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1. Whenever, one is trying to apply Flying Star Feng Shui, is always to draw two charts: one for the last period (or when the home was born) and another Flying Star chart for the "new" period.

2. Fundamentally, there are two different views of whether a home has changed period i.e. major renovations usually encompass what you had mentioned.

3. However, there are some who strongly argue that ONLY when the foundations of a home as changed, then, the home's period changes. As we all know, the only way to change the foundation is if we knock-down the existing home and re-built completely. Thus the very conservative will go for this argument - as this is as sure as 100 percent - certainty.

4. Thus, Para 3 is for sure! While the definition of major renovations is more hazy or not too clear. As major renovations may even include things like removing the roof of a home for 100 days (landed property) to symbolically repainting the ceiling to represent the "removal of the roof since for apartments there is no way of removing the roof. Or some say taht one must change all main entrance doors to new and even all window panes etc...

5. No matter, how, it is still best to plot both charts. In some cases the charts are "quite similar". For example, in some Flying Star chart you get the water wealth location at the same sector etc...


Anonymous wrote:
For those living in HDB flat, by changing the entire floor tiles, color of the house or tearing down the partition for just one unit, does it mean this unit of the HDB flat has changed to period 8? If not, how can the unit be changed to period 8?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. As mentioned, previously there are TWO differing views:-

1.1. One view is that ONLY when EXISTING foundation is demolished and a new foundation come up can the site (building change qi).

1.2 The other view point is based on symbolism. And there are many different view-points as to what may constitute a change. Thus I am only stating or collating the various view points:-

The views range from:-

1.2.1 Entire building refreshed with coat of paint (and refurbishment)and the whole house gets refreshed with a coat of paint.

1.2.2 For an apartment, one view point is that since the roof cannot be removed, the ceiling of the home could be given a coat of paint - and this symbolises the hope that the qi can change...

1.2.3 Others comment that major renovations need to be done and there are differing views as to what constitutes a major renovation. This range from changing major floor tiles and others include the need to change windows / main doors etc... And there are more of this.

2. It is not an exact science and depends on how convincing one's argument is to others and how others may or may not accept the argument.

3. As majority of our average life-span today is approximately 60 to 70 plus, many only see this "20 year" change twice in our lifes (as many don't start early as anyone below 20's is most likely less aware of Feng Shui. Since this happens mostly twice or the most thrice in our life, there are few experts in this field -- i.e. I believe no one has a doctorate in this area of Qi change "theory". So can be anyone's guess!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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