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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Oh! I forgot! This is a gentle reminder... It is totally unfair to look at your auspicious date only, hor! I mean, if the house belongs to the two of you, you should look at combined auspicious dates... Again, it won't be fair the the family members rite? One must also look at auspicious dates for family members: children and parents if they are staying with us.. Oh! Don't forget the pets also!
  2. I am very glad that you understand, now that putting up superfical talk on the subject in relation to all "western" talk or noises is not the best way to go. As it will further confuse many others reading it. Thus, unless one can claim to be an expert in this field and perhaps write adoctoral thesis that benefit mankind.. in Singapore, our current president has termed this simply"noises". What people want are facts not noises.
  3. Further to what I had mentioned; the link below is a useful Paradigm or model to use to try to understand whether a concept can be linked to pure commonsense. http://www.geomancy.net/wiki/The_Three-Step-Approach#What_is_the_Three-Step_Approach.3F Posted in: Info :: Feng Shui Tips & Guidelines Posted on: Fri, 11 Jan 2002, 21:03 PM
  4. There are various varieties of bamboos. These bamboos were recently planted at the newly T.O.P. condo : Livia at Pasir Ris. Unlike trees that have a single tree trunk; bamboos grow and multiply in clusters. Some matured bamboo clusters are much thicker than the one shown in the photos. As bamboos contain pockets of "spaces" or "air"; just imagine, if the bamboos were not properly maintained, e.g. cut-off partially, it could easily contain or rather retain stagnant water. And thus as a result become breeding points for mosquitoes.. In many situations, snakes.. may take refuge also in the undergrowth of bamboo stocks.. Again, the above explaination; is based purely on: Common sense! For example, some people felt that the Chinese invented compartments in ships.. such that in the event of one or more compartments in a ship being flooded; it may still not sink. And some say that most likely the Chinese took this concept from the way larger bamboo trees subdivide their compartments... I read that bamboo is a problem in back and side yards (but good in the front yard) - that it leads to money problems and effort gone to waste. We live in housing provided to us so cannot make changes to the yard. If bamboo is a problem in those areas, how about burying metal coins to control? We also have a (very little used) street pointing at our front window (which faces west). I've hung an eight-pointed gold star (actually a Christmas tree ornament) in our entry right by the window. Is there anything I can do to deflect the sha qi at the angle it points at the window? Thank you for your help!
  5. There are many trellises around the newly TOP Livia condo @ Pasir Ris Grove... Some of these trellis "spikes" are aimed towards the ground floor units of CERTAIN units. However, most of these trellis are fortunately.. too far away...
  6. Appreciate if you can make the effort to re-read my last reply to you. Everything is stated clearly in that thread.
  7. These are some consideration:- 1. The advantage of the pie chart method is that it is suppose to "pin-point" extractly the centrepoint or center-of-gravity. Thus we know the "proper" centre of the house. 2. Frankly, it does not take much commonsense if one literally wants to know the size of the middle sector. 3. Actually quite simple. Again, this is another question that uses commonsense vs cow sense? 4. If you are so concerned with the sectors; using logic; what is stopping you from super-imposing say a 9 grid area into the same pie chart? 5. Commonsense says that the 9 grid is good for such things even in your layout plan. 6. Again, don't need a cow sense geomancer to point the way. Such things are non-geomancy or Feng Shui. It is pure cow sense! 7. Thus, it is the thing.. some of us think that just because it is Feng Shui related; everything must ask a geomancer. Logic, logic and logic... Thank you. The Cow Sense geomancer
  8. These are some considerations: 1. Items Pineapple and Huat Kueh (Fa Gao) 1.1. Bottom of the instructions will indicate that these should preferably be removed after the third day i.e. on the fourth day. 1.2. Especially for those flooring is completed and such as marble or granite; should always bring along a container to place the pineapple. Why? This is commonsense. Some over ripe pineapple, may ooze their juice and it could STAIN expensive marble or porous granite tiles.... 1.3. For all these items; they may / could be eaten or thrown away... (if not appertising then commonsense says throw them away)... never given away e.g. to the workers.. as symbolically this is akin to giving away one's wealth. 1.4 Thus "unfortunately" more often than not, they are thrown away) .. not left below a tree for the dogs or cats... or rats or cockroaches... Singapore is suppose to be a "beggar" free country so.. no issues with this group of people ... 2. Germinating bean sprout... 2.1 This has more to do with commonsense. 2.2 If one is not starting renovations soon or not moving in to a completed home, can leave the germinating bean sprout but if visiting the home remember to "water" it ... 2.3. Since this is a vegetable and not a plant; often vegetables can only last 1 to 2 weeks the most. Commonsense says that don't expect it to sprout into a tree! 2.4. Since it is non-lasting, after 1 or 2 weeks; throw it away. So far, I have yet come across any silly fool who had brought it home or to their parents to "fry Cha Keow Teow" with it. There is always a first, if anyone wants to do so... But don't say the idea, came from, here.
  9. These are some considerations:- 1) Must the safe box place in a particlular position or direction ? - It would be "Nice-to" have it placed at an auspicious mountain star e.g. Mountain star #8 or #1 location. 2) Must the safe be hidden in the wardrobe or must be cover up (In term of Feng Shui view) - Commonsense and not Feng Shui 3) Is the safe box consider Metal Element? So is it cannot place near window or toilet? - Whether it is metal element or not : it has no direct association with say a toilet or window. - Commonsense says that it is not advisable to place it near or next to a window. Especially if there are young ones at home. Else if house has no grille(s) or even there are; and if this is a high rise; a child may just climb on top of it; imagines that he/she is superman or woman and fly down ....
  10. Milestones of this General Advice forum: June 1996 to November 1996 - I started this general advice forum in June 1996. It was hosted on a third-party free forum website. (Note: The third-party free forum has seen closed down). Our forum was called: The Support Bulletin Board (BBS). From December 1998 onwards, Robert Lee, created and hosted our existing forum. And it has been in use since then! Forum interface revision in 2002 (Perl) and 2005 (PHP), has made the forum into the current version that everyone is familiar with. The best part is that all our messages since 1998 can still be searched and read in it's entirety. And the very old link was from our Homepage:-http://web.archive.org/web/19981201230551/www.geomancy.net/fs/index.htm And our very first (third-party) forum looks like this:-http://web.archive.org/web/19990824060338/3dglobe.com/cgi-bin/bbs/bbs.cgi?action=ShowSubjects&thread=Free_advice&Newsgroup=NEWSGROUPS.FreeAdvice&ConfigFile=/drv1/web/sites/web784be/cgi-bin/bbs/bbs.cfg
  11. Frankly, since you are so interested in this area, go dwell scientificallyfurther intoit. You also forgot that the Chinese hours are 2 hourly: 11 to 1, 1 to 3 etc...
  12. Frankly, if one has to apply proper authentic Feng Shui:- 1. Additional information like the "year of birth" of a home ; not just my house is 28 degrees.... 2. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui has to be considered; the exterior and the interior layout in relation to the feasiblity of placing a water position. 3. At best, no worries, here.. you could still practise "Trial and Error"; see where you like it then place it, there.
  13. We know, everyone is so eager to jump in and practise Feng Shui. In particular, you must likely have generated a Flying star chart from somewhere. Honestly, for any new thing or subject.. you really have to "study" and understand them. Frankly, it is so easy to post a few lines to text.. but this Flying star thing, or knowledge does not and cannot drop down from the sky. If you intend to DIY, you really need to go learn it. or read up about it.. and this may take time. Reading is one thing, but understanding and applying it... is really another. Please note that this forum is only a catalyst and not a we do it for you nor spoon feeding .... Just imagine.. for a baby, he/she has to learn to crawl, first then walk and need to attend many years of school. In reality you have to be realistic in your expectations. Furthermore, many users of this forum are not going to be interested in how your personal layout plan looks like, how your flying star chart looks like, how you are going to place your stove etc.... As this is more of your own layout plan. The saying goes "Who cares too hoots about your specific layout plan... everyone else cares only about their own, also..." As many of us know; the most used words in the English dictionary are "I' and "me". Here, in this forum, it is about US and we... sort of thing..
  14. The name Ang Mo Kio has been used since the mid-1800s, with early 19th-century maps marking the area as Amokiah, from whch its name is derived. But the meaning of Ang Mo Kio is unclear. In Hokkien, it can mean a foreigner's bridge or a tomato. The town was also the firs to be designed in metres and centimetres instead of the imperial system of feet and yards.
  15. Please see attachment. There is a "wildcard" location marked as "Y".
  16. You wrote: "Do you sell Feng Shui things? " What do you think? It is so stupid not to sell Feng Shui things! Frankly, the easiestway to make tons of money isthrough sellingcommercial products in the name of Feng Shui. By quoting the name of Feng Shui; one would automatically guarantee very high mark-ups! What do you think? Would you want to be my re-seller?? . . . . . . . . . . UNFORTUNATELY, or rather fortunately Please refer, below:- 80+ GOOD REASONS NOT TO BUY FENG SHUI PRODUCTS STEP 1: Find out WHY? And Geomancy.net's views on FENG SHUI PRODUCTS STEP 2: Learn more about Commercial Products. Just imagine, during our parents and grand-parents time; there were no Feng Shui products. Today, these commercial products are sold in the name of Feng Shui to guillble people. Guess who pockets your money? One should understand that the rich gets richer not by buying Commercial Products nor getting conned through using their Credit Cards to roll over their credits. Please support our Campaign on Facebook for "Say NO! to Feng Shui PRODUCTS"On FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/GeomancyNet/177582862295808?sk=photos
  17. 1. Thanks for making the effort to post the photos! Many Thanks! 2. In my opinion; I also personally feel that the zig zag staircase at the "frontage" does not seem to have good Shapes and Forms Feng Shui: http://forum.geomancy.net/upload/Staircase%20Zig%20Zag.JPG 3. The above can be considered as a or ONE major leak. And the above link is not common and in plain sight is considered "quite ugly" and contributes to bring down the "luck of the home/apartment. 4. In order usually to have bad Feng Shui, a home and it's surroundings combined often need to have around 2 to 3 or more major "leaks". Anyway, this is beyond this free general advice forum. 5. Things like the straight path in one of your interior layout plans "can often" be "corrected".
  18. In my opinion these are some of the considerations:- 1. The Traditional Paradigm or Model is that the "six killings liu sha" signifies: things like scandals, missed opportunities & legal entanglements. 1.1. In particular, in the past; the Chinese like many societies; the girls or ladies live in a relatively conservative society and what would be worse was to have girls in one's family or home involved with scandals with opposite sex. This was unheard of as girls or ladies were suppose to stay at home and cook. 2. The Paradigm shift. 2.1. In modern times; women (girls & ladies) are often considered equals in many fields. And women are now involved in many different types of careers that involve interaction with people e.g. Sales & Marketing; Public Relations and social intercourse. 2.2. And with the change in the mindset of society especially viewing ladies; in an open society; "socialising" is not necessarily a bad thing after all. Given that it helps many ladies in their career. 2.3. Thus, this is I believe the rationale some geomancers would argue that:- 2.3.1. The key here is each individual exercise self-control. If not, then; the negative effects of activating such a sector is the age old "scandals". 3. In many instances; especially for a single lady; would definitely feel that it is worth the while activating such a sector. 4. But for housewifes who wold want to activate such a sector; may inadvertently cause the hubby to be involved in scandals. 5. Therefore, if one is especially single and in Sales and Marketing line; can consider what you had mentioned. 6. For those who STILLhave a husband; even if the 7th year itch is not up; yet; but if you activate the sector; not only may the husband have the 7th year itch; he may even end up having monthly itches!
  19. 1. Frankly, it is common sense. 2. But this cow sense geomancer has to add these sentences... 2.1. As many of us know; in the English language: 2.2. We know what is the difference between a stove and an oven. How? 2.3. One cow sense way to differentiate the two is: 2.3.1 In the English vocab; we add an "a" in-front of stove. While since an oven starts with an "o" when we make a sentence out of "oven" we have to add "an" in-front of the word "oven" Right? 3. And since stove starts with S ; while oven starts with O: they are not the same rite? Got it? Get it? 4. Common sense says that the proper way to describe a microwave is not just microwave but mircowave OVEN. 5. So are you clear about the two terms? Or you still believe that an oven = stove? 6. In science, if you consider a microwave Oven; it uses microwave at the wave length of 800 plus hertz to cook food. Why does a potato explode in a microwave; unless you "poke" "poke" poke" holes in it? 7. Since microwave travels deep into the core of the food; it cooks it from inside out.. Thus... scientifically, and based on this; a microwave Oven should belong to the "metal element" and not fire. Unlike the ordinary stove where fire coming out from the hobs as flames... 8. Appreciate, don't ask so many "peanut" questions as to what an induction stove is; a toaster oven element is etc.... There are better things in life then to entertain your questions. 9. Furthermore, the local Malay word "OTAK" would apply, here. Use your brain grey matter and put it to good use.. (Otak = brain). 10. Common sense tells me that let's hope you don't watch too many of these transformer cartoons! And then imagine an oven transform into a stove and vice-versa...
  20. 1. I have always trained my mind to ask this question: "Has common sense to do with this question?" 2. In my opinion, you would be pleasantly surprised to learn that many seemingly Feng Shui or even Grand Mother's tales are rooted in pure common sense! 3. Currently, it is even an uphill task for me to try to collate many so called Feng Shui or Feng Shui related questions into one link. 4. Where it is pure common sense that leads to some thinking that it is some higher form such as a Feng Shui concept or theory! 5. The next time, you try to have a paradiym shift by asking the question: "It is just pure common sense?" You will be pleasantly surprised, when you figure out put-two and two together! 5.1 Every day life is also like that.... 6. Even an ordinary Cow sense geomancer like me; will never take every thing for granted as pure Fung Sway! Only if on occassions; I can't link it to common sense; would I say YEAP! this is based on the "Art and Science of Feng Shui" (and not the wrong pronunciation of Fung Sway) Got it? Get it? Series...
  21. You wrote: "I saw yr posting that should not place as if god is guarding yr house. " Frankly, this should not be taken as a fatal error as in many situations; there are not much choice, here. And furthermore, it depends on the specific type of deity. For example; Guan Gong or also known as Guan Ye; is often placed "guarding" the door; thus, for him or his figurine; facing the door is often the perfect choice! There are still many who the twin guardians of temple deities drawn onto the doors of temples and thus assume that it is similar to the home. There is no right or wrong answers, here. And since these are deities; come-on.. they are not suppose to be "petty" - by right. Of course, it does not mean that we don't give them due respect. Therefore, as humans; we don't like the deity to face the bedroom area. As often, married couples "do some performance" and the deity may end up getting sore eyes of sort. Your attachment is fragemented.. anyway, the location you place or going to place the altar does not seem the best location. Given that as you had said; it shares the same wall as the toilet. In addition, it faces a bedroom (of course the wardrope and it can even "peer" into the bedroom area. The side wall to the left of the altar is not a major issue. So long as the deity is not flushed towards this wall; then it is ok. As placing the figurine too close to this wall does not give it sufficient paranomic view (blocked by the left side wall).
  22. Apologies...frankly, the worst thing is all text, text and text. It is a totally wrong ball game for Shapes and Forms Fung Sway (Feng Shui).
  23. 1) May I know must stove, frigde and sink form 3 triangle angle like the one in the attachment? Is this the best combination in kitchen fengshu? - Please refer to my earlier reply. "Cow-sense" can explain this. 2) Can Conventional Oven/Microwave oven places besides a fridge? - No issue. Since as explained in the earlier thread, many geomancers consider a boxed up fridge as = metal element. Only some consider it water element. - For those who feel that it is a water element; perhaps; search for such fellows and you might want to post a question to that fella. 3) Can Conventional Oven/Microwave oven faced kitchen toilet or window? - For facing toilet:- This is commonsense. Go think about it. In fact, there were many postings in the past, in this forum where I wrote the rationale. - window? It depends. 4) Can stove place beside a window? - Again, you don't need a Cow-sense geomancer to repeat like a parrot. Please use some commonsense to work this out yourself. 5) Can stove place facing washing machine or clothes dryer? - It depends on the height of the table-top of the stove vs a front loading washing machine. And if the glass port is facing the stove direction OR no. 6) Can sink or fridge face window? - No issue. 7) In fengshui view, one always advise the stove not to be near to sink or fridge. But how far is consider near? Can you advise a estimated distance to consider as safe distance - Common standard is try to keep at least a 1 foot distance betwen the two. Any particular rules in Feng Shui regarding overhead cooker Hood? - No. Try to avoid any sewerage pipe or exposed beam above the stove. 9) In term of Feng Shui, what is the impact of using Gas Cooker Stove, Induction Cooker Stove or Ceramic Cooker Stove? Eg Induction Cooker does not have fire , so will have any impact in Fengshui? - Please note that induction cooker is a modern invention. So frankly got to play by the ear. Anybody's guess. Your guess is as good as mine.
  24. Your kitchen comes under two main sectors North and North-West. Simply, in plain English: which would deem as having the highest influence on that sector; that's all.
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