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Q.I am interested to find out which day of the Lunar New Year is the best day to start work. Please let me know where to get these details.fficeffice" />

A) For most business, we normally use a more general ruleset that is:-

Generally, most will either start/open business on the 2nd day or 4th day Chinese New Year. Usually, 3rd day is always avoided as it is faithful dog day, where there are some superstitious belief. For longer rest period, it is always best to open on the either 5th or 6th day for at least a few hours. After which, you can start at any day after that.

You can always follow this if your company has determined which day it will start business. This will not really consider any personalisation using any auspicious date or etc. But it has been a standard guide that most business will use.

B) For individual to choose the day to start work, you can either follow the above general ruleset, or if you are more particular about a good start. Then choose the date that is auspicious for you to start work. For this, you can use the free auspicious date report on our website:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

This is better than choosing just dates that are good for you based on your ba zi, as the ba zi does not consider if the day is good or not. So normally we do not use it for selecting a good date.

Thuseither follow the general ruleset as per method A. Or for a more personalised method for individual, you choose the date which is auspicious to start work as in method B.

Either method would be the better method for choosing the 1st day of work after the CNY.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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