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  1. myfs_75057


    Hi Master, Iplot a 4 pilllar for date of birth 10Jun 1939 using your system, the result is: DaypillarMonth pillar Year pillar Yang Earth Yin Earth Yin Earth Yang Wood Yang Fire Yin Wood I also try another system on the website and all elements turn out to bethe same except the Month heavenlystem is Yang Metal instead of what is stated above. I am confused, why is there a different? Need your enlightenment. Thanks.
  2. Hi master, I am looking at the flying star chart, pls advise what cure do I apply if: The five element analysis (mountain vs water) result in earth 5 (inauspiciou) and The five element analysis (20-year vs year star ) result is earth 8 (auspicious) Thanks.
  3. Hi Master, I am choosing a sitting position in my work place. I have two choices: 1) Seating in between North to North West sector, facing South East direction 2) Seating in betweenSouth West sector, facing North East direction Understand from my reading, my baddirection/sector are: South-Disaster/North-Spook/South East-Death/East-Irritation 2013 flying star, South West and West are bad sector No 2) choice seem to suit my good direction but bad flying star sector No 1) choice is in better flying star sector Need your advise on which is my better choice Thanks.
  4. Hi, Just a question on career element. Repairing, maintaining Computer, upgrading the hardware belong to which career element? Water or Wood? Thanks.
  5. Hi Cecil, UndersTand from your website that to determine a suitable house facing for an individual is based on one Bazi hence a weak fire person will be suitable to stay in a house with a south/southeast/east facing (or door facing). I recently read a fengshui chart and it say that a person born in the horse year is not suitable to stay in a house with SE3/S2/SW1 facing. I happen to be a weak fire person and born in the year of horse, so am I suitable to stay in a house with a south/Southeast/east facing? I am a bit confuse. Are there more than one way to determine, are there many type of fengshui? Need you enlightenment on this. Thanks.
  6. Hi Cecil, If I am a weak fire person, am interested in fengshui. Am I suitable to learn and take fengshui as a career. Thanks.
  7. Hi Cecil, If my house is built in period 7 and Still under period 7. Do I follow the same flying stars 2012 chart for fengshui cures which mentioned is for period 8? Thanks.
  8. Hi Cecil, After reading the link provided, this is my understanding (correct me if Iam wrong): If I am a weak fire person, I will concentrate on strengthening my element by adding wood and fire. Once I become strong, Earth(elementthat I lack)will be naturally be produced (fire produce earth). It is correct? I am sorry,I really dont understand when you mention: 'Why is it so important to classify them into weak or strong? ' Need to trouble you to explain further. Thanks.
  9. Hi Cecil, Thanks for your enlighten. The note by robert mentioned: One must always boost up your favourable elements first, then add in elements which you lack (even if they fall in your unfavourable elements). I am of weak fire and the element I lack is earth. So I have to wear more red and green, to boost up my favourable elements first but how doI know whether is enough andwhen &how do Iadd in elements which I lack next? Do I wear more red and green and then mix with a little of yellow on the same day andeveryday? Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on? Thanks.
  10. Hi Cecil, Thanks for your enlighten. The note by robert mentioned: One must always boost up your favourable elements first, then add in elements which you lack (even if they fall in your unfavourable elements). I am of weak fire and the element I lack is earth. So I have to wear more red and green, to boost up my favourable elements first but how doI know whether is enough andwhen &how do Iadd in elements which I lack next? Do I wear more red and green and then mix with a little of yellow on the same day andeveryday? Or wear red and green for 1st 2daysthenwear yellow forthird day and back to red & green on the forth day and so on? Thanks.
  11. Hi Celia, Robert, I have two questions: 1) Which part of the BA ZI will detemind whether you are a strong or weak element? 2) Why some fortune tellerbase only on the element but never mention weak or strong? Example: Onyour website, havestrong fire or weak fire, and have totally differentanalysis result. On other fortune teller website, no strong or weak, fireonly have one analysis result. Need your enlighten. Thanks.
  12. Hi, My neighbour renovation have affected some crack on my wall, I may need to do some smallhacking, touch up by crement and painting on four of my wall. Understand there is certain area we are not advised to do renovation. Doing so will anger the duke and thus bring bad luck, Please advise which direction for this year. Need your advise urgently. Thanks.
  13. Hi Cecil, Have gone through some floor plans, some questions to ask: 1) Is it consider a leak if: The center point of the house is near or almost at the wall of the toilet? And the center portion of the plan is, more than one third but less than half, filled up by the toilet? 2) Which of the 2 plans is better if: Plan A have Two bedrooms are located partially, not whole, at the good area and 1 of the bedroom located wholly at bad area. Plan B have One bedroom is located wholly at bad area, one at good and one at partially good. Do the above mentioned plan sound good? or not good? Need your advise. Thanks.
  14. Hi Celia, Can you teach how to see/judge from a floor plan whether the toilets are situated at the centre of the house or not? Thanks.
  15. Hi Cecil, Thanks for your prompt reply dated 21st April 2003, regarding filling up some hole with white cement near the duke area. I measured using the compass and realised that my main door is actually situated at around 205-215 degree. Question: 1) Is my main door considered southwest direction. 2) It look like I have done some small renovation (patching of a shallow hole 30 x 30cm as mentioned in my previous email) at the duke area. Is It going to affect me greatly? What should I do? Thanks.
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