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aquarium in the home


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hello cecil, this is an addendum/correction to my message "aquarium in the home". placement for my aquarium is southwest portion of my home w/c happens to be my living room also. is Having an aquarium being a weak water element on my bazi reading or fire on my gua element not bad ? am confused w/c element one has to follow. thanks in advance and more power to you. ck
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1. In GENERAL, under Period 8, it is highly good chance that a water feature at South-West can benefit "most" people as this is generally an "indirect-water" wealth spirit location especially if it is a balcony or patio area.

2. As mentioned in my earlier, message on your earlier question, we are talking about the Feng Shui of your home (earth luck).

3. Under the Chinese holistic approach to luck, there are three kinds of luck:-

3.1 Heaven Luck (what one is born with) and analysed via Ba Zi
3.2 Earth Luck (Your home, office, business or place of stay/rent)
3.3 Human or man luck (Relationships, family bonding etc...) and many also get conned thru"Bull-shit = buying of commercial products"

4. Thus, a water feature under Para 1, above is to boost the earth luck. Therefore if you can draw the line between your bazi which is Heaven luck! Your home is your earth luck.

5. So, a water feature at the correct location is suppose to boost your earth luck. And in this example, it is clearly different from one's Heaven Luck (ba zi). Is this clear?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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