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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Jaw-dropping snap Relax, there's no need to snatch this child out of the jaws of death. She is just lying on a 3-D pavement artwork featuring a shark, while posing for a photograph inside a shopping mall in Fuzhou, Fujian province, on Sunday. PHOTO REUTERS
  2. 1. In my opinion; this "Main Door" thing can and will always be confusing to everyone. 2. Since Flying Star and Personal Gua (Eight Mansions) belong to the compass school; they will always share the same "concept" and ideas. 3. Thus, it is totally wrong to mis-interpret MAIN DOOR as pure main door. 4. The term MAIN DOOR should instead be replaced by the FACING DIRECTION. 5. Thus, in some instances; the facing direction CAN/MAY/COULD be the MAIN DOOR; in many other instances; the facing direction need not be the main door. 6. Thus in-sync; whatever the facing direction is for the Flying Star; it should also be the same facing direction for the "Gua number". 7. Look at it from a commonsense or cow-sense senario: many would agree that in Singapore, how many open their main door (most of the time?) If not; then even if you claim or call this so called main door; and slam shut it... and not even a cow can come-in; then it is next to or close to "imagination". Much like a dream. 8. Of course, we humans always like to find GOOD or as the British like to say "BLOODY" excuse to find someway to make us relieved.. other than going to the toilet .. is to say "HEY! my main door facing direction is very suitable to me - YOU KNOW? Ain't it bloody good for me? 8.1 In a way, if it is some form of consolation of sorts.. hey and if makes one happy then so be it... Much like taking a sugar coated pill.... 9. Thus, very often, many would say.. I have a back entrance door facing a good direction and for all intends and purposes.. I would use this door for my daily movement. (Other other bowel movements of the other kind. Got it, Get it??
  3. 1. Frankly, no offence, but reading between the lines... I still don't really get you. 2. So far, how can personal Gua (kua) change in-relation to a home's facing direction. 3. Personal Gua (Kua) number does not changeat ALL! It is "fixed" for life for a person. If one is Gua 1; then for the greater or lesser life of that individual or person; he/she or gay; would remain Gua 1. We are on earth and not somewhere in outer space... hmmm....
  4. In my opinion, in theory, you have "spelt" out the relationships of the individual five elements.
  5. For those who have sometime; can look at this link:- http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/Poison_Arrows
  6. These are some considerations: 1. For example, where we stand at the balcony and can see the spine of e.g. a Christian cross on the roof of a church. 2. Here, only if one is at the SAME level and in geometry; the same tangent as the spine then this is a sha qi or poison arrows. 3. Otherwise; even in an entire stack or several stacks of units or even an entire building just seeing the spine is not automatically = poison arrow or arrows. 4. Thus, the photo says it all!
  7. These are some of the considerations: 1. Yes, most Geomancers would have to agree that the refigeration is considered as the metal element. The rationale is that it is always "closed" most of the time. And in such a state; it is usually a boxed up "metallic" item. So far, no one has yet to leave the fridge door open all the time unless .... 2. Nowadays, there are designer fridge that uses tempered glass. In theory, glass especially tempered glass = metal element. 3. Thus, the bigger the fridge e.g. two huge doors; considered more the metal element especially in the kitchen. 4. Based on logic your statement is acceptable.
  8. These are some considerations:- 1. Most likely your whole flat painting could have been affected by each year's "sensitivities":- 2011 Flying Star Forecast North 8 3 1 9 7 5 4 2 6 South Take note the following sectors:- Sickness Star this year is at South Misfortune/Sickness Star this year is at East Disputes/Quarrel Star this year is at North Education/Romance Star this year is at South-West Grand Duke this year is East, 90 Degree. - Avoid sitting facing the grand duke or disturbing him by having renovations. Location in Conflict is West. - Avoid having renovations done opposite the location in conflict. 2. For example, in the above example; especially this entire year, the worst sector to do any painting(s) if any is East. While South is equally bad. Thus it would be worse for say:e.g. the master bedroom to be in the East and ... 3. Yes, you are correct. There are few if any experts if any on the field of "changing periods". 4. As each period occurs only within every 20 years; For example, for a 60 year old, his/her most likely encounter of this "change" isthe most 3 occurences. And one of them is when he/she is at 20years old! Even the highly efficient Singapore government says that in order to train a new renewal team; it takes time and effort. 5. By the time one reach 80 years old.. too old to be bother about the change and it's effects. 6. Thus, in my opinion;the period change is far and few in-between. Besides; there are more pressing problems. This would in some-way account forthe fact there no one really knows the PERFECT answer you or may may want to know. Seriously.. you are on your "bloody" own here. 7. The most sensible approach therefore is todo "academic" studies if one has the time to do so.For example, if one has stayed in a home for sometime; draw up several Flying Starcharts one of them is to draw a similar Period 7 and 8 chart andcheckwhich one feels is more accurate forone's home. No point crying over spill milkor to claim thatthis or that... 8. LikeConfucious say: How he wishedthat he could have lived another 50 years.. then he would dedicate his studies towards I-Ching .. is a sterling example. We all have a shelf-life...
  9. These are some considerations: 1. Both Flying Star and Eight Mansions belong to the same School. 2. They belong to the Compass School. 3. What you mentioned has more to do with technique(s). 3.1. For example, when you say "the most bright and view frontage" this is a precusor to trying to use which sector to PLOT a flying star. 4. Since both Flying Star and Eight mansions belong to the compass school; and both depend on one single entity: the MAGNETIC North. 5. Therefore, how can they differ when we need to match both onto a layout that has ONE single NORTH marking on it. 6. Therefore, one should not confuse upon the technique to determine the facing direction of the Flying star vs the compass marking.
  10. These are some considerations: 1. As much as we like "make" a home slot into a better period; Flying star is not about "reverse engineering" sort of thing. 2. What I mean is; since one period is say better than the other; we ourselves decide upon our own to "slot" the home into a period which we feel that is auspicious and try to play "Tai Chi" and sweep away notion that it belongs to the "other period. 3. In my opinion, generally, and also partially many geomancers would more readily accept that even if the home was built ongoing in a certain period; what may be the more important consideration is "live-in" or "yang qi". 4. Thus, it is not wrong to say that an "empty" home or a "vacant" home is not a real home unless humans (and even their pets and servants) live in it. 5. Therefore, how to fault such a statement? 6. Anyway; since the home is already lived-in for no less than 6 years e.g. 2005 to 2011; 7. In theory, one may could always plot various Flying Star charts e.g. Period 7 and Period 8 and try to match it to see which is "more accurate". This is always the way academicsTRY to settle their argument(s) or dilemma - if any. 8. If not, one has to try to accept in favour of it being either Period 7 or Period 8. One way to do is to toss a coins: Heads ( ? ) or Tails (? ) rite?
  11. It is strongly recommended that you read this:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=6&mid=29772&new=
  12. In my opinion, your question is subject to interpretation as it may be unclear. THUS: There are two senarios: 1. It is a "harmless" punctuation mark.... 2. Or if you are referring to DASHinthe inputfield[ ____ ] - [______ ] 2.1 In Singapore, we use standarized dash ( - ) to differentiate the storey (prefix) with the apartment unit number. 2.2 Thus in Singapore:- #01-24 or #03-24 or #25-24 Where #01 = ground floor unit Where #03 = third storey (level) or Where #25 = twenty-fifth storey (level) Whilethe last two digits 24 refers to the STACK or storey
  13. These are some considerations: 1. Unclear about where is the CARDINAL point of each sector. For example; if the reddish line is suppose to be each of the cardinal point. And if so, the stove could be exactly on NORTH. If so, then this is great! 2. If the CARDINAL point falls within TWO reddish lines than the current stove is at the fringe of say the NW sector. 2.1 Para 1 would be great. While Para 2, the good news is that the stove is not directly along the dreaded NW cardinal point. This would be worse off than the stove along the fringe or border between North - NW sector. 2.2 Therefore, it makes lots of difference between Para1 and 2 in this "not so clear-cut setting". Although for such layouts; a pie chart is far more superior than the 9 square grid plotting.
  14. This type of layout reminds me of the going to TOP (Clover at Bishan) However, as you did not provide the full or complete layout; how to help you find confirm center of gravity as this has a bearing on the sector. In addition; assuming you plotted the cardinal lines correctly, also.
  15. More resources:- http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/Commonsense_Approach Under the above URL: Ifone has the time; go thru this topic: Plot at a T-junction Para 2. The test is: "Can a run-amok vehicle be able to slam into the property?" Yes or No? If Yes, then this is most likely as illustrated in the attachment a potential plot (in this case) a home facing a T-junction. Commonsense dictates: Can a car fly? If so how high? "From ground level without any ramps; can the car fly to the 5th Storey?"
  16. Have you read my most recent posting where I had placed this link:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=19&mid=25888&new Frankly, your photo can't tell anything. Often we should be standing at the main entrance door looking outwards....... di di di da da da....
  17. Try to use the search feature on the top left frame of this forum. For example: I did a simple search using plain English words; such as " Staircase facing main door and got this hit:- http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=19&mid=25888&new And there are so many other hits on just this subject matter.
  18. You can check out this link:- http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-hunting/po-hunting.htm FAQ:- http://www.geomancy.net/consultation/consult-home/consult-home.htm or This popular service:- Choice Stacks (Units within each stack) By Ranking 1. This service is to review "Choice Stacks (Units within each stack) by Ranking":- 2.1. Must be within the same development e.g. a specific condominium. 2.2. For a specified type of apartment e.g. 3-Room UNIT. In addition, if the site-plan does not indicate the specific STACKs that have say the 3-Room UNIT; one must indicate or provide this information. For example: Stacks 20, 22, 24 are or have 3-Room units. 3.I will go through the entire site-plan in relation to if possible external built-up areas (if any). And come up with the best stacks. A sample is attached, below. 4. Please note that this service it will cost SGD188/- with a 8 working days expected completion. 5. And the final result would be exactly like the attachment = Choice Stacks (Units within each stack) by ranking. 6. This is a very popular (HOT) service. And please note that "IT IS SUBJECT" to availability. Therefore, need to callor sms Cecil Lee at HP: 97853171 with uswhether I can provide this service, first.
  19. These are some considerations:- 1. It is NICE-to have and not a MUST-have to have even number of hobs. 2. TECHNICALLY a stove = Yang (Fire element). Yang is also represented by ODD numbers : 1, 3, 5 da da da di di di.... 3. The idea is that it is good to have a harmony of Yin and Yang. If the entire stove = Yang; then again technically; 2 or 4 hobs are PREFERRED since 2 or 4 = ??? Got it?
  20. 1. Please read some of past or ancient postings especially in this forum. 2. Under symbolism in Feng Shui; it is best not to stand at the main entrance door and view a set of staircase going downwards. Guess what this symbolism means? 3. It is perfectly ok if one stands at the main door looking out and view staircase coming from upstairs to the apartment's level. Thus it depends on this vs Para 2.
  21. 1. On the topic of a curved road; this again relies on commonsense or cow-sense Feng Shui. 2. Why commonsense or cow-sense? 3. If one lives at the ground level and if a vehicle should accidentally (or a drunkard) or an out of control vehicle like those reported a few years ago that of Toyotas and Lexus having their pedal stuck; if one's home is directly on the same level; such vehicles can/may could plough into that home! 4. Put on the thinking cap; if one's home is not at the ground level; that is some consolation. Hopefully the vehicle does not plough into a support beam that cause the entire stack to collapse.(this should be an unlikely-hood if the building structure or support beam(s) have redunancies. 5. Look at it this way, it is close to impossible for say a vehicle driven by a drunkard to literally fly to the 5th storey if someone is staying that high. So, in general (other than Para 4) what is the big deal of a curved road? to a 2nd, 3rd and upwards storey apartment?? 6. As for the pointed roof; it depends on which level one's home is and which opening it is facing. And whether that opening are critical areas such as the living room balcony (or not). Thus it really depends. And hard to tell from the single photo.
  22. As a rule of thumb; often it is said that best not to let the STOVE face the window (if one can / could avoid it). As for the rest of what you had mentioned; sink and fridge; this is considered acceptable. It would be nice-to have the oven not face the window or face a bedroom door.
  23. Frankly, this is simply commonsense. As all of us know; fire rises upwards. Should a out-of-control fire arise; it rises upwards. Plus if one is sound a sleep (or sleeping like a pig); the end result may evenend up as a live human - roasted pig!
  24. These are some considerations: 1. In my opinion Option 1 is the safest bet. 2. Option 3 depends very much on the width of the "clearance". As it is only a sketch; hard to determine what is the clearance between the main door and the unoccupied area. Usually, since this is the main entrance door; the minimium preferred clearance is 900 cm or ideally if it is 1,000cm or 1 metre clearance is best. If so, this option may be considered. With the consideration that the doors for the cabinet should not have highly reflective material especially the doors directly facing the main door. 3. Option 2 is hmmmm.... ..... 4. Anyway, for commonsense Feng Shui; best not to use doors with louvers as shown in the attachment. This is plain common or cowsense. Take alook. If one is standing close to the louvered doors and if the louvers is above eye level; one can literally see into the cabinet.. such things are red ,pink, purple shoes, slippers and yes... the smell... coming from the cabinet. 4.1. Thus, if one really needs to install louvers or (small vents drilled into cabinet doors) such louvered doors should only be allowed not higher than an adult's waist height and the rest of the upper doors; those flat surface type of doors.
  25. These are some considerations: 1. It depends! 2. Often even under such a development, there could be some "gem" or a "ROSE amongst the thorns." 3. For a lay-person;if in doubt,or feel uncomfortable; then avoid buying such homes or apartment(s). 4. More individual investigative work is required for each individual unit.
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