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Dear cecil,
Would like to table of contents for search function since sometimes it takes long time to search for what one is looking for. If
one can look at the content table then it will be easy to type that word and get the answer faster. eg.
1. Doors
2. bedrooms
3. Beams
4. bathrooms
5. Mirrors
6. Grand duke
7. Kitchen
8. Fireplace
10. Mountain star
11. Water star
12. Garages
13. Garden
14. Four symbolic animals
15. Loupan
16. Qi
17. Canter
18. Devils gate
19. 8 House
20. Direction
29 Fish tanks
30. Crystals
31 Fountains
32. Wind Chimes
33. Flying star
34. Pillar of destiny
35. Five elements
36. I-Ching
and many more and they should be arranged in alphabetical order so it will be easy for
the future users to search for the topic they are looking for. Thanks.

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