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  1. hi cecil, thanks for your reply, the wardrope is not fixed. it can be moved. will it be better that i shift the bed to the location of the wardrope, i.e myparents feets when sleeping will face the wall in between teh toilet and the window?and then shift the wardrope to the location of the bed? and as forthe aircon my parents do not use it. maybe only once or twice every year. as they use ceiling fan instead all year round. and do ceiling fan have any bad inpact? pls advice. thanks
  2. Hi, i need some advice regarding to my present layout, as can be seen from the pic, the mbr is having the bed in the way of the doorway. I read that this form of layout is not good. Any reason why? [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s14/deljunks/dad_room.jpg[/img] And If i switch the bed over to the direct opposite, the bed will be in the way of the toilet doorway. And the toilet do not have a door as it is to be easy access to my mum who have suffered from a stroke. Can anyone advice how do I able to improve the FS of this layout? fyi, nothing good or bad have happen since we stayed over for 5 years. But I do hope to be able to improve the FS in this room as it may help my mum recover faster if possible. I have thought of adding a partition in from of the door, or add in string curtain so as my dad will not face the door when sleeping. Or is the any better or beneficial suggestion? Please kindly advice. thanks and hope to get some positive advice here. regards, ps: exact direction of the window is 20 degree N
  3. and also can i ask if air con blower is placedabove the head when sleeping like the pic, is it any bad? http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s14/deljunks/dad_room1.jpg thanks
  4. sorry pic is here http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s14/deljunks/dad_room.jpg thanks
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