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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. 1. Please note that Chinese 7th month starts on 17 Aug 2012 (Fri) and ends on 15 Sep 2012 (Sat). 2. Chinese hate it when they have to decide whether to go into their brand new apartments between this period 17 August to 15 September. 3. Every year, there will always be some condos that had TOP just a few weeks prior to this date. Not enough time for all owners to receive their keys before than....
  2. This white chair found in a certain coffee shop chain in Singapore is highly unstable. Often, I would see people either sit and nearly flip over at the sides of the chair. The major flaw is that the two side wings is elongated and if one is not careful, one can tip over much like a see-saw...
  3. One can find many odd ornaments on the dashboard of various vehicles in Singapore. Today, had spotted this "unusual" tropy on a dashboard of a panel van... Hmm.. make a guess what it means?
  4. Here are some considerations. 1. Please refer to attached photo: 1.1. Marking "A" is the house on the left side. While Marking A1 is the fencing of house A. 1.2. Marking "B" is the house on the right side. While Marking B1 shows the house B having a concrete wall. 2. This ONE-WAY street has two lanes: One lane for vehicles turning left. And another lane for vehicles turning to the right. 3. Both houses avoided their main gate directly facing the straight path of the one-way street. 4. The red dotted line is the imaginary line if a vehicle could have loss control and veer into either homes. 5. Overall, house B did a great job by placing the concrete high wall. House A ain't also bad if we consider that it does not have the main gate at this location; also. 6. Thus in general, although both homes are considered at a T-Junction: 6.1. Since this is a one-way street with two lanes; with traffic flowing towards them; both homes are considered as facing a T-junction. 6.2. If the above is not the case AND it is a two-way street, and in Singapore = right hand drive; then house B would not be affected by a T-junction. As vehicles would not turn "towards" house B direction.
  5. Pretty recently renovated Hawker Centre & Market..... If you know that the tiles are would become slippery when wet; then why install it in the first place?
  6. The Tioh Hin Cho Temple along Langsat Road
  7. Planting of cactus tree in a compound is also based on common sense. Most homes plant cactus tree(s) at "exposed" corners or backyard to deter would be thieves to climb into the home.
  8. Vs a house directly opposite it; also with uncovered drainage but mostly with an open drainage...
  9. Under the water classics; a geomancer can access whether drainage on the side of a home is inauspicious or not. If one does not engage a geomancer; one can erect a wall such that inside the property cannot seen the open drainage, flow...
  10. 1. By coincidence, many times, I passed by this restaurant in Marina Square. 2. Each time, I commented to myself.. when is it going to close? 3. In several of the photos, one can see that thehuge support column right smack at the frontage of this restaurant. 4. Don't get me wrong that I am nick picking on this restaurant chain or group.Again by coincidence, they have chosen a wrong location for their restaurant.
  11. These are some considerations:- 1. From a Feng Shui point of view: the key essence is " Form prevails over substance " or rather bear this in mind "THE FORMS (Shapes & Forms) DETERMINE THE STARS, THE STARS DETERMINE THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE LIVING IN A HOME." 2. When ever there is a major conflict between Shapes and Forms and the Stars (Compass School of Feng Shui) which includes the Eight House concept; 3. The above statement implies that Shapes and Forms prevail over Flying Star. 4. Why is this relevant to your case? 5. Many of us, after purchasing a home or trying to renovate a bedroom; would often have a preconceived idea of how the layout would be like. 5.1. As you had mentioned; after taking into consideration the openings; often there is not much else one can do; other than give the interior layout a good "Shapes and Forms". 5.2. You are not alone! 5.2.1. Often, many of us dwell further into this eight house thing and like you stressed over trying to fit a square piece into a round hole. You and I know that this is totally impossible. 5.3. Thus, one major consolation is that you have tried to make sure that the forms (Shapes and Forms) in the bedroom is favourable or looks natural flow. As compared to trying to manipulate the bed and study in an impractical manner. 6. What else can I do? 6.1. Perhaps, if your son cannot sleep or study facing his good direction; did you check to see if his bedroom is in one of his favourable sectors. Even if this is not possible; 6.2. One of the fundamental things that many geomancers advice is to look at your son's ba zi and try to harmonize the bedroom colours compatible to his ba zi. This has been the norm for many decades. 6.3. Especially from 1980's onwards, Para 6.2. has been further fine-tuned as many geomancers and the well read; have plotted the Flying Star of a home. And also looked at the Flying star numbers in "sons" bedroom. 6.3.1. Here, the Flying Star numbers is taken into consideration with say son's compatible colours to determine the best colours especially for the painting of the bedroom walls / ceilings and interior decoration such as the colour of the curtains and big ticket items like the colours of the bed-sheet & pillow cases.
  12. These are some considerations: 1. Under the Holy Trinity of Luck: 1.1. Heaven Luck = born with has indication and highlights zodiac signs & incompatibility with certain zodiac signs. 1.2. Earth Luck = Feng Shui of the home and office. 1.3. Human or Man Luck factors. As I have several clients with the same name, do email me (privately)with your block & address so that I can look at your home chart to reduce any issues from the home "portion". As one spents much time a the office also, this is out of control as the Feng Shui is not looked into.
  13. These are some considerations: 1. There are often four major considerations if one wants to place a water body somewhere:- 1.1. Trial and error: Some people, and based on their feelings felt that a water feature at a certain location would be good for them. 1.2. Flying Star Feng Shui: Need to plot a flying star chart and detect where is the water position. And place a water feature if that location is appropriate e.g. in the living room area or clear space area. And not the toilet. 1.3. Frontage of the garden. In past forum messages, I had mentioned that of all places in a home; often 60 to 70 percent of the time, even if one does not look at Feng Shui, any water position at the frontage is often gets a pass mark. And rarely gets an "F" (Fail mark). 1.4. From now to 2023, SW is considered as the indirect water wealth location. Especially if this is a living room or some clear space location. Thus, often one would not get wrong in most situations until 2023 if a water feature is placed at this sector. 2. Your male with qua number 5 does not even feature anywhere under Para 1.1. to 1.3. or 1.4. 3. Thus, try not to play around with qua number with this subject matter. It does not belong, here. (Where qua number should not be used to determine if a sector needs or does not need a water body or dead body for that matter.
  14. Sorry, I have transferred your case study to the Feng Shui Tips Conference as I had replied extensively based on Common sense Feng Shui. That forum conference is locked and members cannot post there. Again, please check out the earlier link. The critical clue was that house Y has more to worry in terms of a T-junction. And often only a so called "fluke" accident could a runaway amok vehicle penetrate towards house "X". You should be using the above example. I have seen only matured curry trees that were planted into the ground that grows reasonable size. In my opinion, most probably the existing owners planted it for the curry leaves. What is a garden without some type of tree ... not necessarily curry tree. Thus, more often than not, many homes with gardens do have trees planted into the ground. For example in the 1960's to 1970's popular trees planted in gardens are rambutans and mango trees. But, how to say that it is planted in the name of Feng Shui? Just like your curry tree theory? Therefore, I believe it is natural for people to plant some sort of plant which grow into a tree. And thus, I don't call this because of Feng Shui. Again, what is wrong with cutting down the curry tree if you don't like it and plant any other common trees. 0br>For example, in Singapore, today, one of the most popular trees are the Lipstick Palm or commonly known as Maharaja palm tree. Again, people plant such trees not because of Feng Shui. You should be focusing on : in a Fluke accident; if a runaway amok vehicle ploughts into my home; can a wall or such a tree stop it (vehicle) in it's track. And this tree need not be a tree in the name, the holy ghost or spirit of Fung SWAY.
  15. These are some considerations:- 1. A house or two houses at a T-junction e.g. House marked as "X" and "Y" is within the range of a T-junction. 2. In this example, it is based on simply Common sense. Thus simply it is called Common sense Feng Shui. 2.1. Thus even without the term Feng Shui, it can easily be explained thru common sense. 3. The key lies with this sentence: " A moving vehicle going in a straight-line especially if there is a mechanical failure e.g. brakes locked up or the driver's feet got jammed on the fuel paddle etc.. or even a drunkard ... cannot stop the vehicle". 4. Thus if a vehicle ploughs straight into a home; the most likely senario is that of Senario ONE. (See attachment). 4.1. Unless, really bad luck; the vehicle somehow brake, skid and loss control and somehow plough into house "X". This is a less likely senario. But still possible. 5. In conclusion, the probability is higher under Senario ONE. Maybe one in a few million chance of occurence. 5.1. But for Senario TWO, the owners (touch-wood) must have really encountered bad luck. But most likely if the vehicle ploughs at an angle, hopefully the force is not direct or there are lots more obstacles e.g. an open drain, the gate pillar + seat.. go imagine...
  16. 1. In my opinion, based on past experience; duration of stay is another consideration. 2. Thus depending on other factors as what I had mentioned, previously; 3. If the overall Feng Shui (Shapes and Forms is average) and other factors like not fantastic Flying Star; coupled by duration of stay; usually the effects can be felt in the first six months and annual concerns in relation to health and fortune.
  17. These are some considerations: 1. When one mentions that the person is a strong yang water snake; this is based on Ba Zi. 2. Being a strong water or strong something does not automatically mean that; that person's best facing direction must be North or SE. 3. Try to get your facts correct, first. 4. When one talks about good directions: this belongs to the Compass School of Feng Shui: Eight House / 4 Good or Bad directions. 5. The answer to your question can be found under this link: The Three-Step-Approach
  18. 1. Yes, you can say that in general Food Industry and Real Estate Industry belongs to earth element. 2. If you are in the purchasing and sales; you have to perhaps look deeper. 2.1 For example, in general, most salesperson may do some purchasing but their CORE job function is sales. If sales, then this should be the fire element. 2.2 While Purchasing should also be looked into closely. In the past, Japan manufacturing success has to do with JIT (Just In Time) purchasing of inventory. In this arena or sphere or context, this entire JIT thing needs good co-ordinating skills. If so, can belong to the Wood element. 3. So far, your interpretation seems sound enough for the rest. 4. The best way in logical deduction is to apply the Management field of Strategic Management. 4.1. Here, one can draw a matrix or graph with two main variables: INDUSTRY and JOB FUNCTION. 4.2. For example, the industry one is in is the Food Industry. Which is earth element.Here, constant contact with (earth) applies. This characteristics applies only to persons who are a WEAK something.... Strong Element persons... don't encounter this.... 4.3. But if one opens a restaurant, the OWNER of that restaurant main core function is to GROW THE RESTAURANT. Even in a restaurant, there are various job functions: a waiter (server); the cook etc....
  19. 1. Further to what I had mentioned; another concept that can be applied, here is "It Depends!". 2. Since no two homes are the same; "It depends" applies, also. 3. Thus, since no two situations can be the same; even if a home is not suitable to the person; if we translate it in quantitative terms: a home can even be graded. 4. Therefore, we can even find grades:- 4.1. This house is not suitable to Mr X by how much? 4.1.1. Home A: Very Unsuitable 10% out of a total of 100 marks 4.1.2. Home B: Unsuitable 50-50% etc...
  20. 1. The important saying: THE FORMS DETERMINE THE STARS. 2. There are two schools of Feng Shui:- 2.1. Shapes and Forms 2.2. Compass School (comprising Eight House (4 Good/Bad) and Flying Stars. 3. You wrote:" if a person's house is not suitable to him, he cannot benefit from the luck of the house no matter how good the house is." 3.1. Para 1 implies that Shapes and Forms is the most important consideration. AND para 1 refers to Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. 3.2. While your query is about only a PART of Para 2.2. That of Compass School of Feng Shui and not even the full part. Just half of this school i.e. Eight House Theory. 3.3. Therefore, based on the above analysis; what you wrote cannot be the word of "GOD". And it ain't fully true.
  21. The Stagmont Park: A sweet little park.... off Choa Chu Kang ....
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