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Everything posted by jennan

  1. hi Cecil, your website has improved tremendously better. congratulations! our apartment has 3 bay windows all located on one side. are they considered protrusions or indents? what is your opinion about bay or box windows, are they auspicious or inauspicious? is having a staircase on a balcony leading up to the roof deck auspicious or not? thanks jen
  2. dear Cecil, i searched through your website for more detailed information on mountain and water stars but i'm still confused. could you please explain further on how do i determine if these stars are present in the different locations of the grid based on the flying stars readings, or could you please direct me to the site where i can learn more about mountain and water stars? based on the flying star report, by next month, our flat will be having 3 SAME NUMBERS for base, mountain & water stars on each location (e.g., S will have all 2, E - 5, N - 2, W - 8, etc.). I understand that multiple 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s are very inauspicious and need to be cured by 6 metal coins or windchimes. on the otherhand, multiple 7s, 8s, etc. will be the opposite? if this is so, how do i take advantage of this situation for favourable outcome or enhance the luck in those locations? thank you for your generous help always jen
  3. hi Cecil, you advised that blue is not auspicious color for a roof as it symbolizes water and thus will give financial difficulty to the tenants of the house. what are the acceptable/auspicious colors for the roof of the house? thanks jen
  4. dear Cecil, what should the screen/partition/divider be made of to be used in feng shui? are those typical ones with 4 foldable panels attached to each other, with frame made of wood and centre panel made of paper or bamboo sticks acceptable? regards,
  5. dear Cecil, what is with the gourd that it is used in feng shui as cure? what about a squash that is also shaped as bottle? thanks,
  6. at first i could hardly believe that Feng Shui really works. but then i continued to study and research and tried some advice posted on several websites to find out if it is true or not. i got so crazy about it i followed all advice i read wherever i encounter them...and waited for results. that time the only missing part in my life was romance. everything else was doing fine. but no matter how many guys i've met all of them on above average standard, it just didn't seem to work. until i've read that i can enhance my romance luck by having my bed against the East wall (Shapes and Forms), where i can see a full view of the door. i did that right that moment. after a month, i've met this guy and since then, it's like a fairytale come true!!! i waited 9 months before i share this experience because i wanted to make sure feng shui really works. right now, i assure you, it really works and things are still getting better. thanks to feng shui experts and masters like Cecil and Robert who tirelessly share their knowledge for us to have a good life! jen
  7. dear Cecil, according to Pillars of Destiny report, Luck Pillar 4, the period Big Luck/Seasonal Luck is auscicious for me as weak water; while the heavenly stem final analysis states that it is Auspicious Period, the earthly branch states it's average. i've been working on the same job (Contracts Officer) for the past 6 years and a half and all my boss including executive management are convinced of my efficiency in work in fact they rate me as 'excellent'. despite this appreciation, i am not getting any promotion. attached is a layout of my work place within our office. notice the huge pillar (from ceiling to floor) situated right behind my chair. the outline is my L-shaped desk. our work spaces are on cubicles. do you see anything wrong or right with this setup? is there a way i can improve my career with the help of feng shui? your advice is always appreciated. thanks
  8. dear Cecil, does it have any disadvantage if the proposed cure for a sector will result to exhausting/weakening of the main element in that sector? what is the priority: to cure the inauspicious star, activate mountain star or enhance element to activate luck? thanks
  9. thank you in advance for your expertise and consideration in helping everybody with feng shui advice. 1] i've read somewhere that it's bad luck to have birds inside the house. is it true? 2] pardon my ignorance, what number does the Grand Duke represents and where is it located this year/month? 3] i will be building a house. my parents don't work nor have source of income so i stand as the breadwinner but working in another country. in this case, whose Kua No. shall i base the design of the house/door for best direction - my father? fortunately, my parents, me & my sister are all Eastern types except for my daughter who is Western. 4] the floor area of the house will be 5 (W) x 12 (L), it's a very narrow lot. how do i divide it for feng shui studies - like a pie or 9 squares? 5] is it ok to have the main door at the side (middle) of the long narrow house instead of the front (frontage is only 4.5m wide)?
  10. My boyfriend and I have the same Kua Number 4 and I am living-in with him. As i learned from FS principles, the placement of our bed or the location of our bedroom (see attached layout) is not auspicious for both of us as it the NE sector of the apartment (although bed is against N wall). Since it is not possible to shift the bedroom to another room, is there a way we can avoid the bad chi or bad luck arising out of that situation? Please advice.
  11. hi cecil, can we consider the 'breadwinner' the member of the family supporting all finances but is living/working in another country? thanks,
  12. hi Cecil, is having a bedroom (at the 2nd floor) directly above a toilet, laundry area or store room bad? if it is unavoidable, what will be the cure? thanks
  13. hi Cecil, the photos are really great and very cute!!! cheers me up this morning... thanks
  14. hi. i'm new to this site and i'm really impressed with your expertise in FS. i'm a FS enthusiast and learning more of its concepts. i have some questions which you may please clarify. can we consider artificial plants as wood element and be used as a cure? what about artificial flowers or photo of a flower? is it ok to place these inside the bedroom or toilet? thanks.
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