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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Look how marvelous the Qi Lin orI mean the majestic Lions looks like. Hey! BUT this is not China! It's in Africa
  2. Under one's ba zi there is the 10 deities. How competitive are you?
  3. You wrote: "In our case, the door opens into the South sector, so are the windows. Basing on what you have responded, our room is then influenced by the South sector stars. Would it still be wise to sleep and work in that room? Our present room is located in the SW. Mountain star 3, water star 8, period star 4. In 2013, SW is where flying star 2-black flies in to. If we can't use the South sector room, can we continue to sleep and work in SW room? (I work from home)" These are some considerations: 1. In my opinion, there are many ways of neutralising the threat. 2. You stay there, we (geomancers) don't. 2.1. I personally feel that it is not ideal to go purely into text book case (or case studies). 2.2. For example, it is all so easy for a geomancer to tell a person and family: avoid sleeping in this bedroom or studying in it. Here, one has to live with it for the rest of their time in that home. 2.3. Often, once in a while, as a geomancer we encounter clients who said that their previous geomancer say cannot use this toilet and they only visit the home for a few hours or less and we have to live with it. 3. Frankly, such practices are really "pitiful". And like a continuum: cannot be the extreme of hot and cold. This is beyond the norm. Or rather extremist view. As a bedroom is suppose to be a bedroom, a bedroom. And a bedroom is not some kind of a sealed up "Do not cross police line" type of situation.
  4. This is a very important life lesson:- It is very interesting to associate this statement: There is a saying, ?What goes around comes around.? = Karma? http://www.tremeritus.com/2012/12/14/why-not-khaw-tells-his-own-party-about-this-too/ Not too recently, there was another valuable lesson: "Don't throw stones at a glass house. That glass house could happen to belong to your own kind".
  5. The best water feature in the world is almost virtually impossible to obtain. What is it? A water fall. Where water continuously friction with the air to create negative ions. The next best thing is the "bright hall" effect. Where a water position such as a pool would mean that nothing else can be built on top of this pool of water = clear space. The next, next best thing is to stand at e.g. the balcony or living room window and look out towards clear space or virtual water....
  6. Are you drunk? Or are you practicing some kind of Kung Fu? Called Drunken Kung Fu?
  7. After I was born, my grandfather brought my date and time of birth to a geomancer. The geomancer analysed my ba zi and came up with a name to suit my ba zi.
  8. You wrote: "Moving forward to 2013, our bedroom is divided into half: 1. SE sector (mountain star 1; water star 6; period star 6) 2. South sector (mountain star 5; water star 1; period star 2) I understand that for 2013, annual flying star #4 moves to SE (but have to watch not to face SE3 where Tai Sui resides); and #9 annual flying star moves to South." In my opinion, the most important consideration is that even if; if I read you correctly even if there are two sets of flying stars falling in a bedroom; One should visualise where are the openings in that bedroom. What one should be looking for is to determine where, qi flows into that bedroom. Thus, for example, if there are openings such as (external) windows e.g. at South sector which brings in both light and "air"; vs say SE sector being a wall or something like that then one should instead look at the South sector stars as the MAIN influence in that bedroom. In my opinion, thus in a full sized bedroom, it is not practical to draw the line between moving everyone from one side to the other side for work or for sleep. For practical reasons, living in a bedroom is not some kind of a musical chair.
  9. 1. Under Feng Shui, the main consideration is the main entrance door (1st or rather top priority). 2. The most common cure is the convex mirror placed above the main entrance door. If so, in my opinion, not necessary to do anything further for the master bedroom. If one has the day curtain is a plus point.
  10. These are some considerations: 1. Please that note that generally, what you had attached for the layout or placement of the bed-head in the master bedroom is logical. 1.1. This would often be the position, when one walks into an empty room and visualise where we would "have to place the bed-head" irregardless of whether it fits the eight house theory (if any). 2. Thus, this is a fine example of: Shapes and Forms prevail over other matters. 3. Why "try to break a leg or arm" or place a square peg into a round hole? 4. Thus in my opinion, just go with THE FLOW.... 5. One must not forget... Feng Shui is one thing. Another consideration is human or man luck = feel good or right in that bedroom. We cannot simply go and eat-sleep on a Feng Shui theory. Something has to give. And give in nicely is fine or ok.
  11. A charm is kinda like not hiring a security guard. But rather pasting a piece of yellow paper with written calligraphy. To protect the home from evil spirits.
  12. Even pieces will always have a SPLIT in the middle. For mirrors, go for either ONE piece or ODD pieces...
  13. Yes, a large bowl can activate the water position. Remember, not a tiny bowl with a tiny small ball!
  14. A flamingo is giving us this advice...... please listen carefully to her...
  15. Whether it is bull-shit, dog-shit, cow-shit, bird-shit... Yes, they are also SHIT, SHIT and SHIT!
  16. Wind Chimes used as CURES: 1. Wind chimes used as CURES must never be too colourful or too decorative. 2. Best to have HOLLOW rods and the preferred wind chimes have six hollow rods. But if one desperately cannot find those with six hollow rods, may consider as a last resort 5 hollow rods.
  17. For practical reasons, nowadays in modern times, we should not be too concerned with which direction one is moving. For example, if you have to move in the east direction, one has to move to that direction! Our free auspicious dates are for the next 30 days at: http://dates.geomancy.net
  18. Beware of bringing home dubious antiques. By chance, one may accidentally bring home something in addition of the antique.. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that it is bad feng shui to keep antiques at home. Is it true. Thanks.
  19. In many instances, even if we try to build our perfect dream-Feng Shui home; there are often compromises to be made. Often, for convenience, we have toilets that are located at no longer choice location in the home. Or that kitchen stove could be viewed from the main entrance door. Thus we can try to build a near-perfect Feng Shui friendly home. But not always 100 percent perfect!
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