Master Cecil: I again want to thank you for your guidance. You are very professional in your work! Have a great New Year! Mimi -----Original Message----- From: free-advice Listmanager [] Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 8:48 AM To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed Subject: How do I determine when the correct period of a ho From: "Cecil Lee" Dear Mimi, Please see below:- Usually, by now, the house would have already taken on Period 7's characteristics with the type of renovation, which you had mentioned. Yes, this will defintely alter Xuan Kong. If the house is completed before Lunar 2003, then it will still remain a Period 7. Else, if the renovation is completed after Lunar 2003 i.e 2004, then, it will take no Period 8's Xuan Kong. If possible, try not to `chop off' the `head' of the house. If so, usually the breadwinner will have to `go' somewhere never to come back to earth. If the owners want to make alterations, always look at the top-down view of the proposed house: Is the house become too clumsy or obese? at the centre etc.... If it does not slice into any windows or main door there is usually no issue on this. I have not seen the photo(s) if any yet. So I cannot really comment on this. Warmest Regards, Cecil You opted to receive messages posted from our My Adviser Forum ( when you last visited it. If wish to unsubscribe to the messages, please follow these instructions. 1. Login to My Adviser Account ( 2. Click on More Options. 3. Select Mailing List 4. Uncheck the conferences (eg. free-advise) 5. Click on Save. All settings can be configured from your login account which you receive on the welcome message from My Adviser forum. This is a heavily participated forum, so you might want to select digest mode under the Edit your Profile setting so that you receive ONE summarized digest instead of multiple e-mails. .....................................................................