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Hi FS Master,

I uses to face WEST direction in my work place which is my ShengChi direction. But this year STAR 2 the illnes star is in WEST direction can I still continue to face WEST or should I change direction to face SouthWest where STAR 6 located.

Pls advise

Thank you


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Aloysius C. wrote:
I uses to face WEST direction in my work place which is my ShengChi direction. But this year STAR 2 the illnes star is in WEST direction can I still continue to face WEST or should I change direction to face SouthWest where STAR 6 located.

From what I read, your work place seems to in a specific room or location. But if you are in the same location (no change), then flying star should be considered in that sector. And not where you face.

For example, if you are seating in the West sector, and you can move to the South-West sector, then fine; you can actually if possible, still sit at SW facing West.

It is not like "West is the #2 sector". And that one should not face #2. It is about which sector you are in. Don't misinterpret the same senario as Tai Sui or grand duke. Flying Star is about the sector that one is located in (your office).

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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