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1. In my opinion, it is best to confirm why do you need to place a ba gua mirror?

2. The reason is because, even for the Chinese, we do not anyhow place a mirror - especially just because it is either fashionable or just because, all things being equal, you have been told to install it, just for the sake of having to purchase one.

3.Is there any "poison arrow" or threat facing your main door. Such as a lone lamp post slicing thru the main door etc...

4. It is good to identify what type of ba gua mirror did you buy. Perhaps, you can checkout this link and let us know what type of mirror you are using:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Sir, To clarify I did not buy a Mirror, I bought a Pakua Door Hanging. I bought this because I cannot place a Pakua Mirror in front i.e outside my home as it will be stolen the day I put it there. The main gate of my home is opposite the main gate of our front neighbour (about 15 feet away) and just by the left side of our main gate is a big tree. Since I could not place a mirror I bought a pakua door hanging to do correction. My family has been facing hardships and problems for the past 5-6 years and I want to rectify feng shui problems of my house.

Kindly suggest if my placement of the door hanging just near the door knob/handle (inside part of the door) is correct or suggest the correct placement.

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Then what do you suggest for my home ?

The website I bought theDoor Pakua Hangingsaid : The Pakua consists of eight sacred emblems sometimes called trigrams, directions or activities. It is used to encourage the flow of Chi (life force) which is regarded as the primary building bricks of the universe. The Pakua is said to have been born on the back of a turtle that rose from the deep at the dawn of time. The secrets of the universe are believed to be contained within. The Pakua can be used in Feng Shui to balance and move Chi, and to stop secret poison arrows from harming you and your home.Fix it on the door frame on the hinge side.

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1. Honestly, although real Feng Shui is scientific, your question is akin to the concept of "a needle in the hay stack".

2. Frankly, as mentioned earlier, the entire wordings on the description of the commercial product "the ba gua (pakua) is merely a sales gimmick.

3. Do you know that proper Feng Shui application is not about a "hit and miss situation".

4. Proper Feng Shui is about:-

4.1 IDENTIFYING MAJOR "leaks" in a home and/or office.
4.2 Maximizing qi flow using authentic methods.

5. Thus, it is not so simplistic as since you say that the pakua I placed is not correct, what do you suggest. Frankly, how would I know what is wrong with your home? Authentic Feng Shui is about zooming in into problem areas. And not just one or two line questions.

6. Honestly, no wonder, most people continue to face the same problems - in a vicious circle of poverty, or related problems. And most certainly commercial products only benefit the seller and does nothing good to anyone esle. Thus, your approach is definitely, like the image of a dog, chasing after it's tail!

Anonymous wrote:
Then what do you suggest for my home ?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Sorry, I hope not to sound too harsh in my earlier e-mail.

1. Further to what I had mentioned, I really feel sad that many of are taken in by modern commercial products. And it feels sad that many of such products are circulating around - in the name of "Feng Shui".

2. They should actually be classified as "decorative" items. And not, described as some important - in the name of Feng Shui cure or something like that.

3. Human nature is such: How often do we hear many people saying that when they have problems, one way to side-track their problem is to over-eat. Some of these persons, feel that over eating can simply "wish" their problems away!

4. Thus it is a real pity that many unscrupulous sellers, use this "human weakness" to prey on us to sell us (off-load) such modern commercial products.

5. Holistic approach to Feng Shui is about :
5.1 Fixing the leak first and
5.2 Enhacement (if applicable).

6. I have drawn the illustration of a boat. Many us chose Para 3 type of solution. Thus, many of us are simply enticed to purchase a product, yet, we are not there to fix the real leaks in a home!

7. Remember the story of this boy who saved Holland when he singlely plugged the hole in a wall. Else, when the wall (reservior) breaks, all hells break loose.

8. Thus, many of simply like the over-eating case, purchase too many of these products. And worse, the "ship" we are in gets heavier and heavier and can sink faster!

9. Things like - find the root cause of your problem! Please!


10. In this slide, try to fix the leak, first. Instead of adding useless products to our "ship":-


11. Traditional Feng Shui and even in old Feng Shui texts, they don't even mentioned about commercial products as true Feng Shui should be properly applied thru the true Art and Science of Feng Shui.

12. We should all remember : " When the buying stops, the selling can!" Please spread the message! To our loved ones, family, friends.

13. People who sell commercial products in the name of Feng Shui should be considered as cheats and con persons!

14. Many people are in bad shape and yet, some unfortunately resort to cash advance from credit cards to purchase such (commercial fake Feng Shui products)!


15. To all "FENG SHUI" sellers/distributors ! SHAME ON YOU!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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