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I have been unfortunate in the romance and love area for a few years now. I am wondering what are some of the best feng shui colours, object placements, etc would be for the bedroom. Or if there are particular things or colours I should be wearing. I've heard placing lots of pinks/reds/purples (colours of romance) and items in pairs in the bedroom would help.

For my room, my bed position my head is facing south, window east, door is east (more north east actually). My birthday is June 15, 1979 (birth time 8:45am).

Any advice would help


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Frankly, it is strongly recommended that one does not apply "Fast Food Feng Shui!"


Anonymous wrote:
I have been unfortunate in the romance and love area for a few years now. I am wondering what are some of the best feng shui colours, object placements, etc would be for the bedroom. Or if there are particular things or colours I should be wearing. I've heard placing lots of pinks/reds/purples (colours of romance) and items in pairs in the bedroom would help.

Looking at the above, I am pretty worried that you may not be able to (on your own) given that you are trying to apply some sort of Feng Shui.

Often, such Feng Shui is akin to a dog circling itself trying to bite off it's tail!

In my opinion, if you still want to apply proper Feng Shui, either, spent more time and effort to activately have an uphill task of learning, understanding Feng Shui. Or, check around for a comptent Feng Shui practitioner to do a proper assessment and guidelines for you.

The saying "A little knowlege is a danagerious thing!"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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