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Dear Master R. Lee,
This question is just out of my curiousty,
I would like to know if someone " feng shui want to be"
put some fengshui cures in front of there house, even
thought there is nothing wrong with the neighbor house,
like a pair of lions all the way up highs about 6" in
front of their door, and a bagua on top of their door.
Will this does any harmful effects for the neighbor who
live across the street from them. Let's say the innocent
neighbor know nothing about feng shui, Then the one who
puts the cures in front of his house does a "wrongful
act, bad karma" to harm others then he doesn't create a
good feng shui for himself. And if the harmful effects
will take place, how serious is it?
Thank you for you time reading my questions.
Please kindly help me to understand more about this.
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1. Before, I go into your question; there are also two "types" of Feng Shui. If we can generalise; there is the "White" Feng Shui and "Black" Feng Shui.

2. In Singapore, look at the area especially bordering Beach Road to Shenton Way; "Black" Feng Shui actually refers to buildings that try to "suck" wealth from neighbouring buildings. For example, The Gateway isa major concern as till today, there are lots of reports of hauntings especially "triangle" units or points in this building.

3. In the past, and even in the future or near future, some developers engage overseas Feng Shui practitioners, and these practitioners study that "current" period's landscape and advise owners to build based on one or combinations of: Wood, Earth, Water, Fire or Metal elements.

4. For example, if there are lots of squarish or rectangular buildings around, the developer has been advised to build tall and thin structures. Square or rectangular represents the earth element. And by advising to build tall and thin this is symbolic of a tree (wood element). Thus thus Wood building is like a tree with its roots "crushing into the earth" to obtain wealth.

5. Generally, Treasury Building in Shenton Way is circular which is symbolic of a Metal element building etc...

6. White Feng Shui is "clean Feng Shui" where say the building is in harmony with it's environment and it does not pose a "threat" to other buildings.

7. Similiarly, if two apartments are separated by a small garden, placing a clock at the living room area facing the balcony may inadvertenly create sha qi to the neighbour's balcony and into their home. As giving a clock is considered inauspicious.

8. In Singapore, there are lots of Ba Gua wars. Often in the past, many HDB (Government Housing Board Flats) have doors facing each other and separated by just a five-foot pathway. On many occasions, when a neigbhour place a concave mirror or convex mirror above their door(s), neigbours retaliate by doing the same or another type of mirror.

9. If one place twin lions facing neighbour's home. And if the lions have open mouth, it may inadvertently "suck" wealth from the neighbours. In the past, since lions are considered as Metal elements, you may just find the Chinese neighbour hang a red cloth over their door. As red = fire is suppose to neutralise metal or the "savage beast - the twin lions".

There are many more instances, and such things are happening all the time. Many get away from it (sucking wealth from neighbours) as this is NOT A CRIME punishable by LAW. You cannot just accuse your neighbour of "robbery or theft". Since they have not broken any real law. (Perhaps, they only broke the 'moral law'). And as you have mentioned, perhaps, for those who believe in Karma... )

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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