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Hi, Only just had time to properly answer your question now. Sorry for the delay. 2. Gui is the wealth element to this DM, combine away this wealth element, is it a loss of wealth for this DM in 2007 ? In 2007, although the Major Luck decade combines with the Gui Wealth, it will not transform. This is due to another aspect which is not clear in modern times. Basically, some older texts make mention that for one to transform into something else, it must be weak in order for it to change. Whether or not this applies in this case or not, I can tell you that it won't necessarily matter. Here's why: In 2007, the Water (Wealth in the Branch) combines with the Month and transforms. That's OK. This is because the Metal in the Major 10 year luck period will support any Water (Wealth) during that year, and it will also combine with the Year Branch to become Water in that sense, so the Gui Water in the Year Stem will have a stronger root. So if the person is more careful, and avoids joint ventures, then this person can more safely go through 2007 without any major loss, and indeed, if scrupulous, might even come out ahead. But it should be noted, that with 2007, all four Longevity Branches (Snake, Monkey, Pig and Tiger) come together, which can cause problems for this persons elders. 3. Will this DM faces separation from the wife since Gui is the spouse element ? Unlikely, you might find each other wandering off in different directions, but not actual seperation. ie. Divorce. Why? Because the Day Branch has not been affected, which is often used if "Fortune Telling" to denote the relationship one has with their partner. Because the Gui is partnering with something else to do stuff, but the Day Branch is unaffected by a clash, then it is unlikely a true seperation. It could be a change of job hours, job location, long holiday etc, which sends the wife elsewhere, and not divorce. And as I stated above, since there is a strong Water presence, the Gui Water doesn't have to change, and indeed won't change willingly. So unless this person deliberately asks for a divorce, it will unlikely happen. You have to look at the Palace (in this case Day Branch represents marriage/spouse commonly in "Fortune Telling"), the Strength (influence of the Star: in this case wealth), it's distance from the Day Master (person/self), favourable/unfavourable element (whether good or bad),to determine the outcome. Not just from looking at one aspect. 4. Will this DM suffers loss of wife ? As stated in previous answer, unless you are talking about the person (DM) wanting to change, there will unlikely be an actual change. Wife will unlikely die, or ask for divorce. 5. Is this DM finds a new girl friend ? The DM may find that he encounters more of the opposite sex during the year, but it won't necessarily be a new girl friend. This is partly down to his choice too. Hope that's been of some help. Sorry about the delay once again. Have been very busy. Regards Kam
Quote: 1. What is the meaning of this transformation ? Are you asking for the meaning of this particular transformation? Or the effects this transformation will have to this Ba Zi? As each of the Five Ten Stem transformations have their own individual names too. To which of the above are you refering to? Quote: 2. Gui is the wealth element to this DM, combine away this wealth element, is it a loss of wealth for this DM in 2007 ? or 3. Will this DM faces separation from the wife since Gui is the spouse element ? or 4. Will this DM suffers loss of wife ? or 5. Is this DM finds a new girl friend ? What exactly happens due to this transformation is down to whether the chart is Strong or not, and the resulting transformation. Quote: 6. Is this Yang Earth (Wu) a strong Earth DM ? I look at the Month EB, this DM may be a weak Earth DM. However, the free report indicated that this DM is a strong Earth DM. There are many ways to determine if a chart is Strong or Weak. But the best way to be sure, is to check with the history of that particular person. Usually, it will fit quite well with the standard models of a chart being a Strong chart entering Good and Bad Luck periods, and the same for the Weak chart types. If it doesn't, you can consider the opposite model. Since I have no other information about this person, you'll have to cross reference yourself to be sure whether the chart is Strong or Weak. Regards Kam
Roeland, I'm not 100% certain on this, but I'm pretty sure that the Day Master will not transform with anything other than what is in the original chart. As there are certain types of charts that utilise this exact thing to form their chart types. (Transformation charts, that is based on the Day Master transforming into something else within the original chart). So I don't think that,if another combinable Stem turn up, it will transform. It's a little weird this one. I myself am not 100% happy with it, but for now, because I haven't seen anything else that contradicts this, I follow this rule too. There are those that say that because the Day Master represents the self, it won't transform easily, so stuff outside the original chart (that has the largest influence) can't transform it. It can transform other things, but not itself. (I hope I'm remembering that correctly). Other Stems in the original chart can transform however with the Luck pillar, so if the Year Stem was a Yang Fire, that could transform with the Luck pillar's Yin Metal. Assuming that the original charts Month Branch supported it, or the Luck pillar supported it. Regards, Kam
If you use the view that I have, then yes, that Wood Stem will transform into Earth during that period. And yes, if Earth is unfavourable, then it likely means trouble with spouse (if a male), money troubles, siblings and friends. Kam
Roeland de Looff wrote: Dear Kam, According to some masters for a transformation to water happen it is not enough that there is water in the stems. According to these masters the main element of the branch should also be water or the mother of water (in this case metal). Have you heard of this additional requirement? Maybe others have some thoughts on this? There seems to be different opinions among Masters about the requirements of transformations which makes things confusing. All the best, Roeland No, I haven't heard of a requirement for the Month Branch to be supportive of the change for the branches to transform. Merely having the necessary Stem is good enough. If what you said is true, then there will be extreme difficulties for the "Follow" type of charts. As many are these types of charts, ARE these types of charts because of transformations of branches in the chart, that if they were affected by the Month, would have made them a normal chart person. Personally, I don't believe there is such a requirement. But each to their own. Kam
Hi, From what I know, there are two thoughts on this. Nothing besides the Day Master may transform in the original chart. I don't personally like this particular idea. As it kinda goes against the idea that everything is universally applicable for everyone and everything. The other idea is that yes it is allowed. Assuming the Luck/Current Year or Month branch supports the transformation, then yes the Stem can transform. I personally utilise this method, as I feel that only one thing can transform is not quite universal as the rest of the things in Ba Zi. Regards, Kam
I'll try and answer some of the ones that I know about. Quote: 1.Is it possible for the Daystem to transform? Yes, but only in the original Ba Zi chart itself. That is, without looking at the luck pillars. However, it must meet certain criteria in order to do so. Most namely, that the Month Branch must aid what the Day Stem wants to transform into. e.g.If the Day Stem is to transform into wood, it can only do so if the Month Branch is wood. Quote: 2. Suppose we have a daystem of Yang Water and an hour stem of Yin Fire. Will both be transformered to Wood? Or just the hour stem? Or maybe none of the them? If I remember correctly, they can both change into wood. However, as in the first answer, it must meet certain criteria. Quote: 3. It seems transformations of the stems are only possible if the new transformered element is found in thebranch of the Month. Therefore I suppose the above transformation can only happen when Wood is found in the Month branch. If it's inside the original chart, then as far as I am aware, this isn't 100% correct. From what I know, if there are Hidden Stems in the Month Branch that are not under the control of the main element of the Month Branch can also be used. e.g. hidden fire of the first wood branch can have a Day Stem transform into fire, but the hidden earth can not because it is under the control of the main element of wood. Quote: 4. Suppose we find Rat, Dragon and Monkey in the branches. They produce a forceof Water. Does this means that the Dragon and Monkey will loose their character and will be transformered in simply Water? Therefore there will be less Earth (Dragon)and Metal (Monkey)in the chart and more Water? There are varying views on this. First, if there is no water Stem in the chart, this branch combinationcan not transform into water. In this instance, they will lose any hidden Stems that they may have in the branches, but will not become water. If there is water in the Stem, then all the branches involved in this combination lose their hidden Stems and all become water instead. In this case, there won't be earth and metal anymore. Quote: 5. For the above branch transformation to happen is it necessary that there is Watersomewhere in the stems? Some sources say that is necessary other books do not mentionconditions and say that the three branches will transform whatever the contents of the stems. I believe I have answered this in the previous question. Kam
Zi Wei plots "stars" from a persons date and time of birth, and uses the position and strength of these stars to determine the fortune of a person. Ba Zi is similiar, but uses eight Chinese characters from the date and time of birth. Both are used to determine a person's "Heaven Luck". What they were born with. In this regard, they are both the same. As to which is more accurate. I personally believe it is down to what you want to know. Some questions Ba Zi, or Zi Wei can handle. Some other questions, Zi Wei does a lot better than Ba Zi, and vice versa. And in some cases, neither is of really much help. So accuracy is (IMO) dependant on the competency of the person reading the charts. Depending on what you are taught to use, you may also find that Ba Zi readings uses a different calendar system to the lunar system which is used for Zi Wei to find the month. At geomancy.net the lunar method is used. Under the Ba Zi, I For further clarification on some of the answers, please do a search. Kam
Michele, Cecil has given an answer to your question, though it is on the wrong thread. Please read the post above titled "Eight House versus True Element" The second reply by Cecil there will answer your question. Regards Kam
If Cecil or Robert replies, you may want to take their opinion over this one I'm giving you, as they know their stuff. 1) Well, the first thing you must understand is that each theory is connected to one of the following, Heaven Luck. Earth Luck. Man Luck. Heaven Luck is what you are born with. This can not be changed. (Pillars of Destiny, Purple Star Astrology, Metallic Abacus mathematics, etc...) Earth Luck is controllable and in our hands. It can not override what you have been born with (ie Heaven Luck), but it can help during difficult periods of life. Or increase the good luck during the better parts of life (Here comes in Flying Star, Eight House/Aspirations, etc...) Man Luck is simply yourself. Of the three listed, this is definitely in YOUR hands. Though no theory is connected with this "Luck". Man Luck is thus, if you do not have the will to do something, it simply will not happen. You have got to make the change. You want to get together with someone? You've got to ask that person out yourself. Want to get rich? Work, spend wisely and plan ahead! As I have explained, Four Pillars, determines when your luck is good, bad and neutral. Flying Star determines what can be done to help smooth out the path of bad luck during the bad luck periods as shown in your Pillars report. (or enhance it as I've said.) That is the only relation between the two I know of. (Pillars being what you are born with, while Flying Star helps out during life) 2) As I have explained in the answer to 1), Feng Shui of any kind is an Earth Luck and can not override a person's Heaven Luck. If your Pillars report says you have lots of Wealth Deity's then making money will be easier for you. Feng Shui will help that further, but it can not give you what you do not have. eg A person has been born with no Wealth deity's, Feng Shui can NOT make this person into a Millionaire. Feng Shui does not work like that. Though if this person works harder at work and spends wisely (Man Luck along with Earth Luck) this person can have an acceptable level of money and live with it. Any tips to help you can not be given as each house has it's own Wealth Corner (or Corners ie 2 corners) Cecil may help you here. What ever you do, DO NOT USE THE FASTFOOD FENG SHUI TECHNIQUES.(Apologies for shouting) I can not stress how important this is. You do not know how many times I've told people to take down items that were harming them instead of helping them when I went round to their homes. 3) Well, maybe Cecil or Robert can help here. As I don't have your house layout and pillar details. All I can say is, if you are indeed a strong metal person, then try and find work related with wood. (Carpenter?)
Dear Anonymous, I'm not too sure, so if Cecil or Robert gives an answer you better take their advice. 1. If I remember correctly, a medium who uses little ghosts will not know about what you've done until you seek them out again. In which case - if they use little ghosts - he/she will ask them to tell the medium what has transpired. So there should be little worry there. 2. Usually if something bad happens to you, it's from the little ghosts. But little ghosts are under the "care" of the medium, who is usually a good person. So there is little chance of this happening too. Unless of course, the medium is a bad person. I'm afraid I can't comment much about if this medium uses your BAZHI on you, so you'll have to get an answer from Cecil. Please don't feel offended about what I'm about to say, but doesn't Buddhism also say not to turn to Gods, mediums etc when things are bad? And rather, turn to yourself? (Or something along those lines?) Regards Kam
Dear Carrie Barker, Yes, this year 2000 is "metal dragon". The "metal dragon" does indeed come from the combination of both the heavenly stem and the earth branch, this year being "geng" (metal) heavenly stem and "zun" (dragon, which is also earth) earth stem. The daily forecast seems to show only the earth stem. Please note that the pronounciations of the word "geng" and "zun" are not the most accurate. For reference, it is the 7th heavenly stem and 3rd (or fifth, depending on what you have been told) earth stem. Kam
Hi Cecil, I've got a statuette of two dragons facing each other. The dragons have been carved from multi layered(horizontally) and different colored crystal(violet, green, brownish and clear crystal). Each one is breathing out, creating an orb in the center. Both dragons have four claws. I've read that it can be placed to 'guard' the main door, but since they are facing each other how can this be done? Also one of the dragons appears to be an older dragon, is this of any importance? Jing
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