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Can anyone please tell me whether I am a weak wood or a strong wood? I am very confused because some feng shui consultants(bazi calculator)tell me that I am strong however some would say I am weak. Can anyone please let me know whether I am a weak or strongwood and what are my favorable and unfavorable elements ? Please let me know. Thanks. birthday: january 12, 1978 / 02:05 p.m mail (man)

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Can anyone please tell me whether I am a weak wood or a strong wood? I am very confused because some feng shui consultants(bazi calculator)tell me that I am strong however some would say I am weak. Can anyone please let me know whether I am a weak or strongwood and what are my favorable and unfavorable elements ? Please let me know. Thanks. birthday: january 12, 1978 / 02:05 p.m mail (man)

Frankly, depending on whether the ba zi report is done in lunar or solar calendar as well as the detail and depth of the analysis. Different masters even using the same concept can give different birth element strength. I have written a detailed article about the various ba zi difference in this link:-

URL: http://bazifaq.geomancy.net

As far as our website is concern, you will be determined as weak yang Wood Snake. As our free report isn't crippled in anyway, the analysis takes into full consideration all the necessary combinations / clashes and percentage of your element strength before coming to this result. This means that even if you get us to do a paid analysis, you will still be a weak yang Wood Snake. Only difference is the free report does not reveal to you the exact percentage.

If you read the bazifaq link above, you will see there are many examples where we show you how our free report we determine the element strength, through mathematical formula. Just that we do not show you the ba zi percentage breakdown in the free report.


Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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