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Dear Cecil

I live in a Period 7 South2-facing house, and the Flying Stars in SW and SE are as follows:

- SW - Base4, M6, W8

- SE - Base6, M4, W1

In 2009, the annual star 8 flies into SE and I'm keen to activate this. Hence if I want to have a fish tank (with 9 goldfish), shall I place it in

(1) SW - where the water star8 is, plus SW is indirect wealth position; or

(2) SE - where the annual star 8 flies in?

In situations like this, which takes precedence, the flying star of the property, or the annual star?

Would appreciate your kind advice.

Many thanks

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1. In commonsense Feng Shui, one school of thought is that since many fish tanks are heavy i.e. at least 4 feet by 2 feet, draining water, moving it seems to be a hassle.

2. Thus, some would leave the water wealth position at SW.

3. If you have a smaller water feature, often this is quite useless as often it is not going to help.

4. Logic and Flying Star Feng Shui:-

4.1. You are trying to apply time based Flying Star: Based on the year.

4.2. If one is applying time based Flying Star: the logical question is why only Year based Feng Shui? Why not Month-Month or even Day-Day Feng Shui.

4.3. Every month, the water wealth position changes. Can you afford to place the water feature on rollers and roll it all over your home? Yes/No?

4.4 Even in a specific year, to be more accurate, you should not only move your water feature monthly, or day or even hourly or even within minutes.

4.5 Utopian Feng Shui.

What you mentioned comes closer to "utopian" Feng Shui. Yes, can be done, if one wants to do it. Then go for it and scrap the Commonsense approach to Feng Shui.

Frankly, the argument "is sound" and there are people who does it, but this are the minority. To some outsiders they may think: "Wow, these people are either too free or has nothing better to do".

In my earlier comments, a small water feature is more of a decoration than meant for Feng Shui. And if you rather spent quality time moving your Fish Tank, go ahead!

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Cecil

I live in a Period 7 South2-facing house, and the Flying Stars in SW and SE are as follows:

- SW - Base4, M6, W8

- SE - Base6, M4, W1

In 2009, the annual star 8 flies into SE and I'm keen to activate this. Hence if I want to have a fish tank (with 9 goldfish), shall I place it in

(1) SW - where the water star8 is, plus SW is indirect wealth position; or

(2) SE - where the annual star 8 flies in?

In situations like this, which takes precedence, the flying star of the property, or the annual star?

Would appreciate your kind advice.

Many thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil

Thanks indeed, and I've always appreciated your common sense approach to fengshui! In our case it happened that all the fish in my aquarium died due to a disease and we had to clean the tank out anyway, and since it was approaching a newyear,I thought wemight as well try to place it inthe most favourableposition for 2009.

-The fish tank was originally in SW, to activate the water star8.

- If moved to SE, it would activating a "lesser" good water star 1, but this has the benefit of the year star 8.

Hence my dilemma above. Between the 2 positions, which do you think is the better position for the fish tank?

Thanks, as always.

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1. Frankly, I would personally keep to SW. For three reasons:-

a. #1 is the coming prosperity star as you had mentioned, thus SW is still a better overall choice.

b. Current 20 year water wealth resides.

c. SW happens to be the very auspicious indirect water wealth spirit location under Period 8. Thus a big water position, here is good.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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