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I'm not saying that my Zi wei chart is good but it looks like it's still better than looking at my Bazi chart Confused

Anyway, I guess I cant question the Heaven luck which is pour upon me. I just want to ask about the terms "Wealth luck against you" and "Luck against you":

- Does that mean if I have "Wealth luck against you" mean I wouldnt make money easy or have big load of money?

- "Luck against you" means I would have all kind of bad lucks in many areas include bad "wealth luck"?

To make it clearer, I want to ask if I have which one is more serious/stronger/has moreeffect... "wealth luck" & "luck"

Sorryif it's confusing. Please advise, thank you so much!


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I'm not saying that my Zi wei chart is good but it looks like it's still better than looking at my Bazi chart Confused

The two concepts are totally different. Ba Zi can reveal your given luck. While Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart is more towards relationship/compatibility analysis/Love related analysis.

Often we find the Zi Wei Dou Shu less useful, because the relationship analysis is also affected by your human luck. So the analysis we find is more used as a for "fun" analysis rather than being practical.

So they are for different purpose.

Anyway, I guess I cant question the Heaven luck which is pour upon me. I just want to ask about the terms "Wealth luck against you" and "Luck against you":

Actually, the main point here is luck is against you. When it mentioned the Wealth luck against you. That period is considered a wealth period for you.

A wealth period is often a period where your self element destroys that element period. For a weak person, this period is by default inauspicious as a weak person is not strong enough to control or take advantage of his wealth period. However, if you strengthen your weak element, you can actually benfit from it.

For a strong person, this period automatically because a good period for him. That is why a Strong character person, often have this added advantage comapred to a weak character person.

So between Luck against you and Wealth Luck against you. Wealth Luck against you is considered a mixed blessing period. You can still benefit from it if you make your weak element strong enough.

So between the two I would consider Luck Against you as more inauspicious than Wealth Luck Against you. Wealth luck Against you can still turned in your favour if you make your weak element strong enough to control the wealth.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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