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  1. When I first started getting interested in Feng Shui I was given a diagram of suggested ways to decorate each room of a house. There are nine areas, each area is based on what wall the entrance is at. Since I have been coming to this site I have not seen anything that mentions this. Every thing basically fits in the same way but here I hear more emphasis on the 4 directions. Can you tell me if the 2 go hand in hand? Thanks Marla
  2. Hi I forgot to address a few things you mentioned. Yes he has seen a therapist and is on medication. You were right, he is a very sensitive man, and yes he lacks energy. Marla -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed of 'free-advice' suppressed> Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 8:37 PM Subject: Re: Depression/Confusion all.
  3. Hi His date of birth is Nov. 23rd 1958. He was born in Rome N.Y. We own our own business where the two of us both work equally. Our main door faces,NE. The head of our bed is up against the NE wall. The house has some different angles to it and this wall that our bed is upgainst is NE but more N then E. Thanks for looking into this for me. Sincerely Marla -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed of 'free-advice' suppressed> Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 4:16 PM Subject: Depression/Confusion
  4. Hello, After finding out that a wind chime can cause bad dreams I am wondering if there is something in my house that could be causing a family member depression and confusion? Thanks in advance. Marla
  5. I am very very new to Feng Shui, I am enjoying the new possibilities of getting my home in order. I have mexican tile almost everywhere in my house, bedrooms are the only exception. I need to know what element this tile is considered. I assume it is earth. Also we have a centrally located fireplace. What can I do short of ripping it out. Thanks Marla
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