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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. These are some considerations: 1. If you can DIY a Flying Star; interpret it and use it to plan even an open office the better. 2. Based on both Shapes and Forms and Flying Star Feng Shui; it would be ideal if the main actor ; that of a boss or key personel's best location can be identified. (Include good sectors for key personnels such as Sales or Marketing / Accounting etc... 3. If you have no means of working on Para 1 and 2; then make sure that the key person's seating area is not near or next to a toilet (if applicable). 4. And another common sense is that most people don't like to seat with their backs facing an entrance or a door.
  2. In general, a proper Ba Zi chart will containthe indiviual's Migration Luck. See attachment.
  3. As stated clearly, the free report is as it is. In fact, it is available for next 30 days... thus since today is 19 September, I am sure, you can check out the two dates thatyou hadmentioned, below. http://dates.geomancy.net or dates.geomancy.net
  4. Last Sunday, marks the start of the Chinese Lunar 8th month 2012.
  5. 1. Personally, for me, when buying any home; I will avoid buying a home that uses lots of dry walls. 2. I believe, one of the first culprit was the Livia @Pasir Ris; by CDL Developments. 3. I couldn't believe it when the Livia TOP and all the internal walls : bedrooms and even toilet walls are DRY walls. 4. The best is to check with the developer before signing on the dot.. if one is as concerned like me; 5. Otherwise, perhaps, this is not scientific; but some clues may be glimmed from a sales brochure. Especially look how thin the wall is between Bedroom 2 and Bedroom 3! A tell tale sign of what is in-store, here.
  6. The police will always advice citizens to be vigilant at all times and don't let their SKIRTS down... Oops! PANTS DOWN Oops! Guard down....
  7. Further to whatI had written earlier: On the ground, behind the displays are empty water bottles. The owner of the shop uses such bottles to replenish water in each of their PUNY (tiny weany) water feature.... A single small drinking bottle is sufficient to fill each of the water "feature". I believe, one should not consider each of the displays as a water feature. But rather a too small, too useless water position.
  8. 1. Contrary to popular belief; activating such a water feature (see photos) is insignificant. 2. Perhaps, the only thing that some may end up activating is the activation by the bank to cancel one's already roll-over heavily indebted credit cards.. 3. Plus a call away from the bank to make that person a bankrupt! 4. Morale of the story: "Often, in the past and even today, I visit a new client and guess what... this piece of "junk" is put away ... or left forgotten... 5. As how many of us have the silly time to always top up the water for such a puny water feature?
  9. Athough it is shocking to find the entire living room wall, bedroom 2 and 3 and shared with master bedroom's wall are "dry wall" i.e. can't hang e.g. tv set or heavy hooks; Photos show Block six (6) stacks some of which has air-con compressor at the frontage of the unit...
  10. For the last six months, having been to and seen so many developments (at least 35 scattered) all over the island... I must say; although the Watertown is a 99 leasehold property; Based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, I must truly say; this development has one of the better Feng Shui around.... Given that by 2016; there will be a glut of both new and old condo units; Watertown, both from a Feng Shui point and view and investment potential; would still fair pretty well. I have been to the show-room more than three times and love the mock-up of the model where especially the "my waterway@punggol"; the waterway seems to collect at the basin of this development. And how majestic especially the two blocks : 10 and 4 faces this lovely waterway. Top-marks for these Premium Stacks... Equally good for both residents and most business in this residential cum commercial plot of land!
  11. These are some considerations: 1. Common sense 1.1. In real life, if we find something "a miss"; what do you do? Walk away from it. 1.2. The same thing, here. 2. This House number THING or Vertical flying star .... is meant for mostly flat ground and on an island like Singapore, mostly gradient land where the land compared to others although is undulating can still be valid. 3. It is again based on common sense or rather cow sense not for unsually high ground like e.g. Bukit Timah Hill or on top of Mount Faber.
  12. In such a situation: 1. Where possible, during the process of moving your bed from existing home to new home upstairs; you should if possible not be around at that time; as a well as once the bed has been set; don't move it or adjust it anymore. Here, your husband should be the co-ordinator and decide whether the bed is properly setand not later moved or changed position, whatsoever. 2. Often, if possible, after the bed has been moved upstairs; try if possible not to go into that existing bedroom (anymore). When the new bed / bedroom has been properly set; then you can go in.
  13. Yes, yes, yes! I SOLD HIGH! BUT Oops! I also purchased HIGH! *SUCKS* No choice! If not, where am I gona stay? Around 12 years ago... property developers gave away or absorbStamp Duty + some give furniture allowance.... Today, the gimmicks includes:- 1. Standard discount = 12% 2. Absorb Stamp Duty = 3% 3. Referral or previous owner of developer's property e.g. Far East = 1%+ 4. Stay in near vicinity = 1% 5. Maintenance fees (6 months = Seletar Park; 5yrs Seastrand) 6. Renovation "voucher" = $10,000 or more 7. Also got: Move closer to what discount (Bartley Residences) 8. 9 yrs country club or $15,000 9. Others... God knows what else is free? So, did I hear that the property boom is starting to crash? severly in 2016? With the elections looming... for sure... the government will not be giving away PR citizenship and importing foreign talents so freely.. Therefore... a huge property correction will be guaranteed during that period....
  14. Waterfront Key @Bedok Reservoir, very soon will TOP...
  15. Several of the layouts at Bartley Residences also spot a WC next to the main entrance area. In Feng Shui, this is not ideal ....
  16. Facing both reduced field of buyers + competition from nearby (Watercolours - EC & Sea Esta) Supply exceeds demand..... It has been a long time since we hear of:- 1. "absorb" stamp duty 2. Pay upfront maintenance fees for the next 5 years 3. Give 9 year's country club membership or accept$15,000.00 4. Some units also got "STAR BUY" DISCOUNT.. Note: this quote was given sometime back; thus may not be valid anymore.... but I believe, for sure, prices are going to go down.. not up.....
  17. These are some considerations: 1. You wrote: "Regarding the stove, actually the stove is actually at the SE side but the knobs are facing NW. Is it consider fire at Heaven's gate." 2. Applying common sense; it is similar to this logic: 2.1. I own a home and I stay in it. My earth luck comes from this home. 2.2. I own this home and the entire home is rented out. Feng Shui cannot be based on remote control If you don't stay there, one is not affected by the earth luck of that (rented) home. 2.3. Para 2.2 applies to your above question. 3. You wrote: "The other way would be at the NE area but facing a window at SW. But if the window is 4m away, is it ok? Would doing a table top counter in between help?" 3.1. Only the writer knows what he is exactly writing about, here. Sean L. wrote: Thanks for the advise. Regarding the stove, actually the stove is actually at the SE side but the knobs are facing NW. Is it consider fire at Heaven's gate. The other way would be at the NE area but facing a window at SW. But if the window is 4m away, is it ok? Would doing a table top counter in between help? Thanks. Lim
  18. These are some considerations: 1. Many property developers were caught with their pants down when the govt announced cooling measures in the residential property market. 2. Just imagine, this development and Seastrand @Pasir Ris are offering more than their fair share of goodies! 3. Take Bartley Residences: 3.1. The 3% Early Bird Discount By definition, early bird discount is given only to those who ...... 3.2. 3% Stamp Duty Discount Every other developer, today is offering this... 3.3. 2% District Discount / Move Closer Discount I personally find this the most "humourous". Some other developers I agree are offering those who stay close-by e.g. BoatHouse. But this is the first time I heard of a MOVE CLOSER DISCOUNT. Not only one is moving closer. ONE is actually MOVING INTO the area! Hahahahaha! 4. As I mentioned earlier; another development; seems desperate: Seastrand @ Pasir Ris. Early this year, I visited the showroom. And the Far East staff said; the price would most likely increase next week. 5. 3 months back, I re-visted Seastrand @Pasir Ris, after having visited Sea Esta @Pasir Ris and to collect and find out more of a Can or cannot buy at another nearby EC = Watercolours. 5.1. The Seastrand Far East sales person gave additional perks like: Star buy discount; Seletar Country Club or convert to cash and some other perks. 6. In conclusion: 6.1. Most of the property investors have disappeared... 6.2. From now to before these properties TOP around 2015; due to the non-existant of major new developments; property prices for EXISTING homes will still be in demand... 6.3. Come 2015 onwards when all these new HDB (BTO's, ECs) and condos and private apartments TOP; I believe; property prices will dip by at least 20%. So much so for your property's worth in "paper value" only. 7. The only property prices in SGP that will continue to increase are still the fewer landed properties that continue to see crazy price increases... 8. In the event that the government cave-in from their FT (foreign talent) policy... this is another variable that can decide the value of all properties.... 9. For sure, many who have booked a new condo unit just last year; I believe will continue to sweat in their pants... especially those who had purchased leasehold properties... already can see that they were not entitled to the 3% stamp duties and a year ago, they bought theirs for say "1.3 to 1.4 million" even now are seeing red... as these units fall to 1.1 million... already a loss of $100K to $200K in value.... 10. The good news is ... when no one is bitting; I believe Bartley Residences will further reduce their prices...... and when this development TOP, there will still be no takers for some of the units.. if price is not reduced further..... =================================================== This e-mail reads: From: "So & so" new.xxxxxsg@gmail.com
  19. Superb Discount Scheme (For Limited Period!) 12% Standard Discount + 3% Early Bird Discount + 3% Stamp Duty Discount + 2% District Discount / Move Closer Discount =
  20. Frankly, in order to do a good job in analysing the various harms, clashes (double, triple clashes) it is best to involve computing power to do the 'dirty" job ofanalysis and interpretation. But as mentioned, earlier; such mundane tasks although is important but the smart, would focus on having the right information to piece all the puzzles. A simplistic view is the attachment; where all 12 variables interact with each other ......
  21. 1. Common sense 1.1 In the past, if one has read some of the forum messages; from day 1, I always ask this question first and foremost? 1.2 Has "this" anything to do with common sense? 1.3 Only after having explored Para 1.2 in depth; then one should consider other factors. 2. For example under common sense, there are a host of concerns: 2.1. Locally in Singapore, we often like to use oil to fry as well as cook spicy chilli stuffs etc... And such spices can filter into our nose and mouth and make us quite uncomfortable. And the easiest common sense thing is that many elderly or seasoned cooks would often for this reason, hope to have a kitchen that has a door to close it when cooking such "heavy" duty food. 2.2. Safety concern Nowadays, many apartments are relatively small and compact. And most of us love to turn on the air con. Beside letting air-con leak into or out thru the kitchen; a door is advisable. 2.2.1 The main reason is, many homes have a corridor leading to several bedrooms. And just imagine if for one reason or another, if the fire suddenly get's extinguished; the gas still flow and such gas could leak into the bedrooms. 2.2.2 In Feng Shui, some say that it is not adviseable to have the stove directly facing a doorway. This is again common sense. For example, put up your hands and tell me how many humans have eyes behind our heads? Some may be cooking and suddenly receive a tap on the shoulder... just imagine.. some people get a fright or shock and perhaps drop or spill hot oil or liquid. 2.3 Frankly, there are many other considerations.... 3. Under symbolism in Feng Shui, it is inauspicious to have a stove / oven or sharp objects facing a bedroom door. As the bedroom door is akin to the mouth of a bedroom. And if there is a stove /oven facing a bedroom.. under symbolism; there is a concern of the person in that room catching fever or illness... while sharp objects e.g. above a sink facing a bedroom may result in accidents or "cuts". 4. You brought up the concept of "Fire at Heaven's gate" where it is considered inauspicious to have the stove at NW. There are sufficient resources on this issue. 5. Other considerations again some are common sense include:- 5.1. Avoid placing a stove especially those with a hob on a stand alone island as one has to be careful of the wind (high pressure and low pressure zones) that may blow the fire towards one's stomach area or extinguish the fire. 5.2. Where possible a stove should not be too "vulnerable" to areas where there may be influenced by strong winds (wind vortex etc...).... 6. Thus, you already mentioned the concern of a window at SW. You have to weigh all these into consideration.
  22. These are some considerations: 1. For a lay person, the most important consideration is the final result. 2. In this example, this person is considered as a strong water person. 3. And usually, this person's compatibility under ba zi is based on other person's element and strength and how favourable or unfavourable to that person. 4. Thus, for this person, his/her not so favourable "persons" are those who are e.g. also strong water person or even weak water person or even strong metal person etc... 5. What you refer to the earthly branch clashes etc.. is nothing mysterious. It is looking at all the various earthly branches e.g. hour = snake, day = mouse, month = rooster, year = pig etc.. and how they clash or harm each other in relation to also the various heavenly stems. 6. Thus if one makes a simple count; there are at least 12 variables in a person's chart! See attachment. And a proper ba zi chart looks at the relationships between all these 12 variables. 6.1. What do you mean by the 12 variables? If you look closely at the top half of the chart: there are the Hour / Day / Month / Year / Life / Conception. And each of the earthly branches and heavenly stems have a variable .... for each of these ..
  23. Case Study 1: A past exercise : By ranking of specific stacks (type) at Watercolours @Pasir Ris, Executive condo
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