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1. "There is a limit to all Feng Shui theories".


2. It is good to understand the beneifits and limitations of each concept. Since you are at the Eight House (Eight Mansions / Ba Cai) Feng Shui then if one does not spent time at that location or nice to have facing a direction nothing much can be done using this concept.

3. Then if one wants to apply Feng Shui, then one has to try to find other ways (means) of improving luck by considering other concepts, theories, such as any other "wealth leak to fix" or any areas to enhance. Thus logically, seek out:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Please note that your question is a "very common" thing! For example, under the Eight Mansions (8 House) there are 4 good and 4 bad directions.

2. If we apply mathemathics, 1/ 8 or one-eight probability that a home may have one's death or disaster at the frontage and equal probability in one's bedroom!

3. Frankly, in the Eight Mansion's sense, no one will die from it! Unless our mind takes over.. i.e. too intense auto suggestion and self-fullfilling prophecy -- takes over!)

4. Please search for a very recent reply (just a few days ago) on the same subject.

5. You may search for terms like: Maximising marks and The Three-Step approach.

6. In my opinon, all these "talk about death" is unhealthy!


Sharon V. wrote:
Does this mean, i am going to die young, or soon. Have you come across this before, and helped someone correct the problem.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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