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Hello again Master Lee,
We plan to build a new house facing W3 and sitting E3. According to my eight mansions chart, SE is supposed to be my best location for prosperity HOWEVER, the natal house chart for period 8 says that this sector has #5 mountain star, #2 water star and #7 base star. All the stars are bad stars. So is it safe to assume that I should prioritize the flying star chart over the eight mansions chart? In that case, I will just have to put my toilet area/walk-in closet in this SE area? And my bedroom in my East area? (I'm kua #1). Thanks for all the help you've been giving so far!
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1. In general, yes priority should go to the Flying Star Feng Shui. As it is "real time" or dynamic!

2. For example, if one asks any army (or navy), "real time" intelligence "beats" static non dynamic info all the time.

3. Thus drawing a parallel to Para 2, above, and the above reasoning, priority should always go for "analysis" or "approach to an action" based on something that is or close to real time.

4. While, the Eight House/Mansions should be considered as NICE to have and not a MUST have!


Katrina L. wrote:
Hello again Master Lee, We plan to build a new house facing W3 and sitting E3. According to my eight mansions chart, SE is supposed to be my best location for prosperity HOWEVER, the natal house chart for period 8 says that this sector has #5 mountain star, #2 water star and #7 base star. All the stars are bad stars. So is it safe to assume that I should prioritize the flying star chart over the eight mansions chart? In that case, I will just have to put my toilet area/walk-in closet in this SE area? And my bedroom in my East area? (I'm kua #1). Thanks for all the help you've been giving so far!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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