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  1. Hi Cecil, My true birth element is weak wood.According to the analysis of my element, (1)there is no Fire in my life so colors red and orange is suitable (2)too much Earth in my life so colors green, brown, white and gold were suggested. What confuses me is that under the exhaustive cycle Fire exhausts Wood and destructive cycle Metal destroys Wood. So it red,white and gold colors still favorable to me?? What's the difference between exhaustive cycle and destructive cycle? I have a Chinese almanac 2001 by Lilian Too.It's my first and I have great problem finding favorable days for myself. I have a query but I have no one to help me except you. I hope you wouldn't mind. It's about the Day Element. Each day, the Heavenly Stem(HS)eg. Wu and Earthly Branch(EB)eg Chen and Element eg. Wood were given. I know the HS eg.Wu and EB eg.Chen is according to a chart but I don't know how/where to check for the Element eg. Wood. Would you know? If I were to check if the day is favorable to me, do I check my weak wood against the HS eg.Wu or EB eg.Chen or Element eg.Wood? Your advices/explanations are very much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Hi Cecil, I read from the Almanac 2001, there are 12 Earthly Branches. Do you know which Earthly Branches are unfavorable to my weak wood Oxen? Does this affect only the day or month or year or does this affect all three ie. day, month and year? A fortune teller told me that Ram is unfavorable to me. How about Monkey or Boar or Rat? I have friends of these Chinese zodiac signs.I'm having bad luck in everything I do around them. I have tried wearing colour clothes favorable to my weak wood element everyday. But nothing seems to help. Any advice is very much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hi, Five Yellows refers to 'Ho Hai' or 'Wu Kwei' or 'Lui Sha'? I wish to know.I'm confused. Thank you.
  4. Hi, I bought an oval gold pendant with a dragon design for my boyfriend for last Valentine's Day. He's been wearing it since. Removes it when he sleeps. My boyfriend is Weak Wood. Can he wear the gold pendant or gold chain or gold ring? How about jade? Can he wear jade pendant? Do you know?I wish to know as I don't want to harm him. I'm Strong Earth. My boyfriend gave me a round diamond ring with white gold and a gold band. Are they suitable for me? I'm wearing it anyway harmful or not. (: Please tell me. Thank you and Have a nice day!.
  5. Thank you,thank you,thank you!!!..for your help.I hung the portraits back. (:
  6. Thank you very much for your advice, Cecil!!
  7. Hi, My bathroom and toilet has a wall in between separating them.My "Sheng Chi" is there ie. Southwest of my flat. My husband is the breadwinner. But he lives in another state. Comes back once a month for a few days.I'm a housewife.I lived with my child. I wish know if hanging wooden wind chimes outside the bathroom and toilet respectively could help mitigate unlucky energy for me? Both the bathroom and toilet doors are open all times. Toilet sit down. Both bathroom and toilet facing a washing machine. I really don't want to see my savings being wash away.I need advice. Please help. Thank you very much in advance.
  8. Hi, My boyfriend's bed(the headboard) is plastered on the wall. Its mattress is the divan type with rollers. So there's a small gap (2 inches) between the mattress and the headboard. I noticed right above the headboard on the same wall, there's a slight beam protruding out about 6 inches. We are sleeping under it. Not quite directly. About 6 inches away. I told him it's not good. He said not to worry. Maybe I am being paranoid. I wish to know if sleeping this way is bad feng shui.Kindly advise. Thank you.
  9. Hi, My husband placed 4 loose bronze (i think,definitely not gold plated) I Ching coins under the mattress which my daughter and I are sleeping. It's a wooden bed. He said it's for good health. Is that so? Do you know? Please advice. Thank you.
  10. Hi Cecil and Robert, After all these years,I noticed that one side of the wall in my bedroom and child's study room respectively, there's something like half a concrete beam protruding out at the top. Is that considered a beam? I hung my wedding photo and child's portraits on that wall right under that "beam". Is it bad luck? I removed all the photos (leaving the nails and a wall clock on the wall)for the time being. Now I keep the pictures in a cupboard in the storage room. I don't know where to hang them.Please advise me.Thank you. Sincerely, agnes
  11. 1. wooden or metal windchimes 2. I Ching coins tied with red string 3. a pair of Chi Lin 4. wooden or metal carp 5. crystal globe Are all the above considered decorational objects? Would they in anyway affect the Feng Shui of our apartment? I wish to know. Im Catholic and my hubby is Buddhist. He placed all the above in our home. Thank you. Sincerely, agnes
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