Five Chinese coins (minus the tassel - which is considered `insignificant'), I cannot really comment on these other than if one considers the number 5. Here, I believe, it is more a decorative piece to symbolise the number 5 rather than to represent 5 " Metal ". As a general guideline, if one do not know what to do with it, then avoid hanging it. As the saying goes better safe than sorry. Warmest Regards, Ceci Lee
  20. Hi, The Peony in Mandarin is called Mu Dan. It was called the Queen of Flowers. In the " Book of Odes ", amorous youths and maidens give each other this flower. In very ancient times the flower was called Shu Yao. The Peony flower comes in various colours. But the most popular colour is red. White peony flower signify the young. Young girls with qualities of wit and beauty. In a folk song, it is said that when the peony blooms, its perfume smell spreads over a vast area and this attracts butterflies (which symbolises a young man.) While the peony flower represents the girl). Overall, a peony in a picture represents the season Spring. If it is pictured together with the hibiscus it represents `bloom'. In other words, wealth and good reputaion. If a peony is shown with wild apple (Hai Tang), it implies that a person will enjoy wealth and credit. If a peony is shown with the peach it represents long life, wealth and reputation. The peony is also symbolic of maidenhood. Many poets under the Tang Dynasty sang praises to it. In ancient China, the poney is almost synonymous with a flower in general. In my opinion, I do not see any problem planting a peony tree even if one is married. Perhaps, can you elaborate where you have heard or read of it. Thanks Cecil
  21. Hi, I believe this is more a modern `invention' and really `too significant' for true authentic Feng Shui practise. I believe, it is a commonsense approach to have the light behind you. Perhaps, if our eye sight get bad because of such advise, can we claim from the author who mentioned this? In my opinion, if some of the Past or Dead Feng Shui Masters got to hear of this, they may either have a good laugh about this or truly shake their head or `cry in despair' at how modern people practise " Feng Shui ". Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Hi, More importantly, it is the sharp edge of a building that we should be more concerned with. If the mirrored building is parallel to the wall of your building, you should not be overly concerned. Even if you are `concerned', you can easily draw down your shade or blind. Under the Sha or poison arrow concept, if you do not see it, it no longer becomes a threat. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Hi, Most of us understand that many in the West associate the horse shoe with good luck. In traditional Feng Shui, this relates more towards the `profile' of a land. For example, if you have the opportunity to see a Chinese burial site, you will see that each traditional gravesite has a " horse shoe " i.e. if you have a topview of a gravesite, it looks like a horse shoe. Why is this so? If you can visualise, the horse shoe looks like a protective backing or solid backing protecting the entire gravesite. Similiarly, under the Shapes and Form School - the Four symbolic animals, you will notice that many Chinese cities were in the past built on this premise. For example Canton etc.. Therefore, the horse shoe comes to be symbolised as = tortise or solid back. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Hi, Perhaps you can elaborate further. This is because, currently I am unable to visualise the situation. One point to note is that the driveway should not be directly towards the main entrance door. The door should be e.g. on a side. Hope u can provide more details. Thanks. Cecil
  25. Hi, I have elaborated this in my Applied Feng Shui made easy book. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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