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Gain insight into the Chinese Lunar and Xia Calendar within Ba Zi (Four Pillars) as utilized by different Masters. It is advisable not to rely solely on the Xia [ Hsia / Seasonal /Solar ] Calendar.

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The distinction between Ba Zi Lunar and Xia Calendar highlights the variability in the quality of Ba Zi charts, with Geomancy.net emphasizing a commitment to thoroughness and integrity in their practice. This approach underscores the importance of reliable methods in the interpretation of Ba Zi charts.

 MY BAZI LUNAR AND XIA 2020-04-04.pdf



1. The Ba Zi FAQ was developed to address frequently asked questions regarding:

  • Comparison of Chinese Lunar Calendar and Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.
  • What is a Blind or Grey Period
  • There are numerous diverse interpretations of Feng Shui principles.
  • How different Calendar System affects the Ba Zi Chart
  • Geomancy.net adopts the Lunar Calendar and utilizes the Xia Calendar only when it is deemed necessary for specific purposes.
  • It is crucial to have a standardized calendar format.
  • Differences in True Birth Element: Weak or Strong?
  • Some common variations in Ba Zi Concept
  • Special types of charts (Follow the Leader Chart)
  • Is the use of Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) necessary in Ba Zi?

2. Formerly, information regarding these inquiries was scattered across multiple posts.

3. By consolidating all the resources into one post, we can address the commonly asked questions on Ba Zi without the need for individual responses.

Comparison of Chinese Lunar Calendar and Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.

Currently, there are two Chinese calendar systems being utilized.

[1.] The Chinese Lunar Calendar is primarily determined by the moon's orbit around the Earth. This is why the full moon occurs on the 1st and 15th day of each Lunar month.

This is official reference calendar for all Chinese Major & Minor festivals and celebrations.


1. For instance, there are still those who observe our Chinese lunar birthday rather than the dates used in the western calendar.

2. As an illustration, there are individuals who still commemorate our Chinese lunar birthday rather than adhering to the dates in the western calendar.

Chinese New Year lasts 15 days i.e. 1st Lunar day and last day is on the 15th Lunar day of the 1st month.  

Reference: Major & Minor Chinese Festivals are based specially on Lunar Dates (Never Seasonal Calendar):-

[2.] The Xia Calendar, also known as Hsia or Seasonal Calendar, is utilized for assessing the seasonal impact. In Ba Zi, it plays a role in analyzing seasonal influences as well as any other analysis that necessitates consideration of seasonal effects.


China historically relied heavily on agriculture, specifically on knowing the optimal times for planting and harvesting crops. The Xia (Hsia) or Seasonal Calendar, also referred to as the Farmer's Calendar, played a crucial role in this process.

The agricultural sector at that time attached more importance to Xia dates for their celebrations. Therefore, to them, it held a more profound significance, as their entire livelihood relied on this calendar system. Hence, it is not surprising that they choose to observe Chinese New Year (CNY) based on the Xia dates aligning with the first day of Spring rather than the official Lunar New Year.

907268260_tongshu.jpg.c7d0012bb3afd3e0d8d522f076c40760.jpgThe annual Chinese Farmers' Almanac, known as Tong Shu (通书), continues to be produced and is typically released for sale around the 2nd or 3rd quarter of each year. This almanac, often referred to as the "All-knowing Book," holds significant importance for many Chinese individuals who2037981993_tongshu2.jpg.276c2413cb6016103cc91b3b75c61cb5.jpg choose to uphold the traditions of their forefathers, sometimes valuing it more than the Lunar New Year.

Nowadays, certain individuals of Chinese descent continue the tradition of displaying a Tong Shu 通书 above the entrance of their homes. [The image depicts the meticulous effort put into tying numerous ribbons around the book.1090273213_tongshu1.jpg.df37eacddb373ae6065282f2dea2e5e5.jpg

The old adage states that "Old habits die hard." However, it is possible that with each new generation, these customs may eventually fade away.

Example of the differences:-


  • Chinese Lunar Calendar 2009 Year of the OX is from 26 Jan 2009 to 13 Feb 2010.
  • Xia Calendar 2009 Year of OX is from 4 Feb 2009 to 18 Feb 2010

What is a Blind or Grey Period


During the period from January 16, 2009 to February 3, 2009, known as the Grey or Blind period in the Chinese Lunar Calendar versus the Xia Calendar, there is a distinct discrepancy.

Although the moon phase has transitioned, the seasonal change has not yet occurred.

Both the Chinese Lunar and Xia Calendars hold significant importance within the Chinese Calendar system.

The primary disparity lies in the Chinese Lunar Calendar's emphasis on lunar phases, while the Xia Calendar focuses on seasonal changes.

It would be inaccurate to claim superiority of one calendar over the other.

Each calendar serves a unique purpose.

The calendars are nearly identical, differing mainly in how they determine the beginning of each month.

What happens if there is a Blind or Grey Period in an individual's chart?

The Grey Period impacts both Examples 1 and 2, as illustrated by the two charts.

Example 1: The birthdate is 26 Jan 2009, signifying the commencement of the Grey Period spanning from 26 Jan 2009 to 3 Feb 2009.

In case the Ba Zi chart is influenced by the Grey Period, our Ba Zi reports will feature extra columns displaying the Seasonal (Xia) Month & Seasonal (Xia) Year.


If an individual's date of birth is within a Grey Period, we will also incorporate this information into our Ba Zi chart.


 It is included to prevent confusion in case of a comparison between a Ba Zi report created using only the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar method. We have already acknowledged these discrepancies.

Sample with 1st Day of Grey Period.pdf

Example 2: The birthdate is February 3, 2009, signifying the conclusion of the Grey Period spanning from January 26, 2009, to February 3, 2009.

February 3 marks the conclusion of the Grey Period. Opting for the Seasonal method of computation will yield varying results.


In this Ba Zi Report, we will once more emphasize the distinctions between two calendar systems.

Sample with Last Day of Grey Period.pdf

Example 3: The date of birth is 4th February 2009, when both the Lunar and Seasonal (Xia) Calendars align, resulting in both charts being exactly the same.

Starting from February 4, 2009, the month and year will align perfectly, as both the month and year transition into the Year of the Ox.


As the Month/Year of Lunar and Seasonal (XIa) Calendars coincide, this chart has been simplified to display this Header in our Ba Zi Reports.

Sample Chart with No Grey Period - Lunar & Seasonal exactly the same.pdf

This particular situation affects people who were born during the transition of years, particularly in relation to their zodiac sign. For those born in different months, the only significant change will be the shift in the month of their birth.

This is the reason why the Lunar/Seasonal (Xia) Calendar usually aligns. It is during this transitional period that individuals may notice discrepancies between the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar report and our Lunar analysis.

There are numerous diverse interpretations of Feng Shui principles.

Luopan.thumb.png.d57eae5464f177ebb7700d611cef32fb.pngThere are many Feng Shui/fortune telling related concepts:-  

1) Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny or Four Pillars) - Is a luck forecast of a person's Heaven Luck  

2) Chinese Horoscope / Chinese Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) - Which focus on horoscope and relationship analysis  

3) Compass School (Eight House & Flying Star)

a) Eight House is a personal Gua (Kua) system that gives some personalization for the Compass School.  

b) Flying Star is an advanced compass school that basically is to determine the Earth Luck of a House. Something like a Ba Zi of a house. 

4) Fortune Telling related - I-Ching / Palmistry / Face Reading / Bone Reading even Ba Zi has some of this aspect. In any case, a combination of all these will give a good fortune telling reading.  

We are primarily interested in Feng Shui, which is commonly associated with Ba Zi, Chinese Horoscope, and Compass School. These practices center around an individual's fortune and how it is influenced by their surroundings.


There exist a multitude of variations in concepts and techniques across different masters, depending on the specific concepts or calendar format they have been taught. It is common to find various interpretations of the same concept, with different masters utilizing distinct calendar systems.

Why two masters have the different interpretations?

Masters utilizing the same calendar system may still exhibit differences in their interpretation of analysis results. The varying degrees of accuracy in conducting the analysis further impact the outcomes. Consequently, three different masters could provide distinct interpretations for the same home based on these factors. This complexity can be particularly bewildering for individuals new to Feng Shui.

It is regrettable, but this is inevitable. This is due to the varying concepts and calendar systems in place.

It is advisable to rely on a trusted expert. It is imprudent to gather fragmented analyses from various sources and try to piece them together. With different variations, it is uncertain whether they will harmonize effectively or not.


Different variations of Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny or Four Pillars) Analysis.  

It is generally acceptable to use a common calendar format for the entire ba zi chart, as this ensures accurate analysis when relating the different pillars in the same calendar format, such as the year to the month pillar or the month to the day pillar. However, mixing two different calendar formats and attempting to relate the pillars together would lead to inaccuracies.

A) Ba ZI WITH FULL CHINESE LUNAR CALENDAR1167662213_FULLLUNAR.png.01c1aaa1abb748b484322f2a3ed115a1.png

A Ba Zi chart done with Full Chinese Lunar Calendar will look like this:-

Chinese Lunar Calendar Ba Zi
Year: Ji-Chou (Ox) - (Lunar Calendar Year)
Month: Bing-Yin - (Lunar Calendar Month)
Day: Xin-Wei - (Lunar Calendar Day)



A ba zi chart done with Full Seasonal (Xia) Calendar will look like this:- 

Seasonal (Xia) Calendar Ba Zi
Year: Wu-Zi (Rat) - (Seasonal Calendar Year)
Month: Yi-Chou - (Seasonal Calendar Month)
Day: Xin-Wei - (Seasonal Calendar Day) 




A ba zi chart done with mixed Lunar & Seasonal (Xia) Calendar will look like this:- 

Mixed Lunar & Seasonal (Xia) Ba Zi
Year: Ji-Chou (Ox) - (Lunar Calendar Year)
Month: Yi-Chou - (Seasonal-Xia Calendar Month)
Day: Xin-Wei - (Lunar Calendar Day) 

Essentially, utilizing either a) Ba Zi with Full Chinese Lunar Calendar or b) Ba Zi with Full Seasonal (Xia) Calendar is considered accurate since they both adhere to a single calendar format for the entire chart. On the other hand, c) Ba Zi with mixed lunar & seasonal Calendar is deemed incorrect.

apple.png.ff70ef23c5cde4f710e006a9f67cc3d1.pngorange1.png.7cc4122c73699321a7d3cbfe7aad3762.pngSome websites incorrectly generate the Ba zi with Mixed Lunar Calendar & Seasonal (Xia) Calendar. It is incorrect to mix the calendar formats..


Comparing an Apple to an Orange is not a fair comparison. It is quite challenging to create a chart that displays the day and year in the Lunar calendar while also showing the month in the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.

Geomancy.net adopts the Lunar Calendar and utilizes the Xia Calendar only when it is deemed necessary for specific purposes.



So if both a) Ba Zi Calendar with Full Ba Zi Calendar and b) Ba Zi Calendar with Full Seasonal (Xia) Calendar is technically correct. So why is it Geomancy.Net adopted the Lunar Calendar and also use the Seasonal Calendar only when necessary. Instead of simply using only the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar?  

It is important to recognize that displaying a chart in the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar simplifies the process of calculating the next luck pillar, the seasons, and more. By focusing solely on the month or year, one can manually plot out the chart with ease. This is why the Seasonal Calendar is highly favored by numerous geomancers.

We have firsthand experience of the challenges involved in manually calculating a Ba Zi chart. In addition, this only impacts a small number of individuals who are in the Blind/Grey period. Apart from that, the charts remain completely identical.

Why go for the easy way out and miss out some of the advanced pillars of destiny concepts?

Geomancy.net has put in the effort to ensure accuracy, and it is definitely worth it. When creating a Ba Zi Chart using the Lunar Calendar, it is essential to factor in the seasons, which can make the analysis or plotting of additional information even if it is more time-consuming.

Benefiting from "The best of both worlds" or this is Leveraging the advantages of both sides.


At Geomancy.Net, the complex Ba Zi calculation has already been programmed into the computer. Therefore, there is no need to take the easy way out and overlook some of the advanced pillars of destiny concepts.



The primary factor lies in the variation of the Horoscope sign that one would obtain when utilizing a Seasonal (Xia) Calendar

Individuals born in December, January, or February may find that their Ba Zi horoscope is Rat, while their Chinese Horoscope or Chinese Calendar sign is Ox, according to the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.


Which zodiac sign compatibility do you consider in this scenario? Are you a Rat or an Ox? 

For example:-  

  • Chinese Lunar Calendar 2009 Year of the OX is from 26 Jan 2009 to 13 Feb 2010.
  • Seasonal (Xia) Calendar 2009 Year of OX is from 4 Feb 2009 to 18 Feb 2010
  • By using the Chinese Lunar Calendar Ba Zi, your Horoscope sign will be Ox once you cross 16 Jan 2009. This will be the same even when you use the Chinese Horoscope analysis.  

                     However, should you be using the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar for the same date 16 Jan 2009.

702873656_RATOROX.png.6f0f8d9d0f6b9e885f07abff72b0111f.pngYour Ba Zi analysis may indicate that you belong to the Rat sign, whereas your Chinese horoscope might classify you as an Ox.
Which zodiac sign compatibility do you consider in this scenario? Are you a Rat or an Ox?

The Chinese Horoscope provides extensive information on compatibility. When the compatibility analysis varies from that of the Ba Zi horoscope, it may lead to confusion on what to believe.

Utilizing the Ba Zi Seasonal (Xia) Calendar may lead to encountering this significant issue.

1889297740_yesiamanox1.gif.20d738be5190812523929e8961db89a5.gifBy sticking to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you won't have this conflict.

As such, be it the ba zi or Chinese horoscope you will be a Ox once you cross the 26 Jan 2009. 


Upon mastering both the Chinese Lunar and Seasonal Calendar Ba Zi calculation, it becomes evident that transitioning the chart to the Seasonal Ba Zi Chart will hinder the ability to conduct several advanced Ba Zi analyses. The accuracy of these analyses heavily relies on the actual Chinese Calendar month. The blind or grey period is a crucial component for such calculations, which cannot be accounted for when utilizing the Ba Zi Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.


Through numerous Ba Zi analyses, it has been observed that the Ba Zi chart consistently offers a more precise forecast compared to one derived from the Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.

The Ba Zi lunar chart is interconnected with the Chinese horoscope and various other concepts based on the lunar calendar. It is just one of the tools utilized in Feng Shui and horoscope analysis, each having its own strengths and weaknesses.

By combining insights from different sources, the weaknesses of one can be balanced out by the strengths of another, leading to a more comprehensive interpretation.

This integration of the Ba Zi lunar chart with other concepts enhances our ability to identify and address the root causes of issues, enabling us to apply these concepts more efficiently.


The majority of instructional books on Ba Zi and Feng Shui are authored by Hong Kong Masters who predominantly utilize the Ba Zi Seasonal (Xia) Calendar.

Consequently, many individuals studying Ba Zi tend to adopt this particular calculation method due to its accessibility in written materials.

Nevertheless, widespread usage does not equate to superiority. In our practice, we have expertise in both the Chinese Lunar and Seasonal Calendar Ba Zi systems, allowing us to discern the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

After careful evaluation, we have opted for the Chinese Lunar Calendar due to its comprehensive analysis capabilities that the Seasonal Calendar lacks.  

So we do not see why we should give users a less accurate analysis for the sake of convenience.

It is crucial to have a standardized calendar format.

Our website uses Lunar Calendar as the standard Calendar format for all our website tools (i.e. Ba Zi, Eight house, Flying Star etc). This allows all tools to properly work and re-enforce the analysis results.  

Your horoscope sign must be the same whether you use the Ba Zi or Chinese Horoscope, otherwise you will have problems trying to apply the cures or determine compatibility. By sticking to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you won't have this conflict. As such, be it the Ba Zi or Chinese horoscope you will be a Ox once you cross the 26 Jan 2009.  

Even Eight House or Flying Star is based on Chinese Lunar Calendar. So you again need to make sure you have a common frame of reference to be able to relate the different analysis together.  

For all our website tools, they will all work well with each other.  

Each tool specializes in a specific area of analysis. By integrating the strengths of all the results, you can obtain a thorough overview. For instance, Ba Zi is effective for predicting luck and personal elements. Chinese horoscopes concentrate on compatibility. Eight House assesses house suitability, whereas Flying Star analyzes earth luck.


This is not really due to the Calendar System. I have seen two masters using the same calendar format and still give you different results. The classification of whether you are considered a weak or strong element is primarily based on the analysis of the chart.

 Indeed, this relies heavily on how precisely you:-

a) Check the seasons of birth which affects the five element seasonal strength.  

b) Check the combinations and clashes. These will affect again the final element and strength.  

c) The final element can be influenced by the analysis, whether the House of Life / House of Concept is considered or not.

After all the various checks are done, our website will tabulate a percentage value. By comparing the elements that makes you weak vs the element that makes you strong.

Our website report employs this mathematical formula to ascertain whether you fall under the category of weak or strong. We are able to provide users with a transparent explanation of how we calculate your elemental strength for our report.

So if our analysis determined you are a weak element, it means elements that make you weak to you are less than elements that make you strong.  

Our complimentary (FREE) report remains fully functional [isn't crippled in any way], ensuring identical results to the paid report. However, the breakdown of percentages crucial for effective Feng Shui application is exclusively available to our paid Ba Zi report users.

Learn more about a case study illustrating our process of determining your elemental composition.





There is no necessity for this. I have just responded to a user regarding this matter. Kindly refer to this link for further details on the reasons why:-  




In reality, there isn't much of a distinction between the 'follow the leader' chart and one where you can accurately identify the weak/strong points and effectively implement the five elements of balance. 

Further information can be found on this forum link, where a detailed example has been provided.


Is the use of Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) necessary in Ba Zi?

1. In truth, the incorporation of TIME ZONE or LOCATION factors by contemporary practitioners is a modern adaptation that was not part of the original Ba Zi system developed in China.

2. The sole correct method from a technical standpoint is to incorporate the LOCATION factor into the Chinese Lunar Calendar. However, this approach presents two issues: -

a) A slight deviation of 0.01 degree in either latitude or longitude can significantly alter your Ba Zi chart. This minute error has the potential to decrease the accuracy of your chart, making it less reliable than a chart with an unknown hour pillar.

b) The majority of individuals do not possess their time of birth, let alone the precise location of birth. Therefore, why make the matter more complex.


3. Using GMT time zone is a bad way to apply the location factor, because GMT time zone only affects the longitude changes. Furthermore, GMT has been simplified so much so it is no longer as accurate as in the past.

4. Our stand on this issue is NOT to add these level of complication to the analysis. Meaning that you should just use your local time (regardless of what country), to analyse the Ba Zi.  

This is because if you truly understand how the Ba Zi works, the HOUR pillar will not make a major impact in terms of the 10-yearly, 5-yearly, yearly and monthly luck pillars.  

The hour pillar gives additional pillars available for combinations and clashes, so this can affect the final outcome of a person to be either weak or strong. A day without the hour will give the rough element strength of the day. Only a few hours may result in weak/strong element. Otherwise, not much change will occur. Your luck pillars will not be too badly influenced by the hour impact. Except for minor yearly and chart clash or harms that may occur. But these are minor as your general luck will not alter too much.  

5. This is why we can still analyse a person luck fairly well even if you do not provide the hour pillar. Just check out some of the masters who had done case study of famous people, you will noticed that they do it just with the date of birth. They don't even apply any location factor.  

Ba zi has designed to compensate from the lack of the hour pillar. So with or without the hour of birth, a person's chart can still be charted out. Just that with the hour pillar, your forecast will be more accurate.  

6. This is why we find no need to apply location into the Ba Zi. Just use your local time and it should be okay.  

7. You must always remember that a Ba Zi is supposed to be a heavenly GIVEN chart of what kind of luck you are supposed to have assuming your environment remains constant. This means it does not consider education, your house (earth luck), people around you, your career etc.  

However, in real life, how can you expect your environment to be the same all the time. Your luck is always being altered by your house luck, people around you, and your career.  

Let me give you some example:-

a. Given a pair of twins with the exact date and time of birth. One has primary education and one has a doctorate degree. Which you think will have better life. Most likely the one with a doctorate degree.  

b. Given a same pair of twins. One stays in US and one stays in IRAQ. Which will you think will have a better life. Again most likely US as it is more stable and peaceful, as compared to a war torn country such as IRAQ.  

c. Given two persons:-  

  • Person A has the 10-year luck favourable to him, but he stays in a house with entrapped Feng Shui and death suitability to the home.
  • Person B has the 10-year luck unfavourable to him, but he says in a house with excellent Feng Shui and prosperity suitability to the home.

The Person B will have actually a much better luck then person A. Cos, a person's earth luck has been ADVERSELY impacted which supercedes his Ba Zi luck. 

8. Ba Zi is not a tool that can predict all past events with complete accuracy. Instead, it can offer insights into potential challenges, enabling you to enhance your fortune by steering clear of unfavorable periods. Some contemporary practitioners may lead you to believe that Ba Zi can provide precise evaluations of your past and future experiences. However, this contradicts the fundamental purpose of the concept, which is to offer guidance on your innate luck.

9. Our recommendation to you is to simply keep the hour unknown or unchanged as it is not required.

Read more from this link:-  


Born which year and what was the changed time? LOL-:)

"Singapore has changed time zones 6 times since 1905. From 1933 to 1941, we moved our clocks forward 20 minutes for daylight savings, but then changed it to 30 minutes.

During the Japanese occupation in World War II, our clocks were synced with Tokyo, to become 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of the previous time zone. The most recent switch was in 1982, when our clocks were synchronised with neighbouring Malaysia." [Source & Credit: Gov.sg Factually SG50 Edition: Fun facts about our "little red dot"!]


Our reports have undergone extensive testing and are based on concepts and practices that have been proven to yield positive results based on our experience.

All reports utilize a standardized calendar format, ensuring seamless functionality across different reports.

Prior to launching our tools on our website, we meticulously assessed various concepts, weighing the pros and cons of different sources. We selected concepts that are technically sound or have demonstrated effectiveness based on our experience.

Rest assured that every concept featured on our website is carefully chosen with a purpose. This decision-making process has been in place since the inception of our website. However, we may not have had the opportunity to provide detailed explanations earlier due to other priorities.

Our growing client base, who have benefitted from our services since our launch, serves as further evidence that the concepts and tools on our website are effective when used together.

For those who are uncertain, it is advisable to apply Feng Shui principles from a trusted source. We do not recommend mixing our analysis with that from another website or source, as differences in calendar formats and concept variations may lead to discrepancies.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


Frankly not all Ba Zi Reports are created equal.



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No Two Ba Zi Reports are created equal



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Guest Chad

Thank you.. I do not Know Bazi , BUT I finally found my Lunar calendar birth date through your bazi calculator.. All i had was my western calendar date. It is accurate because it gave me the same date given by my parents years ago.. I thought I will never find it or have a chance to compare it to my western birth date. I always thought my western birth date was wrong due to war and errors..  But i typed it into you Bazi calculator and it gave me the Lunar Birth date and it is exactly what i was told by my parents years before...  Thanks again  , Thanks a million..  I never thought I would be able to calculate back in time to find the exact date, but your Bazi Calculator gave me the answer I was looking for all along. 

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HI! My Name is RATOX:
Store Assistant: "Hi Mr Buttock! Can I help you?"
RATOX: "No, No, No! My name is RA-TOX"
Store Assistant: "What an unusual name BUT-TOX, Sir!"
RATOX: "No choice, born this way."
Store Assistant: "Okay, Got it! Fits you a T. "



In Summary
Store Assistant: "Hello, Mr. Buttock! How may I assist you today?"
RATOX: "Actually, it's RA-TOX."
Store Assistant: "Ah, my apologies. RA-TOX, what can I do for you?"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to Gain insight into the Chinese Lunar and Xia Calendar within Ba Zi (Four Pillars) as utilized by different Masters. It is advisable not to rely solely on the Xia [ Hsia / Seasonal /Solar ] Calendar.
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