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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Yes, he seems to be a professional cyclist! Clap, clap, clap...
  2. The "bad news":- 1. Frankly, it is in material what element you are if the kitchen is at NW. The "good news":- 2. Literally spent all your adult life in that kitchen: see tv there, cook there, sleep there.....
  3. I can choose which facing direction for my house every second, every minute, every hour and every day. Can your house do so?
  4. This has to be the mother of all greatest Feng Shui commercial products...
  5. This reminds me of landshare and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and River Cottage.... But different location: Singapore, Government Land, Pasir Ris, Elias area
  6. Yes, it is difficult to say not to clean it. But, in your situation, if there MUST be a need to service or clean the air con, and if you do have other family members (not stakeholders or breadwinners) perhaps could arrange for someone who services aircon. Here, make an appointment with the aircon service person; and if possible, ask one of your family members to be around; and if you can; the breadwinner disappear like the plaque for the period; the servicing of the fan coil ...
  7. There are hundreds of uses and application of a fish tank on the floor. Can you guess some creative use for it?
  8. What has a hunch-back got to do with a fish tank? The problem is that my hunch-back was caused by having a fish tank so low on the floor!
  9. These are some considerations: 1. Do you know why fish tank should not be placed below knee level. The term should be SHOULD and not CANNOT. 2. The reason is pure common sense. That an ordinary fish tank is meant for viewing purposes. And how often do we see a fish bowl or for that matter a proper fish tank; say on the floor unless we have a koi POND. 2.1. Thus, again sharing the same logic. If you have TV set. Do you place it on the floor? Or place it on a TV console or even hang it on the wall - at sofa "eye-level" would be the recommended height. 3. Double #8's: If you have double #8's, usually "clear space" or water position is acceptable. 3.1. However, the best place to have a double #8 is the frontage of a house. 3.2. Your "picture" is not complete. You only mentioned MS#8 with WS#8 (palace = 3). Fortunately it is only the palace star that has #3. So no issue if a water position is to be placed. 3.3. There is a lot of difference where this double #8 is located. 3.3.1. For example, I would accept the notion that you place the tiny (small) fish tank at an open space area. 3.3.2 But if you were to tell me that you place the small fish tank in your toilet or in the bedroom / kitchen/ store room etc...; then; this may not be appropriate. 4. No offence: Please note that frankly for yourself, you can understand your home very well. But, if you check what you wrote; you are just asking me to make a guess .. and yet to comment. 4.1. As I always mention; only you know what you are "talking about". Don't always assume, myself or others reading your message may have a clear picture of what you are talking about.
  10. Today, more and more are seeking Feng Shui advice prior to placing a deposit to buy a home. Like I always say, this is a smart move indeed! Indeed, it applies equally to both looking for a new (resale) home and/or finding a new office / business space. Reference: under TOPIC 5/5 of this link:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=12&mid=30814&new= Like this link, it is often a fore-GONE conclusion, once they had taken up the space... Here, in my opinion, even GOD, can't help this business.
  11. These are some considerations: 1. Before the final approval given to construct a new home; 1.1. Ground Floor compared to the 2nd storey layout 1.1.1 Try to superimpose the 2nd storey layout plan to the ground floor. 1.1.2 And for the Ground Floor level; look out especially for toilets at the 2nd storey. 1.1.3 Here, it is considered inauspicious to have the toilet especially the WC pipe(s) on the 2nd storey; above the main entrance door; and/or kitchen especially directly above the stove. 1.1.4 And any other living areas such as directly above the sofa or a bedroom. Also try to avoid the wc directly above the dining table. 2. 2nd Storey superimposed onto the ground floor layout 2. Most important consideration is to avoid a bed directly above the ground floor stove. 3. In your case, there is no major concerns for a balcony directly above the main door. 3.1. In fact, many, many homes even have a porch directly above the main door. And some homes, the 2nd floor (above) the porch is turned into a large balcony area. 3.2. Based on common sense, it makes excellent sense in your case; where the balcony is not too long, but good enough to provide a roof or shelter in the even of heavy rain / wind.
  12. "In my opinion, usually there is more to it then just "main door facing clashing with husband" These are some considerations: 1. Phase I: Try to Find out as much as one can. 1.1. Understand who is the main breadwinner. By default it in the Chinese culture; it is often the male head or husband or hubby. BUT if the hubby is a homemaker, and the wife is the sole breadwinner then the wife should be considered, here as the main breadwinner. 1.2. What are the best FACING directions for this main breadwinner. 1.3. Understand what are the best facing directions for the main breadwinner and all things associated with best facing directions such as what is meant by facing direction(s) and what are the best rankings say from now to 2023. 2. Phase II: Can or Cannot Buy 2.1 If you are not confident or prefer an expert advice; could engage a geomancer to evaluate the house and give you advice prior to placing a deposit. 3. Other considerations: 3.1. Some potential home buyers would try to make an effort to do some homework as what was mentioned under Para 1. and then when they are "ready" or feel that they have found a dream house could then get a geomancer to give advice on the potential home. 3.2. Some other persons, would not bother about Phase I (Paras 1.1. to 1.3). And when they liked a house, would immediately get a geomancer to do a Can or cannot buy review. Here, often, most geomancers would comment on this house. And if it is really unsuitable, you could during that session; get some guidelines from the geomancer when you subsequently fine tune your search. 3.3. Some other persons, DIY totally. 4. Thus, frankly, I have encountered equally those who apply Para 3.1. and those who apply Para 3.2. These are common methods many potential buyers use to purchase their new or resale home.
  13. These are some considerations:- 1. In traditional Feng Shui, a standard sized fish tank e.g. 4ft by 2f is placed at the window often if there is an external arrow such as a lone lamp post directly facing that window. 2. In theory and on paper, a fish tank or even a fish bowl can be used under Flying Star to help reduce the 5 2 9 sector. 2.1. However, where possible, such a fish tank should only be placed in "open spaces" e.g. such as a living room and not within a room e.g. bedroom. 2.2. Usually, with such 5 2 9 sector, expect a higher incidence of the fishes sacrificing themselves for YOU. Anonymous wrote: Dear Mr Cecil, We've placed a small fish tank on our bay window which is in 5 2 9 sector, it is ok ? will it serve as cure for this sector?
  14. It is logical to keep the water bottle closed when not in use. If the bottle is not exposed to heat and is securely closed, it can be stored for an extended period of time. Indications that the water needs to be replaced include bubbles in the water or the bottle shrinking. Therefore, it is similar to a "set it and forget it for a few months" type of situation.
  15. 1. Under what circumstances, Feng Shui is of help? 1.1. For example, under this example: 1.2. Poor Restaurant! Poor Shapes & Forms http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=12&mid=31554&new= 1.3 Feng Shui can be of help at the time of sourcing for a restaurant space. 1.4 Here, the potential restaurant owner could engage a Geomancer to check out the space or if there are several shop spaces, which unit is a better location. 1.5 In the above example, a Geomancer may comment that the shop space is not ideal for his trade e.g. a restaurant due to the relatively poor Shapes and Forms: sandwiched between the narrow frame of the escalator etc... 1.6 A rough estimate shows that overall, the above failed restaurant which opened for around 1 year may most likely suffer huge loses:- 1.6.1 Conservative estimate of costs (ESTIMATED): Fixed Costs (Renovations) = $100,000/- Rental @ $20,000 pm x 12 = $240,000/- Overheads + Others = $160,000/- ======== Est. Minimium loss = $500,000/- Half a million dollars down the drain... ========= 2. Under this thread; as the business : NOKIA's problem has more to do with structural problems; employing Fung Sway does not root out the problem. 3. Just imagine, even if they pay for Feng Shui services in Singapore, their Singapore office will still have to retrench staff. More to come. 3.1. So, imagine that they had employed a Fung Sway Master; do you think seriously that Fung Sway Master can help? 3.2. If the Fung Sway Master can help; how come there is still retrenchments. And frankly, more to come. 3.3. Thus for such a fatal empire; sleeping with it's former enemy (Microsoft) etc... can't help... 3.4. In roughly two years time.... Michael Jackson's song "HISTORY' should be played. In fact, no harm playing it more often at NOKIA. 4. It is my opinion that, geomancers should not be all to hard-up to take up all cases. At the same time, such companies should spent their last ounce of resources wisely. 4.1 Part of the Feng Shui fee could have gone towards retrenchment benefits to the poor out of work ... re-trenched workers...
  16. In my opinion, some companies should simply not waste their money on having a Feng Shui audit. Take this example. In February, was asked to provide a quote for Feng Shui services. In my opinion, this company is a has been and it is not a matterwhether this company will collapse. But ratherWHEN? Thus save the money to pay the retrenchment wages than give it to a geomancer. I wonder which hard-up for money geomancy is so desperate to take up this (forgone conclusion) case... My believe is that in on time; it will share the fate of "GONE WITH THE WIND"....... Cecil L. wrote: The morale of the story is that Feng Shui is not a cure all for everything. Frankly, such giants, should concentrate on their core business than trying to apply Feng Shui as a cure all. Look at past giants like Kodak, which invented the digital camera. All past giants have never recovered. I have just replied on a request to submit a quote ... Dear xxx, Thanks very much! For info, I will not be submitting a quote as in my opinion; I consider XXX a has been past giant. Frankly, every single person I know don't even use a ____; maybe their network equipment (transparent) to us; just may be.... Thanks! Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee Principal Consultant and Founder GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research http://www.geomancy.net E-mail: support@geomancy.net Tel : +65 6100-9600 SMS / MMS: +65 9785-3171 Fax: +65 6482-0570 Information in this message is confidential. It is intended solely for the person or the entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not to disseminate,distribute or copy this communication. Please notify the sender support@geomancy.net and delete the message and any other record of it from your system immediately. Our Company Registration No: 199707735W Sent when I am on-the-move... FULL MESSAGE QUOTE Cecil L. wrote: The morale of the story is that Feng Shui is not a cure all for everything. Frankly, such giants, should concentrate on their core business than trying to apply Feng Shui as a cure all. Look at past giants like Kodak, which invented the digital camera. All past giants have never recovered. I have just replied on a request to submit a quote ... Dear xxx, Thanks very much! For info, I will not be submitting a quote as in my opinion; I consider XXX a has been past giant. Frankly, every single person I know don't even use a ____; maybe their network equipment (transparent) to us; just may be.... Thanks! Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee Principal Consultant and Founder GEOMANCY.NET: Center for Applied Feng Shui Research http://www.geomancy.net E-mail: support@geomancy.net Tel : +65 6100-9600 SMS / MMS: +65 9785-3171 Fax: +65 6482-0570 Information in this message is confidential. It is intended solely for the person or the entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not to disseminate,distribute or copy this communication. Please notify the sender support@geomancy.net and delete the message and any other record of it from your system immediately. Our Company Registration No: 199707735W Sent when I am on-the-move... of xxxx at Somewhere in Singapore. We would like to invite your company to submit your quotation for Feng Shui consultancy services of the said office. If your company is interested to participate in this exercise, please sign the attached Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) by tomorrow (02 February 2012). Please e-mail the signed copy and send us the original by mail at:
  17. In my opinion, if you are worried about inflamming #2 with #5; then Yes, in theory, you may consider using METAL element. As it sounds logical. Again, in my opinion,placing a small fish tank (YANG water element) is not exactly the best idea. Given that this is a kitchen and the critcal piece of hardware is the stove (fire). In politics, they often give this a name : political suicide. In Feng Shui, an enclosed refrigerator or rather a fridge is considered as belonging to the Metal element. Thus, often, if one needs metal: do remember the fridge is one hell of a huge Metal element. Do think about it.
  18. On 14 June 2012, I went to NEX mall and saw this: the permanent closer of this poor restaurant. So far, looks like this is one of the first business to close in one of the busiest malls at NE of Singapore. Everyone seems to be visiting NEX other than stepping into this poor restaurant.
  19. In my opinion, if you are into DIY, these are some considerations: 1. You said "we have this wall facing my daughter's room." 1.1 I assume that you are referring to an extra block's wall. (As I always mention, often when some one writes texts, they assume that everyone else understands ?) 1.2 If assume it is Para1.1; then if there is a window of daughter's bedroom facing this wall; common sense says that her study table (if any) should not face this "wall" as often light can be reflectec into her room. 2. Your question about what cures etc.. This is very common: understand this term "TRIAGE" or search for this term.
  20. Chop sticks vs the Western Fork and Spoon Chop sticks force one to take small portions of food into the mouth... this is the mother of all secret weapon of "eating less"... Dear cecil, Since chinese people give so much importance to health and longevity and live to a ripe old age. Does that mean there is lack of deadly diseases among chinese people. Thanks.
  21. One has to be careful of the compass marking. As sometimes a sector may straddle between two sectors. In general, it looks more like a protusion. If so, look up at the chart I provided earlier.
  22. If you are looking at How suitable the house is to e.g. the breadwinner; it has nothing what so ever to do with number of a house. However, other Feng Shui concepts apply e.g. Eight House (Four good/bad directions) : How suitable is the house to the breadwinner etc... etc.... You wrote: Is it bad luck to stay there? Please advice. It is advisable that you READ THIS: Feng Shui Triage
  23. These are some considerations:- 1. Under Feng Shui, there is only one type or one kind or one situation where "house numbers" can be analysed. 1.1. And analysis under Flying Star Feng Shui can be done ONLY for apartments:- http://www.geomancy.net/reports/reports-list/hselist-house-number-report.htm 2. Other than the above; there are no other formulas in Feng Shui to analyse a house number. 3. What you mentioned, is either based on phonetic sounding and other forms of Numerology. 4. For example, the Cantonese dialect group don't like " 1 4 " as it sounds like Sure to Die. 4.1 Thus often, many Chinese especially in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore shun houses with a 14 in it. Thus, this may inadvertenly affect the RESALE value of the lot. 5. "One man's meat is another man's poison". 5.1. Look at it this way; there are so many methods and formulas of Numerology. Even in Chinese Numerology, there are methods by stroke of number and many methods. 5.2. Since there are so many or rather various formulas; it is similar to a flip of a coin : Heads or tails or 50/50 percent. 5.3. If you really on Numerology, statistically, some formulas or methods may show "favourable" while others may say that the number(s) may be negative. 6. Thus, I have mentioned that in Flying Star Feng Shui, there can be only one method: and it applies only to apartments. As based on this "vertical" Flying Stars; an apartment at 3rd level may not have the same qi as another apartment at 5th or even 8th storey's high.
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