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I am very happy to have found your forum. I have been studying Flying Star (Xuan Kong) using Eva Wong's book "A Master Course in Feng Shui" and I'm having trouble determining the facing side of my house. I've attached diagram which gives as much detail as I could. It's unique in that there are numerous large deciduous and some evergreen trees all around, blocking the view in the summer. It's a Cycle 2 House (built in 1898). I'm having trouble determining if the side with the main entrance is facing or if it's the side with most of the windows. Please help.

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1. Yes, I can truly understand your predicament.

2. As a 2D top view of the layout - truly extremely difficult to determine the facing. Especially since the main entrance area does not exactly "house the living room" and the living room has its own set of windows that face approx. NW.

3. Furthermore, the dining area seems to be another candidate.

4. Thus in my opinion, based soley on the 2D view alone, very difficult to determine the facing.

5. The best method is often for those who have stayed in such a home is to draw several flying star chart and check the history of the persons staying in your home.

6. Often professional practitioners, prefer to be onsite, and stand outside the home, 1st to get a feel as well as check out the "living" habits of the owners. For example, if one frequently slam shut the main entrance door and because of the afternoon sun, close or use thick blinds, then this SW side may most probably not be the facing side.

7. Personally my feel is either NW (1st choice) or close 2nd (SW or SE) facing, probably not NE.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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