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good area , bad direction vice versa


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Dear Master Cecil,

Thankyou so much for your advise. The theory and the forum on geomancy.net really helps us a lot on learning about fengsui. This is trully a fabulous fengsui site.

Master, There is one thingthat still worriedus and we dont knowwhat to do.Hope you can advise us for the solution. After we plot the centre of our house, find that:

1) Based on "8 house theory:, our main front door is located in the East area of the house(auspicious), but the door is facing/direction to NE(inauspicious-death). How to solve this problem ? which one is more important (the area position or the direction)? Do we need to direct the door to east area?

2)It also happened with the bedroom. Our head direction is toward SE(auspicious). However, the bedroom is located in NW area of the house(inauspicious area). Any way out to this matter ?

Thank you,


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1. In real life situations; we should consider concepts under the Eight house as "NICE-to-have" and not a "MUST-have".

2. It is best to find outwhat is the true purpose of the eight house theory and what are it's strengths and limitations:-


3. It works "best" when one is actively searching to buy a new home or remodelling a complete new home.

3.1. Here, it is good to locate sectors are good for us, as bedrooms or locations that we spent most time at.

3.2 Next best is to see if we can sit facing one of our better directions.

Other than the above, the theory is limited. As in a real life practical world, often, the facing direction of the home may not be suitable to us.

4. The facing direction is best analysed using the Flying star and each sector under this concept, can be fine tuned.

5. While the Eight house has no "cures". it is either you spent time there, face a good direction (full stop).

6. As mentioned above, it is nice to have the head (bed-head) face a good direction. And Eight house theory cannot do more than that. And for NW, you have to pass it to Flying star to determine what are the stars there and their influence, any cures or imbalance based on the flying star.


1) Based on "8 house theory:, our main front door is located in the East area of the house(auspicious), but the door is facing/direction to NE(inauspicious-death). How to solve this problem ? which one is more important (the area position or the direction)? Do we need to direct the door to east area?

2)It also happened with the bedroom. Our head direction is toward SE(auspicious). However, the bedroom is located in NW area of the house(inauspicious area). Any way out to this matter ?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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