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Everything posted by sun888_99

  1. Dear cecil, Its a strange question but I read it somewhere and would like to know whether it is true. I read that the pillar of destiny chart is different for people who are born with C section operation or caesarian. Thanks.
  2. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that house with the facing direction SE or NW are considered inauspicious that most geomancer refuse to do a on site audits for these types of houses. Is it true. Thanks.
  3. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that one should tie the pakua mirror with red thread to activate it. That without the red thread it does not work. Is it true. Thanks.
  4. Dear cecil, Is hanging a sword made of chinese coins facing the door or window to neutralize the sha bad. Thanks.
  5. Dear cecil, You mentioned in the earlier posting that there are some house layout which cause death twice resulting in calamity to breadwinner. Can you pl. describe those type of houses or house layouts. Thanks.
  6. Hi monica, In feng shui symbolism matters. For example having a blue roof is considered bad because it is considered having water on roof. Blue color is not water but it symbolizes water. In the same way plastic vines and flowers are considered to be plants in feng shui. Anon
  7. Dear cecil, What is eight immortals? Thanks.
  8. Dear cecil, Does opening and closing the door (in east direction) disturb the grand duke and what can do to neutralize the ill affects. Thanks.
  9. Dear monica, I think shellie should not use plants/vines to cover the beam since according to traditional feng shui it is not a good idea to use plants in the bedroom. I think she should use one of the cures provided by cecil. Thanks. Anon
  10. Dear cecil, There is a dead tree next to my bedroom window and I have been sick since I moved in this place. There is no other room to move my bed to and the land lord wont let us remove the tree even though we are ready to replace it with another healthy tree. So please tell us any remedy so we can protect ourselves from sickness.
  11. Dear cecil, Is it Ok to hang Christmas lights near the front door(it located in east) or it will disturb the grand duke. Thanks.
  12. Dear cecil, I read somewhere that one should not plant 2 tall and thin plants (pines etc) on either side of the main door since they resemble 2 joss sticks. Is it true. Thanks.
  13. Dear cecil, If the main door faces a narrow alley between the two houses. Is this considered bad. Thanks.
  14. Dear cecil, Why the earthen lamp are used in the house at the T junction. Why not the electric lamp and are they ever lit in the evening. Thanks.
  15. Dear cecil, Is having a large window above main bad? Thanks.
  16. Dear leslie, Why don't you try the feng shui books by cecil lee and take the feng shui course offered by the geomancy net. Since so far I have found this site to be the best. And they provide the best advise on shoe string budget and after trying it if you want more then you should try to find some traditional feng shui master. Good luck! Anon
  17. Dear cecil, Would like to see the pictures of interiors of restaurant and department stores with good feng shui features. Thanks.
  18. Dear cecil, Would like to see pictures of famous buildings around the world with bad feng shui. For example Taj Mahal, Bukhingham palace. Thanks.
  19. Dear cecil, Would like to see some good luck calligraphy on the forum. (like inverted fu). Thanks.
  20. Dear cecil, Would like to see specific items listed for different element cure. Since cures given under the five element is too generalized and causes confusion. eg when it says yellow colored objects for earth. Does that mean yellow flower or yellow stones or yellow leather. So it is confusing since now one wonders if yellow flowers are considered earth element or wood. Same for yellow leather whether it is fire element or earth element. So please list specific items so it will be much easier for the users. Thanks.
  21. Dear cecil, What is the significance of knowing the animal bone fortune and twelve creature. How do they help one in their life? Thanks.
  22. Dear cecil, Does replacing the carpets of all the rooms in house with floor tiles change the flying star of the house? Thanks.
  23. Dear cecil, What is the significance of hanging the mobiles? Thanks.
  24. Dear cecil, Will the position of grand duke change next year or it still be in East? Thanks.
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