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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. A client followed the instructions to do a semi-circular arch for the main entrance of his factory in Jurong.
  2. Netherlands has it's famous wooden shoes. Traditionally, Chinese have their red cogs which are useful to be worn especially in wet areas. As the height of these cogs offer much protection from wet and soggy floors. These red cogs were once very popular in Singapore during the 1930s right up to the 1970s. Somehow, few buy these or have little knowledge of them. Especially with the advent of cheap PVC sandals. One could say that this is a forerunner of the "crocodile branded" light weight shoes of today...
  3. Will sent you a private message to your e-mail. Thanks.
  4. From a Ba Zi point of view, the auspicious or inauspicious date(s) are calculated in relation to one's Chinese zodiac sign. In addition, human factor like feel good or not so good.. can also affect one's bearing. Thus in doubt, can or should postphone it.
  5. At one of the Ang Mo Kio neighbourhood, there is an unusual shop sign. Most likely the owner of this reflexology shop is only targeting locals. And not only locals but specifically those that know what it means. Kaki-lang (hokkien) simply means: "Own people or own family"...
  6. This grille gate not only serves as a protection for the owners. The newspaper person also places the newspaper right at his grille gate! (Rather than at the door step!) How convenient!
  7. Rather than buying all those useless products, why not both safe that money and bring family members for a "bonding" meal..
  8. The Mayan calendar ended on 21 December 2012. For some, they are even prepared to live underground if such an even occurred even if the Feng Shui may not be that fantastic. To some, survival is their top choice!
  9. You wrote: I am planning to open a business in either January, February or March this year (possibly two branches). I would like to know when the best dates of these months would be best to open the business. The link to the next 30 days free auspicious dates report(s) : http://dates.geomancy.net This report is providedas it is You also wrote: I would also like to know if the food business is ideal for me. In a DIY situation: You can actually find your element using the free report(s) provided under this link: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/reports-list.htm This link provides a reference to careers. And in general the food business comes under the earth element:- http://talk.geomancy.net
  10. 1. In general, a kitchen at NW is inauspicious especially for the Male Head breadwinner. 2. Please visit this link to find out why some are more affect by it. While others less so.
  11. These are some considerations: You wrote: our main door opens to a terrace, more like a gazebo. looking at the floor plan, it is a square that protrudes from the middle section of the rectangular house. this area is roofed, i am quite confused as to treating this area a part of the house or exclude it in laying out the nine areas (as this would leave missing areas in the either side of it.) 1. Frankly words alone can never fully explain exactly where are or how much are the missing corners or even protrusions. Sometimes a sketch or an exact layout gives a better picture. On the premise that a picture tells what a thousand words can't. 2. In my opinion, I agree if you intend to plot a nine grid; a home that is mostly rectangular and no major missing corners or protrusions are fine or ok. 3. But if you are trying to fit a home into a nine grid but find too may parts of all parts; then it is time for you to seriously consider applying a PIE chart (method). As often, most professional geomancers use a PIE chart. 3.1. As if one has obtained sufficient experience, one can usually or easily apply a PIE chart to almost any layout. 4. Thus no point in trying to scratch one's head trying to fit a layout into the proper nine-grid.
  12. These are some considerations: 1. The big picture and peanuts 1.1. What you are so concerned is "peanuts" and not the big picture. 1.2. For example, there are many who asks: can I place shoes outside my home. Why not? Placing a shoe or a shoe cabinet will often not affect one's Feng Shui. 1.3. Similarly, what you mentioned can imply that: 1.3.1. No good to install grilles for the home or 1.3.2. Some homes install mosquito net. Here, my question is would one be willing to give blood donation on a daily basis or use some deterrent like the mosquito net. With dengue as a concern. 2. Go get a life. Many homes just don't FAIL just become some owner install a screen door that open outwards! Think about it! 3. There are more important considerations in Feng Shui such as location, location and location. Not: door screen, door screen and more door screen.
  13. Please see attachment. 1. Since the lamp post is no where near to the HIGHLIGHTED YELLOW zone; the lamp post cannot be considered as a threat or sha qi or poison arrow. 2. To repeat, it does not pose any problem to the main door or the bedroom window. 3. If it still pose a problem; most likely it is due to one's perceived imagination or rather day dream. 4. For example some have considered or interpreted that as the Mayan calendar lasts until 21 December 2012; to such jokers, this is suppose to be the last day for man-kind. Erh.. please dream on. 5. Or rather, the poison arrow from the lamp post is just a dream.
  14. Please refer to the illustration taken from http://lovesigns.net Every six years, one would have met the worst pairing. Thus the animal sign opposite the animal sign is considered the worst pairing. Therefore, the rat's worst pairing is the horse. While the pig's worst nightmare is suppose to be the snake.
  15. These are some considerations: 1. Under the Chinese astrology, please refer to the main page of http://lovesigns.net ; 1.1. The animal sign directly opposite it is considered the worst pairing. 1.2. Thus if one look at the graphic on the main page of http://lovesigns.net the rat's worst pairing or rather greatest enemy is the horse. While the pig's worst pairing is the snake. 1.3. Under the Chinese Horoscope, thus the pig and snake is considered a "very difficult" pairing:- http://www.lovesigns.net/horoscope/areference/csnpi.htm 1.4. Thus under the Chinese Horoscope the writing on the wall, a match between the pig and the snake is considered A one sided affair. Snake is ruthless while pig is trusting and generous always warm and caring. Snake only takes advantage of this as it is calculative and does not return the trust and generosity as it only does that when there is some tangible reward for doing so. A really disappointed and sad Pig. 2. Thus strictly based on Chinese Horoscope; in the olden days, generally it is said that not only should the pig not marry the snake in the year of the snake, the pig should not even be enticed to be with the snake. 3. Therefore, if we based on logic to analyse the Chinese Horoscope; Para 2 although it is not good for a pig to marry in the YEAR of the snake; more importantly, the pig (is suppose) to steer clear of the snake. 3.1 Thus, if we go thru this logic: "frankly, it will not make any difference even if the PIG marries the snake in the year of the snake right? Since, the key essence again under the Chinese horoscope they should not be together (PERIOD). 4. What must one do now given that one has read such things? 4.1. If one goes ahead with the relationship; Please, do find a way of forgetting what you have read from here, there and everywhere of the pig and snake incompatibility. 4.2. Or rather, just wish that you have never read such things at all. Why? If one continues with the relationship; nothing else should ever get in the way; especially that of auto-suggestion and self-fullfilling prophecy. 5. Thus, if one is in love and wants badly to marry (the pig and the snake) it is not going to make a difference if you marry in the year of the snake or otherwise; Furthermore, when selecting auspicious dates; there is no such thing as the whole year is bad or rotten; even for two partners, there are always suitable combined auspicous dates in any year! 6. Nowadays, as you had deduced, ba zi elements are or can be used in Feng Shui to harmonise one's earth luck = Feng Shui of the home. Thus in this area; it is not the end of the "world" or romance for a snake slaughtering the pig. Other clues can be gleamed from one's ba zi such as the 10 deities chart etc...
  16. How about this idea of activating the mountain star with a mound of termites?
  17. Hmm... the mother of all water features? I mean water position...
  18. These are some considerations: 1. As mentioned, previously, I am just giving it a quick-over. My main objective is to try to zoom in to try to visualise where most likely the centre-of-gravity MAY-BE. Thus as mentioned, my outline is a very rough estimate. 2. For such a layout, it is best to use the rudimentary method as suggested earlier to find the centre-of-gravity.
  19. Symbolism is a powerful word in Feng Shui. What something symbolises is very important. Avoid hanging paintings with skeletons or skinny souls...least a painting that reminds one of old age.
  20. "I am waiting for the geomancer". Hope he can help us find the mouth of this home!
  21. Often our human luck factor is driven from the mind. It is often how our mind thinks that can create an atmosphere of love (some say closer to GOD) or an atmosphere some say closer to the 1000 levels of hell. What do you think?
  22. I am just using a rough and quick eye-ball method of determining the centrepoint. Please see attachment. To be on the safe side, given that the layout plan has several protrusions and even missing areas, it is best to apply the rudimentary method of photo-copy a layout; place it on a cardboard, cut-out the outline and then balance a nail to find the centre-of-gravity.
  23. Yes, colourful wind chimes are never used in Feng Shui.
  24. The Feng Shui emporium depends on this maxim "Greed begets greed". And in the name of Feng Shui; try to sell useless productsin the name of HUMAN LUCK. Actually, Human Luck is family; our family. And ain't it better to bring our loved ones for a simple bonding meal or a short holiday then to donate our hard earned money to those Feng Shui emporiums?
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