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Everything posted by sun888_99

  1. Dear robert, Is it possible for you to have the forecast on the forum so any body who is interested can read it and people who are interested in forecast can subscribe to it. Thanks.
  2. Dear cecil, Me and my friends love the interesting pictures you have posted on the forum. We login almost every day to see if any thing new is posted. Hope you would post the pictures of interiors and feng shui gardens also which will expose the readers to different way of arranging furniture and will also give a glimpse of another culture. Thanks.
  3. Dear cecil, What is the half fish like structure in the house at the junction facing the main road (photo tour) and what is the purpose of it being installed there. Thanks.
  4. Dear cecil, I wanted to know whether the architect in the Singapore or HongKong builds the building or houses according to feng shui or they have a master on staff. How does it work there. The buildings behind the house with the junctions are simply marvellous with the rounded balconies. And the fountain with hand also a piece of art. Who designed it? A architect or a feng shui master. Thanks.
  5. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that the shape of sofa and lamp shade plays a role in feng shui. Is there any truth to this. Thanks.
  6. Dear cecil, Hope you would add one more search function to the forum. So one can search the messages by number instead of heading. It will be easy and less time consuming to do a search by number. Thanks.
  7. Dear chris Ng, If according to flying star the stars are good in the period of 7 then they would continue to be good in the period of 8 and also in the period after that unless you do any major renovation in the house. So, if you haven't done any renovation to house then you don't have to change anything since your house would continue to enjoy good stars according to its date of birth, This is just my opinion. But I think I would wait and see what cecil and robert have to say about it. anon.
  8. dear cecil, If south is ones death or disaster direction will it cause any harm if one enhances the south by placing a rooster or phoenix in south. Thanks.
  9. Dear cecil, Besides putting the turtle in the north are there any rules which apply to turtle(which way should it face or should be kept near the main door or on a window etc) Thanks.
  10. dear robert and cecil, Is it true that the dragon should be kept only on the left side of the room. That if one keeps it on right side its power diminishes and it causes sickness. Thanks.
  11. dear robert and cecil, What is the correct way of hanging the pakua. Is it necessary to hang it. Can one keep it on the window sill facing outward. Is it necessary to keep in the middle of the window. Can one keep more than one pakua in different location. Thanks.
  12. Dear robert and cecil, I read somewhere that the pakua needs to be properly prayed upon in the temple for it to be effective otherwise it does not work. Is it true. Thanks.
  13. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that one should not sleep with head pointed to SW direction since that puts the body on the SW-NE axis and this is bad. Is it true. Thanks.
  14. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that people who belong to West group should have their main door only in NW direction since other 3 good direction (SW, W, NE) are very yin direction. IS it true. Thanks.
  15. Dear cecil, I read about princess Diana pillar of destiny chart 1july 1961, time 6:45 p. And it was mentioned that the source of trouble was lack of water. Since she is strong wood why would she need water. Can you please explain this. Thanks.
  16. Dear cecil, I live in a building with one main door and on the left side of the door are 8 big garbage cans. I know its bad feng shui to view the garbage cans first thing when one leaves or enter the house. Since I cant do any thing about it. I wanted to know is there any thing I could do to negate the bad feng shui? Thanks.
  17. Dear cecil, According to flying star the relationship corner is where the number 4 exists but according to 8 house ones nein (third best direction) is the relationship direction? So how can find out which is the correct relationship direction? Thanks.
  18. Dear cecil, Can placing the binding element around the house improve the relationship between the incompatible couple? Thanks.
  19. Dear cecil, Is there any protective measure one can take to prevent oneself from office politics? Thanks.
  20. Dear cecil, Is there any thing one can do to get promoted in the office besides doing a flying star report and placing the desk facing ones sheng chi direction. Thanks.
  21. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that one should not keep a picture or decorative piece monkey at home since it signifies scandal. Is it true? Thanks.
  22. Dear cecil, What is the best place to keep the symbol of conjugal bliss(dragon and phoenix)? Thanks.
  23. Dear cecil, Why so much importance is given to lime/lemon They are grown during the lunar year. Given as gift and now I read they are used for cleansing a child of bad energy? Why not other fruits? Thanks.
  24. Dear cecil, How does one know if the house is haunted especially since most old houses creak and have that oldy smell. How does one know without using the LouPan? Thanks.
  25. Dear cecil, When choosing the right gemstone. Do we pick according to month of the birth or do we wear the gemstone according to color to enhance or control the true element of person. A person who belong to strong wood should wear metal (white) or fire (red) to control the strong element. Or should wear the birthstone according to month. Thanks.
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