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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. These are simple, airy and okay
  2. Traditionally three joss-sticks is to pray to the dead. Or if one visits a Chinese wake, often three joss sticks are lighted up and given to the visitor to pay their respects. Thus three lights in a straight row to dome symbolises this concern. As can see this thumbnail snapshot:- P.S. Can certainly off load your valuable paintings! Received a PM? Yes, No or in the near future? During the next GE? The link to above snapshot is found, here:
  3. Yes. Common Sense is FREE! No need a degree or doctorate in Common Sense! Other Home Common Sense Stuff Landed Home?
  4. Ask your respective Agent for the location of Common Bin and Recyle Bins of the potential block / unit Sample here showing the location for Blocks 33, 35 & 37
  5. https://www.facebook.com/reel/6335968323196383 Made my day! Adorable
  6. fame/reputation gua? Understand what is Fake Feng Shui
  7. The three spot lights are acceptable. As for the four lights, this is subjective. Given that some Chinese felt that four (4) is considered inauspicious. But not all are too concerned with this. YOUR SECRET IS SAFE WITH ALL OF US! P.S. We now know why you want to place spot-lights in your home. It's because you want the lights to shine onto many expensive artworks that you own. Please don't let us know where you stay. Got it?
  8. More…on other House Hunting review service Thank you for the fast response
  9. Mooncake Scam Ordered, Order cancelled by seller and hit by refund scam using android malware software Tricked into downloading Android Malware.. leading later to unauthorised transactions in their bank accounts Source & Credit:
  10. Frankly, I consider all these you mentioned as "cosmetic" updates. And often or rarely can change the natal Flying Star Period. Related: Common sense approach.. Plot two charts....
  11. Would you believe? A quick search shows Carousell selling one... LOL S$258
  12. We will never sell you any products! Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store in disguise Beware: Even those who claim to have a Feng Shui lineage are equally guilty of this Ask: "Must I buy from you?" Find out more...
  13. 25th Anniversary in 2019 How can we help you today? GET EXPERT HELP: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive Home Package [A.]: On-site or [B.]: Off-site for HDB / Condo / EC & Landed Properties for New/Re-Sale House or facing financial/ marriage/ relationship/ health issues Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much? " As much as we see, Geomancy.net has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / support@geomancy.net House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting
  14. IS MY UNIT STILL LUCKY FROM 2024 ONWARDS? OR CAN OR CANNOT BUY? Part 1: How is the luck of the Interior Feng Shui of this unit? Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? + Overall score/luck. Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? PART 1 Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky? There are only two facing directions for this development: N2 or S2 N2 [Better luck under Period 9.] S2 [Less lucky under Period 9. As formerly double #8's at it's frontage had now become Past or Gone Luck!] Also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan PART 2 Location, location, location? Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? Watch Your Front, Sides & Back! PART 3 How Suitable to breadwinner? Please note that has yet to take into consideration: 1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner & 2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit Get Expert Help: ++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?
  15. Thank you for your service support
  16. A World of Possibilities at Your Doorstep, in Jurong Lake Garden. Direct access to Jurong Lake Garden Exciting Transformations at Jurong Lake District Proximity to future Tourism Hub - Jewel by the Lake Proximity to popular schools Proximity to malls and amenities
  17. Have this original 1960’s piece in gold… https://www.facebook.com/reel/7146371985392284?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw Source and Credit:
  18. Nouvelle Park Condo Floor Plans Blk 131 Stack #03-04 & #04-04 Blk 131 Stack #09-04 and #10-04 Blk 131 Stack #10-03
  19. Nouvelle Park Condo at Poh Huat Road West T.O.P. in 1994 under Period 7 Flying Star Feng Shui
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