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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Location: Stagmont area, Chua Chu Kang
  2. 1. In my opinon, what you mentioned is based on this category of Feng Shui: "Symbolism in Feng Shui'. 2. What is considered inauspicious especially when opening the main entrance door; one can see the staircase.(The main implication is that of the staircase leading DOWNWARDS). 3. Here, it implies that wealth is drained away from the main doorand due to gravity, dain downwards towards the staircase and down, down, down. 4. For this very reason, is wheremany seem to believe that it is inauspicious. 5. Of couse, one can argue that a staircase is meant for going up and down. But, the fact that it "flows" down is the mother of all greviances. 6. There is no hard or fast rule. The test is to stand at the main entrance. If the stairs leads upwards, then OK. But from where one is standing, and can see the staircase leading downwards; whether it is directly in front or at the side is already considered "applicable". Some references: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=15037&new=?pagewanted=all http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=16021&new=%20?iframe=true
  3. These are some considerations: 1. This East/West person is just the tip of the iceberg. 2. Thus there are even greater mass below the waterline. 3. For example: Shapes and Forms Feng Shui and even Flying star. And yet, these are not considered as yet;how then can you prematurely claim or cry wolf. 4. Often, it takes three or more major leaks or imperfections to cause a calamity; and most or majority of homes are not a bad that you seem to thing. 5. Thus without a TRIAGE how the hell do you know the situation.
  4. In my opinion, your statement is too general. But, the true test is to stand inside a unit main entrace door and look out for pillarsor support beams such as those for covered shelters. Thus most likely would often affect a unit or a few units that's all. Unless the overhead bridge structure has spikely trellis etc.
  5. Cecil Lee


    In my opinion, it depends on whether a person is a strong or weak element. A person who has a strong element; e.g. strong water, strong wood, strong earth etc.. can utilise the 'destructive' cycle in your own words "for coloring". For example: a strong earth person: wood element (green or brown) can be used to destroy earth to create what is called "Power and Authority" for that person. And as a strong earth person's wealth element is Water.
  6. 1. You wrote: I have read where purple and green should not be used in the kitchen this year 2. Even when applying Feng Shui; geomancers usually would look at the 20 Year Flying Star of the apartment and access the colours (if any to avoid). 3. But your statement seems so either short-sighted or impratical. 4. To most people reading it; it can sound like you either gona renovate or change the colours yearly or really don't know what to say... 5. From a general Feng Shui perspective, for the kitchen one colour that should generally be avoided is BLUE colour e.g. blue laminated kitchen cabinets. As blue belong to the Water element and may clash with the stove position. 6. Otherwise, often, the Flying star of the specific kitchen sector is looked into. And if there is a water or mountain star #3 in the kitchen sector; it is recommended to avoid GREEN colour (not brown or wood tone).
  7. These are some considerations: 1. If your ba zi element is STRONG EARTH; 1.1. Then for a strong earth person; 1.1.1 Career with Wealth is the water element. 1.1.2 Career with Power and Authority (Can rise to high position) is wood element. 1.1.3 Careers (not leading to great wealth, power or authority) but are more beneficial for you if you if you are unable to find a suitable career with wealth or career with power and authority. 2. Sports massage is often associated with the wood element 3. While real estate property is associated with the earth element. Assuming that you are a strong earth person; under the five elements concept; then real estate is not as suitable. Reference: http://info.geomancy.net on the five elements and it's career associations.
  8. Yes, so long as the pointed triangle roof is not aimed towards a unit that is fine or ok. As for some of the units facing the private estate (landed properties); the master bedroom, 2nd bedroom and even the living room can be seen facing the pointed roofs of the landed properties.
  9. These are some considerations: 1. A hill can evoke many reactions or even non action. 2. Based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, this hill is already considered a gentle hill without any CLIFFs. 3. As many know, our neighbour: Malaysia had the highlands incident... due to soil erosion and the blocks toppling down. 4. In fact there are so many homes on hills in Singapore: different gradient.. starting from Hillview or Hume Avenue side; to Cairnhill. Why call it Cairnhill. Your guess is as good as mine. 5. Labrador area also got homes on hills. 6. In Hong Kong, many of the rich build their homes on higher ground. Can them a hill.. if you want to. 7. Around 2005, or if my memory is current that was around 7 years ago, have been to the condo several times with different clients. 8. Some of the units do face the triangle roof of landed properties at Jln Pari Kikis / Dedap. 9. In general, not too long ago part of the area was burial grounds. And in Feng Shui, burial grounds were chosen because of good Feng Shui. 10. Thus, if you are looking at any unit there, within the three towers; there are always excellent to not so good units in this and any other developments.
  10. You should definitely use:18 June 1976.
  11. 1. Please do a search for "Fish Tank" to find out what was it's original purpose ... e.g. outside a window... a tree trunk or lamp post.. 2. You wrote: "From what you have said (please correct me if I am wrong) I can place an aquarium in this location without any worries of activating the MS3 ? If the MS3 is of concern how can I remedy the situation so everything would be more favorable?" 2.1. Please re-read what I wrote. 2.1.1 All my points refers to: A. Either a pool or pond. (Nothing mentioned about aquarium.) B. Refer to Para 7. which I had written under my first reply.
  12. These are some considerations:- 1. In my opinion; about the Art and Science of Feng Shui. 1.1. Many know the science of Feng Shui is about using the tools available e.g. Eight House Chart (4 Good/Bad directions); Flying Star and individual Ba Zi. 1.2. Of course, the weakness of the above system(s) are that some may get it wrong especially under Ba Zi. But in this case, it is less of a relevance. 2. The Art of Feng Shui is more trickly. It soley depends on one's interpretation and can vary as in from ebony to ivory (black to white or hot or cold). 2.1. Thus, as there are many cooks, there are many Indian chiefs that can give conflicting advice. 2.2. In my opinion, what matters most is the idea that of the "majority" or what one feels what the majority thinks is so or has literally applied or done so. 3. External of the House/Home 3.1. What makes an external of a house different from the interior? 3.2. Definitely there are no four walls or suppose to be a compound where most likely rain or air or light can shine. (Again it depends on neighbouring structures or no structures if any). Anyway this is not the main issue, here. 4. Shapes and Form vs Flying Star 4.1. From a Feng Shui point of view: the key essence is " Form prevails over substance " or rather bear this in mind "THE FORMS DETERMINE THE STARS, THE STARS DETERMINE THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE LIVING IN A HOME." 4.2. The above statement implies that Shapes and Forms prevail over Flying Star. 4.3. For example, even if you have the best Flying stars e.g. at the frontage but there is either no frontage or the frontage is taken up by huge trees that shade the compound or block the qi and does not create some space for qi. Search for "Bright Hall" effect. 5. Why is this relevant to your case? 5.1. You talked about having MS#3 WS#8 at the frontage. 5.2. With or without determing the stars (Flying Stars) do you know that as high as 60 to 70 percent of the time you will get it RIGHT then wrong; even if you do not check out the stars; placing a water feature at the frontage is based on Shapes and Forms. 5.3. And the statment under Para 4.1 suggests; Shapes and Forms comes first. Whatever stars that you had plotted come 2nd especially in an open area. WHY? 5.4. Having a water position e.g. at the frontage simply means that you are actively employing the concept of clear space. 5.5. The reason for a water position especially a pond is that nothing can built on top of it. Thus allowing for clear space. Or BRIGHT HALL effect. 5.6. Of course, if you do not want to have a water position but keep the frontage relatively clear space; this is equally acceptable. 5.7. What is worse is e.g. in Singapore especially in the 1960s to 1970s many homes have floor areas of 10,000 sq ft or smaller ones have 3,500 sq ft to 5,000 sq. ft. 5.7.1. The above allows many homes to plan such as a mango tree or rambutan tree at the frontage. 5.7.2. Especially after 8 or more years, this mango tree would grow tall and with it's huge foot print of foliage, cast a dark shadow on to the ground. Thus this is contrary to the term "BRIGHT HALL". No longer bright hall effect. 5.7.3. Thus some say between the "devil and the deep blue sea"; if one has a moving pool of water; ain't this better than what I had mentioned under Para 5.7.1 to 5.7.2.? 5.8. Furthermore, often the tree trunk of the large mango tree or rambutan tree could become a poison arrow or sha qi if it is visible from the entrance or an opening such as a window. 6. Coming back to your question: thus, even with a MS#3 and of course WS#8; most of the time; even if one places a water position = pool or pond; you will be right 60 to 70 percent of the time even if there is a miserable MS#3 at that sector (external to the home). 6.1. I am not going to debate on the concept of having a water position to the right side of the house e.g. standing inside the home looking outwards the concept of "flower of romance" (illicit affairs) etc.. 7. In my opinion, but, in the interior of the home; be more careful with the stars. 8. You wrote: "I just read where changing the home (renovations) as well as change of ownership changes the house period?" 8.1. Please read up the past message threads in this forum. 8.2. I had clearly mentioned that there are two schools of thought:- 8.2.1. The conservative view ...... since foundations of the home has not been changed... 8.2.2. And recently some even say change of ownership changes the house period. 8.2.3. In my opinion, change of ownership does not change the house period (PERIOD). 8.2.4. Changing the home (renovations). Again, You have those who feel strongly under Para 8.2.1. 8. You mentioned renovations. Again, there are lots of messages even within this forum. Major, minor etc...
  13. This school in Tampines Singapore's mission statement is appropriate to most situations of learning be it for the young, not so young, the naive and the old (erh.. never too late or old).. "Our mission is to cultivate good, useful citizens and independent learners with an excellence (in Feng Shui" How true this is! Erh.. Wonder why this page is placed in the "When the buying STOPS, the selling CAN" thread? 1. Be independent and learn and steer away from useless FS products. 2. Be a responsible and useful citizen by not buying such products!
  14. Remember: save for that rainy days instead of donating your money to the Feng Shui Emporium! This still applies, today... Reference: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=18&mid=13008&new= Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2003, 07:53 AM, Dear Cecil, After browsing many many feng shui sites, I came to one conclusion: your site is the most sensible, reasonable and helpful one of all. I've been to sites where they want to sell you just about anything and everything. The information they are willing to give is so trivial and one senses that the only thing they are interested in is to make money and sell you products that might and might not fit in with your decor or your culture, and of course doesn't serve the purpose of curing and or enhancing. Sorry for the long message, but I have a friend who spent a fortune buying all types of figurines to cure then to enhance and then eventually all she got was more figures on her credit card and no luck! I believe that what one should do is get your advise first because it makes so much sense and it is always sincere. I also believe that people should buy things that pleases their eye and provide a sense of beauty and blanace. Again sorry for the long message and thank you for a wonderful site. Luna
  15. During day-time, when one passes thru along the road, one would not realise; the INNER BEAUTY that lies "INSIDE". I guess, this temple intention at night is to WOW people who happened to look into the compound. Should I say more or you take a look at the photos. So sorry, photos taken via an Iphone4. And night shots ain't fantastic. But do imagine, how beautiful and peaceful... the Buddha looks... He is in a "sleeping position"
  16. Location: Roof area of a home somewhere near to ST. Michael's Road, Singapore
  17. The Tampines Chinese Temple located along Tampines Street 21. Roof Top View, Photos taken from Block 230J Tampines Street 21
  18. One brother is named TRIAGE. Another brother is named CURE. TRIAGE IS THE SIAMESE TWIN OF CURE.
  19. 1. Please note that whenever someone says or yells "Is there any cure for my house?". 2. This is like the concept of "Siamese Twins". Where your question has to be matched to this term:- Feng Shui Triage 3. To obtain a certificate, diploma and/or a degree; Do you mean that one can simply yell for it? 3.1. You could, but with a fake certificate from the internet. But, don't get caught with fake certs, please. 3.2. Thus a few lines of text is not good enough. Someone has to do fact finding (You?), evaluate the best or alternative cures (You?) and Implement it. (Not me). 3.3. If you intend to DIY, then, the key word is You, you and you.
  20. These are some considerations: 1. "What is behind the glass?" 1.1. Based on Symbolic Feng Shui; a stove or oven should not face a bedroom door. 1.2. Thus if the glass overlooks INTO a bedroom and if some one is sleeping in that bedroom; then based on symbolism. the concern is that of getting a fever or falling sick. 2. Other considerations: 2.1. In theory, some geomancers may frown upon clear glass as not being a wall. 2.2. Often, for practical purposes a stove table top is often around the range of 33 inches to 35 inches high. 2.2.1 And often, the clear glass SITs higher than that. If this is so, this would dispel or make Para 2.1. less of a concern as ultimately, in reality the stove (hob) level would often still face a partion or opening. 3. Anyway, what you are talking about is MODERN times. And in modern times; nowadays more and more homes do have such a senario as what you had mentioned. 3.1. Frankly,I don't think it is a major issue. 3.2. In addition, one could easily paste an opaque film if one still feels very uncomfortable over the situation. 3.3. On the extreme end, there are now many modern homes with an open kitchen concept and with or without the glass; it makes no difference, here. 4. From a practical point of view; most of the time, we see that the kitchen is dark and dim. And often, when we are in the kitchen, we have to turn on the lights. 4,1 Clear glass or even opague glass or more glass means that natural light can flow into the kitchen. I believe this is the major reason for such a design. And this is a plus point: that we should not forget.
  21. Location: Semi-detached homes along Greenleaf view off Holland Road Once upon a time, all the semi-detached homesare mirror image ofeach other. These flats were built around the 1970's. I like the concaved balconiesformedby two halves ofeach of the semi-detached homes. From the photos:- 1. There are twosemi-detached homes. 2. The oneon the right is the original profile. Where if one looks closely, there is an open balcony that curvesinwards. 3. In this same photo; the house on the right hadtotally enclosed the balcony into a living quarters. 4. Today, many of thehomes were modified beyond the above designs. And such an iconic look has been ... lost... 5. Many of such semi-detached homes did Alternations & Additions (A & A works) to create two new bedrooms (see attachment i.e. become bedroom 3 and 4 on the second storey) where the balcony is.
  22. Nice meaningful motifs on the main entrace gate : 1960's to 1970's design
  23. Many of such homes modified their frontage beyond recognition....
  24. No fat simply means prosperous. Prosperous to the seller of the product(s).
  25. Please note that it does not make sense IF:- 1. If a person is a Strong Water person and thinks that whenever that person walks around he/she is a tidal wave or tsunami of water. Or carrying lots of water. 2. In addition, it is also fool-hardy to think that a Strong Water person must not or rather refrain from drinking water. 3. This is real life. And not some animated cartoon or Fantastic Four. Where one is a Stone man, one is an ice man or one is a walking flame.......
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