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Hello Master Lee, According to an author: ---------------------------------------- 1."Try to locate your stairs in sectors that correspond to inauspicious Flying Stars, as staircases can press down on bad luck caused by inauspicious stars." ---------------------------------------- Because we do plan to put the staircase in the north sector of our home - because this sector has the #2m #5w and #6b stars. What would you recommend? Alsothe author says: 2. Stairs can be made of wood, metal or concrete to simulate these three solid elements. Wooden stairs are suitable in the South, East and Southeast. Metal stairs are best in the North and concrete stairs work best in the Northeast, Southwest, West and Northwest. 3. Stairs should not have hollows or openings in the steps. These suggest ?leakages?, making it difficult for residents to amass wealth. 4. Avoid a spiral staircase, as this resembles a corkscrew. These are more harmful when located in the middle of the home. 5.The staircase should be well lit and landings should have uplights. I now have learned from reading your articles and forum that: The top and bottom of staircases should never face the main door. Also that the staircase should not start or end in front of the toilet. Moreover the staircase should not be situated in the center of the home. Corkscrew staircases are also not advisable. I hope you could answer my questions above. Thank you.
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1. In my opinion, technically, all the arguments are logical.

2. Majority of the time, below the staircase (or same spot) as the staircase, many contruct a store room. And this can help to "lock up the bad stars". In addition, it is always better not to have a bedroom or living area with really bad stars vs that of the staircase.

3. It is known fact that if possible, the stairs are covered (top and side).

4. As for wooden staircase, concrete, metal, all these can be based on the Five elements concept - if it does not have an impact of the building code, no issue.

5. Many homes with flaws such as corkscrew staircases etc.. may not necessarily give it a disadvantage. For example, homes that enjoy good Feng Shui e.g. http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-hunting/po-hunting-faq.htmCan easily overcome many flaws in a home and live to see and enjoy another day!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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